Some F-35 Acquisition Projections
A few days ago, Poetrooper wrote an article concerning foreign sales for the F-35. In preparing comments to that article, I did a bit of research on the aircraft’s financials.
The information I found was, to put it mildly, troubling. So I decided I’d do a bit of “what-if” gaming to see what happens if reality intrudes on DoD’s plans with respect to the F-35.
The basic financials for the F-35 program are not pretty. Neither are the “what ifs”. In fact, both are damned scary.
So I decided to write this article. I’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible, while still being as accurate as I can within the time I have available to chase facts.
And no, PT – you’re not gonna like this article.
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This article is structured into three parts. The first part is a description of some the information I’ve found to date regarding F-35 financials, adjusted to 2017 dollars as necessary. The second part is a “quick and dirty” analysis of what happens to the F-35’s unit and overall costs under several scenarios. The third part is my attempt to put things in perspective – to answer the “So what?” question regarding the F-35.
The article’s a bit long as it is. So I’m not planning on presenting the details of my calculations in this article. If there’s demand, I can edit the article to include a link to a “prettied-up” version of the spreadsheet I used to make the calculations.
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Part I – Current F-35 Financials
Wikipedia gives the following information regarding the F-35 program financials, as of 2015. Though the immediate source is Wikipedia, their source was official program documentation from the F-35 PMO; I’ll thus take it as legit.
- RDT&E Costs (2015): $55.1 billion
- MILCON: $4.8 billion
- Procurement: $319.1 billion
Now, this isn’t the breakout we need for projections – we need Development Cost and Procurement Cost instead. And we shouldn’t simply use the RDT&E amount above as
“Development Cost” without first determining whether or not that’s even close to correct. Some portion of the RDT&E costs will be spent during production for follow-up testing, and some portion of the procurement costs will have been spent during development.
However, since those portions in question will each likely be small, we probably won’t be too far off if we assume they balance each other. So if we consider the RDT&E funding to be the F-35’s development cost and the combination of MILCON and Procurement funding the F-35’s Procurement Cost, we shouldn’t be too far off. (The MILCON costs likely will go to setting up production and maintenance facilities associated with the aircraft, so they should fall under the Production Cost umbrella) Hey – this is a “quick and dirty” estimate; it’s not a detailed budget projection.
If we do that, that gives us the following starting point numbers:
- Est Development Cost (2015): $55.1 billion
- Est Procurement Cost (2015): $323.9 billion
- Total Est Program Acquisition Cost (2015): $379 billion
Now, that’s in 2015 dollars (duh). Converting to 2017 dollars ($1.00 in Jun 2015 had the purchasing power of $1.03 in Jun 2017, per the BLS CPI calculator), based on those Wikipedia numbers we get the following:
- Est Development Cost (2015, in 2017 dollars): $56.753 billion
- Est Procurement Cost (2015, in 2017 dollars): $333.617 billion
- Total Est Program Acquisition Cost (2015, in 2017 dollars): $390.37 billion
However, it turns out those 2015 costs are no longer current. The F-35 PMO publicly indicated last month that updated financials for the F-35 are now available. Those new numbers indicate that the F-35’s Program Acquisition Cost has gone up to $406.5 billion in terms of 2017 dollars.
That’s an increase, in terms of 2017 dollars, of $16.13 billion since 2015. Since the F-35 PMO said that increase is split between RDT&E, MILCON, and Procurement funding, I’m going to assume the proportions of each in the increase are the same as they were in 2015. (They might not be in the same proportions, but since I don’t know one way or another that assumption seems reasonable.) That yields the following
- Updated Est Development Cost (2017): $59.098 billion
- Updated Est Procurement Cost (2017): $347.402 billion
- Updated Total Est Program Acquisition Cost (2017): $406.5 billion
Again: these financial numbers probably aren’t exactly correct, but they’re probably close enough to do reasonable “what if” games to see what happens to program and unit costs if Congress or DoD decides to start reducing quantities. Any errors should be reasonably small.
The same Bloomberg article that gave the revised program costs seems to indicate a total planned production for the F-35 of 2,456 aircraft. This yields an average Program Acquisition Unit Cost for the F-35 of $165.5 million – or over twice that of the F/A-18E/F. And knowing the total number of F-35s projected to be produced is also the final piece of information we need to do reasonable “what if” games.
What Happens If Quantities Are Reduced?
Ok, the above are all based on the assumption that 2,456 F-35s will be produced. So, what happens if the numbers to be built get cut? Based on past DoD procurement history over the last 2 decades, we know that’s pretty damned likely.
In broad terms, we already have a good idea of what should happen. The overall Program Acquisition Cost will drop – but the unit cost will rise. But by how much in each case?
To figure that, we need to make some assumptions about the average flyaway cost of the F-35. And we have the info to make some reasonable guesses about that, though we don’t have the details.
The F-35 is expected to enter production in FY2018. The PM has indicated he is confident he can make his flyaway cost target of about $85 million each for the F-35 in 2019 and (presumably) beyond.
We don’t know what the add-ons to the flyaway cost will be needed to yield procurement cost will be. But I can’t see them being more than about 5% of flyaway cost, so I’ll use that as a worst-case figure.
Further, the flyaway cost tends to drop over time as I’ve discussed in an earlier article. So the average flyaway cost of the last 1500 or so F-35s to be produced (231 have already been built) will likely be less than the 2019 figure. How much less? Dunno.
Further, the F-35B and C models cost more. I don’t have current figures for the flyaway costs of the B and C models, but most to be produced are the A model – so I’m going to assume it all comes out to a single figure “in the wash”.
So for this part, I’m going to use 3 assumptions for flyaway cost of the items cut: $85m average (the target cost for FY2019), $75M average (assumes the flyaway cost goes down substantially before we start cutting quantities), and $65M average (since that’s a nearly 25% reduction, this IMO essentially assumes the proverbial “. . . and a miracle occurs”). I’m also going to assume the estimated Program Acquisition Cost of $406.5 billion is dead on target.
Case 1: Constant Flyaway Cost from FY2019 On
This scenario is probably not terribly reasonable, as production costs tend to go down over time and I’m guessing the PMO is probably counting on that. Nonetheless, it gives a good starting point. That starting point is:
- Program Acquisition Cost: $406.5 billion
- Total Produced: 2,456
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $165.5 million
But what happens if either Congress or DoD cuts production? After all: recent history says that’s rather likely.
Specifically, what happens if DoD or Congress says, “Nope – can’t afford those last 1,000. Airforce, Navy, USMC: you guys figure out how to split the 1,456 we actually will buy.”
Now, as noted above the unit cost for the F-35B and C models is higher, so the mix will affect the overall average. But I’m not going to attempt to deal with those complications on a quick-look analysis like this article.
Anyway, here’s the impact, assuming a “salami-slice” cut (everyone gets an equal % reduction), based on an average flyaway cost of $85M per F-35 cut:
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1456 total aircraft: $317.25 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $217.891 million
Yep – the overall program’s acquisition cost goes down by $89+ billion. But while the Program Acquisition Cost goes down, the unit cost for the aircraft goes up by $52+ million. Why? Because that $59+ billion in development costs (and the MILCON) are now spread over fewer items.
So, what happens if we only end up producing, say, 1000? Here ya go:
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1000 total aircraft: $276.552 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $276.552 million
Yep, the trend continues. Program cost went down more – this time by nearly $130 billion. But the unit cost for the bird has now grown by over $100M with respect to the original plan.
Those numbers were ugly enough (in terms of unit cost) that I didn’t bother to run the 750 or 500 total production scenarios.
And believe it or not, it gets worse.
Case 2: Flyaway Cost Reduced Moderately During Production
I regard this as the most reasonable scenario. Here, I project that we learn enough during the first 1000 F-35s produced that we can reduce the average flyaway cost from that point forward to $75M per aircraft. I’m guessing I’m guessing the PMO is probably counting on something along those lines, though maybe not that exact amount. I’m also assuming here that the $406.5 billion Program Acquisition Cost figure from the PMO released last month remains accurate.
Here, there’s no impact if all 2,456 are built. In that case, unit and total costs remain the same – $165.5M and $406.5B, respectively.
But that’s not the case if DoD or Congress says, “Nope – can’t afford all of that. Reduce the number produced.” For a reduction to 1456 total aircraft, here’s what we get.
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1456 total aircraft: $327.75 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $225.103 million
Huh? Wait a minute. Both the program’s Acquisition Cost and the Unit Cost went UP with respect to the previous case?
Yes, they did. We removed the 1000 lowest-cost items produced – which cost less each than in the previous case. Since we assume the total program cost of $406.5 billion is unchanged, that means the costs under this scenario were perforce proportionally more “front-loaded”. The net effect is that we saved less overall (and ended up with an even higher unit cost to boot) by cutting the same number of items.
It’s even uglier if production is cut to 1000 total:
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1000 total aircraft: $291.840 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $291.84 million
Under this scenario, we’re approaching a unit cost of $300M per aircraft.
Case 3: Flyaway Cost Reduced Substantially During Production
I regard this as the least reasonable scenario. Here, I project that we learn enough during production of the first 1000 F-35s that we could reduce the average flyaway cost from that point forward to $65M per aircraft, but that the $406.5 billion Program Acquisition Cost figure from the PMO released last month and remains accurate. I don’t think we’ll see this happen, but you never know.
As before, there’s no impact if all 2,456 are built. In that case, unit and total costs remain the same as in the other two cases.
Now, what happens if DoD or Congress says, “Nope – can’t afford that. Reduce the number produced.” For a reduction to 1456 total aircraft, here’s what we get.
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1456 total aircraft: $338.35 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $232.314+ million
Just like before, both Program Acquisition Cost and the Unit Cost went UP with respect to the previous case. As before, we removed the 1000 lowest-cost items produced – but this time, what we removed cost even less than before. So what we saw before in terms of rising program and unit costs got more extreme.
It’s even uglier under this case if production is cut to 1000 total:
- Program Acquisition Cost, 1000 total aircraft: $307.128 billion
- Unit Acquisition Cost: $307.128 million
There ya go. Under this scenario, we now have a single-seat fighter aircraft that cost Uncle Sam $300+M each. Isn’t that just dandy?
Some Perspective, AKA the “So What?”
So, what does all this mean? Well, I’ve got a couple of thoughts along those lines.
First: the F-35 has been termed the most expensive weapon system ever. That’s accurate. We’re talking $406.5 billion just to buy it. Operating and maintaining over its anticipated life span it will cost nearly 3x that (current estimate is somewhere around $1.1 trillion).
To put that in perspective, I’ve seen various estimates for the cost of procuring a carrier battle group (CBG) – including both ships and aircraft – ranging from $20 billion to $40 billion. Assuming a CBG procurement cost of $30 billion on average (CBGs vary in size, and $30 billion is the midpoint of the range), that means we’re planning to spend enough on the F-35 alone to replace all 10 existing Navy carrier battle groups – plus buy 3 additional CBGs, and still have $16.5 billion left over.
Even at the higher end of estimated CBG cost ($40 billion), we’re still talking enough to replace all 10 Navy CBGs. And that still leaves $6.5 billion to “play with”.
That matters because we’ll need other new things too over the next 3 decades. Obviously, F-35 is hardly the only new weapons system we need to develop during the next couple of decades. Hell, it’s hardly the only new aircraft the USAF will need over the next 25+ years – which is how long the F-35 is projected to be in production (until 2044). But if we’re going to spend $400+ billion on it . . . where do we get the $$$ for the others?
The F-35 may end up being a great aircraft. Or it might not be. But it doesn’t matter how damn good it is if we can’t afford to procure enough of them to do the job – or if buying it means the rest of DoD is left Bravo Delta due to lack of money to train/operate/maintain, or due to obsolete equipment because we can’t afford to buy anything else new.
I just don’t see how we can afford it. Not if we’re going to have enough funding left to buy the other new stuff we need, plus train/operate/maintain.
Second: consider what this could do in terms of forcing leadership to be more risk-adverse. (Arguably, we’re already too risk-adverse as it is.) Let’s say the unit cost of a F-35 ends up being around $200M after all is said and done. That could very easily happen if quantities procured fall significantly short of what’s projected today, and it’s my guess that it indeed will. Remember: best-case, they’re going to cost around $165M each anyway – and that’s only if we build all 2,450+ of them that are currently planned. Build fewer, and the unit cost goes up.
A typical squadron has between 12 and 24 aircraft. Let’s say the average is 18. That means a squadron commander now “owns” aircraft worth $3.6 billion dollars. A wing commander will own probably 3 or 4 times that much in terms of aircraft cost. Wow, that’s gonna look great on their OERs!
Well, it certainly will – unless something happens to one of those aircraft due to an accident, bad maintenance, or even wartime losses. Then . . . who’s gonna be blamed?
Now I’m not an aviator. But last time I checked, the entire chain-of-command sometimes felt the pain of one dumbass decision (or honest mistake) by a relatively junior troop. How’s that gonna play out for the chain-of-command when some wannabe sh!t-hot young and inexperienced fighter jock crashes a $200M aircraft by doing something foolish or reckless? Or cuts a maneuver too close, and gets into a midair – and takes out $400M worth of Uncle Sam’s property? Or when a maintainer misses something, and $200M ends up a “smoking hole” as a result?
My guess is that it will be seriously bad news for both his squadron and wing commanders – hell, I think something like that already is bad news for the entire chain-of-command. But I’d guess it will be far worse for the chain-of-command than it is today when the financial loss of such an incident is $200M (or $400M or more). And I’m guessing that because of this possibility, a risk-adverse attitude (“Don’t take any chances with your equipment!”) will filter down to their subordinates, too – including their maintainers, who will find themselves being even more “under the gun” regarding aircraft maintenance than they are today.
That’s not necessarily a good thing. We don’t need timid or risk-adverse military leaders leading troops in combat any more than we need reckless fools doing the same. Either can be a prescription for disaster.
. . .
As I said, I’m no aviator. I could be wrong above. But it seems to me that this bird is simply not affordable – even it ever it works as proponents claim it will “real soon now” in all respects. And based on what I’ve seen to date, I’m damned pessimistic about it ever working “100% as advertised”.
I think we need to cut our losses here, and go back to the drawing board.
Any weapon system has to be affordable enough to buy in the first place – and to risk losing it while training or in combat. Otherwise, it’s nothing but a wet dream made real for developers and manufacturers that’s of little military utility.
I just don’t think we can afford this one – no matter how good it eventually may be. It’s not the only new system DoD will need over the next 25 years.
(Addendum: for what it’s worth, assuming we’ve spent roughly 85% of the development cost of the F-35, or about $50 billion, so far – per this Wikipedia article it appears that we’ve already spent roughly $96 billion on developing and procuring the F-35 through 2016. [Spending for the F-35 for 2017 doesn’t seem to be available there.] For production to date of 231 F-35s of all types, that works out to an average unit acquisition cost of around $415.4 million as of this year.
And costs for the system continue to rise above projections as time goes by.)
Category: Military issues
Okay Hondo, you have officially made my head explode.
After it gets to a certain point, these numbers become meaningless to me because of their sheer size. So, to put it into a better perspective for me, I looked into a the “average” sized components of a “Carrier Battle Group” (BCG).
Being a Army grunt and not Navy, I had to get some outside help finding info on the makeup of a Battle Carrier Group (BCG).
Each group, on average, consists of the following:
1- aircraft carrier
2-guided missile cruisers
1-supply ship
80 (approx. nine squadrons)-aircraft consisting of F/A 18 Hornets, F-14 Tomcats, E-2C Hawkeye, S-3B Viking, EA-6B Prowlers and SH-60B Seahawk Helicopters.
8000-military personnel
Sooooooooo, multiply these numbers by 13 (cost of the F-35 program @2450 aircraft) and you have:
26-guided missile cruisers
13-supply ships
1040 (approx. 117 squadrons)-aircraft consisting of F/A 18 Hornets, F-14 Tomcats, E-2C Hawkeye, S-3B Viking, EA-6B Prowlers and SH-60B Seahawk Helicopters.
104,000-military personnel
Is this a great country or what!! 😉
Now I’m going to lay down on the couch before my head explodes.
Actually, the personnel wouldn’t be a part of the cost – their salaries and benefits costs would be included under the Operations and Support Cost, not the Program Acquisition Cost. But everything else, yeah – buying all of that would be included as part of the Acquisition Cost of a CBG.
FWIW: the estimated Operations and Support Cost for the F-35 over it’s lifetime, based on 2,456 to be procured, is around $1.1 trillion. That number is obviously kinda “soft”, since it includes things like charges for fuel, spare parts, etc . . . 20+ years in the future.
This group times 13 = one hellova fleet!!
But it i the prettiest plane ever and the Air Force has to have the prettiest things of any military force !!!
Some years ago Kelly Johnson predicted that at the rate military acquisition inflation was running, the entire DOD budget would buy just one airplane. Who knew that his prediction would come to pass so soon?
Actually, the F-35’s current Program Acquisition cost of $406.9B is a bit less than 80% (77.59+%, to be precise) of this FY’s DoD entire base budget ($523.9B). So we haven’t quite gotten there.
But it appears we’re going to keep right on trying. We’ve just got a bit more work left to do – we can see it from here!
Yes, I’m being sarcastic as hell in the last para above.
I realize that we have to keep on our toes with military hardware or else we will be on our heels, but, we need to figure out what we really need and get more bang for our buck (pun intended).
A good friend of mine, a long time ago, instilled in me the difference between “need” and “want”.
To paraphrase the man who famously said, “Never argue with those who buy ink by the barrel,” I submit that one should, “Never argue with a guy who apparently processes data in yottabytes.” Hondo, your computations and calculations are all impressive except for one thing: You started off with the wrong number. You failed to factor in the almost 700 F-35’s going to foreign air forces. Your 2456 aircraft total is the figure for the US only, making your calculations off by almost a quarter. When you’re talking in tens of billions, that’s a major error, like say, reducing a unit cost per aircraft from $100 mil to $75 mil. You are absolutely correct that our RINO-controlled Congress could well decide to cut production in the future but that is not the fault of the F-35 Program. Does anyone think anything less of the performance of F-22’s or B-2’s because Congress backed out of those programs driving up unit costs dramatically? BUT, I will still fall back on my non-dollar defense of the aircraft, the assessments of the pilots who have flown it as well as those who have flown against it. They are blown away by the bird’s capabilities and many will confess they are just beginning to learn just what an incredibly effective aircraft the F-35 really is. For instance, the Israeli Air Force, no force of fools that, were impressed enough to double their order after getting their hands on their initial delivery and flying them. And yes, I know, we are the one’s paying for them through foreign aid to Israel, but their defense chiefs could have opted to spend those dollars on other weapons systems. Please remember that I was no friend of the Lightning either until recently. It was pilot accounts and opinions I began to read in aviation journals that opened my eyes to the reality that this aircraft just might justify all the delays and cost overruns after all. We’d better ALL be hoping that I’m right because we’re too far into production to stop now without losing all that time and… Read more »
POE, I too was very skeptical on the F-35 and it’s cost’s vs impact.
I too have been swayed by it’s latest performance reviews and Pilot accounts.
It not only beat latest generation F-15’s, it totaly demolished them.
Amazing fact: F-35’s have the ability of aquiring fired missles from other platforms and directing them on target. So a B1 from a 100 miles away could fire 20-40 missles leave the area and the F-35 take over target aquisition. WOW.
CB, what is even more impressive is how the performance of this aircraft is causing a lot of top tacticians to review how they had originally envisioned using it. There is an illustration out there somewhere on the Web that shows how the F-35 can both protect and manage other aircraft on the battlefield from a standoff position in such a way as to enhance the performance of A-10’s, F-15’s, F-16’s, and F-22’s while also reducing their losses from ground air defenses and enemy air. I had the damned artist’s rendering but apparently deleted it and now can’t find it again.
How about taking a shot at it?
Your 2456 aircraft total is the figure for the US only, . . . Yes, it is. And so is the $406.5 billion estimated Program Acquisition Cost. Foreign sales – both cost- and income-wise, are accounted for separately. Any efficiency increases due to anticipated foreign sales is already built into that number. If all of rhose anticipated foreign sales don’t happen, the F-35’s US acquisition cost WILL GO UP. The costs the PMO produced earlier this year are what he estimates is required from Congress, in terms of dollars, to produce the items the US military plans to buy. Those numbers are US funds. They’re dollars that have been/are estimated to be required to build DoD’s systems. They don’t include funding for foreign sales; those funds come from other sources. Foreign sales can be done two ways. They can be done through the FMS program, or via direct contracting with the vendor. Both require US approval. In the former case, the US takes $$$ from a foreign government, generally adds a small fee to cover contract admin costs, and then the US government contracts with the vendor to produce the items in question – along with spares, TMDE, etc . . . – and also provides initial equipment training to the foreign customer. In the direct sales case, the US govt allows the foreign government to contract directly with the supplier for the items (and, generally, some spare parts and equipment). Neither affects what the US pays for the items it bought under the system’s acquisition. If the estimated cost is $406.5 billion for 2,456 DoD systems, that’s true whether or not ANY foreign government buys 0 or 1,000 of the item. Sorry to burst your bubble, PT. But FMS only really helps the PM by keeping the production line busy and efficient. The PM has almost certainly assumed that will occur – but his estimated Program Acquisition Cost is the estimated cost TO PROCURE US SYSTEMS ONLY. If he did make that assumption – and I’m relatively certain he did – and if no foreign sales happen, then the… Read more »
OK, Hondo, I have a few minutes to try to respond here (I’m cooking tonight while Mizz Poe packs to go to New Mexico)and you’ve made a good case, leaving me but this to say: So what? Your posting this morning has had me looking at F-35 numbers and articles all afternoon. What I’ve discovered is that there are estimated final costs per copy all over the map out there, all based on different sets of numbers. I suspect that is not without some encouragement and probably assistance from our military and their contractors. You relied heavily on Wikipedia and I would not bet the farm that Wiki has the correct figures. However, my “So what?” is what actually does matter. These aircraft are rolling off the production lines out in Texas just as fast as they can head ’em up and move ’em out. and that is to the tune of dozens a month. And the more reports that come back in from more pilots flying them in more varied conditions in more places around the world, the consensus is, “We want more of ’em! Hurry up!” As I have said repeatedly, that is what caught my attention and began my shift from detractor to supporter. What has encouraged me even more is reading articles where military leaders are rethinking their plans to quickly phase out older aircraft and instead use them as an integrated weapons system with the F-35 as its Mother Hen centerpiece, protecting the chicks while they go after the junebugs. The Navy thinks they can get a couple more decades out of the Hornets by blending their limited number of F-35’s with their massive number of FA-18’s and their new Super Hornets. Ditto the Air Force with F-15’s and F-16’s. What is a real grey area is the fate of the A-10 as to whether it will be retained in present form, beefed up like the Hornet or replaced by whatever does best in the trials that are apparently underway for a new CAS platform. What we haven’t been hearing for a while is that… Read more »
PT: the Wikipedia numbers have official DoD documents as their original source. Ditto those from the Bloomberg article. Both of those sets of numbers came directly from the F-35 PMO, albeit at different times. They’re the numbers a program office is required by law to track. If they change by 10+%, it’s called an “Acquisition Program Breach”. Program management doesn’t like that; it generally triggers “bad things”. Bottom line: the numbers are valid – well, as valid a set of numbers as currently exist, anyway. (I personally find them suspect, but that’s because I believe we will see more cost increases for the program). Again: the original source for all of those numbers was the F-35 Program Office. They’re the ones charged by law to develop, track, and monitor a system under development – with funding being one of those things they’re charged to monitor and track extremely closely. You got a problem with the numbers I used, take it up with them. Regarding whether or not the Admirals and Generals will get what they want with respect to the F-35: we’ll see. Congress and Big DoD have the final words on that. USAF Generals didn’t get what they wanted on either the B-2 or the F-22. Army Generals didn’t get what they wanted on the Comanche or the Crusader. The Admirals didn’t get what they wanted on the Seawolf-class SSNs. Production of all of those got cut way below what the service developing them originally wanted – sometimes to zero – because each turned out to be unaffordable. It wouldn’t surprise me to see exactly the same with respect to the F-35. As I’ve repeatedly stated before: it doesn’t matter how damn good a weapons system performs if you can’t afford to buy enough of them to make a difference, or to operate them – or if it means the rest of DoD ends up Bravo Delta as a result. That’s the same reason virtually everyone in the world drives something like a Ford or Toyota instead of a Lamborghini or Maserati. The latter would be great, but the… Read more »
Couple of thoughts that may set the F-35 apart from the other weapons programs that were cut short:
1) Each of those other weapons programs was only under the protection of one service and one service secretary.
2) DoD, perhaps presciently and purposely, farmed out contracting for the F-35 to manufacturers in almost every state so that it is truly a national endeavor. No Senator or Congressman wants to vote against high-paying manufacturing jobs in their own state.
3) Donald Trump may well look for savings on the project but he, too, has no desire to eliminate thousands of high-paying manufacturing jobs when he talks so much about creating them. In a second admin, maybe.
We need to put some teeth into Nunn-McCurdy.
I see you used PAUC instead of APUC. I am not sure how the aviation procurement community works, but most EDMs in other areas will eventually be upgraded to the final production baseline using procurement dollars (initially built with development dollars). At $85 million each it makes a small difference in your final APUC depending on how many EDMs were produced.
Also, I think people’s heads would explode if they saw how much the LRIPs actually cost. The PAUC and APUC are averages that take into account the expected reduction in production cost due to the manufacturing learning curve. So when you say the average procurement cost per unit is $200 million, the LRIPs might actually be costing us $400-500 million each in expectation that the later year deliveries will cost $50-60 million each in larger lots. Congress’ habit of killing programs before they can reach production goals used in initial manufacturing estimates is a large part of the reason RDT&E costs have gone through the roof. LM, GD, et. al. have to make money and if they know that half of their ACAT-1D programs will have the procurement end slashed by a Congress that did not approve the program initially, they are going to front load as much as possible, then over promise and under deliver.
Not sure which acronym is correct. The number I referenced is (total number produced) / (total program acquisition cost), based on PMO numbers from July 2017. Don’t know if that includes EDMs converted to production standards or not – or if not, how many we’re talking about.
A good rundown of the F-35 production to date can be found here, along with their costs by LRIP increment.
Be advised that those “unit costs” there are the FLYAWAY costs. They’re NOT the total cost for the unit, including a pro-rata share of development costs incurred by date of production.
The flyaway cost for the first 2 exceeded $220M each – EXCLUDING engines.
As of the end of FY2016, assuming we’d spent around 85% of total development cost for the program (and we should have spent that much, or more, of projected development for a program about to go into FRP), we’d spent around $96+ billion to procure 231 aircraft. By my math, that works out to a Program Acquisition Unit Cost of just under $415.6 million each as of the end of FY2016.