The Real Thing
Congratulations to Muhtar Kent for being named as the new CEO of Coca Cola when Neville Isdell retires this summer. I have some advice for the new CEO. Now, I don’t pretend to know a whole bunch about the soft drink industry, but I know what I like. And I like sugar in my Coke – not that corn syrup crap they use now.
Whenever I go to Central America, the first thing I buy is an ice cold bottle (not a plastic bottle, either – a glass bottle) of Coke. The label clearly says “azucar” – not “maize”. It’s refreshing and tasty – like the Coke I used to buy on my paper route at Newcombe’s Garage on those scorching August afternoons before “high fructose corn syrup” was listed in the ingredients.
I’d gladly pay double for an original Coke in a glass bottle with sugar. Not Pepsi – whoever heard of drinking Jack and Pepsi. Just a little advice, Mr. Kent. I’ll be watching in stores.
While I’m blathering on about refreshments, my favorite beer, Saranac, has a new ad out on YouTube. For all you old Upstate New York ex-pats who may not know Saranac, it’s a Matt Brewery label – they make Utica Club. They’ve expanded Saranac distribution down here to Maryland and Virginia and I’m so pleased. It’s the best beer I’ve had outside of Germany.
Category: Pointless blather
Hey Jonn, long time no talk! I definitely echo that they put sugar back in. Every time I’m in Latin America, one of the first things I do is buy what my friends and I have affectionately dubbed “third-world Coke” because it actually tastes like something, unlike whatever the stuff that they have is here.
Saludos 🙂
Jonn wrote: Well, at least I’m not the only one. 3rd world Coke - I like that.
Never had the Coke they sell south of the border, but I remember it tasted a lot better when I was a kid.
My favorite beer in the world is Weizen. Preferably, Hefe. It can be bought here but as usual, it’s expensive.
Jonn wrote: You’ll be happy to know that Saranac sells a hefeweissen during the summer in their “Summer Beer” 12-packs. It’s almost as good as the German hefeweissens.
I first heard about Saranac Black & Tan from one of Robert Parker’s Spenser novels–same place I heard about Farnham’s, my favorite North Shore clam shack (north of Boston, that is). I’ve since become a devotee of both!
Who said being an English major was a waste of time?