The SKS is not an “assault rifle”

| June 16, 2017

ABC News reports that disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter and terrorist James T. Hodgkinson used a legally-purchased “SKS 7.62 assault-style rifle”. The only feature of the SKS that is consistent with assault-style rifles is the fact that it is semi-automatic.

The SKS rifle and it’s variants have virtually none of the features that scare gun-grabbers when they craft laws to ban what they call assault weapons – it doesn’t have a detachable box magazine, there is no pistol grip, most don’t have a bayonet lug, there is no flash suppressor and there is no barrel shroud.

The stripper-clip-fed fixed magazine only holds ten rounds. There’s no “thing in the back that goes up”. It’s not even scary black. It’s legal in most states, including those that have “assault rifle bans” like California. It’s a World War II-era rifle – designed in 1943 and first issued to Soviet troops in 1945. It was out of service in the Soviet Union by the 1950s, replaced by the AK-47.

If we’re going to have a discussion about gun control, we need to be consistent in the language we use in that discussion.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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C’Mon Jonn, if you take away the ability of the left to scare people through lies, what argument do the gun grabbers have?


The SKS is a piece of shit. Period!

Although a decent round.


BTW…..the bayonet is only good for finishing off a wounded Whitetail. lol

Yeah….I’m a disgusting deer killer.


That thing has a bayonet on it OMG! LARS save us!




It’s Russian.
That is enough for them to go off on.


So is this evidence that the attack on Scalise was done IN COLLUSION




No, no, no, FuzeVT! It was in collusion with the COMMUNISTS!!!!

It’s a Cold War Commie gun! It isn’t Russian. It isn’t even Spetznaez. It’s pre-Vlad Putin, fer Pete’s sakes!!!


The only Cold War Commies still around are in ANTIFA and BLM.

A Proud Infidel®™

Mention that to a liberal and you’ll likely hear something like “OHMYGOD! It’s Russian so that means Trump was made to do it by the Russians so yeah, its Trump’s fault…”

Silentium Est Aureum

But, but, skerry!




Time for Gersh Kuntzman to set the record straight on assault rifles…apparently he was assaulted by one at the range so he should know

The Other Whitey

Fuck that lying sack of shit. I had a not-so-friendly email exchange calling him out on his “temporary PTSD” chickenshit. He dissembled, rationalized, and bullshitted while accusing me of being a big ol’ meanie. He also kept giving me his phone number for some reason. I warned him that my voice is loud and deep, and would most likely cause him to piss himself in terror (since, y’know, he was so “traumatized” by shooting an AR).


Firefighter? Voice loud and deep? You probably caused him to cream his jeans, Whitey. No wonder he wants your phone number.



Ole Gershie hoping he was going to get fisted by one of the Village People

The Other Whitey

Even if I did swing that way, pussies like him wouldn’t be my type.


But it’s not as skerry as it would be if it had one of those flash processor things on it.

And how many bullets does the clip hold?




The stock Magazine-well holds ten, that you can manually feed downwards with a stripper-clip or put them in one at a time.

Best $89 bucks for one still factory packed in Cosmoline I ever spent.


Nothing makes me more ANGRY than military people calling detachable box magazines a clip.

All my mental issues flare up for a moment in darkness, then I start my breathing exercises and get it under control.

Thank you Mick Jagger. You just reset all my progress.


For your sake, I hope you’re kidding.


Uh… Yef, an SKS is typically loaded with a clip, a ten-round clip used to charge the weapon, then discarded.

Dave Hardin

Another OUTSTANDING article by Mr. Lilyea. Astute observations promulgated by a man that knifes through the rhetoric of today’s caustic liberal sophistry.

Indeed, this man is the personification factualism in a world of prevarications.

(FFL shipping info available upon request)


But he is consistent and persistent in his pursuit, is he not?

USMC Steve

But Jonn makes the assumption that the gun restriction idiots want to have a logical and rational discourse on guns. That has never been and never will be the case. They hate them, and expect us all to kiss their asses and give them up. That also ain’t going to happen.


That was REALLY good Dave; you almost sounded sincere this time.

Dave Hardin

Thanks, I was up all night toiling over the thing. That GED is really paying dividends now.

Of course I could NEVER be like Jonn Lilyea, after all he is the SECOND Most Prominent Stolen Valor Detective.

I strive day and night to be like the guy who is first but I dont want to set my expectation that high.


Dave, the florid language you employ in the gushing adoration of your man crush on Jonn is beginning to make some of us uneasy, even queasy. Please tone it down a bit so that we can be reassured it is strictly platonic.

Jonn, if Dave comes for a visit, resist ALL suggestions for a relaxing rub down.


Nor accept some Bill Cosby pills to “relax”


What about Michael Jackson’s Jesus Juice?


Jonn all I can think about when I saw the title of this post, is what it would sound like is Bernie Sanders tried to say it out loud….

Think about it.




A salt wiful.


Ive seen people almost shit bricks when I pull out my Kel-Tec Sub 2000 at the range. They think it’s a rifle/machine gun/crazy shooter hybrid. The thing is chambered for .40 and holds uses a Glock 23 mag.

I firmly believe that the human brain is the most remarkable creation that God ever made…..but people in a group are dumb as shit.


Just remember the “M” is masses is silent.


Dumb Masses.


I get the same thing with my Uzi. It’s semi-auto in .22LR, and loads of fun to shoot. But the looks I get when I pull it from the bag and extend the stock are priceless.


Go NFA and get a real Uzi with suppressor…and don’t show it to anyone

The Al

Gen 1 or Gen 2? At my local range, the general reaction to me unfolding mine is usually a lot of trash-talking that gets taken back once they shoot it.


Gen 2. I also have a Hi-Point carbine in .45 that generally gets laughed at until they shoot it as well. I’ve got that thing tricked out with the mag holders on the buttstock, front grip, compensator, and flashlight. It has an 8rd mag but since it’s black and has a buttstock/pistol grip of course most people think it’s an assault rifle.


I like it. “Pimp My Hi-Point”.


Everything combined was less than 300 dollars. Gun shop even threw in 200rds of ammo! Gunnin’ on a budget!


Jay, I put my 9mm in an ATI stock which turns a somewhat weird-looking, but sweet shooting little carbine, into a really nice looking firearm. I think they now have a higher capacity mag set-up but I haven’t tried it yet.

Assault rifle? Yeah well, it’s black and looks lethal and that’s all that’s needed for libs.


Funny how the left is always screaming about guns, but when one of their own, which seems to be the majority of these nut cases, does it they don’t want to have a “Conversation”. Oh and most the “Conversation” is, Guns Bad, Black Guns Worse, 2nd Amendment only means muskets, you don’t need. Only the Police, which they all hate, or the Military, which they hate more, should have them.

Also, this is a Communist produced rifle. Built by the Proletariat to free them from the shackles of capitalism. It was wielded by a true believer. I am surprised they have not offered to build a statue to this dim bulb.


Limbaugh had a good point yesterday. Every time a major terrorist event happens the bedwetters in the West collectively wring their hands and ask, “What did we do to make them so mad at us?? >sob sob<" It makes you wonder if those same people are going to delve very deeply into WHAY this guy did what he did?
I imagine it will be a lot like all other terror events by evil people – The left will ignore everything the perpetrator says (e.g. this is for allah, this is done in the name of islam, no – really – I AM, in fact, doing this for allah and islam – seriously) and say that "motives are unclear".


Oops – that should be “into WHY”

Silentium Est Aureum

I can tell ya why. When every Hollywood libtard, the entire MSM, and most of the Dem party are calling for armed violent resistance to anything not on the prog agenda, even if they later claim it was a “symbolic gesture” (what horseshit), eventually, some fucktard(s) is/are going to construe that as a blessing to take matters into their own hands.


With all that wood, it looks like a hunting rifle to me, not a Cold War antique. But what do I know about GUNNZZZ?

Seriously, in a fair and just world, the Lapua could be shared with Dave Hardin on weekends, and brain-dead morons on the left side of the fence would stop for a moment, take a deep breath and realize that screaming hysterically in ignorance makes them look like brain-dead morons.

But it is not a fair and just world, and Dave Hardin is more likely to get his hands on the Lapua than the brain-dead idiotic screaming drooling gun-grabbing morons on the left side of the fence are likely to take a deep breath, and realize just how stupid they truly are.

The Other Whitey

That’s laminated Soviet wood, Ex. Or shitty Chinese wood. Or halfway-decent wood if it’s a Yugo model.


I got me one of them Ruskie Commie original ones with the star and a 1952 birth date stamp and with nice blued finish. But it still has the too short, packing crate wood stock. The only thing this firearm has in common with a true “assault rifle” is the 7.62 x 39 mm cartridge it fires. It is not the weapon a real gun-nut would pick to take on the popo, even the District of Criminals force. But it is very suitable for shooting unarmed people who are penned into a ball field. Fortunately, he wasn’t a marksman and these rifles are not very accurate, even with top quality ammo.

The Other Whitey

My Russkie SKS shoots pretty straight, though I don’t care for the sights. In fairness, it did come with a better-than-average barrel. As commieblasters go, it’s decent. Plus 7.62×39 is cheaper than the 7.62x54R for my Garbage Rod.

A Proud Infidel®™

My SKS is Yugoslavian made with a patch in the stock which saved me on the purchase price.

The Other Whitey

Back in the day before “patrol rifles” became a thing and the heaviest weapon a cop was ever issued was a shotgun, my uncle used to keep an SKS in the trunk of his black&white on the outside chance he found himself in need of firepower with reach. He worked in a semi-urban, semi-ag area with a more drugs than usual where the possibility of some shitbag having a rifle was a bit higher than average, so having a rifle available wasn’t a bad idea. The Sheriff was cool with it and it was only sixty bucks at Walmart. He never had to fire it at work, but it was better to have it in the car and not need it. After ten years, his department jumped on the “Patrol Rifle” bandwagon and handed out ARs like they were candy, and the SKS went back to being a fun gun.

The only advantages an SKS has over an AR are that the 7.62×39 will hit harder than the 5.56, and that the SKS is less likely to break if you beat somebody with it. The AR has detachable mags with larger capacity, much faster reload, is more controllable with no felt recoil to speak of, and is more accurate at infer ranges. The SKS is a good rifle, and a lot of fun at the range, but if I personally had to pick a weapon for a gunfight–and ARs were off the table–, I would pick an M1 Garand (longer range, harder hitting, similar rate of fire, faster reload with the en bloc clip), M1A (longer range, harder-hitting, detachable mag with double the capacity, similar recoil/controllability), or M1 Carbine (similar range, detachable mag with greater capacity and very fast reload, much softer recoil and greater controllability). It is not the “great equalizer.” This guy picked an SKS because the rifle and ammo were cheap, and luckily for his victims, he evidently wasn’t terribly proficient with it, as he seems to have missed with most of the rounds he fired.


If the graphic I’ve seen is correct, the shooter was behind the 3rd base dugout, shooting through at least two chain-link fences. The chances for the fence wire to deflect rounds are pretty high, I would think.

Which is to say his tactics sucked and he wasn’t very proficient as a shooter.

For a good laugh, look at the accounts of what various news agencies “confirmed” was the gun used in the shooting. One guy said “SKS” and gave a photo of an AK, others “confirmed” an M4 or an AK.

And they wonder why we laugh at them.


If you look at chain-link fence, it is at least 95% air. The gaps are more than 20 wire-diameters wide.

And you can poke the muzzle through the first one, or hang on the top of the first one with your toes of one or both feet dug in to the links. (Awkward, but not overwhelmingly so.)

Not nearly the barrier to gunfire you might think.

And 7.62 Soviet tends to punch right through thin soft metal. Granted, some deflection of course. But not nearly as much as you might think.

The Other Whitey

Not sure why it autocorrected “longer range” into “infer range.” “Smart” phone, my ass


I turn “autocorrupt” off. All my mistakes are my own.
And usually make more sense.


It’s all relative. In my case, it just means “smarter than me”.

Consider, if you will, a good lever action: available in most modern military calibers, in some cases with detachable magazines, as accurate as you are, and most importantly, not even vaguely definable as an “assault rifle” – the rifle equivalent of the old Police Interceptor cars which shocked the muscle car boys for decades.

Actually, the gun-banners are just graphically proving their real goal – demonize ALL guns. It’s all about people control, not the guns.


“a good lever action: available in most modern military calibers”

Savage 99E in .308


Have one. Love it. Enough to want to find one with a shelled out barrel and put on a new 6.5mm barrel in .260 Rem.

Browning BLRs. Henry Long Rangers. Need to get me some new more energetic guns. My old ones are obviously slackers, have had them for decades and not one of ’em has shot anyone all by themselves. Damn lazy guns!

The Old Maj

Most lever action rifles firing rifle rounds will heat up really fast to become difficult or impossible to use after about 20 rounds in a minute. Accuracy will drop like a rock too. An SKS can keep rolling through that.

The lever action was a battle rifle/ carbine for another century, just like the SKS.

Roger in Republic

Like the fellow said, “I have one of those smart phones. I use it every day and I don’t seem to get any smarter.”

Roger in Republic

The best descriptor I have found for the SKS is “A peasant volley rifle”. It is about the most perfect thing ever invented for primitive people to defend a village or small town. Rugged, cheap, dirt simple, and reliable. With a battle zero of 300 meters it will kill, or at least wound at twice that range.

I use one as a ranch rifle around the place. I could just as well use it for perimeter defence as its tungsten carbide core ammo will shoot clean thru any thin skinned vehicle. All for eighty bucks, new in the box.

Silentium Est Aureum

Not an M-14?

The Other Whitey

I said M1A! Same thing, minus the selector!

Silentium Est Aureum

Facepalm…thank you.


Em one A, Em one four
ToMayto, ToMAHTo

…lets call the whole thing off…..


The Maine state police were issued 9mm Ruger carbines in the early nineties.
Didn’t last long until they went the AR route.

John Robert Mallernee

Well, I don’t own an SKS, although a friend of mine has several of them.

But, I think I could use an SKS to assault something, especially since it has a bayonet.

I remember from a long, long time ago, in the old United States Army, when Basic Combat Training still taught bayonet fighting and hand-to-hand combat, that we learned the bayonet was an offensive weapon, used to attack an enemy.

I think one of the first bayonet charges done was by the Continental Army at Yorktown, because they needed to silently surprise and overpower the British fortifications during the night.

But, of course, Basic Combat Training taught us to “YELL ! ! !” when attacking with the bayonet or using hand-to-hand combat (unless conditions required a silent kill).

It’s mox nix whether or not someone calls it an assault rifle.

It still would be kind of fun to have one.

Maybe I’ll ask my friend if I can buy one of his.

John Robert Mallernee

When I was in the old Republic of Viet Nam, another soldier offered to sell me a captured SKS.

But, I said, “No”, because although I wanted a war trophy to bring home, I wanted it to be a genuine war trophy that I’d taken with my own two hands, not something purchased from someone else.

That’s why my war trophy is just a punji stick taken from a booby trap while on a perimeter sweep.

But, that punji stick has a War Trophy Certificate authenticating it, for that was required for bringing it home.

So, I’m happy.


I was able to bring back 5 cut barrels from some AKs we were destroying. Submitted for, and got the proper paperwork to bring them back. Two of them are used as part of the fender strut for my old motorsykle.

The Old Maj

My war trophy is a 15′ long black Jesh Al-Mahdi Banner that reads (according to my translator, cuz I don’t know any written Arabic) “Fuck America, Fuck the British, Get out of Iraq Now!”

That whole thing about there being no dirty words in the Arabic language is a bunch of bullshit. I never got the paper work done but I don’t really care either. It’s a personal memento from someone from the other team who could not make use of it anymore. Although I do have a picture of our team holding up somewheres in Iraq.


Machts Nichts

(Sorry my German Teacher will rise from the grave and kill me if I didn’t correct that 😜)


I was wondering…

John Robert Mallernee

That’s how you can spot a guy who was in the United States Army and was stationed in Germany!

The Other Whitey

I like my SKS, but it’s a fun gun, not an SHTF gun. Unless 7.62×39 is the only ammo available.


Actually, one of the first bayonet charges took place on July 17, 1779 (two years before Yorktown) at the Battle of Stony Point. Continental troops under the command of “Mad” Anthony Wayne (ancestor of Bruce Wayne, according to DC Comics) attacked a British strongpoint on the Hudson River. It was done at night, during a rainstorm, and the men had unloaded muskets, but did have their pig-stickers deployed.


How’s about simply eliminating the term “assault rifle” from the lexicon? It has been used and abused to the point of being meaningless.

Anything can be an assault weapon if it us used to assault someone. Until then – naw, it isn’t. No such thing.

Are tires irons commonly referred to as assault weapons? Plenty of them have been used in assaults. Just sayin’.


A #2 pencil can be an assault weapon – so by the dictum “if everything is x then nothing is x” the term “assault weapon” is meaningless.


Words can be assault weapons too.
“Sticks and Stones” not withstanding.


The term was supposed to mean a short barreled, select-fire, military rifle, chambered in an intermediate powered cartridge, with a detachable magazine. The original prototype was the Wehrmacht’s Sturmgewehr, chambered in a shortened cartridge case from the standard rifle round. It was supposed to be useful in frontal assaults, being fired in full-auto mode to keep the enemies’ heads down. Sgt. Kalashnikov copied many of its features in his designs.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

You mean the good old Sturmgewehr 44 that the Army was afraid Adolph would not like because he had this thing for sub guns?? (sturm-storm, assault)

Silentium Est Aureum

Problem is, the answer to the question, “What is an assault rifle?” is, whatever the progtards and government (usually one and the same) want it to be at any given time.


Then refer to Wiki, or the FBI, or the appropriate section of US code (which I don’t recall offhand). Or the US Army. 🙂

If memory serves, the US code uses the term “machine gun” to refer to any gun capable of full-auto fire, but at least they give you a definition and stick to it.

I generally go with “a fully automatic rifle” but “select fire rifle” is close enough. Either way any made after 1987 is illegal for civilians to buy in the US. In other words, assault rifles have already been banned. Well done, lefties, your work here is over! Job done & dusted. Go celebrate.


The whole “assault rifle” technical retort to their shrieking is why they quickly changed to “assault weapon”.

It is anything they want it to mean, and it most often translates as “yours”.


Great little deer rifle. Yippers.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good for killing wild hogs as well.


And coyotes. As is the AR. Killed them with both at one time or another.

Joseph Williams

Since nobody has talked about it. On the Devil’s side of it. There are kits to convert the SKS to external Magazines. The catch is BATF has made it illegal to do it, Joe

The Other Whitey

I’ve heard nothing positive about those conversions. According to every gunsmith I’ve talked to, they seem very good at turning a perfectly-good rifle into a jam-o-matic piece of shit.

RGR 4-78

I was looking at SKS pictures this morning and there are even bull pup conversions and 1 of them was sporting a 50 round drum magazine. I couldn’t help but wonder how well they worked.


Probably only jams every other round with good ammo.


-IF- (big if)

1) The SKS is one of those originally manufactured to take AK magazines, and decently functional with them.

2) The drum is a genuine RPK type, mil-issue and -not- worn out.

Then the SKS+drum combination works.

If either of those conditions are not met, then the combination is usually junk. “I got this drum cheap at the gun show” is a bad sign.


Got one of the extended mag replacements and took it back off.
The steel 10 rounder functions MUCH better.
Prone to jamb and gets in the way of everything.
It does make the rifle look a little like an AK at a distance.

77 11C20

What is really mind boggling is ABC News used a picture of an an AK47 in its first reporting of the story about the SKS. Thank God he was such a poor shot and he didn’t rent a truck to use in the parking lot.


It’s amazing they got that CLOSE. Demanding accuracy in the media is like critiquing the way a horse dances – it’s not about how good he is, it’s that he can do it at all.

Maybe Hodgekinson’s shooting was a good analogy for media accuracy.


What the dipsh*ts on the left (media, Hollywood, millennials) don’t understand because of their misguided fear of “black long-guns” (how I hate when they try to use what they perceive as military jargon)is that someone with a decent hunting rifle and scope could do just as much, if not more, carnage than someone using the dreaded hand-grip, suppressor bearing “assault” rifle.

RGR 4-78

It is not about the weapon, it is about the POS behind the weapon that wants to do harm.


It’s also not about guns, it’s about control…

The Other Whitey

Anyone with minimal know-how has the ability to inflict ghastly harm on large numbers of people. It can be done with any firearm. Or kitchen knife, landscaping tools, or sporting goods. Or household chemicals mixed in the proper proportions in a sealed container, possibly with loose fastening hardware and duct tape thrown in for extra mayhem. Or they could just drive a car into a crowd of people, as islamofascists in Europe have been doing lately.

The thing is, those of us who know this, and/or know how to do it, are the ones who also possess morals and principles that prohibit such action. Meanwhile, the “peace, love, and tolerance” crowd who want a unicorn-shit-powered utopia are the ones breeding the mass-murderers. How’s that for a paradox?


“Anyone with minimal know-how has the ability to inflict ghastly harm on large numbers of people”

And yet the people continue to elect them.



RGR 4-78

I think you are Corrine to the heart of the matter.


I tinkz you winz the interwebz today.


I imagine, if Hodgkinson had given it any thought at all, he could have happened upon up to 15 or 20 UPS/FedEx trucks idling, unattended, on the streets of D.C. or Alexandria that morning.


The terrorists are, alas, finally realizing there are lots of ways to kill a large number of people without guns, and they’ve been spreading the word.

I can think of several ways to commit mayhem which haven’t been widely discussed on the web (that I’ve seen), but I won’t go into details. No point giving anyone any useful ideas. Y’all can probably think of similar approaches yourselves.


Anything can be weaponized.


Sadly, that includes “stupid”.

The Old Maj

I bought the kids Chicom SKS rifles for Christmas right before Sandy Hook. I had never seen a Christmas present double in price in the month after I bought them.

The SKS is a good, basic, accurate, cheap, commie rifle just the way it should be. They are generally more accurate than all but the best AK’s. I hate the issued sights but you can get a peep sight replacement that really brings it in.

Last I checked they were 50 State legal and did not meet the “deadly scary” features of the arbitrary “assault rifle” legal definitions. When NY briefly had a capacity maximum of 7 ban they would have been illegal but that was struck down by the courts.

They used to be a favorite of militia nutjobs, likely because of their low cost, ease of use and not being banned during the AWB in the 90s. Duran used one to take some pot shots at the Clinton White House. I should point out that Duran was a convicted felon and was still easily able to get a rifle.

In the spectrum of WWII rifles the round is far superior to the M1 Carbine Round but not the gun itself. Still, as a 10 round semi-auto I put it worlds ahead of what most countries were using back then. I think if the Russians had millions of them, resourced with ammo, early in the war, they would have likely have shown the Germans at thing or too early on.

So, not an “assault rifle” but a decent carbine for WWII. Also, as Mo Brooks pointed out; in a pistol vs. rifle fight likely the clear winner.

The Other Whitey

Being fairly proficient with both, I kinda like the M1 Carbine a little more, all things being equal. And since a little birdie has been saying that the Philippine Army has finally decided to let go of their not-too-harshly-used ones, plus the ones the ROKs wanted to give back that got held up by Obama, I’ll be looking to pick up three more; one each for my son and two daughters.

The M1 is light with soft recoil, ideal for a kid’s first gun, and will last. The price of ammo isn’t too bad, either. Plus, I’ll be gentler than my Dad, who felt that I should learn with a “Man’s Gun” (his words). That Winchester ’94 of his is no big deal to shoot now, but it was a shoulder-buster for a 10-year-old!

The Old Maj

I’d get another good model M1 Carbine in a minute if they show up on CMP. I have a nice IBM model in good shape. For it’s intended role; “better than a pistol without being heavy and bulky like a rifle”, it was a great gun. For the history alone having one is worth it.

However the low to medium powered 7.62X39, is a much more useful round than the low powered .30 Carbine round.

When my kids were learning to shoot we started them on the .22s and they did well. One day the eldest (I think he was nine) asked if he could shoot my AR-10. I gave him one bullet and that was all he needed. He didn’t ask again for several years.


I found that when held lightly with slight rearward pressure on the hand guard, accurate two and three round bursts were possible.
Then the firing pin broke.
It was an IBM.
Lost in a boating accident by the guy I sold it to.


Using the welded wire mesh fence as cover I suspect he was ducking and weaving from the return fire, which would degrade his aim. Good on the security forces, on many levels.

The Old Maj

He shot a lot of rounds at the police vehicle once the officers engaged him. They were using it for cover. A car makes much better concealment than cover.


If one is behind the engine block or a wheel, the car is pretty good cover. For most incoming rounds, the frame is some cover as well.

Keeping the perp concerned about return fire is a decent method of degrading his accuracy.


Wait, legally purchased? I thought someone here had established that he had a felony conviction to his name?


As Jonn said – he should have, if folks had enforced the laws.

The Old Maj

No. According to the NY Daily news (I gotta quote direct, can’t write this stupid)

“A .9-mm handgun and a 7.6-caliber rifle found in Alexandria’s Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was wounded along with three others, were purchased from federal firearms licensees.

“We currently have no evidence to suggest that the purchases were not lawful,” an FBI spokesman said in a statement.”

He was not a felon.

The Other Whitey

“.9 mm”

Shit, that’s truly a needlegun! They may want to check their punctuation.


Can’t say I’ve heard of that oddball caliber. Is it anything like 7.5 Swiss or 7.65 Argentine? Or did they just miss a digit?

The Old Maj

What is two hundredths of an inch between friends? It won’t rattle much going down the barrel.

Now a .9mm, that would beat out the world’s smallest hand gun by a long way; the 2.34mm Swiss Mini Gun C1ST. That gun is of course banned in the US as being far too dangerous.

Silentium Est Aureum

And I thought a .17 HMR was small.


And the ignorant self-identify. Again.


Whaaaa????? No bayonet lug???
Every SKS I have seen has a folding knife bayo. Other than the Norc junk with the spike


During the Great Pointless Stupidity, otherwise known as the “Assault Weapon Ban”, a bayonet lug was a too-dangerous badthing.

So many folks stuck with now unsaleable/unimportable SKS guns simply ground them off. POOF! No more “Assault Weapon”.


Another Lesser Stupidity rule on imported toys, says “nation of origin part count” came into play. If it has “enough” USA parts, it is magically “not bad enough”.

Identical weapons, one a hybrid of nations, the other homogenous. One is “ok”. The other is felonious to own.


You -can’t- make this shit up. But apparently Congress can.

Seriously. You had to be there. So MUCH stupid……


Has anyone found a photo of the actual rifle used? It would be interesting to see if it was modified in any way.