Edwin Jackson’s killer was wanted for deportation

| February 5, 2018

A pall was cast over yesterday’s Superbowl football game by the news of Indianapolis Colt linebacker Edwin Jackson’s death in an automobile accident caused by a man using the alias Alex Cabrera Gonsales who slammed into Jackon’s Uber ride. The drunken sot was a Guatemalan whose real name is Manuel Orrego-Savala and he’s been deported from the US twice according to CBS4;

Police believe [Jeffrey] Monroe was working as an Uber driver and Jackson was his passenger. At some point Jackson became sick, so Monroe pulled over on the side of I-70 just west of Holt Road shortly before 4 a.m. They were standing outside of the car when Orrego-Savala drove a black Ford F-150 onto the emergency shoulder and struck the rear of the car, as well as the victims.

A state trooper discovered the wreckage, and as he slowed to stop for the crash, police say he struck the body of one of the victims in the center lane.

According to police, Orrego-Savala fled the scene on foot, but the trooper who discovered the crash apprehended him shortly after on the ramp to Holt Rd.

Orrego-Savala was deported in 2007 and 2009, according to the news. Police claim that he was driving without a license and that ICE has filed a detainer request on him with Indiana State Police.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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And unlike California, he’s going to do some prison time before he’s shipped back.



ship the scumbag back this time in a throwaway box!! AFTER THEY HANG THE BASTARD!


But the (D)im-0-crats assured us he is just a Dreamer, wanting something better for his life.

Build the wall, but bury Manuel Orrego-Savala alive under it.


I’m glad I do not live that world of daydreams that the dumbocraps inhabit, Graybeard.

Isn’t fleeing the scene of an accident a felony, or something?


I don’t know the state laws there. In Texas, leaving the scene of a fatal is a good way to end up wearing prison white.


Likely the illegal was DUI, so DUI causing death/Manslaughter and leaving the scene of a fatal accident should be good for 15 years, at least. Then ship him to Guatemala on a garbage scow.


Why pay for all that when a .45 round is so much cheaper. I’ll even buy.


Well, apparently in the fantasy world the dumbocraps live in, breaking the laws to enter the country illegally and breaking whatever laws you have to while staying in the country (falsifying records to work, etc.) isn’t illegal, either


Yeh but hanging the frigging perps is! dumocraps are SICK, SICK, SICK,!


I’ve said this before and some of you have piled on suggesting necklacing (putting tires around the victim, pouring gasoline on top and setting it on fire) but my preference is Scaphism



You’re far too kind.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Remember that song on the Leslie West/ Mountain’s very 1st album “Dreams of Milk and Honey”
But as far as a torturous demise scaphism = sweet & gooie, what a way to go

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Send him back to Guatemala in the “the boats” and leave him in the jungle there slathered in that special recipe sauce of milk & honey…


Might I also suggest that you have the entire Indianapolis Colts organization suite up in full gear and put this guy at the center of the field at the 50 yard line and have the team surround him in a circle and then the coach can throw a pass to him from the sidelines and it’s game on. Let the team crunch the numbers, as it were, until there’s some confusion as to which is his head, and which is the football.
/it may being some folks back to the NFL, if for just a short time.


This comes to mind…

(Not that) Mike

No. Mithridates was killed by scaphism and this piece of shit should not be allowed even the weakest association with a successful warrior.

I am aware of a similar punishment that involves tying someone to a tree in the boreal jungles of Primorsky Krai and letting the local fauna have its way – I’m ok with that.


Death by Bonga?


And the media goes on and on about the “myth” of the illegal criminal alien.


Manuel Orrego-Savala needs to be permanently deported… to the afterlife.


He managed to kill the Uber driver, too.

The Other Whitey

It is my considered opinion that illegal aliens of any nationality should get just *one* deportation. Any prior deportees found on US soil who already used their one “catch&release” should be shot.

“But Whitey,” some will say, “What about the illegals who don’t commit other crimes?”

Easy. Those “law-abiding” illegals they preach about aren’t doing the kind of things that get them caught and deported in the first place. Multiple deportations tend to go hand in hand with long rap sheets.


“It is my considered opinion that illegal aliens of any nationality should get just *one* deportation. Any prior deportees found on US soil who already used their one “catch&release” should be shot.”

I agree.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Vehicles parked on road shoulders are magnets for other vehicles to plow into them. Every other day, The secret list-FireFighterclosecalls.com I get has vehicles plowing into emergency workers on road shoulders resulting in a LODD or serious injuries.

The Other Whitey

Always park the engine to block the scene, angled for a bank shot, and always send two firefighters to remove or stow tools, one for the tool and one to watch traffic.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

TOW-Palm Bach County Fire Rescue does exactly that. Before I retired, One of the ex Chiefs of the Long Beach Volly Fire Dept (NY) was also a member of Rescue 1 FDNY, and while he was curbside behind the rig, a car plowed into him and another member. Legs got totaled and the other member lost one or both legs. The ex LBFD Chief/FDNY Shunck went out on disability.


Veteran Texas DPS troopers tell me that flashing lights are a magnet to drunks, especially at night.

Back when I was courting Mrs. Graybeard, which involved regular trips to the town where she was living from the town where I was going to college, I would have to pull over to the shoulder and catch a nap in order to make it home without falling asleep at the wheel. It was risky (but I was young and stupid), but I also did not turn on my “emergency flashers” while I did so.

That went on until my to-be-father-in-law found out, and he decided that he’d rather have me as a live son-in-law rather than a dead was-gonna-be, and he started making me sleep in the spare bedroom instead.

2/17 Air Cav

Something related to teach kids on bikes and who walk on the side of the road. Where the head goes, the body follows. Never turn your head to the left to see what’s behind. When you do, you actually move in that direction, into the path of traffic. Instead, train yourself to turn your head to the right and you will move yourself and your bike away from the danger path.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Bike riding at 72, and I have a mirror on the end of the left handle bar grips so I can keep an eye out on those senior Floridian drivers down here.


There was a California Highway Patrol study a few years back that essentially said the same thing. I’m sure there’s other studies as well that confirm.

I do the same thing as you did, pull over far off the shoulder and leave no lights on. If there’s a car driving 20 feet off the roadway towards me, figured by that point flashers or not I’m creamed anyways.


Yeah, my experience was that my overhead lights were like the flashing “Beer” signs on bars. Drunks aimed right for them.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope he gets a lot of prison time for this followed by a speedy deportation via HANO. If that had happened in CA they’d have given him an apology and anything else they could hand him!


Build that wall with MG towers every 500m, higher than planned. Lay a dense minefield. Then, declare the entire border as a Sanctuary for Birds of Prey.

2/17 Air Cav

Mine fields would be nice, but I understand that such may cause the death of the long haired, blue speckled iguanas or something.

A Proud Infidel®™

If it turned out that illegal aliens would vote GOP the Wall would have been built decades ago.

The Other Whitey

I say that anyone who gets past the minefield, gun emplacements, and Hellfire-equipped drones is welcome to stay.


Like escaping from North Korea.


Except illegals truely are ‘ A clear and present danger’ to US/Can. Far more than Fat Boy Kim.
For now….

2/17 Air Cav

To me, it’s not who he killed but that he killed. He arrived here illegally and twice more entered the country w/o permission to do so. He drove a vehicle w/o a license to do so. He got drunk and drove, killing two people. There is no crystal ball to tell us which illegals will kill, rape, or rob, and which will contribute to society. But there is one thing they all share: they are here illegally. So, a good place to start is with deportations, incarcerations, and deportaions again.


That it was a football player ensures (sadly) that the media reports this one.

If it had not been Edwin Jackson the football star, but Sam Johnson the barber, you would not have heard of the incident.

But then, I may just be cynical. A little bit.

2/17 Air Cav

100% agree.

Bill M

Well at least this didn’t happen in California. They’d probably give him a parade in Hollywood, dates with several starlets and protection from the consequences of his actions. And then they’d give him a driver’s license and probably register him to vote.


Want to know why the South and Central American countries encourage, aid and abet their citizens to keep sneaking back into the U.S.?


another unregistered democrat


The scumbag should be taken out and shot as far as I’m concerned.
A couple of years ago cops in League City TX were chasing a known felon illegal with a felony warrant one night.
Well, the slimebag hit another car and took out five members of a family leaving one son who decided not to go with them that night.
Unfortunately, he took himself out with them…
All that being said, it still amazes me that people actually believe the shit that the libidiots are putting out about these people and will be voting for them in the upcoming election…
God help us if the dims take the house and senate back…

A Proud Infidel®™

President Trump’s predecessor stated that illegal aliens “…do the jobs Americans won’t do…”. What, like murder, DUI, Vehicular Manslaughter, hit and run, dope dealing,…?


i remember 9 years ago i was in the same position. 1 dead, other with 2 compound fractures, and friend who watched it all with out scratch. i still have my nightmares of that night.

fry that dirtbag, any who would aid.

id recommend the long walk across the mojave to vegas.

Deplorable B Woodman

BRING UP THE TREBUCHET! Launched from that, guaranteed he’ll never bother anyone ever again.
(and it’s environmentally friendly, reusable, and “green”)


CNN and their bullsh*t:
This is the headline link they have up, “Driver who hit Colts linebacker was an undocumented immigrant, police say”.
Edwin Jackson was killed along with another person by Manuel Orrego-Savala who is legally defined as an illegal alien.
Hey CNN, labels matter you pile of word vomit.


Is everyone aware that Denver just legalized pooping in the streets to protect illegals from getting a deportable conviction?
They were worried that too many illegals were being deported for having a conviction for public defecation
So they legalized public pooping to protect illegal aliens from deportation


Didn’t know that.
Like SanFran, it seems that Denver is determined to become a shiit-y city.


Where’s BLM? Where is the media and the outrage?
Edwin Jackson had DREAMS too…


He sure did.