Taylor Winston; Marine veteran saving the world

Chief Tango sends us links to the story of Taylor Winston, a former Marine, who was on the scene in Las Vegas and he’s being credited with saving dozens of lives. He was dancing with his girlfriend when the gunfire began. Without hesitating, he went and checked out some pickups parked nearby for keys and he found the first one, loaded it with injured concert-goers, drove them to the hospital and returned.
Still under fire, Winston upon his return to the scene, loaded more of the wounded into his stolen truck and took them to the hospital, in time for life-saving treatment. According to CBS News;
Winston joined the Marines at age 17, eventually serving two tours in Iraq. In 2011, he was honorably discharged as a sergeant.
“I think a lot of my training in the military helped me in the situation. We needed to get them out of there regardless of our safety,” he said.
Winston rejects the “hero” label. He said he saw many people – like him – doing good deeds.
“There was a lot of bravery and courageous people out there. I’m glad that I could call them my country folk,” he said.
He told Fox News this morning that his girlfriend has back injuries because she helped to lift and load patients into the truck.
Category: Marine Corps, Veterans in the news
I am dumbfounded that people actually leave their keys in their truck.
Well, in this case it was fortunate that they did leave their keys in their truck.
I’m sure that Taylor Winston and the wounded people that he carried to safety would agree.
Being from Vegas I am too
The driver may have bailed when the shooting started. Panic indices some strange decision-making.
Ya can take the Marine outta the Marine Corps, but ya can’t take the Marine Corps outta the Marine. Semper Fi, Marine.
Dunno, there is an article quoting a Dan LaPorta who claims to be a Marine combat infantryman and marksmanship instructor making claims about how Paddock had so much superior weapons than the military gets, I particularly like when he described a free-floated barrel as one not attached to the gun…apparently it floats in space in front of the shooter? Also claims it is normal for a 5.56 to kill at a mile, because you can hit a target 1000 meters away (guess he ignores the other 600 yards range to a mile.)
I’m sorry, but I’m not sure how/why anything that Dan LaPorta (whoever he is) may be saying is in any way relevant to borderbill (a NIMBY/BANANA)’s commendatory recognition of Taylor Winston’s heroic actions in Las Vegas.
Well done, Sergeant Winston.
Semper Fidelis.
Correction, James LaPorta… and it is simply an observation that like any service, The Marines (and ex-Marines) coem in all flavors. No slight on Winston was stated or implied.
Roger all, David. Thanks for clarifying.
Longer version says it was a truck used by the venue to move things around by crews. OOOHH RRAAHH Marine. I heard that CNN was reporting that a crazed ex combat Marine “stole a truck and kidnapped dozens of people taking them on a high speed ride where cops were involved” (sarc)
I am seeing a number of reports of multiple acts of heroism while folks were under fire.
The impression I am getting, from Harvey, Irma, Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands, and now from Las Vegas is that America is a land of heroes.
America still has a culture of helping the helpless and self-sacrifice for the sake of others. Despite the efforts of some very vocal folks to teach otherwise.
1) BZ, Taylor – you’re awesome. A credit to the Marines, the military and the land you call home.
2) Yes, I believe that there are so many more heroes and regular day to day average, normal people who are everything we would think of as “Great Americans” than there are crying, malcontent snowflakes. The problem comes down to the fact that the media controls the narrative. It has become a cliché, but that doesn’t make it false. The media wants to portray “the vast majority™” of people in this country as your average liberal college student and it just isn’t the case.
We “Deplorables” tend to come from a uniquely American breed that runs “to” the sound of the guns…
Yes, indeed,
GB, I was watching some woman on TV who said as she was running from the shooting that she saw another woman go down and how she hoped that “she was okay”.
I was screaming at the TV – “why the fuck didn’t you stop to help her”
How can you NOT stop?
America is filled with guys and gals like this young Marine, (I’m a US Army Infantry Grunt and know there is no such thing as a “former Marine”)…
There were hours long waits at blood donation sites all over the US the day after this horrible massacre happened.
Way to go Marine!!!
Bravo Zulu, Marine!
On one hand, you have this guy: who heard, reacted, and saved lives and no one would know about it because he didn’t advertise it and it happened to get picked up by CBS.
On the other hand, you have Dan Bilzerian, a guy who filmed himself RUNNING and commented on a woman who got shot in the head, talking about how he wishes he had a gun.
And here we have the polar opposites of manhood.
Not everything with dropped testicles is a man.
Dan Bilzerian is a mall ninja with more money than most. If he was in a tank and took fire from a kid with a slingshot, he’d still run away like a bitch and make videos about it.
Hopefully he doesn’t get screwed over for commandeering (not stealing, if you ask me) the truck. If it was mine, I’d be buying him dinner and beer for this.
I read he got a text from the owner saying it’s all cool, and hoping that the victims he transported were ok.
Well done Taylor Winston! Damned well done Marine.
Does wanting to know what happened to the Marine’s girl make me a Badman?
Here’s another military hero from the Vegas shootings – this time an Army Cav Scout:
And here’s a young Marine protecting a young woman he just met, too:
If only Dan ‘Mall Ninja’ Bilzerian had paid attention to these guys..
A REAL Marine