Wasting VA money

| February 23, 2009

TSO sent a link to Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive who now posts at Ace of Spades as well. We figured Jimbo would be able to do a better job with the link than we could, so stop by AoSHQ and read what IAVA and IVAW mean by “fully funding the VA”. And, oh, stop by and say hello to these fellas for us.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Smokey Behr

Maybe they should get a job with the City/County of San Francisco. The City’s “health” plan gives those who want an addadicktome or a dickectomy a free ride for everything surrounding the procedure.


Damn. Getting in the Mardi Gras spirit down here today and went and looked at those ‘fellas’. Think I’m gonna have to chug-a-lug a whole pint of black jack to kill the memory of that click. Just damn!


IVAW types don’t have anything to lose on this one…


“IVAW types don’t have anything to lose on this one…”

ROFLMAO….Thanks. How true! Maybe I won’t have to chug-a-lug that whole pint…but on second thought…better to be safe than sorry.


Did you know youse guys was sick bastards? heh,heh.
Did you know that I love sick bastards? Beats the hell outta being ‘Diane”.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I’m so sick, I clicked on the TAVA “photo” link. I need copious amounts of rum.

The Sniper

Those were the least believable she-males I have ever seen in my life. Granted, I don’t go to drag shows, but jeez!