Damion Hedington saving the world

Mick sends us a link to the Virginian-Pilot about 24-year-old Navy veteran Damion Hedington who kicked down a door to rescue 50-year-old Jason Lewin from a raging fire;
“I’ve never kicked a door down, and it didn’t come down the first time I kicked it. The second time the door flew open.”
Through thick smoke, Hedington could barely make out a man’s figure at the top of the stairs. After removing a dog gate, Hedington grabbed the man by the hips and helped him down. Hedington asked if anyone else was inside. The man, later identified by Saratoga Springs police as 50-year-old Jason Lewin, told him that his wife and eight dogs were trapped.
“When I went up there you couldn’t see anything. It was like a blanket of smoke. I’ve never seen smoke that thick.”
Hedington went back up the stairs two more times, shining his phone flashlight to try to find the woman, but couldn’t find her. Lewin returned to search for his wife, too.
Category: Real Soldiers
Glad you were able to make the grab under those conditions without any SCBA Damion.
Iron-lunging is no joke. Too bad about the wife and dogs, but still excellent work. Plus, most people don’t realize just how hard it is to kick down an exterior door.
Forgot to add on on my last comment that when that smoke starts to bank down and you don’t have any SCBA on, it can get real shitty in there-it is what we call a snot job.
I once got a facefull of nice black smoke at the doorway of a commercial structure fire before I got my BA on, back when I was 18. Suffice it to say, it was a learning experience.
Well done, young man,May the Lord strengthen you as you persevere in overcoming a sorrow.
Excellent job, Damion.
BZ Damion! Prayers for Mr Lewin and his family.