Saturday FGS
Nighthawk Custom 1911 with Imitation Ivory Grips
Homeowner shoots and injures attacker in her Port Charlotte home
Deputies say an accused burglar was arrested Thursday night after she was shot by a homeowner.
According to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, 40-year-old Jessica Gutzler forced her way into a residence on Strasburg Drive around 7pm. The victim, who says she knows Gutzler, says she was physically attacked by her. During the attack, the homeowner fired a shot from a handgun, striking Gutzler in the lower back.
Gutzler fled the home and later called 911 for medical assistance.
Gutzler was found two blocks away and taken to a medical facility.
She will be charged with Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling – Unarmed, Making an Assault or Battery upon her release from medical care.
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The rest of the article may be viewed here: Fox 4
Vermilion Parish Shooting Update: Homeowner Says He Shot Intruder
Sharlee Jacobs
According to Captain Drew David, the Public Information Officer for the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Department, the patrol division received a 911 call at approximately 02:14am on 11/14/19 in reference to a home owner shooting a person who had broken into his residence. Upon arriving at a residence off of La Hwy 35 South deputies confirmed that a W/M subject had been shot and was deceased. The deceased was later identified as Landon Blake Hebert (dob 6/21/89) of Iota, La. Detectives with the Sheriff’s Department processed the scene and brought the complainant in for questioning.From information gathered, it appears that Hebert made entry into the residence on La Hwy 35 South, where he encountered the home owner. The home owner fired a weapon and fatally struck Hebert.
The investigation is ongoing, and the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Department Criminal Investigation Division will be forwarding the case to the District Attorney’s office for further review.
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Read the rest of the article here:
A California woman says her gun saved her life when a home intruder broke in. But police say you also need training
Woman supports some gun restrictions
By: Kai Beech
It’s a moment Donna Hopper will always remember but wishes she could forget.“He was just beating on the window,” she said.
Eight years ago, Hopper shot and killed a man who was breaking into her home.
Today, bullet holes still remain, serving as constant reminders of that night.
“I don’t know why I haven’t taken them down,” she said. “I just turned my head and kind of shot in the air.”
Hopper still keeps the .38 special handgun that she bought after her husband died, loaded and next to her bed.
“It’s scary kind of looking at it because I’ve forgotten where the safety is,” she said. “I mean, I would have to look at it, and I don’t want to touch it.”
Hopper, however, says she’s ready to pull the trigger again if need be because she believes that’s what saved her life that night.
“If I had not had the gun … in fact, when the police were here that night I told them, ‘I’m so sorry, I should have just had a baseball bat and whacked him on the head,’ ” Hopper said. “And they told me, ‘He would have killed you before you got the first strike out.’ ”
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This walk down memory lane may be viewed here:
For today, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, we show a total of two in the morgue, one inconvenienced and none in the wind. Why the California Helena rag chose to resurrect an eight year old article is a bit baffling, but so is California in general.
Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836
No more whining from the 1911 Mafia.
Category: Feel Good Stories
A very credible score for a gloomy, nasty, rainy, cold Saturday. We’ll take it, Thank you very much! Is it me or does Ms Jessica Port Charlotte look a little Bitchy Butchy?
Purrfect pr0n today, top and bottom, even with the plastic ivory/pimp pearl handles, John Moses would be proud of you.
“No more whining from the 1911 Mafia.” Ha ha ha! Let me know how that works out for you. We resemble that remark and appreciate your continued disrespect. “grin”
“Hopper still keeps the .38 special handgun that she bought after her husband died, loaded and next to her bed.” – article
Numbskull!!! Go get some range time before you hurt yourself, dorkwad!!
Proverb: Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.
Plus, I doubt her .38 special has a safety, as most revolvers do not. The likelihood she has a .38 special semi-auto pistol rather than a revolver is quite remote.
Who said “I carry a .45 because they don’t make a .46”.
I have that black 45 with water buffalo bone grips. They yellow out and look beautiful.
Hopper – let me know when you find that revolver’s safety. Unless it’s a lemon-squeezer or Crusader, I’m betting on a long wait.
The safeties on wheel guns are the shooters finger. Use the finger to pull back on the trigger, and the gun goes off. Don’t pull the trigger back, and the gun won’t fire. This is the same as my out door weather predictor which is a rock out side my residence. when the rock is wet, then it is or was raining and when the rock is dry, it wasn’t raining. Also have two of those LLBean weather branches on the front and back walls.branch up when good weather and branch down when lousy weather.
Ed, in point of fact, a “California Helena rag” did not choose to run the eight-year-old story of the woman shooting the intruder. KXLH is a television station in Helena, Montana. Why they were reporting on a story about a woman from Redding, California is the mystery. You might have been assuming the story had something to do with St. Helena, California, which actually had nothing to do with it.
But carry on with the California-is-baffling trope if it makes you feel better…