Tag: Dumbass Liberals

Midweek Open Thread

| December 5, 2018 | 107 Comments
Midweek Open Thread

Happy Hump-day This Aint Hell! President Trump declared today a national day of mourning due to the passing of the late George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the U.S. I saw, from the liberal’s corner, a comment about how the late president could “roll with the punches”, even laugh at himself. This individual wondered […]

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Are You a Liberal Zombie? Liberal Zombie Q & A

| March 2, 2018 | 119 Comments
Are You a Liberal Zombie? Liberal Zombie Q & A

These day’s Gun control arguments and activism is a taste of the Liberal Zombie Apocalypse. They’re all over the place, on your news-feeds, on your browser, on your social media, on message boards, on the streets, etc. They don’t want your brain or flesh… Just a piece of your gun rights. They want the government […]

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Liberal Logic: Self-Defense Contradicts Justice

| April 30, 2016 | 48 Comments
Liberal Logic: Self-Defense Contradicts Justice

Let me preface this with an apology for perusing on a liberal trash heap blog (Huffington Post).  But every once and a while you need a brief glimpse into the dysfunctional minds of the people who are behind Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Today, I stumbled upon an “article” that attempted to argue that defending […]

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Thank you, please drive through…

| June 3, 2009 | 13 Comments
Thank you, please drive through…

Through the use of delicate internet technology NOT pioneered by Algore, and in common use with all of the major VRWC cells in operation throughout the US, I’ve intercepted the following planning session held yesterday.  I offer it here for your perusal, unedited or redacted.

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