The Davin McClenney story

Virginian-Pilot tells the story of career criminal 27-year-old Davin McClenney whose first documented crime was when he was a 15 years old armed robber. He used grass clippings in a baggie to lure in his victims who he then robbed with a BB gun, escaping on the handlebars of his partner’s bicycle. Since 2004 he has been in and out of jail for stealing from folks. He’s even run from the police until he got tired. Last year, he was arrested for robbing a doctor’s office at gun point;
But last October, a judge granted bond anyway.
Prosecutors appealed and it was revoked, then reinstated a few weeks later by a different judge.
Initially, McClenney was required to wear a GPS monitoring bracelet, but that was dropped months later by another judge.
Even McClenney didn’t seem to think it was a good idea.
A Feb. 11 post on his Facebook page read: “They done (expletive) up and let me loose.” The statement was followed by several emojis: tears of joy, smirking face, and bands of cash.
Then on June 24, four months after the ankle monitor was removed, McClenney was charged with another crime – a hold-up at a 7-Eleven near Town Center.
At that crime scene, the clerk shot him in the neck in self-defense and paralyzed McClenny, you know, while he was out on bond from his last crime, before his next trial.
McClenney was charged with two counts of robbery, wearing a mask in public, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and two counts of using a firearm while committing a felony.
Despite his physical condition, the commonwealth’s attorney still plans to try him for the robberies of the doctor and the 7-Eleven.
If he is convicted and sentenced to prison, the Virginia Department of Corrections is able to house him, department spokesman Greg Carter said in an email.
“Currently we have 25 prisoners with some level of paralysis,” Carter wrote.
So it took a 7-11 clerk to do what the judicial system was unable to do, put McLenney out of the armed robbery business. You should read the whole article, just to get the sense of the danger a judge was willing to unleash on his community when he cut this criminal loose.
Category: Crime
Just watch. Some lawyer will sue the 7-11 for injuring this poor, poor man and making it so he can’t earn a living anymore!
Unless Southland Corporation, which owns and operates 7-11 stores, has changed their policy, that poor clerk will be immediately fired, as 7-11 employees are strictly prohibited from carrying firearms and/or resisting robberies.
Of course, that was years ago, and things do change, so maybe – – – ?
That’s still the policy at 7-11, that’s why I will never work at one, they can come in and walk out with a case of beer and you cant stop them only call the police, by then-they in the wind!
Most 7-11 stores are owner operator stores or franchise stores
So they are pretty free to do what they have to for security
And people wonder why I have no faith in the system.
Virginia judges letting criminals out of jail so they can re-offend? I’m shocked, absolutely shoc.,… Yeah, no I’m not.
Too bad the clerk didn’t hit just a little more center of the neck and kill this waste of skin, space and oxygen. Save a hell of a lot of time, effort, and taxpayer money.
When the inevitable civil case occurs against the clerk, the judge should fine the clerk with more range time…
Judges only “fine” people for misbehavior in civil court proceedings. But someone should buy the clerk a class in CQB, so he learns the skilz to double tap to the chest and one to the brain housing group. Usually, that is the final solution to the robbery problem at hand.
Damn……that thug has a record thicker than a Chinese phonebook.
And the judicial system still though it was okay to let him loose on he streets?
the “judicial system” has deep monetary incentives to let criminals roam the streets.
In addition, the judge is not likely to be a victim of these crimes, so why should he care?
After all, he is a victim of society’s mean and racist nature and therefore society should have to be his victim.
Circuit Judge A. Bonwill Shockley. She also released a man who decapitated his five year old son because the boy was the Antichrist.
Flaming liberal, anyone?
Flaming liberal? Possibly. But perhaps also a f**king idiot.
In most cases Hondo, that seems to be a distinction without a difference..
The clerk will be fired and then sued by the piece of human waste or his family. Of course he will win and the man who protected himself from a career criminal will become destitute because of his actions.
I’m guessing if there is a civil case they’ll have to go after Southland…I doubt the clerk has many assets and if a typical ambulance chasing attorney wants his 1/3 or even 1/2 of the settlement, it has to be worth his upfront investment…which may be why Southland and others in the service sector ban employees carrying…anyway, welcome to McAullife’s Virginia…on the downward slide to becoming Maryland
“…on the downward slide to becoming Maryland”
Beg to differ- you have a solid Conservative legislature to keep McFluffie in check, unlike the gerrymandered People’s Republic of Maryland.
Differ away…a legislature whose bills the governor happily vetoes…two democratic senators on the national stage (warner, kaine), consistent presidential vote for democrat since 2004, burgeoning liberal NVa demographic…
Virginia should split with the liberal urban Northern Virginia area joining Maryland and the rest of the state rejoining West Virginia.
And have the thousands of felons to whom the good governor restored voting rights (but, curiously made no apparent attempt to influence the legislature or judiciary to restore gun possession rights) reside in Fairfax county
It didn’t say in the post if he did or not but, he should have double tapped him.
I took the concealed carry class in Virginia….the ex-cop instructor preached “two to the chest” with a “potent” handgun round…not sure what instruction the clerk received, or other aspects of the case, but that may have made this story an obituary instead…now all tax paying citizens of Virginia are on the hook for the rest of “felonius’s” life….
Thugz gotta thugz… until it gets them a case of lead poisoning.
Clearly the problem is guns. It can’t be the recidivist scumbag who’s been in trouble with the law for his whole adult life and then some, and who taunted the authorities on Facebook saying that he would continue his aberrant behavior. It can’t be the revolving-door court system that didn’t bother locking this asshole up for any of his numerous prior felonies, quite a few of them violent (armed robbery is a violent crime). If only we didn’t have guns, then that 7-11 clerk who had good reason to fear for his own safety and shot him in self-defense wouldn’t have been armed…
Did I miss anything in my summary of the inevitable leftist wailing and gnashing of teeth?
You left out the part where the thug/POS shoots and cripples the clerk for life. But of course the proggies would ignore that factoid.
Prison reform, man.
” Next place he robs had better be Wheelchair Friendly”
Moe Sizlak