Thieves drain Richard Overton’s bank accounts

We’ve written a few times about Richard Overton, who, at 112 years old, is the oldest living veteran. WJLA reports that he’s the victim of identity theft;
According to [Volma Overton, Richard’s cousin], he noticed something suspicious Wednesday when he deposited money in Richard’s checking account.
He saw the only money in the account was what he had just deposited.
The bank told him Treasury Direct withdrew money four different times.
Friday morning, they learned someone set up an account with Treasury Direct using Overton’s name and social security number to withdraw money and buy savings bonds.
No one is immune from identity thieves.
Category: Veterans in the news
As loathe as I am to quote Stallone, it’s still apropos:
“Track ’em. Find ’em. Kill ’em.”
Burn the motherfuckers.
I was thinking of the Sheriff’s line from the 1993 Kevin Cosner “Robin Hood:”
“I’m going to cut his heart out with a spoon!”
Why a spoon, cousin?
Because it is dull you twit. It’ll hurt more.
Then cut his head off and place it on a pike for all to see!
You got that right! then skin’em for all thieves to see!!
I am thinking a family member.
Shouldn’t be too hard to track down…
Whoever did that earned themselves a special place in Hell.
Not before a severe beating in life first.
Something along the lines of sandpaper, ice picks and needle nose pliers for starters.
The very sad thing is this happens a lot to those with above average years under their belts. And a lot of those are Vets.
Hope they find the scum and lock them up
In a less civilized time, we’d have formed a posse, tracked them down, and strung them up in a tree or buried them up to their neck and let the sun and ants have them.
Sometimes I miss the old days.
sometimes (almost daily) I think we need to bring back those times!!
I say bury them up to their knees……. head first.
This goes beyond vile. Find whoever did it and….
Am I the only one who wants to bring back public executions and floggings.. pour encourager les autres?
We need to create an island for criminals. Drop anyone on the island and leave them there to survive of their own accord.
What’s that one the climate-changers say is going under?
You mean North America? Or did they mention another ‘island’ more recently?
The Island of Dr. Moreau will do for me.
and parachutes are optional 😉
I agree, whoever did that is in serious need of a public horsewhipping followed by time in a pillory.
NO you are not alone!
The subject bank will have to put the stolen funds back into his account. Under the Uniform Commercial Code, the bank paid the fraudulent withdrawals with its own money, not depositor’s money, the same as if the money was taken with a forged check.
Most banks are pretty quick to respond to this too. The first time I had someone steal my account info (someone in Ireland bought 2 grand worth of cell phone stuff) it took the bank about a week to reimburse me. The last time it happened, in two days I had a new card, the money was back in my account and the bank even told me “no need to fill out anything, we got this” and it was done.
IT is a shame they’ve had to become so efficient at just paying back because it happens so much.
That only works if:
a.) It happened in a UCC-compliant state; and
b.) The bank gives a sh1t.
If it doesn’t happen, the bank should be “named and shamed” until they either cough up or close up.
And track down the bast*rd who did it and take the cash out of their hide, dollar by dollar.
He’s in the news with this one, they’re going to fix it ASAP for him, if it isn’t already fixed.
Even if they didn’t give a shit and weren’t UCC-compliant, because it is newsworthy, they are going to fix it for him. They don’t want to be tagged as not helping veterans.
Moral equivalent of pond scum.
With my usual apologies to pond scum.
Fine out who and hang ’em high. Or take him fishing- my Callinectes sapidus have to eat, too.
Nickel Bitch.
How the hell do people live with themselves? I hope whoever did this is found quickly and face the maximum penalty allowed. Two things I cannot stand…..liars and thieves. Especially those who prey on our older veterans.
I think out of all the stories I’ve read on TAH this one pisses me off the most. I hope they catch this thief and the judge throws the book.
How about this…… find and kidnap the scum. Take him\them to someplace remote and quiet. Tie down securely to bed(s), gurney(s). Flay……slowly. Inch by inch. Pour vinegar and salt on fresh cuts. Proceed slowly over days, if not weeks.
“Treasury Direct is brought to you by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service.” It doesn’t make sense to me that someone who could tap his bank account would use the funds to purchase gov’t securities. Electronic fingerprints are all over the place. I won’t guess as to what happened but I will not be surprised to later learn that this wasn’t the nefarious act it first appears to be.
Call me cynical, but I suspect that there is more to this than is immediately known. I heard that a “fund me” page had been set up and $400K was pledged. I would look very closely at family members, etc. The bottom line, however, remains the same……hang the bastards.
Mr Overton lives in Austin and I have had the pleasure of meeting him last year on his 111’Th birthday.
There is also a Go Fund Me page for him.
They have a $500,000.00 goal, they are now at $429,332.00 of their $500,000.00 goal