A General not-so-much (Updated)

| April 30, 2009

I know you guys remember Brigadier General Baxter from about two weeks ago;

Well, it turns out he was actually in the Army, he even did a year in Vietnam driving landing craft, apparently. But his service was from January 1966 – December 1968, and he left the Army as a Private First Class. His records show no awards beyond the three medals everyone got for going to Vietnam. It appears that he isn’t even authorized to wear the Good Conduct Medal. Well, here’s his Form 2-1;

Quite bit different from what he’s sporting;

So, here’s his Freedom of Information Act information;

Like I told someone in an email, I really hate to do this to the guy because he is a Vietnam veteran and he served honorably at a crucial time when America needed men like him to step up – he volunteered in the time of a draft and still went to Vietnam. But, damn! A General, a Silver Star? Aviator wings? That CIB really pisses me off, too. So all of this guy’s stuff is going to the local prosecutor’s office in the morning mail.

UPDATED: I’ve been in contact with the FBI on this Baxter guy and I’m waiting for the Baltimore Office to figure out what the Stolen Valor Act is and whether or not they investigate that stuff. *sigh*

In the meantime, anon sent us a picture of the coins this bozo is handing out like candy;

UPDATED AGAIN: We made POW Net again;


Category: Phony soldiers

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Just do it!

Keep Kerry in mind and clean house.

You are not doing one whit of disservice.


One valid perspective might be even over and above the work you do with the IVAW. A current version of “Stolen Valor” would be worth the effort.


TSO spent 20 minutes inside of Wintergrasp battling the Horde and he CLAIMS that we went from corporal to lieutenant after attacking some poor elf chick…I’m just throwing that out there…I report, you decide.

Don Carl

He, and others that claim rank and honors not their’s should be taken to every VA hospital and beaten by any vets that care to.

Dave Thul

Wait a minute, according to the Washington Times, that is a picture of TSO. They’re never wrong, are they?

Does the military regulation against impersonating an officer extend to impersonating a retired officer?


Dave, that is damn funny!

I don’t care as much about anything but the Tabs and the CIB.


I believe ironically enough that officers can always be recalled but enlisted and NCOs cannot once they’re off the IRR rolls.

Thanks for dopping the bomb. As far as I’m concerned the fact that he was in the Army and knowingly perpetuated this fraud makes it worse. That in this age of that internet thing, the fact that he can’t even put all of those awards in the correct place is pathetic.


It’s sad when people aren’t proud of having just served honorably. And unlike fake veterans, they should know how dishonorable it is to pad their service especially with valorous awards.

Dinky Dau

Yat Yas has it exactally right.. Once they cross that line all bets are off. Go get ’em..


I sure hope the local prosecutor does something with this. The FBI are the ones who should be contacted. And he tells the tale of 3 tours at SOCOM too? This poser needs to burn…and an example made of him to the ROTC students and others. He makes a mockery of the CIB.


Well, at least he got the tabs right, even if he didn’t get the badges right. Surprised he got as far as he did since he couldn’t get his awards right. REAL soldiers take pride in their uniforms and would never have ribbons, badges, etc displayed wrong.

Even if he did serve, he gets whats coming. he had to know he’d get caught at some point.


While I admire his service, everything that he’s done with regard to lying about it has since dishonored it. He deserves whatever consequences he must face based on his behavior.


But the real questions are has he been collecting pay these past 30 years from the Army for staying home, to include currently as an 0-8, and how the hell did that happen? The bonus question: Where do I apply for that job?


Excellent work, Jonn. Interesting question Tim, heh. Can’t wait to read the answer…..probably get a slap on the wrist.


Liars and cheaters suck. Hell, I don’t have much, but I am proud. And the kid is just as bad for being active duty and not calling the old man out. Honor is honor and I would be so pissed if that were me.


His daughter will learn a valuable lession out of this about integrity. She will be a better officer.

USMC Steve

I was under the impression that impersonating a commissioned officer was a federal offense. In any case, regardless of what he actually did or earned to wear on his chest, going around with decorations for valor in a grade he never earned makes him a scumbag. One awshit erases 1000 attaboys. Who is the little mama with him? Another fraud?

B Woodman

Defend USA,
Possibly “the kid” doesn’t / didn’t know? She probably wasn’t even born at the time this POS came out of the real world Army & decided to promote himself. And if he’s been consistantly presenting himself as “El General”, then who is she to know different?
This shows what can happen when lies are presented as truth, such as the current state of public education.


That’s sad, and the fact that he should know better makes it even sadder.

Never miss a chance to make an on the spot correction.

I couldn’t tell from the first post if he actually was with the ROTC or if he was just hanging out with the ROTC. Judging from his left shoulder I would guess he’s just hanging wit’ em.


He frequents the AO, is not an instructor but everyone “knows” about him. However, I don’t think they know who he is.

Also, his claim was that he was in 5th and 7th Group and that he retired from JSOC – as a three star. He told me this to my face.

He has distributed JSOC coins with his name on the back: “C.E. Baxter.”




He’s managed to avoid serious scrutiny until I showed up. (I know, I’m a jerk.)

And, as a result of that lack of scrutiny, he’s been given the benefit of the doubt as a result.

So for some here this revelation and ensuing mini-drama might be unwelcome.

As for me, I could care less. My two best friends in the entire world are real-life, no-kidding special ops dudes, so spotting this phony and exposing him is a pleasure.

Oh, and there’s that other quaint notion of Honor and Integrity that we try to impart to cadets. If some hack is running around handing out JSOC coins with his name on them, don’t we have a moral, ethical obligation to ask some questions?

We’ll see where this goes from here…



Have you signed him up for an Honorary Veterans For Peace membership for a year?

He meets the membership requirements.


Good. He dishonors his own service in Vietnam with his lies.


Jonn, hopefully you can interest the Feeb’s in this, when they aren’t out looking for right-wing vets who happen to be white male or female conservatives. Seriously, lean on them and see if you can’t get them to do a search warrant of his place to seize those coins and his uniforms. If they aren’t real responsive, go to the US attorney. This ass needs to go down.


If all else fails Jonn, I may know of a WO-1 in a particular MOS (No, not you A/S, lol) that just might get her hackles worked up enough to take a swipe at this a$$hat…

OTH, is this guy in a state militia? Looking at the pic after enlarging it, I notice something odd about the jacket collar.

The shape is nothing like that of his daughters(?) suggesting to me his Class A jacket is not M.I. (military issue). Last I remember your awards/ribbons were to be clearly visible to the viewing eye, not covered over by the tab.

Another item, if this man has earned that CIB, where is his lanyard? Jonn or TSO or Uncle Jimbo or ? Put up a picture of your Class A jacket if you would. Seems to me the uniforms were the same all across the board.


You talking about the blue cord, streetsweeper? Those are only worn by those with currently with an 11-series MOS, which precludes generals.


I thought that extended to the 18 series too.


Good Work! “El General” needs to feel the perks of a free years lodging in jail, that he has earned with his Stolen Valor.

Might send him a copy of 670-1 for future reference.


Has anyone bothered to do the math on how often this asshole would have had to jump in order to earn master jump wings in two years? He would have had to jump about once a week after he finished six months of Basic and AIT. And he spent ayear in Nam where the only people jumping were the 173d ABN (once) and special operations units. Ain’t no frickin’ way this jerk ever earned master blaster wings!

Hell, I was in six years and never even earned senior jump wings due to the fact that I spent too much TDY time in schools and on other, special non-jumping assignments.


Has anyone bothered to do the math on how often this asshole would have had to jump in order to earn master jump wings in two years? He would have had to jump about once a week after he finished six months of Basic and AIT. And he spent a year in Nam where the only people jumping were the 173d ABN (once) and special operations units. Ain’t no frickin’ way this jerk ever earned master blaster wings!

Hell, I was in six years and never even earned senior jump wings due to the fact that I spent too much TDY time in schools and on other, special non-jumping assignments.


I’m USAF, retired, E-6. This fellow claims General, etc? Falsely?! Fuck him and feed him fish heads. I earned everything ON my blues, I served from the tail end of VN through Desert Storm. I did shit I couldn’t get medals or ribbons for because “there were no American troops in that AO”. And this puke is doing this? Let him rot in Leavenworth.
Get him.


The tabs are not right. We don’t wear the SF tab on our right shoulder. Only our left. Airborne and the spear goes on the right one.


I hope his personal actions do not reflect bad upon his family, he has one son serving a second tour in Iraq and two other children who are service members as well.


First let me say that clearly someone one has nothing better to do than try to find “dirt” on people. Whom ever created this get a life. You are speaking on things you know nothing about. Secondly let me say that girl in the photo is me. I am a 1LT(p) in the United States Army and I am proud to say that evrything that have done and earned up to this point I have done on my own merrit. So for you to have MY ROTC Cadet pictue up here surounded by all this negativity is very diheartening and illegal, can we say SLANDER. So I am going to suggest you take my photo down or I will proceed to take matters through a more legal route. I do not need any negativity surrounding MY career. Have a good Amry day.

Jonn wrote: If all that’s true, then you should have nipped this in the bud before it got to this point. There’s nothing slanderous in the post, so good luck prosecuting me. Someone came to me with a problem, and I solved it. By the way, the FBI and the DVA OIG is investigating this now on my tips. Thought you ought to know.


Really? Cause I thought pretending to be a General Officer was a crime. So is it now of for enlisted to pretend thier officers?


Oh by the way, USMC Steve, You made a reference to the Lil Mama in the photo, you can call Ma’am.

E Ratchikokov

Yo, l’il Mama, whutsup? Are you a Brigadier General too?
Maybe from that Korean ‘conflict’? Maybe you knew my Dad.

Dave Thul

Any officer in the US military who thinks impersonating a general is ‘digging up dirt’ wont be called Ma’am by me.

Interesting to see what the LT complains about, earning her stuff on merit. I’m sure having a (fake) general father with a chest full of (fake) awards and (fake) special forces tabs didn’t hurt the LT’s career at all.

In my experience, only officers that are very interested int heir own career put the (p) after their rank.

It’s hardly unusual for an infantry NCO to give advice to a young lieutenant. But I’ve never had to one advice about ethics and honor before.

USMC Steve

if post 33 is to be believed, we have a Lieutenant (or 1LT(p), what rank is that?) in the United States Army who is unable to spell. She is also totally ignorant of the legal definition of slander, not to mention the bullshit about it being illegal to show her picture. But since we are talking about ILLEGAL things, check this out. Her associating with someone who is impersonating a General Officer, wearing fraudulent decorations for valor, both offenses being Federal felonies, and whom she should reasonably know is not the case since it is alleged that he is her father, and not reporting that to proper authority, well now, how would that sit with her commanding officer, if she really has one? This mama needs to get her head and ass wired together soon.

And is that an ROTC uniform she had on in the photo? I could not tell but it looked like a regular uniform to me.



You assume that the LT is who she says she is. I mean since she had the guts to post Anonymously to show her outrage. If she is Cadet Baxter then how do we know she didn’t wash out or that the investigation into her father didn’t create problems with her scholarship.

She gives a bad name to non-prior service officers. (As if they needed any help.)



If you know who this person is, it’s in your best interest to disclose such fully and immediately.

This post is not about you. Get over yourself. It’s also not illegal.

If you think impersonating an officer is a not something worth investigating, you might want to talk to your colleagues and throw this out as a hypothetical ethics question. I think you’ll get differing answers; especially from the SF community – just a hunch though, I’m not a (P) anything and not as mature, apparently.


Thanks for the clarification John. I hope this dosen’t damage her career too much. But, I guess there are always unitended casualties of deception.

USMC Steve

To whomever posted #35, no, I neither have to nor will I call her “Ma’am”. I ain’t in her army. There is no rank of 1LT (p) that I can find in any rank chart either, so apparently she isn’t in the US Army based on her post.

Dave, you shouldn’t have to give any officer that lecture, but I would suspect that this one is an obamamaniac, so she no doubt applies the entitlement card on all us evil folk who don’t cater appropriately to her.


“First let me say that clearly someone one has nothing better to do than try to find “dirt” on people.”

1Lt.Anonymous there was no digging done, he showed his ASS on the internet wearing awards he did not earn…. Oh yeah, this is the money quote:”In the meantime, anon sent us a picture of the coins this bozo is handing out like candy.”

Mr Wolf

As I understand Protocol, the only ranks permitted to officially use the (p) are LTC’s selected to COL, and COL’s selected to Flag rank. That’s it. Typically only used for those who are assuming a command position and have not yet pinned on the rank.

Don’t get me started on frocking…

Mr Wolf

Oh, and LT- Learn to spell. At least read- ’cause there IS spell-check here in commentsville. I would HATE my OER or NCOER to be penned like that… and you WILL run into other officers that will take you to task on it. Just a little free stewardship…

Chuck Z

1LT (P) Wow. She’s promotable! Just like every other 1LT with more than 12 months time in grade, unless they committed several felonies. Last I checked,all you need to send to the promotion board for any promotion before O4 was an EKG. Further, the (P) really only belongs after your rank if if you are to be promoted to a rank requiring congressional approval, O6 and above.

But that’s beside the point. He father is a liar, a fraud and a criminal. While I respect her love for her father, sheltering him is the wrong answer. What he did was wrong and she needs to accept that. You can still love someone, but be ashamed of their actions and choices. Ask any father of a homosexual.
Her dad is a liar, has no integrity, no honor, and she’s known this for years if she was an army brat–or does she not remember ever going to the O club,or a promotion ceremony, or a hail and farewell, or living in officer’s quarters, etc.

That she would still defend his actions shows a huge character flaw on her part, and if I were ever to find her under my command, her career would be over.


ChuckZ…what you said.


She’s scared and been betrayed by her father, either incrementally (and she watched it unfold) or all-at-once via TAH.

I doubt it’s the latter.

Either way, she’s complicit now and her silence is consent. In the twisted way of the world now, we’ll also discover that her father is a diabetic and getting dialysis daily just to stay alive and the combination of the resulting shock of his outing and the suspension of his VA benefits will kill him both literally and figuratively.

Anonymous: you need to clear your father’s name. That’s what some of us call the “H” in LDRSHIP.


I assume you are just imagining that playing out, but he’s still eligible for VA, PFC or not.

USMC Steve

I think that will change with a felony conviction TSO. He is de facto guilty of at least two based on that photo alone.

And it has been my experience that pieces of crap like that tend to live forever because they serve no useful purpose in life. He is probably healthy as a horse. And his daughter is a moron, officer or not.