Sweden firebombing

| December 11, 2017

Yesterday, in Gothenburg, Sweden, a number of people firebombed a Synagogue while folks were in the building. Luckily, no on was injured and three twenty-something men were arrested. Of course, according to the New York Times, it’s Trump’s fault;

A police spokeswoman, Ulla Brehm, said: “It might become a hate crime. The crime is attempted arson. But that may change during the investigation.”

The Police Authority’s commissioner, Dan Eliasson, told the Aftonbladet newspaper that the threat level against Jewish interests in Sweden had increased since President Trump’s announcement that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The attack in Gothenburg, a city on the country’s west coast, came a day after demonstrators took to the streets of Malmo, Sweden’s third-largest city, shouting slogans about killing or shooting Jews.

So, Trump’s announcement that he would move our embassy to Jerusalem is what caused some racists in Sweden to firebomb a Synagogue. Actually, the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol in 1995, when Bill Clinton was president. From the Washington Post;

[In October, 1995] the House and Senate passed a bill called the “Jerusalem Embassy Act,” which formally recognized the city as the country’s capital and called for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved there from Tel Aviv by 1999. Support for the bill was overwhelming. It passed the Senate by a 93 to 5 vote, with four Republicans and one Democrat voting no. It passed the House 374 to 37, with 153 Democrats joining most of the new Republican majority that had swept into power in 1994.

So, I have to think that the firebombing in Gothenburg was going to happen anyway, no matter what Trump does. I mean, Sweden is thousands of miles from Gaza. If those twenty-year-olds were so concerned about the trajectory of politics in the Middle East, why are they in Sweden?

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

OUT: The Swedish Bikini Team.

IN: The Swedish Dumb Dhimmi Team.

Tom Huxton

throwing a firebomb is not “attempted arson”, except in Sweden.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“Hate Crime” isn’t firebombing a crime pretty much everywhere in the world already?

I fucking hate these stupid hate crime laws…I don’t give a fuck why they threw a firebomb lock them up for 30-40 years and let them sort it out. Trying to parse intent is a waste of time, properly prosecute the action regardless of intent and there would be no need for “protected” crime classes. Whether you are gay, muslim, black, white, native, asian, whatever if our lives are to be truly equal there should be no difference in how a crime is prosecuted based on who the victims were.

We wrote all these stupid hate crime laws because we can’t admit the truth that prosecutors and police weren’t doing their fucking jobs and prosecuting everyone regardless of who the victim was so the legislators felt they needed to get involved.

And now we have all sorts of extra laws creating special victim classes….fucking idiots.

A Proud Infidel®™



One of the things W said pretty well nails this “hate crime” fiasco.
Speaking of a crime here in Texas where some guys drug a black man to death behind their truck down a dirt road, and why it was not a “hate crime”, he said something to the effect that they were facing the death penalty as was. How can they be punished more than that?


One has to wonder, how is this not understood by ANYONE?

Idiots. The blind leading the blind.


Roger that VOV.




“It might become a hate crime” Gotta love that. Because when someone doesn’t cut their grass frequently enough or forgets to shovel the snow, we all know the correct answer is firebombs.

Have a Merry Suicide Sweden.


I’me with Veritas Omnia Vincit.


Oh, come on! They were celebrating, weren’t they? (/sarc)

It has nothing to do with DTrump and we all know it. It’s just an excuse to create mayhem and chaos and kill people. These crackpots need their own planet where they can kill each other in peace, so that the rest of us can get on with our lives.


The insane left (but I repeat myself) want it to be because of Trump because in their mind he is the embodiment of Evil, so everything bad must be his fault.


So it seems.

Bill M

If this had happened while Obummer was still President, it would have been W’s fault. Idiots just blame everything on the most visible Republican.


Love the ” kill each other in peace”!


Gotta love them Swedes. Muslims firebombing a Synagogue “might be a hate crime”. Gee…Uh Uh Uh Uh…I’ll pick door #1, Bob!


A few years ago my wife and I were in the same town of Gothenburg, Sweden. We were at a shopping mall, and she called me by my nickname, “Avi” (which is Hebrew). She was overheard by three young Arab men. While I was trying an outfit on, they accosted her, demanding to know “where are you from?” and tried to determine if we were Israeli (we aren’t). When we left the store they followed behind us for over a half-hour. Finally we ducked into a restaurant until they got bored and left. Sweden has a massive Islamist extremist problem on their hands. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Bill M

Perhaps some day the Swedes will wake up to what they have allowed into the country. But they better do it soon or they will find that it is too late to do anything about it.


Grandpa always said that Swedes were just Norwegians with their heads knocked in.


I heard it as “Norwegians with half their brains knocked out.” Most Norwegians, if they will admit it, consider Swedes their semi-retarded distant cousins.


Here in Pouslbo, Wa there is a grand parade each year. Norwegians stand on one side of the street, and Swedes line the other side. During the parade, Swedes will throw firecrackers at the Norwegians.

The Norwegians will then light the firecrackers and throw them back.


Gustavus Adolphus must be rolling over in his grave.

Cheese Eater Mcblobfish

You misspelled Sweaden. SMDH.

Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H. Chevalier

Cheese Eater Mcblobfish