Nice catch
A Good Samaritan stepped up to help a mother rescue her baby from a fire in Anderson, SC. WYFF and the Daily Mail say that he was a Marine, but he doesn’t want to be identified.
The mother had to make the instant, life saving decision for her baby, trusting a man she did not know – to catch her screaming, frightened, 11-month-old boy.
The mom is seen in the video talking to the man below, holding the baby outside of the window. She lifts the baby in the air slightly and incredibly lets the baby fall safely into the former Marine’s waiting arms.
Category: Who knows
Great job Marine
It’s a helluva catch, not for its difficulty but its gentleness. As the baby arrives in his arms, he bends and drops his arms to prevent impact injury. He knew what he was doing. Nice job!
Good on him!
Once a Marine…….BZ
Now, did the mother make it out ok?
Yeah,she jumped out of the same window, according to the links above.