Trump: missiles “will be coming” to Syria

| April 11, 2018

The Associated Press reports that President Trump promised Russia that missiles “will be coming” in response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria this last weekend.

“Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria,” Trump tweeted. “Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’ You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!”

Trump did not detail what a strike would look like, or whether these would be U.S. missiles. U.S. officials have been consulting with global allies on a possible joint military response to Syria’s alleged poison gas attack. Trump canceled a foreign trip in order to manage a crisis that is testing his vow to stand up to Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Syria’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that his threats are “reckless” and endanger international peace and security.

The Russians claim that use of cruise missiles against the Syrian government forces would be considered a war crime. They’ve also said that they would intercept the missiles and target launching platforms with counter-battery fire.

Trump suggested Monday he had little doubt that Syrian government forces were to blame for what he said was a chemical attack, but neither he nor other administration officials have produced hard evidence. This is in contrast to an incident one year ago in which U.S. intelligence agencies had video and other evidence of certain aspects of the actual attack, which involved the use of sarin gas. Trump responded then by launching Navy cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield.


The Russian military, which has troops in Syria, said on Monday that its officers had visited the site of the alleged attack and found no evidence to back up reports of poison gas being used.

Category: Terror War

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” The Russian military, which has troops in Syria, said on Monday that its officers had visited the site of the alleged attack and found no evidence to back up reports of poison gas being used.”

Well except all the dead bodies that showed signs of Chlorine and Nerve agent poisoning.
Other than that…..


I don’t believe any of it. Over the past 5 years we have had at least 3 such attacks and all of them have proven to be false claims.

The President needs to take some advice; never pass up an opportunity to shut up.

There is nothing that makes less sense than the Assad regime using chemical munitions in an area that he has already recaptured.

He has been as shrewd and smart in this whole situation as any ruler ever and it seems odd that Assad would become stupid for one night and do this.

Now, the SA and Omar backed groups? They have nothing to lose and much to gain in such an action.

Last, it seems a matter of little significance overall for the USA. We really should not care how many martyrs kill each other over there…..


You may be right in some senses but I’m going going with what its being reported in the MSM Liberal Media (lol Wash Po, *sarc*)

I guess we’ll just have to see how it plays out.

Yes and I agree with you and others here that
Donny needs to learn to *BUTTON IT*


Sorry wrong emoji.
Try this..



what is weird is how much like the “witness” to the 2015 attack this person seems….

we also know that WAPO and NYT have been shilling for an expansion to the war….

I’ll go with the organizations who have investigated the other attacks who have determined that those attacks never happened and testified before the UN that they never happened.

Another reason I don’t believe it is how well the terror groups mesmerize and fool the lazy and useless “reporters” at AP and Reuters.


Assad got those chemical weapons from Saddam Hussein. If you will recall the delays Saddam inflicted on UN observers when they went to inspect his nuclear facilities, the were none of the reported chemicals anywhere, and none of the things that went into making nuclear weapons. It was all just “reactor stuff”. The entire plant had been stripped clean.

So now, that stuff is nearly 20 years old and Assad probably wants to know if it’s still lethal or has met is expiration date and is decomposing. Hence the chemical bombing a few years ago, and now this. And maybe that warthog from hell wants to know if he can scare us while he shows off to Putin. He doesn’t care who gets hurt or killed, as long as he gets his jollies out of it.

Does that make it easier to understand this report and “exercise” or do you still think it’s a hoax?


Sources please.


What, you weren’t alive back then? Or you were playing with your Tinkertoys?

One source:

Goes back to 1991:

Happy now?


As much as I still believe Trump was/is a vastly better choice than Clinton and is doing a better job overall, someone needs to shut down his Twitter feed and/or cut off his thumbs.




+1000000000000. I voted against Clinton myself, but please, for the love of Whomever, take his goddamned phone away. No more excuses of ‘he wants to talk around the MSM and straight to the people’… he needs to put the phone down and let someone mature like Mattis do the talking.


spoken like a true liberal obamaized dumocrap!


Is Vlad spoiling for a knock-down drag-out war?


Never overlook the possibility of a third party playing “lets you and him fight”.


Hmmmm… ever wonder how much oil turf may be involved here?

Vlad has the largest oil shale deposits in the world. BUT – and I use that word advisedly – if he gains a real foothold in the Middle East, e.g., Syria, with bases and ready-made airfields, and stuff like that, he can go after control of Middle Eastern oil, aka Saudi turf. And where would that lead?

Ooo! Does this sound rather like a plot for a Bourne movie or a Le Carre novel or a Tom Clancy action adventure?

I have to go clone SJWs now. 🙂


The novel “Alas Babylon” begins with an off course US air to air missile nose diving into a boxcar of munitions in a Syrian port. The whole port blows up, and nuclear war breaks out, but then…well, that you’d have to read it.


So now we’re telling people in advance when we will strike?

Seems like somebody forgot the first rule of Fight Club.


It comes off more like the ‘Gotcha! club, where someone throws a punch and the target feints as a distraction, then WHAMMO!!!

Club Manager, USA ret.

Although I am a huge supporter of President Trump, it is past time for him to shut the fuck up.


I’m in total agreement. He will get my vote again. But he needs to learn to speak through actions and not the hole in his face.


“target launching platforms with counter-battery fire”

Does that include a US Warship?

The Other Whitey

This is getting interesting.


I read the other day we (the USA) were involved in 17 armed actions world wide. I’d like to see the logic behind all this involvement combined with the financial responsibility to pay for it. Let’s add in the following for kicks: US schools will have to be revamped from the brick box style they currently are in (for obvious financial, and educational reasons,) Cars, Roads, Insurance thereof need to be reworked to eliminate oil and ridiculous battery dependence (rare earth metals, cannot replace oil,) we need new sources of raw material if we’re to survive as a species. Water, food, are at a critical state. Failure to plan today will look pretty ignorant if 50 years.


“Water, food, are at a critical state.” BLUF: We are not running out of resources and the renewal process is working as it should. Logic dictates that, with food, this is not the case; as Americans are the fattest they have ever been. Now if you are concerned with other countries and their lack of food resources, we must begin to actually accept GMO’s. Norman Borlaug, also known as the guy who literally saved a (B)illion people, developed techniques that are primary to genetically modified plant sources. We, as a human race, need to stop the fear mongering behind genetically modified/altered food sources and realize that it is a necessary thing if we are to “survive.” Moreover, the claim that the Earth is dying due to the loss of natural resources; oil, food, and water(meaning naturally produced and are renewable, even if not at the rate to “sustain”) is hyperbole at best and another form of fear-mongering. Needless, this does no good to anyone. Reducing waste of materials(not recycling but actually reducing waste) and making our use of such things in an efficient manner should be paramount but it is extremely unlikely that we will cease to exist within 50 years if we “don’t get our act together.” Furthermore, this all ties into the scare tactic known as global warming/cool/climate change/whatever the fad thing to say is, as certain “scientists” proclaim that the raising of CO2 causes disastrous effects on the environment. This is false and any true scientist would apply the scientific method to such a claim; See: the purpose of science is to disprove things and come to an absolute theorem. Increases in CO2 actually helps plant life. Meaning, the increase of plant life is the increase of foodstuffs; for both humans and animals. Which the end result would be more animals, which also increases the foodstuffs for the top of the chain, humans. As for oil production/cleansing/usage, it is also a natural resource which is the byproduct of decomposing carbon based life forms; IE, humans, plants, animals, etc. Therefore, as we die, we are renewing the source;… Read more »


Note how commodity prices (in real dollar terms) stubbornly do not go way up. If we were running out, inflation-adjusted prices would -soar-.


Likewise, your paycheck would rise with inflation.


This is a very good point and an angle I have never thought about.

In nature, Markets happen naturally; and the trickle down effect is always evident. Thank you for the insight.



Paul Erlich prophesied a similar approaching disaster back in the early 1970s; famine, riot, overpopulation, world collapse, etc.

He was wrong on every single thing he predicted in The Population Bomb.


Everything we eat is already a GMO, just done through the old fashioned way of cross breeding and natural selection. Ever seen what fruit looked like before we meddled?

Here’s a cool article on it.

The Other Whitey

I need to show that to some people I know who buy into all kinds of dietary paranoia. The results should be entertaining.


What a great article. 🙂


The wife and I have been organic gardeners for 20+ years (and all over the world). The vegetables we grow are fugly and a bit smaller but taste great. They look nothing like the ones you get in stores. I get what GM brings I am just not sold on the need. Many folks are too lazy to grow their own, can them and do it all over again. While at Andrews we lived across the street from the projects where there was a “community garden”. My wife volunteered to teach the kiddos about growing vegetables. Had an angry mother and father approach her asking why she was telling her kids that one could grow corn. They really didn’t believe it. The upside was that all the folks who “needed” a free plot gave up in April and left them to the wife and I. We didn’t by vegetables for 2.5 years


Nice. As someone who works cows on the family farm, I understand the difference between needing and the ability to do something yourself. And as always, you cant fix stupid [see: angry mother/father in your post]

My old lady tries every year to grow veggies; however, she has a brown thumb and its not because of our bedroom escapades.



They didn’t believe you can grow corn? Well, where do they think it comes from? (I mean, besides the store.)

Small gardening is popular around here. I grow stuff in pots, but the squirrels always beat me to the tomatoes until I quit growing them. Now I stick to herbs and flowers.

2/17 Air Cav

Go back to home-grown ‘maters. Surround the pots with electrified wire. Instant entree! Fry ’em. Stew ’em. Or Grill ’em.


Most industrially grown food has been gene-selected for compatibility with storage and shipment, and the industrial food industry.

Example: the “beefsteak” tomato. Compared to many “heirloom” tomatoes, the beefsteak tastes like damp cardboard. But, they travel well and keep well, so they fill the shelves of supermarkets and eateries.

Now, those tasty thin-skinned delicate varieties, they tend to spoil or get squashed when trucked far. But wow are they tasty.

So which one goes in agribusiness fields?

The cafeteria at the facility where I work makes deals with locals. The eggs at breakfast are from local hens. The local produce is -tasty-.

Cost is higher. There are always trade offs.


Oh man, somebody just got BLUFed!!!


Aren’t you just Mr Happy here, Mr DoomFace !!!
Back in the Inca civilization when there was a blood red moon, the Inca’s would sacrifice virgins to appease the God’s and allow them to live on Planet Earth for the next year.
They also sacrificed virgins when it flooded, had a drought, snowed, hurricane hit, too windy, not windy enough and yet here we are several centuries later and we are still alive and kicking ass on the planet figuring out everything from transportation needs, hot rods, housing, communication, relationships and everything !!!
Moral of the story, don’t be a virgin !!!!!
And don’t believe anything that comes out of a soothsayer’s pie hole…


Ron Paul. You voted for him back in the day?


Man, when did preppers start preaching to the Amish?

Hay, chairborne! The planet is covered to 70% of its surface by water, NOT all of it saline (sea water). Seriously, get some help, My chives are coming up again, from last year’s crop and so are the oregano and the thyme. What was that about food being scarce? Have you SEEN my pantry and freezer lately? I live 8 miles from a produce market farm that has a roadside stand starting when garden veggies are ready. That would be late May here in my kingdom.

Please, for the sake of your brain, stop knuckling under to the CAGWer Warmanista BS. And get out of that hermit hole you’re living in.


Stop using common sense to dispute his alarmism.

Why do we as a species always think the world is going to come to an end? Throughout history there’s always doomsday prophecies. Every few years you hear this line about how the world is running out of food and clean water and we’re all doomed.

People live better, longer, healthier lives than ever before. Even in third world shit holes they are better off than humans historically had it.


Man -produces- resources, which is the flaw in the “Malthusian” arguments.

As long as the price information for a good or service is even somewhat close to being based on supply and demand, some clever person finds a new source, method, or substitute.

Unless of course, someone with “authority” deliberately screws that up.


I’m sorry, Mason. It’s just a habit that I simply cannot break. I’ve tried, but I get withdrawal symptoms and then I start baking chocolate chip cookies… and that leads to milk and cookies… and ice cream… and cheesecake… and before you know it, I’ve made two quiche Lorraines, a chuck roast and BBQ beans with smoked sausage.

I’m doomed.


Oh pleez.

Do you know what was the biggest concern and domestic policy discussion in London in the year 1899?
What to do to eliminate the projected grow of manure from horse transportation estimated for the next 20 years.
Technology, the by-product of human intelligence, is funny that way. It renders absolutely everything obsolete, including your worries.


Yef, I have ordered a reprint copy of the 1805 cookbook titled “The Art of Cookery”, which I expect to find very interesting. I’m especially interested in how fresh meat was preserved until it could be cooked, because refrigeration as we have it was off in the distant future. I know about ice houses and closed stoves versus open fire cooking, but not from the cook’s point of view.

This should be a real adventure.


So we went from horseshit largely in the streets, to horseshit largely in the legislature.

Mumble mumble progress! Mumble mumble.


I’m OK with our being involved in Syria or elsewhere as soon as someone can explain truthfully how being involved serves our strategic, economic, or political interests.




[sound of crickets chirping]


David, it doesn’t.

We are just an evil empire looking for a reason to invade somebody and steal their candy, fuck their goats, sell their women and eat their oil.


you sound like a muslim!


Discouraging a return to the use of chemical weapons is very much in the national interest.

The minute we had convincing evidence that Asad was using chemical weapons, we should have arranged his disassembly into component atoms via high explosive.

As a warning to the world.

If we sit back an allow this shit to go on, that shit is going to become frequently used. -no- civilized nation can tolerate that, for the barbarians will run amok with it.

Russia is -insane- for supporting Assad if he is using gas. The Chechen fanatics make Assad’s crew look like saints. Think Beslan 2.0 with Nitrogen Mustard. Or worse.

Better a cluster-fuck of a punitive mission than letting that shit go back into common usage unpunished. Better a general conventional war than an endless series of chemical wars and terrorist attacks.

This -has- to be stopped. Spectacularly. If a third party did this as a setup, then -they- need to be dealt with.



I ❤ Trump and his big brass balls. I doubt Justin Turd-eau’s little robin’s eggs have dropped yet 😉


Justin le Crapeau is a femme? Huh. Who knew?

2/17 Air Cav

His balls are quite well protected and his damn mouth doesn’t put HIS nuts at risk. He needs to go play golf for a week or two. Get some R&R.


We shouldn’t question his manhood.

Scratch that, he prefers “personhood”.

The Other Whitey

Trudeau’s balls are indeed very well-protected, in a vault to which he does not have access. Furthermore, they are kept in jars of soy oil, thus ensuring that even if he was somehow able to get them back, they would do him no good whatsoever.


maybe he can play a round with obozo the
the other nutless clown!


Reminds me of Robert Bloch’s “I have the heart of a little boy. Pickled, in a jar on my desk”

The Other Whitey

I like Owen Benjamin’s idea for dealing with that guy using his own bullshit. Just declare that you self-identify as a gender whose preferred pronoun is “Justin Trudeau is a faggot.” Who are they to question your self-identification?



“My preferred pronoun is Trump.”

“My preferred pronoun is Colt”

“My preferred pronoun is Patriot”


Oh my, I overlooked the sheer joyful potential of “choose your own made-up pronoun” !

Game -on-!


As much as I think of Trump, I will always be a ‘Bush’ man 😉

I mean that; I find a bald ‘mons’ on a woman creepy and unattractive. Porno is to blame.

Damn, I wish I had ‘cum of age’ in the 70’s


Haha! I love it Chip!!
The ‘ungroomed natural’ number is the best.
Better hope I dont become radicalised and start torching waxing salons 😉


I once referred to a noxious nuisance: “you are at best a maladjusted merkin”.

Response? “I am a -good- American!”

“OK. You are a merkin, maybe even a decent one.”

Someone else got it, and busted up laughing. Whispers ensued. Then -much- laughter.


One of the most underutilized humourous words 😉

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I voted for him–by default. I think he’s gone off his rocker now with that “Get ready…” tweet.


The next iteration of “smart weapons” is going to be called the “stable genius” weapons.


Such rounds are orange colored with a white top.

Perry Gaskill

I usually try to give the President the benefit of the doubt, but this is one of the times when Trump might have considered engaging his brain before letting the clutch out on Twitter. Fundamentally, there are two problems. The first being that he should not be telegraphing things prior to dropping the hammer. Keeping Assad in the dark provides an edge.

An additional issue, something the S&S/AP story leaves out is that there’s a difference between past attacks using Sarin gas, and the more recent use of a chlorine compound. If memory serves, making Sarin is relatively sophisticated and similar to the production of the insecticide malathion. Chlorine gas, on the other hand, requires little more than access to a swimming pool supply company, and some basic knowledge of high school chemistry.

2/17 Air Cav mentioned recently the prospect of a possible false flag by factions opposed to Assad. I tend to agree. There are too many players playing too many games to rule it out.


You and Air Cav both fell for that.

After all the articles I’ve written there, neither of you knows balderdash and poppycock when you see them? (Snrrttt!)


Sarin is actually rather easy to make. I have sufficient formal chemistry and chem engineering to know how it is done.

The hard part is proper efficient delivery. Storage and transport is also a bit of a technical challenge. But the stuff itself? Straightforward chemical processing of a hazardous material.

Persistent binary agents are far more valuable as terror weapons and mass murder methods. The efficient delivery has some additional technical challenge, but all of this was solved log ago.

Th explosive booby traps of he VC evolved into the absurdly lethal self-forging explosive projectiles of the current war.

Anyone want to see that happen with persistent nerve agents?

Yes. Let’s get some decent evidence. -Whoever- did this needs to die screaming, as an example to the other barbarians not to cross that line.

Because if -we- do not stop this madness, who will do so?


Agreed. And I don’t see it as a hoax or a fake news story, either.


We should have some reasonable confidence that this is not done by someone else to draw our wrath.

If so, -they- need a -horrific- yet targeted response. Like on the level of “please, please, please. may the Americans never think of us again”.


“Syria’s Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that his threats are “reckless” and endanger international peace and security.”

Pretty damn funny right there, considering the source.


What can possibly be the goals of that tyrant in Syria that keeps using chems?
What can he possibly win by forcing us to respond?

This is strange. I don’t understand his calculation. He must know Russia is not going to get in a shooting war with us because of him.

More importantly, why aren’t the Russians controlling their puppet?

The Other Whitey

Indeed, a lot of shit in Syria doesn’t add up, and there are no good guys there, except maybe the Kurds.

Which, if you ask me, just lends further credence to the idea that we might as well just nuke the place from orbit.


The good Muslims, the bad Muslims, and then there’s the evil doers. At this point, I just trust the smart weapons, and Twitter.


I increasingly suspect a false-flag operation. Tucker Carlson points this out pretty clearly.

Especially after SECDEF Mattis stated in February that we actually had zero proof that the previous (last year) gas attack was conducted by Assad.

There are NO “moderate” factions that are labeled as so-called rebels.

The “white hats” are anything but.

Why would Assad do something like this when Trump already stated that he wanted to get out of Syria, because ISIS was toast, objective accomplished, let’s go home.

It makes zero sense.


Humiliation and dominance sometimes guide odd actions,a don that culture runs on both.

All sides of that mess included.

Iran and Iraq both used the stuff on each other. Hussein gassed a shitload of Iraqis on numerous occasions. For that alone, good riddance.

The Russians play the game by thier own rules. “Russian dominance” is essential. Bluff, and maskirovka, are how one does so without a superpower economy to finance a war machine.

Russia needs clients. Russia needs influence. If they let Assad fall they lose a great deal of credibility. That hurts them -way- more than it would us. And as Mideast barbaraties go, Syria is on the lower end of the spectrum. So they get to play the “resonable” side. They also need to -not- inspire Chechnya to explode again.

Not yet, anyway. Not yet. Not before they re-develop the reputation of the old Soviet Union.

They need a win. Drawing us into a fight, with the belief they can decapitate the local US Fleet, or sink it outright, would be one reason to clandestinely gas folks, or let some “fall into the wrong hands”.

How many times has someone picked a fight with us, believing we had no stomach for war?

That is not a good bet. But we seem to fail, -consistantly-, to make that clear prior to hostilities.

You would think that vaporizing two cities after fighting a bloody island hopping slog across a third of the world would be remembered.

Or a seventeen year (and counting) slog to kill the folks who delivered an -insanely- dumb attack, and their buddies, and their successors…..

We Americans are -not- normal humans. But we absolutely -suck- at conveying that information convincingly, short of war.


Can’t really argue with any of that.

If the Russkis try the decapitation stoke ploy, Vlad will likely get an opportunity to field demonstrate his hypersonic ICBMs and supercavitating torpedos, because Trump will have no choice but to go all in.

In which case, multitudes will meet their Maker.


How about William Fichtner as “The Accountant”?

The Other Whitey

“Is that supposed to mean something to me?”

“It will if I decide to add you to the books.”

“Drive Angry” was a great bad movie!


This is interesting. Where they wind up is more interesting, but it looks like someone’s bluff has been called, *cough* Putin.


Is this confirmation that dTrump called Vlad’s bluff?

I did not know that Vlad had any battleships at all Aren’t those just cruisers or something? Am I overly influenced by seeing US Navy battleships, which are HUUUUGGGE beasts of war?

Hmmm….. I may make cheddar biscuits to have with my bean soup tonight and every time I have a nice, hot steaming biscuit with butter melting all over it, I will think of this moment in time…. and giggle.


I read somewhere about a largish nuclear Battlecruiser Peter the Great, but I haven’t read anything about capital ships in port in Syria.


Well, there were six Russian warships docked in that port and now they’ve left. Confirmed by sat imaging.


“We will shoot down your mis….oh, gottaleavebye!”



Ships need “sea room” to fight.

That could be a deployment, versus departure.




No. Ships are harder to target when dispersed. Putin has essentially disarmed his only deep water port in the Med- he wouldn’t do that lightly. He also knows he would lose badly and quickly if he started to swing at the US Navy.


Don’t know too much about things nautical, but I thought that was in 11B’s comment?

Ie, dispersed vs deployed. do those have different meaning, Navy wise?


Dispersed as in scattered. I’m not sure what 11B’s definition of “deployed” is- perhaps “tasked with a specific mission?” Maybe he’ll chime in and clarify.


As long as his tin can ships don’t bump into my steel ships, he can play in the pool.

That is all.


I think his “tin ships” are grabbing the horizon as fast as they can, Ex.

But it is nice of you to let him play. *grin*


I recall that drag racing incident some years back, in which the Russian ship bumped the Navy ship.

It’s a shame you can’t just do a hard to starboard maneuver on a dime and cut across the bow of the other ship, isn’t it? Or slam on the brakes real hard and let the other guy fly past….


Russia considers the Black Sea as their own personal lake- that incident IIRC was a small Russian frigate trying to “shoulder” a much larger US warship. Pretty ballsy, but pointless.


Was Trump’s “Telegraph” of the intent to attack a way fo the Russians to avoid getting in the way?

If they go “hunting our fleet” elsewhere, “falling for a trick”, then they get to wash their hands of their “ally”.

There may even be an inconclusive clash somewhere.

They could hurt us, badly, in an all out war. We would extinguish them. Their unhappy neighbors would run amok.

If we wreck the Red Army, -Poland- still has one of the larger ones in Europe currently. Poles will fight, and they are not exactly charitably disposed towards their former overlords.

(Right now, Poland could take -Germany- in a stand up fight. Hands down. Germany is -that- screwed up.)

I think that figures in the calculations somewhere….

2/17 Air Cav

I am hopeful that this old joke explains Ivan’s boogie-woogie:

5,000 Indians appear on a hill. Below are the Lone Ranger and Tonto. Says the Lone Ranger, “Uh-oh. Looks like we’re in for it now, Tonto” to which Tonto replies, “What you mean WE white man?”


Please, PLEASE, PLEASE, Mr. President, get your booger-hook off of the bang switch, calm the frick down and listen to your SECDEF.


What if he -is-?


Assad has no motive to do such a thing. Nobody knows who attacked yet. The US military still doesn’t know who attacked last April.

40 foreigners killed in a civil war doesn’t equate to US national security interests. We refuse to defend our own border with the military but people want to rush off to war to protect foreigners in countries that hate us? Give me a break with this obvious bullshit.

Don’t do it, Mr. President. Do what you campaigned on. The Left wants you in a new war so they can use it for political purposes. It’s what they do.



2/17 Air Cav

The biggest news related to this story that I can find is that Trump’s crazy tweet sparked a big jump in the price of crude yesterday. That sucks. Otherwise, Big Media isn’t paying much attention to this today. I guess this isn’t as important as some big-boobed gal that Trump may or may not have gone a round or two with some years ago.


Look around. The roosk carrier has left port. They did leave a broken down sub behind.
Hezbollah fled posts all over the place.
And not a missle launched or bomb dropped.

Trump did the job. He knew this would happen.


Look around. The roosk carrier has left port. They did leave a broken down sub behind.
Hezbollah fled posts all over the place.
And not a missle launched or bomb dropped.

Trump did the job. He knew this would happen.


Don’t eat at a diner named “Moms.”

Never drink anything that is on fire.

And don’t ever play cards with a man called “Trump.”