The media notices “bacha bazi”

| July 19, 2017

For the last eight years or so, the media has been ignoring “bacha bazi,” the practice of Afghan chiefs to keep young boys as sex slaves – a symbol of power in the culture. Well, now, suddenly, it’s a reason for concern at the Washington Post;

As the United States sinks deeper into the Afghan quagmire, preparing to send additional troops into a seemingly endless war, it is glossing over this hidden but pervasive abuse of children by its local allies. U.S. tolerance of this egregious inhumanity sends out the message that it is acceptable for U.S.-backed forces to keep child sex slaves.

It brings to mind the case of SFC Charles Martland who was being considered for elimination from the Army because he struck a child-raping “ally” in Afghanistan. He was cleared of wrong-doing and allowed to remain in the Army, but only because of grassroots support, not because of any outcry from the mainstream media.

From The Post;

Security is a legitimate concern, but turning a blind eye to crimes such as bacha bazi amounts to a serious contravention of America’s Leahy amendment, which bans U.S. assistance or training to foreign military units that fail to honor basic human rights.

The United States needs to deploy the leverages at its disposal in a country heavily dependent on it for aid to end this overriding culture of impunity. Additional troops and financial assistance must be contingent upon urgent reform and prosecution of abusers.

To win in Afghanistan, America cannot afford to lose its humanity.

While I agree with those sentiments, where were they eight years ago? This “bacha bazi” didn’t start on January 20, 2017.

Category: Media, Terror War

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Fuck them.
The WaPo and the Afghan “men” that abuse children.
They should both be nuked.

Jon The Mechanic

NOW they decide that it is bad?

It shows just how deep in the pocket of the Democrat Party these idiots are, and is yet another reason to ignore their bleating cries that they are not biased.


They are just mad they can’t have it here.

After all, it would be the ultimate expression of the power and influence they think they wield.


watch the film “The dancing Boys of Afghanistan”…sick shit


Frontline did a story on this 7 years ago:


James Michener wrote about it in 1946 in his book, Caravans.

And by the way, Massoud, the Lion of the Panjir, was well known for having a stable of boys around him.


Anyone who ever attended a meeting with provincial leaders would see chai boys wandering around the compound – saw them myself. One of the reasons why I don’t give a rat’s ass about Afghanistan after having spent such a lovely time there…every vice in the book rolled up into one neat package.


The Judeo-Christian perspective could lead one to believe that Afghan is in such a state as a consequence of these vices being accepted there. There are many different types of consequences for violating God’s Law, the Lake of Fire only being the final one.

The Other Whitey

A culture that rapes little boys, treats girls as chattel property less valuable than livestock, and whose economy is built around the production and export of heroin, but claims a moral objection to beer.


“And by the way, Massoud, the Lion of the Panjir, was well known for having a stable of boys around him.”

Dear God, that is sick.


This is picking and choosing what to be upset over. This practice is as old as Islam and any reporter worth his salt knows it. This is a backhanded message to Trump, to attempt to paint him into a corner over something that the previous president pretty much told the folks in the field to, “Don’t look and don’t tell”. personally I’d kill all of them starting with the boy rapers.

By the way, where is Samuel Oakford and his ilk on this issue. You never seem to hear these “Human Rights” advocates talking shit about Muslim boy rapers do you? Only about anything the US military does to try to stop these animals. Then they have lots to criticize.

Texas Nomad

Goes back long before Islam. Like female genital mutilation, it was incorporated as a local practice and given post hoc pass by religious scholars of the same cultural tradition.


They ‘notice’ it now because Trump won. If it had been that other person, they’d keep their tablets zipped and their keyboards hidden.


A day late and a dollar short due to a sea change.
Shame. KYS WaPo.


Thank you and thank you.


Robert Lawton…?
Do you have an admirer?!
Do we need to institute a call up of the TAH Militia to set bunkers and a FPL around Fort Hardin?

Dave Hardin

Lawton enjoys smacking his ex-wife around now and then. She called me, as I asked her to, next time he showed up. He is one of these punks that thinks if he asks for my address I will try to hide from his sorry ass. I gave it to him three times, cause he is not the brightest crayon in the box. Seems he got all pissy after our little chat and his ex-wife sent me this:

Sadly, I never hear from the Prophet (shit stain be his name). I don’t think he likes me either.


Wtf! Some people just need a hobby or a 8×10…or 6 feet of dirt.
Good luck with that sicko.


He sounds like a fun guy to spend time with. Maybe you could send him my way. My cats need new toys and scratching posts, especially my little feral snot.


Why do I get the feeling if he shows up at Dave’s the only thing left of him will be a disturbed patch of dirt in the basement and a strange smell?


Clorox is good at erasing strange smells.

A Proud Infidel®™

Clorox is also useful for getting rid of DNA evidence.


Friend of mine has an excavator and pigs.


While I agree with those sentiments, where were they eight years ago? This “bacha bazi” didn’t start on January 20, 2017.

This has actually come up in the news in the past too – here’s a few links from the WaPo, NYT and CNN, all covering it during President Obama’s time in office.


Yeah, ‘they covered it’, with one hellacious bend. This new WaPo article intertwines the legitimate military action that was mismanaged by bHo and tries to make the conflict a moral failure do to the pedophilia.
And here’s the major rub, politicians were running that war, and as a result, wouldn’t/didn’t listen to the Service Members on the ground for MANY reasons. Knowing that there is someone that can and will listen to the one’s who have skin in the game, WaPo wants to make this proper engagement in hostilities contingent on a re-evaluation on past moral failures. F*** that.
And F*** WaPo.

Texas Nomad

First time I heard was PBS’ Frontline in 2010.

Of course the Taliban had banned the practice, subject to effective enforcement.


Things Atkron just don’t get about Islam:

1) Why is fornication with a woman, here on Earth forbidden…yet if you’re a martyr God’s just going to allow you to screw 40 virgins in HIS house.

2) Why is it ok to molest goats, sheep, and little boys…yet banging a woman is forbidden?

3) Why in the hell would anyone not want to eat that deliciousness that is bacon?

Forest Green

“Bacon; the candy of MEATS” (use Arby’s voice when saying this)


“Why in the hell would anyone not want to eat that deliciousness that is bacon?”

Yes, indeed. Who would NOT want to eat bacon!

Some Guy

Fun story: One of my fellow Officer Candidates used to be an Iraqi interpreter for the Marines. After coming here on a student visa (smart guy, went to Harvard for a Master degree) and embracing America, he eventually swore off of Islam after trying bacon. His reasoning? He couldn’t follow a god that would be so petty about something so delicious.

The Other Whitey

Now there is a true American!


That’s my rationale: If God didn’t want us to eat bacon, why did he make it taste so delicious?


Perhaps we should we should change our psychological warfare efforts from pamphlets, radio broadcasts and such to the sound and smell of bacon frying.

Bill M

Now that’s a funny advertisement!

Bill M

“Why in the hell would anyone not want to eat that deliciousness that is bacon?”

Glad they don’t eat bacon. That leaves more for me!

Bacon: It’s what’s for dinner…and lunch and breakfast and snacks and…


I was going to mention the NYT story, which was pretty extensive, several years ago. I’m glad someone else did.

This story is what prompted me to write about it when I was still blogging.

It was covered, but for some reason it never took hold as an outrage.


Outrage is prohibited under General Order #1 🙂


LOL – is that above or below pr0n?

The Stranger

I dunno…something tells me Petraeus had a hellacious porn stash along with his well stocked liquor cabinet.


Didn’t need one. He had his “biographer” instead.

The Stranger

Ok…no porn, but he did have liquor right? And besides, schtupping his biographer was still against General Order 1A.


Dunno about liquor. No argument concerning his biographer and some of the activities during their “interview sessions” being in contravention of GO1.

A Proud Infidel®™

They told us that General Order 1A was to keep us from “offending” the host nation via the use of alcohol and I say FUCK THAT because less than a quarter mile from our camp down Route Violet in Kabul were Hadji shops with beer and booze.


Pretty well have to agree, Dave.
Which means that the Followers of the Incestuous Pedophile have to take me out, too, I guess.

As for the poser hitman Robert (“Lurch”) Lawton – here’s hoping he is all talk. Hope the local LEO take the threats seriously.

Dave Hardin

I never bother local LEO’s with poser bullshit. They have enough on their hands as it is.

I just have to sit and wait for close combat. Some guy who has my .338 Lapua and ammo is keeping it in damp dust filled closet.

I can’t really reach out and touch someone at the moment.


But Jonn is keeping it nice and clean, I’m sure.

Buy a .45-70 and load some hot ones… kinda like a .50, it turns almost anything you can see into concealment, not cover. Even the old black powder loads would go clean through a buffalo – from any direction.

Dave Hardin

I have one, it is my favorite rifle. I bought the Henry 45-70 when they first came out. I really, really like it.

I carry Garrett’s 45-70 +P Hammerhead Ammo 540 gr.

Hunt wild hogs with it. Penetration is unfreaking real. 300lb charging hog head shot and it went out its ass.

Pull the trigger on that baby and she will leave a mark on you that Ajax will not take off.

Great guy who owns and runs Garret.

Dave Hardin

I also have a .308 Magnum. Legendary weapon, all but forgotten in todays world of light loads for feather weights.

I figure if it was Carlos Hathcock’s favorite I should own one.

Silentium Est Aureum

Go with a .300 Win Mag.

Trust me.

The Other Whitey

M1 Garand with old-school GI .30-06 will do the same. Or an M1917 or M1903 if you feel like going really old-school.

Dave Hardin

LOL, I jokingly call the 30-06 Springfield a .308 Magnum.

Probably the most versatile and yet powerful round ever made.

With some of the new bullets and powder we can reach out to 1,600 meters these days.

Believe it or not Mossberg makes a really nice one and its priced extremely reasonable. Picked one up two years ago and have done very well with it.


I could very well be wrong, but I don’t think most Americans care because it is Muslim on Muslim crime, even if it does involve minors. I don’t think most Americans need yet another reason to hate them and/or want to kill them.

Sgt K

Yes, you are correct. You are very wrong and you don’t think.


Well, call any elected official and ask how many phone calls they receive from their constituents about bacha bazi. This stuff is happening in a third world country between Muslims. Americans are at the mall. Maybe hate was too strong of a term. How about indifference?

Silentium Est Aureum

Well, if that’s your logic, do some digging g and see how many outraged letters Congressman Itchybuttscratch got in 1937 regarding the Rape of Nanking.

Fuck you, man. Non sequitur much?

Forest Green

Maybe we can round up the NAMBLA assholes, send them over there, and take care of them when we clean this up.


Unfortunately, this is not exclusive to Afghanistan. When I made my rounds to the Iraqi Police stations there were always boys around wearing eye makeup and women’s shoes. They were the entertainment. Poor kids all had dead eyes, just nothing there. Sick shit.

The Other Whitey

And this comes from a culture that calls us corrupt and sinful for tolerating homosexuals…


In Islam being homo means taking it in the rear, not giving pipe.
This is how they justify boy rape. The sinner is the boy.


What fucking scumsucking pigs!

To this day, SFC Charles Martland, the guy who beat the shit out of one of those fuckers, is my hero.

A Proud Infidel®™

I only wonder why he didn’t get rid of that sicko via a “Training Accident “?

Perry Gaskill

Something to consider is that Anuj Chopra, the opinion writer of the Washington Post guest editorial, is apparently an Indian national who works as a stringer for the French wire service L’Agence France-Presse. Chopra seems to spend a lot of time placing blame on the U.S. for not stopping the practice of bacha bazi but nowhere does he quote an American official to get the other side of the story.

What Chopra also fails to mention is that the government of Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani is already involved in a relatively strict crackdown on the dancing boy issue. Chopra wrote about it back in February.

It seems to me this editorial is another example of how major American news media has been shifting from trying to appeal primarily to a domestic audience, over to that of an international one. And the interests of each group don’t always coincide.


Truth burn!

Silentium Est Aureum

Maybe Chopra can go back home and do a few stories on child prostitution or gang rape back in his old hood.

The Stranger

He could, but where’s the money in that?


A few provocatively clad goats doing the dance of the seven veils will wean those bastards off of little boys’ balloon knots

The Other Whitey

Correct me if I’m wrong here, Dave, but doesn’t any attempt on your life require Soviet approval, lest your would-be assailant provoke the kind of Soviet wrath and fury last seen in Berlin in 1945?

Dave Hardin

It varies from day to day, she might give someone a blessing for it. Hard to tell with her, at the moment her mother is visiting so I have to deal with both of them.

The Other Whitey

What’s Russian for “good luck?”




You are absolutely correct, sir. I started studying this 7th Century cult right after 9-11, and I have reached the same conclusions. What I love about the media and our pols is that they keep calling what the ‘Slamonazis practice as “radical Islam.” No it isn’t; it is basic, original Islam.
PS: I guess your spousal unit has you well insured.

Dave Hardin

She will spend the money in the bail fund she keeps around after I die. Since you seem interested…I offer you this: Islam makes very large claims for itself. In its art, there is a prejudice against representing the human form at all. The prohibition on picturing the prophet – who was only another male mammal – is apparently absolute. So is the prohibition on pork or alcohol or, in some Muslim societies, music or dancing. Very well then, let a good Muslim abstain rigorously from all these. But if he claims the right to make me abstain as well, he offers the clearest possible warning and proof of an aggressive intent. The Bible may, indeed does, contain a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, for bride-price, and for indiscriminate massacre, but we are not bound by any of it because it was put together by crude, uncultured human mammals. Religious exhortation and telling people, telling children, that if they don’t do the right thing, they’ll go to terrifying punishments or unbelievable rewards, that’s making a living out of lying to children. That’s what the priesthood do. And if all they did was lie to the children, it would be bad enough. But they rape them and torture them and then hope we’ll call it ‘abuse’. Religion is man-made. Even the men who made it cannot agree on what their prophets or redeemers or gurus actually said or did. Judaism has some advantages over Christianity in that, for example, it does not proselytize — except among Jews — and it does not make the cretinous mistake of saying that the Messiah has already made his appearance. However, along with Islam and Christianity, it does insist that some turgid and contradictory and sometimes evil and mad texts, obviously written by fairly unexceptional humans, are in fact the word of god. I think that the indispensable condition of any intellectual liberty is the realization that there is no such thing. Faith is the surrender of the mind; it’s the surrender of reason, it’s the surrender of the only… Read more »


(Reminds me of a joke…)

A boy scout leader, a lawyer, a Catholic priest and three young boys
are on a plane with only 3 parachutes. The engines explode and the plane begins to plummet to the earth.

The scoutmaster says, “Save the boys! Let them have the parachutes!”

The lawyer yells, ‘FUCK THE BOYS”!

The Catholic priest looks around and exclaims, “Is there time?”


It is frankly unhelpful when the Christian churches seem to be overly concerned with expressing love toward Muslims while not apparently considering the threat. This, from a church near where I live (Silicon Valley) and many of my church members attended. How can we truly fight the threat of Islam when we are most concerned about “tolerating” it? Yes, I understand, I live in the SF Bay Area which is weird. I also do not wish to hijack the substance of this topic. However, I do wish individuals to see that if a threat is not considered a threat, the consequences may me dire. My sincere apologies if my post appears off-topic in this venue.

Dave Hardin

Off topic is my middle name. The further away from practicing what is actually written in their ancient scripts the more acceptable any religion becomes.

I understand people have some need to feel they are part of something bigger than themselves that does good in their lives and the world we live in.

Muslims who practice peace and acceptance of other religions and adhere to the laws of civil societies, are Muslim in name only.

Just as Christian men who allow their wives to cut their hair as well as having their own opinion on religion and who pray in public practice that which is contrary to their own scripture.

Too much of this world and the people in it are subject to the rule of Islam and not civility.

I have seen the Islamic world, I will not live under its rule.

Neither will I respect it because some have watered down it teachings to make it more palatable. It deserves to be ridiculed often and offered no quarter in a civil society.

Shame on those who subject children that than kind of nonsense.


Muslims who practice peace and acceptance of other religions and adhere to the laws of civil societies, are Muslim in name only.

I’ve gotten good and drunk with a few of those. 🙂

Dave Hardin

I have been in situations where my life depended on them.


I do not respect Islam, either, any more than I respect the beliefs of satanists. “Respect of Islam” appeared to be at the heart of what some learned at the conference I mentioned. This is how you lose. I won’t lose.

You probably know that Egyptian Presidents Nasser and Sadat had Muslim Brotherhood operatives put into prison where they didn’t receive fine treatment. They, more than anyone, knew the threat from the die-hards. Too bad some of our own “tolerant” Christians can’t seem to get that.

The Other Whitey

I seem to recall hearing the occasional liberal commenter accusing SFC Martland of “imperialism,” “religious/cultural intolerance,” “imposing his Western values on another culture in their native land,” and other similar forms of nasty not-niceness when that story came out. Not the majority, but the fact that this attitude came from some LSM “journalists” is quite disturbing.

Now that our involvement there is no longer being run by a liberal democrat, suddenly it’s a humanitarian crisis.

Bill M

“…the fact that this attitude came from some LSM “journalists” is quite disturbing.”

But really not surprising. They change their tune as often as they change their shorts…more often than they change their shorts…way more often…(must get better example).

Texas Nomad

Can you cite a particular employee of a MSM outlet who said that?


Let’s not forget that it was not the media who decided to throw SFC Martland out of the Army. Don’t shoot the messenger. It was those “Duty, HONOR, Country” folks who gave him the lousy efficiency report instead of a commendation, not the media. I recognize and share the reflex, but this time it isn’t the media’s fault.

As I have said before, all the “training” in the world will not convince Afghan soldiers to die for a corrupt, incompetent leadership who kidnaps and rapes their children. Time to come home.


And those are the officers of the “deep state” in the military who need to be gone. I was once given a derogatory OER rating on “judgment” by an LTC because I tried to get one of my men out pre-trial confinement in the stockade. I was at the stockade with the paperwork from Division JAG to get him out when I rec’d an angry call to stop and return to base. That man later was determined not guilty, but at the time the LTC, who was later a 3 star, said I was using “poor judgment” because (unbeknownst to me) the Brigade Commander wanted someone locked up in pre-trial for this heinous crime against the German people. Well, many months later when I was in RVN, a congressional committee investigating racial strife in the Army in Germany advised getting the PFC out of pre-trial confinement. His confinement was still a source of racial conflict in the Brigade. For some reason, the LTC now thought that was a good idea and good “judgment.” Unfortunately for the PFC, he did over a year in the Mannheim stockade prior to the German court trial that found him and his two buddies (never in the stockade) not guilty. I might add that the Article 32 investigating officer had found that none of them appeared clearly to be the one of the four of them involved in an altercation with a German bartender who was stabbed. The fourth man, who was likely the stabber, never stood trial because some admin type in his artillery unit neglected to flag him from DEROS. So he was in the States when the case went to trial. This was one of the many incidents to cause me to reach the conclusion I was in a profession in an army that wasn’t professional enough to justify the full career.

Silentium Est Aureum

Because we want justice done, and we don’t care who we have to burn to get it!

Sounds familiar.


Ah, the Mannheim stockade. We called it “OCS”, for Old Coleman Stockade (it was located at Coleman Barracks).

Cases like that are why some refer to the UCMJ as the Uniform Code of Marsupial Justice. It happens too often. If the boss says you are guilty, then guilty you will be. Good on ya’ for sticking up for your troop. Few ossifers did, in my experience.

When I was there there was a LT. who was court-martialed and sentenced to imprisonment. They wouldn’t put him in the Mannheim stockade because it “didn’t have quarters suitable for officers”. At least according the the Overseas Weekly.


Unfortunately many officers, especially the careerist ones, were primarily interested in getting their tickets punched with the “right” punches. I ultimately decided I wasn’t going to be one of them. That pussy bitch LTC that put a stop to me getting the PFC out of the stockade ended his career as the three star CG of the entire 6th Army. When he called me into his office to chastise me, I told him pre-trial incarceration of one man when the other three equally suspect soldiers were loose “wasn’t fair.” He had the audacity to tell me, “being fair has nothing to do with it, Lieutenant.” I could regale you with stories about how effed up the 509th was back then. But we were Airborne and Mech, too. Geronimo!


The 509 wasn’t the only effed up unit back then. Even a young and stupid private like me could figure out that the system was a bit buggy. Things like the company being on half rations, literally, for a couple of weeks certainly made me skeptical of my superiors. Never did get a good reason, only a rumor.

One “meal” stands out in my memory, for some reason; 1 small pork chop, 1 slice of bread (I think), and a serving spoon of applesauce. At least the KPs had it easy.


This is one reason why there is a Talian, most of the men in Afhganistan were abused sexually when boys, they are angry with life as they know it…A State Department Analyst published a report about this back in 2008…


Whoa. I never thought about that.
They have all been raped!!!

Stephen McCartney

My year in Helmand Province had a lot of this Pashtun practice. (others do it as well but my exposure was in the south). Our CG stated early on that no Afghan police, Army, drivers etc would be allowed to bring along the “little policemen” or “little soldiers”, etc on to our base. It is an accepted Afghan practice which is supposed to keep men from impurity by having relations with females until marriage.Sick ? yes! Weirdly, as I learned from Afghans is that those abused boys grow up and perpetuate the practice, even after their own marriage. And even more sick IS that they DO NOT consider it homosexuality(forbidden by Allah).
It apparently is harmonious with the Koran. Not surprising. If you want to have your Christian tolerance and love of all brethren tested..go there and see how they treat kids, young girls, women etc. Been going on for hundreds of years. As a physician I saw elements of human depravity allowed by Islamic society that would make a goat vomit. It is truly a place where God comes to cry. Our investment there need to be scrutinized.

CAPT Bones US Navy (ret)

A Proud Infidel®™

Those goatfucking fleabags treat their livestock much better than they do their Women!


The livestock have a higher market value.

The Stranger

Yep…Churchill had it right about the followers of the “prophet” over a hundred years ago.