House Majority Whip Steve Scalise shot at baseball practice
The Washington Post reports that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot by a rifleman while Scalise was manning second base at a Republican Congressman baseball team practice for a game between Democrats and Republicans for charity tomorrow at Nationals Field. Witnesses claim that about 50 shots were fired – between the unidentified gunman and Capitol Police who were on the scene.
[Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.)] told CNN that he heard a loud “bam” behind third base.
“I see a rifle, and I see a little bit of a body and then I hear another bam and I realize there’s still an active shooter. At the same time I hear Steve Scalise over at 2nd base scream — he was shot,” he said.
Brooks said he ran to the first base side and hit behind a batting cage as gunfire continued. He estimated 50 to 100 shots were fired.
He said Scalise crawled out of the outfield leaving a trail of blood, and that he was given liquids and put pressure on a chest wound.
From Fox5;
Police say Scalise and others, including aides and two law enforcement officers, were shot around 7:30 a.m. at a baseball field in 400 block of East Monroe Street.
Alexandria police said a suspect in the shooting was in custody.
The shooter initiated the shooting with a rifle until he ran out of ammunition and drew a sidearm right before he was subdued by Capitol Police.
ADDED: Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX)is also wounded injured.
The shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, is reportedly dead;
Category: Crime
Theyre saying Congressman Williams hurt his leg diving for cover. He was not shot as presumed.
Correct, an aide to Rep Williams was shot.
This pisses me off. An attack on any member of Congress and other branches of govt is an attack on our way of life.
I felt the ame way when Gifford was shot, Reagan, Brady and McCarthy.
Bad times in this country.
Ditto. Some things are NEVER done for political (or any other)reason. This is one of them.
Someone just said that Williams injured his leg seeking cover in a dugout, that he wasn’t shot. It was another congressman, not sure who. That was on Fox News.
I would not be surprised to find that the shooter was influenced by the rantings of the liberal extremists.
With the “antifa” fascists, BLM, and LGBTZQTN groups rhetoric getting shriller and shriller, and magnified by the CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo pontiffs and their ilk, it was only a matter of time.
Supposedly he asked a Congressman in the parking lot which party was on the field before opening fire.
So you may be right if that is an accurate account
No, no. The press will report that he was influenced by the extreme right wing policies of the current administration.
His political leanings will never be mentioned unless he is a nazi or a republican.
“His political leanings will never be mentioned unless he is a nazi or a republican”
Or a veteran.
He’ll be a 30-day ELS from some service, and if that’s the case, out comes the “crazed vet” agenda.
Sanders supporter and campaign volunteer. Member of several leftist groups including a “Terminate the Republican Party” Facebook group.
There might be some merit to that, but it’s a double-edged sword for sure. I’m pretty middle-of-the-road politically, so the extremists on both sides of the aisle make me concerned. I think if we accept that when left-leaning crazies do crazy shit like this a part of the blame rests with their heated rhetoric, we also need to accept, not dismiss, when the same thing happens on the right.
And I think it’s important to draw the line past mere politics – you might not like CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo/etc, but to my knowledge, they’re not calling for people to go out shooting anyone. Their differences from you are political, but they’re not inciting violence. Some of the more extreme groups? Yeah, I could see that.
This is a wholly unacceptable thing to have happen to anyone, regardless of political affiliation… it’s a time to call out the true crazies, not just the ones we disagree with politically. If it’s hard for you to distinguish between the true ‘crazies’ on the liberal side and just the run-of-the-mill liberals, no worries – I get that. I’ll call out the liberals who are talking crazy and inciting violence, and you call out the conservatives doing the same. Fair? This shit should be unacceptable to everyone, and thankfully even the most ardent liberal voices I know are saying that right now.
That’s my two cents.
LC, I can agree with you that there are some crazies on both sides, though to the best of my recollection, at least in modern times, it’s only leftist nuts that are shooting politicians.. and as to the post by Instinct, i’d have to say he’s 100% correct for the lamestream media, they will completely ignore political affiliation, unless they can tie him to the right, or NRA
Just read an interview with a 50 year old guy that worked with him on the Sanders campaign.
I’m shocked! Shocked i tell you!
I would say there’s not really enough data on politicians getting shot to say it’s a leftist thing. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but the last time this happened was Gabby Giffords, and that shooter was a registered independent, who when younger was described as quite liberal, and right before the shooting was described as anti-government and exclusively conservative. There’s a bit for both sides in their to point fingers, but I’m inclined to say that’s missing the point.
The issue isn’t specifically the shooting of politicians. It’s that if one believes extreme views can lead to violent acts, then each side of the political aisle needs to do more to call out the crazies amongst them. And in my reply above, I mentioned how it’s quite understandable if Graybeard has a harder time distinguishing ‘normal liberals’ from ‘crazy liberals’ — it’s the same way at the other end of the spectrum where the Left can’t often distinguish between ‘normal conservatives’ and crazy ones. It’s like looking at the people standing half a mile away – you can’t make out the individuals from the group like you can with people surrounding you. We have to be aware or our own biases and just take a stand on principle – violence against fellow Americans, be it from BLM, a neo-Nazi group, a militia, some Antifa idiots, whatever – is not to be tolerated, period. I just think, as a country, we’re better than that.
(As for the main stream media, I think you’re wrong. I won’t belabor the point since I think it’s pretty minor, but how about a bet – if the guy is registered to either party, I guarantee we’ll hear about it. We always do. See again the political talk about Jared Loughner. If he has radical political views, we’ll hear a lot more.)
Can you provide a link to anything credible that states that Jared Loughner was a conservative? Or, an independent?
Thanks in adcvance.
Not sure if this answers your question one way or another. It seems he was a crazy, on the fringes nutcase.
Not really. CBS, or as it’s known to most sentient beings, SeeBS, is not a credible source of much of anything.
Using Mark Potok of the SPLC or Mother Jones certainly doesn’t add any credibility to his hypothesis.
And, much like Commissar, he claims Loughner was “exlusively conservative”. Why? Because of Loughner’s belief in “(o)pposition to currency not backed by silver or gold is particularly strong on the far-right antigovernment “Patriot” movement, as Potok notes”.
So. Much. Bullshit. And no proof.
That statement covers every liberal/dumocrap/communist out there!!
You nailed it LC.
Thanks for the post.
actually, Wapo, NYT, etc, ARE advocating for violence through there fawning and favorable coverage of the antifa and BLM types and their rage filled and incoherent coverage of others.
I don’t have time to look for it right now, but some CNN talking head basically encouraged continuing attacks on Trump supporters and whites.
Can you give me a handful of sources? I personally haven’t seen much, if any, positive coverage of the Antifa idiots, though BLM is considerably more nuanced. I lean liberal on social issues but I don’t support BLM – not because I think there isn’t some truth to their concerns, as there is clearly an issue with police violence targeting blacks (in the statistical sense), but because I think their methods and rhetoric often goes too far, and because the root cause of the issues aren’t too clear. As in, are police more violent because they’re racist, or because black communities have more crime, so police are more on edge, etc.
I will say, however, that I think that when you’re a conservative, you probably get sent links to coverage from WaPo (for example) that is of a particular slant, and miss all the other stuff that balances it out. Not picking on you in particular, but that’s just how people tick – just as how someone at the Left selectively reads the most rage-inducing articles from Fox and not the remaining 98% coverage, and assumes it’s all the 2% they read.
But again, send me a few links where WaPo or NYT are inciting violence. I’m pretty even-keeled when it comes to this stuff, and I’d actually be interested in reading it.
LC, I saw an interesting study recently, related to your statement above regarding police violence towards blacks. As i recall, it was done by a self avowed “liberal” who said he was surprised by the results, but the bottom line of the study was that force used was higher in regards to blacks (as you pointed, no reason was given for this, ie: do they tend to resist more, etc) that only held true for NON-LETHAL force. Once the force rose to lethal levels, it was actually much lower in regards to blacks as opposed to the force used against whites, at that level.. I believe the study was from Harvard, or Yale, or somewhere similar, sorry i don’t have a link.
There’s nothing wrong with being liberal. Having any measure of central tendency politically is only a problem when somebody, due to the affiliation, abandons logic and starts blindly supporting organizations based on lies and then try to mandate everybody else supports those lies.
“There’s nothing wrong with being liberal.”
Dare I say, you may be one of the few on this site who actually believes that. It’s typically called “libtard” or “progtard,” equated with all of the -isms in only the most negative ways, and has even been called a mental disorder. Like LC, I try to be even keeled, but the eliminationism or dehumanization often gets old, as I’m sure similar behavior directed toward conservatives gets old for most commenters here.
Combatants do tend to wind up resembling each other, eh?
Maybe direct the “knock it off” at the so-called “Antifa” folks? Actively oppose and thwart -them-? It would go a long way to showing good faith and a commitment to Peace. Hand-waving them away as “not representative” or excusing their antics as “mostly peaceful” or “triggered” might as well be hoisting the black flag. We know where -they- lead, to camps in the east, and a haze of foul smelling smoke.
So why oppose it? Now? Even one-sidedly? Because combatants -do- tend to wind up resembling each other.
Because -that- is what the Left will soon be facing, if they -don’t- get those thugs under control. Only the counter-effort will be much, much more organized, better armed, better disciplined, and more numerous. And probably far, far more ruthless and -angry-.
I weep for my nation if this becomes so, but unless the Left resumes the boundaries of civil society, there is no hope to avoid it.
Folks, I was -raised- hard Left. I have friends and family on the Left, including -hard- Left. I know the rhetoric, the playbook, and I see all too well the hysterical thrashing that has replaced the prior political gamesmanship that at least left society standing.
Step back from the brink. For God’s sake, step back from the brink. If not for Him, or if not for our Nation, then for simple survival.
Were “Peace” and “Coexist” just a false flag?
The issue is that the right has been very restrained and civil for the past 18 years. That guy in Portland who stabbed 2 people to death. He was a Bernie supporter.
The guy who shot Gabby Giffords, he was a democrat.
Given that elected democrat senators like Al Franken will defend the hateful actions of ISIS inspired comedians. This is not that surprising and the shoe fits so to speak.
If democrats don’t like the blame they should change their words and their actions. Stop asking for graduations without white people in them. Stop calling anyone that disagrees with you a fascist. Stop defending deplorable acts like killing the president in effigy. Stop committing fake hate crimes and trying to blame them on republicans.
Stop dehumanizing your political opposition.
Funnily enough, I was responding to Fyrfighter above before I saw your post – Jared Loughner, the guy who shot Giffords, wasn’t a Democrat. Or, rather, he was… when he was younger. Right before the shooting he was described as being a conservative. But probably much more importantly, he was described as being depressed and a little off. Again, I think we can point fingers,… or we can stand on the principal that killing other people, regardless of political motivations, is a bad thing. I think that’s the far better path to trod.
I am curious about the Franken thing, since I haven’t seen that – if you’ve got a link, I’d honestly like to read about it.
And yes, while I may come across as pretty liberal on this board, and I do identify more with the Democrats on social things, I loathe the Democratic party because it has become more about identity – racial, sexual, etc – than about principles. I agree that asking for graduations without white people in them is stupid. I don’t think anyone should defend people who kill the President in effigy. And the fake crimes, well, that happens on both sides and definitely needs to stop. See? We agree on a lot.
But like I said above, I think when you’re on one side, you see all (or most) of what that side has to offer, and the crazies are a very small part… but you don’t see the normals on the other end of the political fence. You only see, with laser-like precision, the absolute worst the other side has to offer – because it makes the news, or someone forwards you stupid comments someone made, etc. This does work both ways, so you’re absolutely correct we need to stop dehumanizing our political opposition. And I think, personally, the first part of that is actually looking for reasonable opposing viewpoints, instead of the things that fill us with rage.
This will only get worse – the Democrats have not conducted an AAR of their loss in November – not just with President Trump but across the board. They are pushing an agenda that appeals to the coasts, and they will continue to do so, regardless of election data. The problem with both sides of the aisle is that party power and finances have fully replaced concern over citizens and the health of the nation. They don’t even bother to pay lip service to caring about the country anymore, only to their vested interests.
Very true. they mostly regard their positions (correctly mind you) as a cash cow, not as true public service. That i believe is the root of many of these problems, and a major reason they many, including too many on the right are attacking the President, trying to protect their interests, not those of the country.
Laughner had been a Tea Party conservative for a while before the shooting. And he was registered independent. Not democrat. He was a liberal when he was younger and had become right wing when he started having mental health decline.
So there is really no way of knowing what he was thinking. He victim was a democrat.
Yeah, well, Loughner was paid by the Democrats to assassinate Giffords because a few days before she was shot, she submitted a bill requiring Congress to cut their office expenses by 10%. See, I can say shit, too.
I never questioned your ability to say shit, Jonn.
Damn Jonn just spanked your ass.
Jonn, I accidentally hit “report comment” instead of “reply.” Please disregard.
Anyway, asking for graduations w/o white people? Did that actually happen? I’m extremely curious and trying very hard to not get angry without more context.
yes it did. I don’t recall the colleges, but there was at least one, and maybe a couple
Gee! Democrats asking for Segregation. Where have we seen that before?
So why are the “racially tolerant” folks silent when idiots call for Segregation? Where are the troops of poo-flinging howler-monkeys? Where are the reasonable, rational folks who know that Segregation is -anathema- to a free society?
I just don’t see conservatives rioting or shooting up congressmen.
Or endlessly declaring “resistance” or “illegitimate”.
And when the fringes of the Right -were- griping about the Obama presidency, there were not this widespread level of mass “do something” anger and violence. (Left speakers were not chased off from public speaking, say)
There is a rather dysfunctional level of “you too, do too!” being tossed about. it is often used to further justify un-civil behavior, and sometime outright thuggery. A great deal of this is coming from the Left. A decreasing “knock it off” is being heard for the Left.
Whenever a Muslim Extremist goes berserk and slaughters multiple innocents, we are repeatedly told by the left not to paint all Mohammed-followers with the “terrorist” brush, often by the same folks who shriek “all you NAZIS!” over minor disagreements or the antics of one jerk, and “RESIST!” when they do not win the debate or election.
You have to see it. No one could possibly -not- see the billowing hate being delivered at non-Lefties, and I mean hate wrapped in “maybe it is time to do something violent about it”. The so called “antifa” thugs, for example, are either disavowed as “not the real left” (despite the Left lockstep) or explained away as “provoked” or “not really violent” (Bash?). And no one on the Left seems to be saying “republicans are not facists, you thug dipshits”.
The Left response to the violence of the left is seldom “you thug assholes are -wrong-“. It is usually quite un-critical or excusing. And it is ironic considering how fiercely the left cries out against “victim blaming”.
So yeah, you reasonable Lefties better get a handle on your fringe and agitators. because when they finally provoke the shitstorm they seek, -no one- is going to be “tolerant” or “understanding” anymore. And the template of 1861-1865 will be patty-cake compared to the violence a second time around.
-Don’t- let it go there. And -only- you and those like you can stop it now.
Well said 11-B, spot on
The thing I fear is that the reasonable liberals (and I believe they exist) have either been driven to silence, driven out of the liberal power structures, or converted to a more conservative viewpoint.
I’m not sure we have anyone left on the Left who has the position and clout to calm the rest down.
I fully agree with you on many of the problems with the Left – some of which I’ve touched on in replies above, and many others which are too numerous to list. And the devolution from arguing principles to raging against people via one-word responses like ‘Resistance!’ and ‘Illegitimate’ aren’t helping anyone, least of all the country as a whole. My problems with the Left are legion But my point was that there should be a unified stand against extremist positions that encourage violence. You say people like me can stop it, and I’m doing my part, but it’s a whole lot easier when there’s a symmetry to actions. The Left and the Right get upset about different things – and act differently when they do. Nobody is burning crosses on their lawns as an anti-Trump statement, but the number of Obama mock-ups that were hung or burned is considerably higher than the (equally inexcusable) ‘beheaded-Trumps’. Does that mean that liberals are better than conservatives because fewer people did that? No, of course not – and primarily because we should be against both, but also because even while that particular example makes conservatives look worse, the riots that have happened in recent months make liberals look worse. I don’t think ti’s possible to equate these sorts of things. And yes, when a Muslim extremist goes berserk and slaughters innocents, the Left gets very defensive that this isn’t all Muslims,.. while painting all Trump supporters as racist. Meanwhile, when someone with a gun shoots up people in a crowd, conservatives are quick to point out that that’s hardly indicative of all gun owners,… but then talk about in broad strokes about Islam. We’re hardwired to see the worst in groups we know little about, and the best in people like us. It’s just human nature. My point, again, is we should be a little better about standing not on familiarity, but on principle, and call out assholes who are encouraging violence. I gotta dash, but I will say I am trying to be more active about this on the liberal side… Read more »
LC, we can definitely agree on that. We need more civility across the spectrum, and killing anyone just because they disagree with you should be condemned regardless of your political stripe
I’d like to give you, as a starting point, some twentieth century history you may not be familiar with.
And a call for tighter gun control laws in 3…2…1
At least one Congressman and Iraq Vet was lamenting not having a weapon to return fire. If it was Democrats I’d agree with you.
Yep. And if he’d had his gun, the gunman wouldn’t have got so many rounds off.
Just glad the gunman seems to have been a lousy shot.
Yea. They’re saying 50+ shots before Capitol Police arrived on scene in 3 minutes. Luckily, shitstain was not much of a marksman.
That indicates that he’s most likely a leftist asshole. If he actually had been a pro-gun conservative in addition to being an asshole, he’d be a much better shot. Seriously, how do you miss 49 times on a baseball field?
Hope the wounded Congressman pulls through.
Reports from witnesses said that the police were calling for the gunman to drop the weapon, while someone in the dugout was screaming at them to just shoot him.
LEO have their procedures.
Frequently developed to protect themselves from shyster lawyers and BLM and “If I had a son…” types.
I’d not be surprised to hear someone say they shoulda just shot the gun out of his hands and not hurt him.
The Brady Bunch has already started. You’re slow on the countdown.
as well as Gabby Giffords. Let no opportunity, no matter how inappropriate, go unexploited.
As Rahm Emannuel said ” never let a crisis go to waste”
As Gabby said, “Mwuh sluff girdle piggles!”
Yeah, I know, I’m going to hell. I’m just trying for a better seat.
Now Mark Kelly, HE’S the one who needs to STFU.
I’m banned from Gabby’s FB page. I made the mistake of actually having a conversation over there. They don’t like that. Especially, when you give them links to references to show facts that contradict their agenda. 🙂
I live in Gabby’s old district, and even though we’re from opposing parties, I always had a great deal of respect for her. She understood the unique issues that come from living on the border even when her democrat associates were ignoring the situation. Mark Kelly, on the other hand, can kiss my pasty white Irish ass. Phony cocksucker trots Gabby out like a prop when it suits him.
I really don’t think she’s all there anymore, with the brain trauma she suffered. Anything she says is likely just being puppetted by her opportunistic scumfuck husband, who’s probably banging the housekeeper while he’s at it.
She’s chock the fukk full of neuro deficits. Considering that a bullet transected her cerebral hemispheres, she is amazingly lucky to even be alive. If you shot 100 people trying to replicate the same results the vast majority of those you shot would likely die almost immediately.
Do I get to pick the 100?
If it’s your game, it’s your rules. 🙂
Silentium, that is a classic line! May I use it? I’ll quote you. Made my whole day! Better seat! Well played, Sir!
And with it being rumored to be a rifle, it could have even been the scary, black variety of rifle.
I hope everybody turns out okay on this one. Politics are hostile enough these days. Up until today I had no idea they had a yearly baseball game–good on them.
“rumored to be a rifle”
And stated on CBS to have a fifty round clip.
It’s probably a rifle, but I like to wait a day for the actual facts to fully shake out vs what gets reported as facts live.
Right now the news crews are grasping for anything, and sometimes it’s almost like they’re playing telephone with their competition. “we’ve just gotten a report that (some news agency) is reporting that…”
Just saw an interview with an eye witness, young guy that sounded military, and he described it as some sort of an AK variant. when the reported said something about automatic weapons fire, the witness quickly corrected him..
Someone earlier had thought it looked like an AR. Either way, a coupla 30 round magazines would do the trick.
Just an observation and nothing more:
If the eye witness is correct in it being an AK variant, and since the shooter was a Bernie Bro, the rifle may have been identified with an ideology.
Good point GB
Really, a 50rd clip, huh? I’m just picturing the impracticality of such a device. A 50rd mag is one thing, but can you imagine trying to fumble around with a 50rd clip? Fifty rounds, single stacked, held clipped together by a little strip of sheet metal wrapping around the rims. Depending on the caliber, that would have to be at least 18 inches long! Shit, reloading my SKS’s 10rd internal mag via a clip is an excercise in irritation, as half the time the clip fails to hold the rims of at least three or four rounds that simply pop out and drop.
Seems to me that a 50rd detachable magazine would be much, much more practical than a 50rd clip!
Only the under cover seals with the silver sniper badge get to play with the 50rd clips.
Them and Marine PFCs with 20 days AWOL.
Whitey, c’mon, you know reporters don’t have a clue regarding clips and magazines. With them it’s always a clip.
I know, but that one was too good to not mock.
And too big a clip, at that. I.E. more than 2 rounds. You only need two to shoot the weapon out of the bad guys hand.
What good is a magazine if it doesn’t have a centerfold?
That was…. clever.
I am -so- going to steal that! Bravo.
Well played, sir!
These what you had in mind, Yef?
So proud of you Grasshopper…
I’m learning!
So long as the rifle didn’t have a barrel shroud.
You know, it’s “…that thing that goes ‘up'”.
Naw, it’s probably BLACK with all them handles and grips and scopes, and SCARY looking. That’s how you can tell.
No, that “thingy that goes up” (in the back) is the underfolder stock on an AK variant. I think, but then who can be certain when trying to decipher firearms comments from a Dhimmicrat.
The POS Governor of Virginia is already calling for more gun control, he also was quoted as saying that 93 million Americans are victim of gun violence everyday. What a douche nozzle.
But did you see the major eyeroll the cop to his right gave when Terr Bear gave that ridiculous figure?
93 million gun assaults in America per day? Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a buck toothed piece of shit who sounds like Corrine Brown, Maxine Waters and good ol’ island tipping Hank Johnson. They keep saying gun control and yet have no idea what they mean or it means. They are too liberal and weak kneed to do what it takes to clean up the thugs and illegal guns causing the true problem, so they paint all guns and legal gun owners with the same brush.
It’s a lot easier to demonize law abiding citizens who are cowed by their supposed moral and legal authority, than to go after armed criminals who might shoot you in the middle of your “This I believe” speech. Too dangerous. Back to your security detail carpetbagger!
Oh, gee. Another Democrat calling for more Jim Crow laws. What a surprise!
The shooter’s from Illinois where they have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.
Yeah, that’ll really work, Terry…
Wow. I guess I better get my Xmas shopping done real quick.
McAuliffe was already prattling on about the 93 million a day lost to gun violence.
Fucking idiot.
According to wiki,
The murder rate in the US is pretty low.
In total numbers we are number 8 in the world with 15,696 but only number 94 when you go by number of murders per 100,000 people, with 4.88 per 100k.
This is 2015 data.
Take out murders committed by “People of Color” and the United States is right in there with Norway.
And, waiting to hear he is a “Vet”.
This IS the jugeared fucks legacy to America. He stoked racial and class warfare for 8 freakin years. This won’t end well.
He saw a recruiting commercial once and caught the PTSD.
If you haven’t taken your heart meds yet today, you’ll probably want to stay out of the Washington Post comments.
“Shooting a Congressman is a tragedy. Killing people by taking away health care is a statistic”
“A message to 237 GOP congressmen – you are paying for your own misdeeds (not addressing gun control). we will not shed any tears if you are next.”
Guns don’t™ shoot Republican Congressmen ~~
their constituents do!
Yeah…..constructive discussion going on there
Yeah, perfect examples of the “peaceful left”
We are probably past the stopping point, unlesss the resonable and principled folks on the Left start bitch-slapping the cheerleaders of this shit.
“They got the guns, but we got the numbers”…. which doesn’t work against well ammoed-up opponents.
Some of them also have guns. And ammo. And a few actually have skills.
Which is also why we will be saying “no” to more calls for Jim Crow laws like “gun control”.
They only have the numbers in the bunched up urban zones, college towns and border counties. Look at the election maps for the past several presidential elections and picture in your mind the red zones as unorganized militias, yet well and skillfully armed. The blue zones? Poorly armed, even within the ghettoes, with all areas for the most part lacking any combat skills. The only exceptions: lots of former marines in those border counties but most of them are conservatives.
“We got the numbers?” Draw your own conclusions as to the value of that.
The absolutely -fatal- conceit? the thing that is going to wreck a society?
They strongly believe that it is carved in stone that their opponents have to follow the rules set for them, while -they- do not.
Until one day the trusting kid realizes that his -best- move is to kick the bitch square in the ass before she yanks the ball away again.
Just imagine the howls of shock and indignity!
There was one comment claiming that it would become the American Reichstag Fire.
If the dimmorats were still in power, it just might be…
They will get their Reichstag fire if they have to burn it down themselves.
That stopped being a newspaper about the time of the sainted Woodward and Bernstein. Like the NY Slimes, it is a house organ of the coalition of the fringes. I’m debating which is Isvestia and which Pravda.
If he was a Vet, he was the saddest shot with a rifle ever seen. Must be Air Force.
I’ll have you know I shot Expert with both the M-9 and the M-16 every time I hit the range! 🙂
Relax Brother.. just a snark, not a statement of fact. I was pretty confident that this ass squeeze would turn out to be what he has turned out to be. This would have been a tragedy if he had actually been competent. Luckily, he was a card carrying member of the “participation trophy” brigade. He relied on the magic scary rifle to make up for his lack of skill and found out that training,skill and guts trumps wishful thinking.
My brother was on a fast attack sub a couple years ago… he told me they let him look at a rifle once while he was in…
Another keyboard saturated with coffee through the nostrils…thanks dude.
I’ll withhold my comments until I hear a motive, but nothing will surprise me.
Media 101:
When they do not reveal the shooter and say “It’s important that we not jump to conclusions”, this means the shooter is of Middle Eastern descent.
When the shooter is white, Anglo-Saxon, they will get that out soonest.
Lesson over.
Yep. That is exactly what they have consistently done for years now, thus forcing us to draw the conclusions they have trained us to draw.
The Congressmen interviewed have all been saying its a middle aged white guy
Many Middle-eastern guys can fit that description.
I am not saying this is true in the case of this shooter. I’d prefer to get the AAR before making any absolute statements.
Fox has reported he’s a 66 y/o dude. they gave a name, but I missed it. It was not middle eastern sounding, for what that’s worth
Well, we get that possibility out of the way then.
Lone gunman nutjob. That’s my considered opinion.
So far, it’s looking that way Ex-PH2.
I’m sticking with lone gunman nutjob. Everything I’ve seen says that’s what he was.
Let’s see how this plays out, once we are past the chaos and mis-reporting of the immediate event.
But if the answer turns out to be “Slaughter of the right by the left, so disarm the right”, then I see no reason to remain polite or accommodating in the conversations that follow.
The LSM is already going there, 11b. I agree with your statement.
Should be “The left”. F’ing auto-correct.
That is precisely what they will do. Again. The new “blame the victim” meme, now fashionable because they say it is.
They will do -anything- to get back to Jim Crow, where a handful of Dems decide what rights are, and who has them.
Yep. it’s amazing how they’ve been able to propagate the narrative that they are the party that supports minorities, when anyone with half a brain, and 10 min online can easily find that in fact they are the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and every other law designed to take away the rights of the people
Why, you just -can’t- lynch those uppity types if they insist on carrying concealed handguns, and there are rifles in every bedroom and vehicle.
Oh, wait! -That- is why gun control is Jim Crow #1.
Somebody needs to ‘splain this to those of us on the short bus. If the capitol cops were already there to provide security, how did the shooter get close with a non-concealable weapon?
Capitol Cop: Dude, wassup? Where you headed?
Shooter Guy: Well, I’ve got my cooler, and my seat cushion, AND MY MACHINE GUN, and I thought I’d go sit behind third base.
Capitol Cop: Cool. Enjoy the game…
No idea how accurate the reports are Perry, but from what i heard, it was one congresmans security detail, and they were in an SUV, not positioned around the venue
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe lost no time in going full retard at a press conference. Gun viloence/control, gun show loopholes, 93 Americans shot every day, same old same old.
And he then had the balls to state, “But this isn’t the time to discuss these issues.”
I think he said 93 million Americans were shot everyday, after his “close the gun show loop hole” tirade.
Correct Jonn, he said 93 MILLION 3 times, until he was corrected by a reporter, and then said 93 individuals.. I was heartened by the fact that one reporter asked him “if this isn’t the time, then why did you bring it up?” as well as calling him out on the 93 million comment
He corrected himself when questioned by reporters.
Doesn’t make him any less a douche canoe.
Has anyone pointed out to the dipshit that that number he claims would depopulate the country in a little over three days?
He corrected himself and gave a number of 93…and of course no qualification as to that breakdown, i.e. how many were suicides, justafiable use of deadly force, gang related shooting etc…just the usual meaningless “guns ‘r bad cuz dead people” rhetoric.
I just posted the vid, because it seems exceptionally funny that he says it so many times and is unaware of the absurdity.
And who would be left to counsel that last guy who would have to commit suicide to make the math work out right?
Terry McAuliffe, another gift to America from the Clinton’s…
A walking talking case of Herpes?
I think he became a member of the Clinton Mob even before the dynamic duo hit Swamptown.
Dude…check out the eyeroll by the cop.
“Uhh, wait a sec…Wht the fuck did he just say? And there he goes again! Ah, fuck this, I’m just gonna sleep with my eyes open until this is over.”
If it is 93 million Americans per day, it’s only a matter of time till one of us gets plugged.
Of course, what he and most of the gun grabbers fail to mention is that nearly 2/3 of those daily deaths are suicides, and if someone is bound and determined to off themselves, they will–they’ll just use different means.
Ask the Japanese about that.
Does crook-on-crook fratricide count as “suicide” or “evolution in action”?
Can’t verify the accuracy, but on a national radio talk show this afternoon there was a brief discussion of the Brady Bill’s effect on suicide by gun. Only the Males 55 and over segment showed a reduction in suicide by gun, but the overall suicide rate for the segment remained unchanged. They just found other ways to die. And they confirmed your estimate of suicides versus murders SEA.
The (alleged) shooter has been identified. I screen capped a great deal of his FB page before it disappears. The (alleged) shooter is very anti-President Trump and pro-Bernie Sanders.
James T. Hodgkinson is the name that the press is giving out.
WaPo has more here.
FTA: ‘”A Facebook page belonging to a person with the same name includes pictures of Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and rhetoric against President Trump, including a post that reads: “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.”’
I screen capped that very page, including that very comment
email sent to Mark and Join with screen caps
Join = Jonn … stupid autocorrect
In the Bronx he’s Join…
A sniper shooting and Hillary not under fire? Must be a mistake.
Damn! Someone took Trump up on his “2nd Amendment solutions” idea!
Hello, Joe.
Glad to see your classiness and intelligence are intact.
You can bet your Bernie Bro is thankful for your support.
Fuck you, Joe… another one of you’re “Balls Deep for Bernie” buttbuddies getting stupid.
Go suck a bag of cream filled gummy dicks, asshole.
yeah this guy’s FB page has more affirmations that he lubbs Bernie Sanders than anyhting else.
Fuck off yourself. This is one of your boy Donnie’s ideas in action.
Talking shit again, Joe… were you in the voting booth with, me, cocksucker?
Shove you juvenile commentary up your ass.
Seems to me that President Trump advocates for the right of self defense… tell me how that applies to this leftist fuckstick you dumbass?? you really should stay on your meds!
Grossly inappropriate and extraordinarily juvenile comment, Joe.
But he got us to respond, din’t he?
He’s one of those annoying kindergarteners on the playground trying to act like he fits in with the big boys.
I’m sure he got innumerable wedgies and swirlies as a yute.
I for one am glad when idiots out themselves; saves us all time and aggravation. Thanks, Joe!
Eat a bag of dicks, fuck off, and die of testicular cancer, Joey. Most people are horrified and appalled by shit like this. You, on the other hand, lick your dick-sucking lips in the hope that there will be dead kids. Your mother should’ve taken you up her ass.
She did. Then farted and let the flies do the rest.
I don’t remember you complaining when your boy Donnie encouraged his supporters to shoot his political opponent. At least be consistent dickhead.
“My boy Donnie?” Who the fuck would that be, Joesephine? Donnie Brasco? Donnie Wahlberg?
If you think I’ve ever shilled for Trump, then you’ve mistaken me for someone else. At least pay attention, dipshit.
Meanwhile, your fellow travelers continue to murder people and otherwise act like feral animals.
Joe your level of stupidity is truly weapons grade! The fact that hou pulled your head out of your ass long enough to spew this stupid shit is amazing… why don’t you do your part to reduce carbon emissions, and wrap your head in a plastic bag???
So does that mean you’re rethinking the whole “2nd Amendment solutions” schtick?
Do you think that means he’s rethinking the whole “2nd Amendment solutions” schtick?
(appropriate response to such inane rhetoric)
Yes, I am considering. Almost any one of my fellow range-rats would have put that critter down in a few seconds. Concealed carry is a vaccine against deranged homicidal bernouts.
And wow, another lefty blaming the victim! I thought you folks abhorred that sort of thing.
And wow! Another anti-freedom screed by the Left, pushing yet again for more of their signature Jim Crow crap.
You seek anger. You try to provoke it. You -crave- an excuse for violent conflict. But you really ought to rethink it. Hard. You lefties as a group are demonstrably lousy shots. Best not provoke the kind of fight you wont win, eh?
Your rhetoric is sub par, too. Commissar on his worst rage-fest is far more literate and thoughtful than you on your best day.
All you do is beclown rational folks like LC, guilt by association. You may someday rise to the level of “poo flinging monkey”, but they at least actually poop-paint things occasionally. You just crap in your hand and screech.
Way to go stinky.
Hey Joey-bitch, why don’t you go play with an Amtrak train? Freakin douche canoe!
Hey Joe, he was a Bernie Supporter. One of “yours”:
Sanders: GOP baseball shooter worked on my campaign
“A Facebook page belonging to the suspect pictures of former Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, and rhetoric against US President Donald Trump. One post reads: “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.””
Suck it, Joe, Just Suck it.
SHIT in your Mother’s face for breeding you, Joe! You should have remained a stain on some automobile upholstery in a drive in theater.
But it’s OK to publicly encourage your supporters to shoot you female political opponent, right? I don’t remember hearing you complain about that, so I guess you’re OK with it?
And Stinky Joe says “SCREEEEEEECH!”
Joey’s only intention is to piss people off. It’s the reason he says things that are 180 out, have no bearing on the subject at hand, and are specifically meant to aggravate people.
Unfortunately, it juts makes him look abominably stupid.
Wrong again Douche, he was speaking to a large voting block, then when properly motivated to turn out in an election can have a huge impact… and don’t forget dipshit, it was good guys with guns that stopped this crap..all the civilians ( politicians included) in the area were unarmed. If they had been armed, especially considering that a number of them were military vets, this would have ended much sooner… but then again, all of this is logic, something you’re obviously incapable of understanding…
While I agree with your logic, I can’t playing baseball while wearing a weapon. I am curious how the shooter was able to gain access to the field with a (I can only presume difficult-to-conceal long arm, as well as a sidearm) weapon. That is a more tactical inquiry than political agenda.
My guess would be he had the rifle/weapon stuffed down his pants leg. The reporters said he was down behind the 3rd base dugout.
It may have been very easy to go there and surreptitiously remove it while everyone was focused on the game.
Perhaps. I’m hoping CALL or some similar org releases an actual breakdown of the attack. For those of us still in, especially with the rising push for DSCA, it could be helpful.
The gunman has died of his injuries. That’s just too bad. I’m sure the LE folks would have loved to have interrogated the dumbass.
May he burn in Hell.
True, though i doubt they would have gotten anything of value, I’m sure he wouldn’t have offered anything more than an anti-Trump rant..
Probably wasn’t saved.
Oh well, one less left wing PUKE having to be fed, clothed and housed at taxpayer expense.
Bet a whole lot of Democrat leaders sighed in relief…
Shooter dead, according to NBC.
Will BLM protest that?
They don’t care if white folks die. Only black folks, and only if killed by cops. Killed by other black civilians… that’s just part of African American culture and your are a racist pig for not appreciating it.
I thought the “killed by cops” could provoke a response from the BLMers.
Or not.
Oh he’ll be listed as a gun violence death on the appropriate websites. They list all of them even when the shooting was 100% justified. Their logic is that the use of deadly force would not have been necessary if there were better gun control laws.
Those folks are tits deep in the false narrative and no amount of reasoning brings them out of it.
Dead, huh? Now the dissection starts: life, history, lack of career, financial stuff, ad nauseum.
There will probably be a few more episodes of da stoopid like this. It only takes one time to create copycats.
Gunman is from Illinois – arguably the toughest gun laws in the country, but yet, we need more gun laws targeted at legal gun owners.
But of course.
I’d love to hear where he bought his ammo, considering you need a permit to buy it in IL.
Might have stockpiled it, like other paranoid preppers. but he could have bought it in Wisconsin or Indiana, or maybe in Englewood.
Reports are that he was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in 2006 – violent past, not qualified to buy a gun.
But another law would have been certain to stop him.
I’d rank Illinois as second to the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia… but not by much. Virginia has been climbing up the list too, due mainly to their douchebag governor.
I read now that the guy was 5’6″….”Little Man Syndrome”, of course. Damn, there go our plans to take over from all you tall folks. They also report that he was arrested for a domestic disturbance and apparently discharging a firearm in the process of which, back in 2006 – I am sure there will be some questioning of the Belleville DA as to why charges were plea-bargained down to misdemeanor levels. Unless, of course, they weren’t, in which case someone should be asking how he passed a background check to even buy a gun. I’m pretty sure Illinois is one of those universal background check states – you have to have a state-issued ID card to possess even a single round of ammunition.
Has the mainstream snooze media accused the shooter of being an NRA member yet?
They’re trying to figure out how to spin the Bernie Bro angle away.
Comrade Bernie is disavowing him.
The shooter was a Bernie supporter.
But we have crazies on both sides.
Actually given the level of craziness and extreme partisanship going on in the context of a Congress that has abysmal approval ratings and has for years… I am a little surprised assaults on congressman are not more common. I was expecting one to be punched by a constituent any day now.
This was pure crazy though.
Which side of the political spectrum has crowds of people screaming to commit violence to those who dissent with their agenda and dogma?
Wrong dumbass, but thanks for playing
Proud Boys, and Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights are two.
And the only dumbass would be someone with the cognitive dissonance to believe there are no members of the extreme right that want to commit violence in the left.
Your position is just nonsense mindless partisan moral superiority propaganda.
The difference, Lars, is that the examples you claim are obscure fringe groups made up of inept inbred fucktards who rarely, if ever, do anything besides squat on BLM land in eastern Oregon. If we’ve even heard of them, we regard them with disdain.
The leftist groups are much larger and get tremendous mainstream recognition, screentime, and apologism. They also riot wherever they think they can get away with it, burn and loot with impunity, and assault random bystanders on suspicion of not having voted for the Hillbitch.
Nice try.
How many cities have they torn up? how many stores and vehicles burned?There are certianly small groups like the ones you mentioned (I believe they count their membership at approx 200)but they do not have the widespread acceptance of the right that groups like blm and antifa get from the left. Please try and think things through before you post and put your idiocy on display.
both of which no one ever heard of until leftist mainstream groups continued their violent assault on the nation to the point no one could ignore and someone had to step up.
You don’t even try do you?
Hmm. If those two organizations were one quarter as active as the so-called “Antifa”, would they not be on the various news media daily?
MSNBC would be running them round the clock, and howling for the National Guard, perhaps?
But most folks here had to look them up, which suggests they are not anywhere in the same league as “Antifa”.
The proud boys aren’t Right Wing Extremists. They’re multiracial and also contain men of various sexual orientations.
They are pro-free speech and anti Sharia.
“It would be great if you guys came up with an emblem. The world does not have a universal symbol for “idiot”. It would be super useful for international “No Idiots” signs.”
lol…it’s a small world 🙂
To the best of my knowledge, their most violent encounter was showing up at Berkeley and driving off the Antifa rioters despite the Proud Boys having to hand it their weapons.
If the police are not enforcing public order, can you blame private citizens who step up?
I pulled the last FBI statement about right wing terrorism being the largest domestic security threat but since it was released during the Obama administration I will not post it. I know your are the kind of nitwit that does not believe anything any agency of the government said under Obama.
So I went back and got the Bush era release.
So why don’t you knock off your dipshit partisan nonsense and recognize that both sides have assholes.
What Republican shot at Democrat Congressmen today? Yesterday? Ever?
Narrow Focus group John.
Add Presidents and it would be 90% Right Wing Shooters.
Let’s see, CB.
Andrew Jackson: nonfatally shot by a British national, whom Jackson proceeded to beat nearly to death. Not sure if that could be a left/right thing.
Abraham Lincoln: Shot by John Wilkes Booth, a pro-slavery democrat.
James Garfield: shot by Charles Guiteau. Though Guiteau was a Republican, he also had a rather bizarre background that included 5 years in the proto-hippie-swinger Oneida Community. He was butthurt over not being appointed Ambassador to France (despite having no qualifications whatsoever) and was not so much political as batshit crazy.
William McKinley: shot by anarchist Leon Czogolsz.
Theodore Roosevelt: nonfatally shot by John F. Schrank, who believed that McKinley had ordered him in a dream to kill Roosevelt. Again, crazy.
John F. Kennedy: depends on what you believe, but if you accept Oswald as the shooter (I personally have some doubts, but still), he was a disaffected communist who had previously renounced his citizenship.
Ronald Reagan: nonfatally shot by John Hinckley, a psycho stalker who watched “Taxi Driver,” obsessed over Jodie Foster, and thought she’d be impressed if he shot the President. He had previously planned to shoot Carter, but couldn’t get close enough. Again, not political, just batshit fucking crazy.
Not a whole lot of conservative Republicans on that list.
Did you even read that report? It said in the 90’s, the threat from right wing groups increased. It said that in 1999, 2 of 7 major planned attacks were right wing groups.. what about the other 5??? those and ones actually carried out were mostly anarchist, animal rights, and other leftist groups.. as many others have pointed out, you do have a serious problem with reading for comprehension… like most of the idiots on your side, you find one word or phrase that you agree with, and assume the rest is in line with that.
It increased by 100%. It went from 1 to 2 in a decade. That’s how left wing “logic” works. Who cares if left wing violence is still occurring at a far greater amount. Two weeks two burnouts killing people in Oregon and Virginia. I say it’s time to ban assault Bernies.
You’re not allowed to use “empirical data”. 😉
Neo-Nazi Party
Horseshit. The left have the “violence against those who don’t agree” down to a fine art. Funded and encouraged by rich lefties and majority of democrats. The jug eared fuck encouraged violence against the “others” for 8 freakin years. No other President has EVER openly advocated/encouraged violence against his opposition like his pathetic ass did/does. Your statement if false.
I said both do. I never said the left doesn’t.
Hell there are time when I feel the desire to punch some of the alt right fucksticks I meet.
So I would never claim that there are not those on the left that condone, advocate, or participate in violence against the right.
The issue is the bullshit claimvyou guys are making that the far right is non-violent.
Hell, some of you have posted agreement with the notion of violence against the left on these boards And i know you have seen comments on right-wing sites advocating violence against the left.
Just tell us how many large scale riots, especially like the ones to prevent someone from speaking, and normally involving destruction of private property, have been perpetrated by right wing groups since obama was first elected….ooh, that’s right, NOT A SINGLE ONE YOU DUMBASS!
I find your response … odd. I usually have a strong desire to -refute- the politically vile (or those who simply seem strongly wrong). Taking apart their -ideas- leaves them effectively powerless, or at least strongly on the defensive. I seldom have -any- violent urges at all. In fact, when I -do- sense imminent danger, I tend to get oddly cold and calm. (Maybe I am atypical, but peers and colleagues have commented that I have the patience of Job.)
If you really -do- have frequent urges to lash out violently, you should address that. It is not appropriate to civilized society. It also can be injurious to ones own health. The other guy may be less restrained and more … capable. Plus, the constant anger tends to induce side effects like Stroke.
Seriously. There are all sorts of ways to expunge that rage. You’ll be happier for it, and far more effective as an advocate.
If for no other reason, you will likely be around much, much longer to piss off everyone you dislike.
Give it some thought.
Remember this from Obama, Axelrod and the minions:
How about this:
The left embraced Alinsky and his “Rules for Radicals”…
“He should have been…maybe he should have been roughed up” – Donald Trump
“Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously….I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.” – Donald Trump
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya…” – Donale Trump
Many of these guys are full of shit, Joe. They believe the right is perfect and morally superior on all issues without exception.
Even on an issue as bi-partisan as opposing stolen valor some of these guys think only liberals steal valor. They even used incredible mental gymnastics to excuse Mark Kirk’s blatant lies even going so far as to claim he did not steal valor despite the fact that he publicly admitted he made false statements about his service, all the while posting continuously about how much they think Tammy Duckworth is shitbag. If there was any question that this board is full of partisan hacks that settled it.
Really, Lars? Casting your lot with Joey? You didn’t just hit rock bottom, you plowed through it like a bunker-buster.
Next thing that they’ll tell us is that they like taking warm showers together…
….and swapping spit until the wee hours of the morning,
At least I’m not the assclown that made the comment about people here at TAH not being veterans…
No dipshit, the right is not perfect by any means, but when it comes to violence, and overall stupidity, it’s a mountain vs. molehill comparison… just because you can find the occasional example on the right, it does not mean they’re anywhere near comparable. Idiots like you usually mention are generally called out and ridiculed on the right, while the left embraces wholeheartedly such groups.
Commissar, while we disagree on several issues and agree on some, you at least have always been well written and thought out. But to side with the likes of Joe seems beneath you. Agree with or disagree with you, I thought you better than that.
Would you at least get a room before you fellate Joey, LARS?
Who the hell is “Donale Trump?” I know of a Donald Trump. Never heard of Donale.
Fucking imbecile.
Pointing out a typo is the best you can do? I guess he proved his point then.
No, he’s just not worth further effort.
Donale Trump? He’s the Sicilian branch of the family.
And Stinky Joe said “SCREEEEEEECH!”
Here are 15 examples of celebrities envisioning or promoting violence which someone was kind enough to compile for us.
Now – where are your 15 examples from any well-known people on the right that have matching statements.
Put up or shut up, Joe.
Speaking of shootings…a workplace shooting occurred at UPS in San Francisco.
Yeah, just got the stay put alert on my cell phone concerning an active shooter nearby.
I understand the shooter suicided.
I am no where near the location given SF traffic though.
I saw a report where the reported said the shooter was armed with an “assault pistol.”
It must be black and scary.
I have a 5.56 pistol. A liberal would have a seizure at the sight of it and likely call it an assault pistol.
I want this for Christmas, cuz nothing says happy birthday Jesus like a mini-gun.
It would be great fun to have on a platform in the attic. Remote control to open a trap door in the roof, elevate it and operate in case of dire circumstances.
Yeah. I want one, too. Must we wait until Christmas?
Put me on that Christmas list, too! I can mount it on the rooftop, put it on remote control and use a periscope to direct it.
But I was expecting something along the lines of a 1911.
BTW that 5.56 pistol is illegal in California so if the SF Shooter has one he’s a naughty, gun law breaker.
But the law would stop that!
Just like it stops murder.
Just to be clear. I am not condoning his actions or excusing them. I am just recognizing that on the bell curve of political beliefs there are crazies on both extremes. Given the hundreds of millions of Americans and the highly partisan and angry political environment the math says this kind of thing was essentially inevitable.
I’ve been saying for years, decades now, that we need to move to the center when it come to politics.
All of this division just makes our nation weaker in the eyes of our enemies both current and potential.
I think the majority of us are towards the center. Were that not true, these kinds of things would be happening at a staggering rate rather than being an aberration.
A problem arises when some folks see the “center” as between Lenin and Bernie. In some cases, they see it as between Lenin and Trotsky.
Makes intelligent political conversation a bit difficult.
Those who keep talkin’ about the mythical center just ain’t been payin’ attention. The left keeps movin’ further to the left, which drags that “center” position in that direction. I keep givin’ up a little more and a little more. I ain’t gonna settle for just the crumbs from my own cake.
Everyone thinks they are at the center.
I dunno. I know people that are flaming leftists and they don’t think that at all. They do think they are correct in their thinking, but they recognize that they are extremists comparatively and are proud of it. None of those people want to kill people that simply disagree with them.
I don’t know anybody that is as far on the right, but there are certainly those that profess that alignment and are similarly proud to be far from the center.
The center is a non-specific term. If you’re talking about a bell curve 68% of the population is within one standard deviation from the precise point of center. 95% lie within the second standard deviation and 99.7% within the third. If it’s normative curve the extremists are a ridiculously small number.
Not knowing the distribution in these terms pretty much makes them meaningless.
The extremists may be small in number, but they make the most noise.
The most noise gets the most attention. Law of the jungle.
I did wonder how long it would be before something like this happened.
The paranoia about GUNNNXZZZZZ is one of the reasons I moved away from Chicago long while ago. You can’t change the minds of the anti-gun people by telling them they need to defend themselves, because they live in a dream world where nobody ever hurts/maims/kills anyone else.
Now we’ll get candles in the park, balloons, plush toys, and all the other idiocy including ‘#Istand with —‘ until it’s enough to make you gag.
I may not like most of the inhabitants of WDC’s main employer, but I don’t want this kind of thing happening. This jackass was only one of many others lurking in the shadows, looking for an excuse, however weak, to vent his spleen. I don’t think he should have much more than a low-cost cardboard box funeral service. I hope no one eulogizes this asshole.
What are we supposed to take away from this? That we haven’t changed much since the days of Bonnie and Clyde, or the Dalton brothers or Ma Barker?
Well, maybe we need a clash of People with Short Man Syndrome on both sides of the political fence taking swipes at each other, but that’s no better than the antifa idiots, is it?
I’m sure there will be more of these incidents. Does this mean now that if you drive into WDC to work, your car is going to be searched every time you cross the border marked by the Capitol Beltway? This gets to be completely ridiculous.
Belleville, IL, is way down in southern Illinois. Has nothing to do with Chicago at all, but Rahmbo the Clowndog will be at the microphone and the TV cameras running his idiotic mouth about this event.
Maybe I should take my kin’s advice and move down to Texas after all. I’m tired of the pure bullshit that comes out of this kind of thing.
I’m sure someone will give him a eulogy, and i’m sure that part of it will be that it wouldn’t have happened if only we’d not elected President Trump
Come on down. We’ll get the enchiladas ready.
Thankfully the shooter is dead so Democrats can’t pardon and them celebrate him at parades.
Name a single murderer Obama pardoned.
Or is your propaganda narrative impervious to facts?
He was not pardoned.
And he was not a murderer.
Never indicted, charged, tried or convicted of murder or any charges involving any deaths.
And the time served at the time his sentence was commuted was two to three times longer than most murderers serve.
Oh yeah, sounds like a hero. Glad you straightened him out for us as a man of virtue. Sometimes proving a point isn’t worth the point you’re defending.
after all…Charles Manson never actually stabbed Sharon Tate, and he paints pretty pictures. 🙂
“He was not a murderer.”
True, but only in the same sense that Charles Manson isn’t either.
“…never convicted.”
Yep, neither was OJ.
Charles Manson
Pol Pot
Joseph Stalin
Adolf Hitler
Mao Tse-Tung
None of them actually committed murder, but they were still responsible for the deaths of their victims. Robespierre is the only one I know of to meet the fate he inflicted upon the victims of his hatred, execution by Madame la Guillotine.
You’re such an ass, Commissar. Keep it up. The more you pound your keyboard and flap your yap, the dummber you look.
You forgot Manning and Snowden Ex…just saying
Actually, commutations are generally worse than pardons, because while pardons are usually granted AFTER a prison term has been served, by definition, a commutation cuts short a sentence, releasing in many cases a dangerous inmate back to society..
Either pardoned or commuted his sentence- conflicting reports. But the result is the same, a freed terrorist. Thanks for that, Barry.
How many people died, or will yet die, as a result of the horrific classified material leaks, say by shitbags that Obama felt deserving of commutation of sentence?
Do they count?
no death is relevant to the point it impedes the self adoration of the American Aristocracy.
My condolences for losing a hero.
Fuck you, Lars.
Glad the shooter is dead. Now that white boy Shaun King won’t be crying about “…how come only black shooters are killed by the police?”
Now maybe he can pull his “top lip over his head and swallow” as Max Goldman would say.
He still will, idiots like him never let facts get in the way of the narrative
Shaun King? This one?
Note above, that the Left advocates for silencing the ones they dislike, as if the -words- themselves are the violence. There is always this attempt to equivilize Left violent -deeds- with he unwanted -words- of the right.
Left Violence is protected Free Speech! Right free speech is impermissible violence! (Says half the dimwit contingent of the Left, like “AntiFa”‘s signature “bashing”.)
Do not allow the weasel words of lefty agitators to change that subject. Speech, no matter how sick, is not -violent-. Violence is not speech.
So no, Trump blathering is not “violent”. Shooting up a bunch of congresscritters -is- violent, and is -not- equivalent to blather.
“Why do we have the 2nd Amendment? It’s not to shoot deer. It’s to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical”. You guys must be so proud of the guy who put your ideas into action. Right? Those are your ideas, right?
Oh yeah, credit where credit is due – Rand Paul
Actually, that idea came from the Founding Fathers.. if you had any working braincells, you’d already know that… but go ahead, just keep flinging poo… and tap dancing in the blood of innocents you douche!
Strictly speaking, the idea of an armed citizenry as a deterrent to tyranny goes much farther back. Machiavelli wrote about it, and he may not have been the first.
Very true TOW, but considering the genius this was directed at, I didn’t want to overload his tiny little brain…
No, Rand Paul said that pal.
No, you assclown, actually Thomas Jefferson said it. “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government“.
You and your parents should sue your high school, they failed you miserably when it came to teaching you anything about the United States.
I don’t remember Thomas Jefferson mentioning deer…..
Do you possess any measure of literacy in the English language, Joey? Any whatsoever? Whether or not Jefferson ever discussed deer has nothing at all to with the topic at hand. Your stupidity is offensive.
You demonstrate what a–never mind, why waste the keystrokes.
Not disputing that he did dumbass, just pointing out that he didn’t come up with it… seriously, stop sniffing glue!
And Fyrfighter smacks a hot line drive to left field, it’s over Joe’s head, and the crowd goes wild!
And it’s leftist assholes like you that keep claiming President Trump and the Republicans are facist, even though you obviously don’t understand the meaning of the word, or the fact that it’s your side that closely mirrors that ideology…
Brown shirts. Black shirts.
Attack innocents. Burn businesses. Silence speech.
Antifa is the new fascist.
Antifa do use a red white and black flag….. Hmm. So did Obama’s “attackwatch” crap way back when…. I guess they like a traditional color scheme.
Note that in the Antifa flag, the red flag of Communism is mostly hidden behind the black flag of anarchy.
Like no one can figure out what -that- means!
A bit more web-surfing shows that some so-called “Antifa” put the red flag in foreground, and some put it in the back.
Two peas of the same diseased pod.
As Mussolini said, facism is the marriage of state and corporate interests, and he should know. Couldn’t describe the Trump administration better.
Oh fukkking come on Joe..knowing the historic reality, how can you type that without your finger tips just reflexively poking you in the eyes?
Mussolini also believed it was a Shotgun Wedding. The “corporate interests” cooperate at gunpoint.
Capitalism requires both a free market and free people. Neither of those exist under the Socialism of the Fascists or the other sorts of Socialism.
Any study of the history of Mussolini and Italian fascism (along with the associated Falangist movement) will show that Mussolini was originally a Communist, but adapted his ideas because the workers of the world did not unite. Fascism was socialism married to militant nationalism.
I studied fascism in college, and Trump is much more in the populist tradition. He’s more William Jennings Bryan or Teddy Roosevelt than Mussolini (or Woodrow Wilson, for that matter)
Maybe Wilson just not nearly as racist as Wilson was. TR was more a socialist.
Mussolini never said that. Bobby Kennedy Jr made it up and then attributed it to him.
Are you like the other one shooting off a bunch of misquotes and unsupported “facts”? It is starting to look that way.
I blame the failures of public education for not teaching the kids the different forms of government. It isn’t your fault, I’m sending you a hug. Of course if you remain obtuse…
It’s more likely that it came from Michael C. Ruppert’s 2004 book Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil — almost 60 years after Mussolini died.
– Source: Skeptical Libertarian
Apparently, it has been incorrectly attributed to several sources, including Giovanni Gentile, who said no such thing.
Joey has a simple mind. Complex subjects like fascism are difficult for him to understand.
Unfortunately, his groove toward socialism into -> communism doesn’t include an understanding that in a political state like that, you don’t have any choices about what you do for a living. The state decides everything, whether you like it or not. Big Brother is constantly watching you. Poor THX1138!
The big problem with your straw man argument is that we don’t have a tyrannical government. If we did the National Legislature would not be playing baseball on an open ball field, the shooter would not have been able to buy a gun legally nor make all his crazy anti-government postings on Fakebook. You would be in prison, we would have death camps, I’d go on but I don’t think you are capable of understanding.
The reported actions of those targeted speak volumes towards their character.
Shot in the hip, Saclise self evaced off the baseball field by dragging himself off the field leaving a trail of blood behind him. This kept potential rescuers out of the line of fire.
Mo Brooks treated an injured with a hasty tourniquet from his belt. Brooks then later said:
“The Second Amendment right to bear arms is to help ensure that we always have a republic,” he said. “And as with any constitutional provision in the Bill of Rights, there are adverse aspects to each of those rights that we enjoy as people. And what we just saw here is one of the bad side effects of someone not exercising those rights properly.”
“But Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe called for more background checks and closing the “gun-show loophole,” while saying the political debate should wait for another day.”
Because even though he has no clue how the shooter got his gun he does not want to waste a second not politicizing a tragedy.
The police tried to talk the shooter down (wrong thing to do with a mass shooter) someone from the dugout yelled “Just shoot him”. That would be the right thing to do.
Knob Wobble is dead….good riddance.
So all you 2nd Amendment experts out there – is there an objective way I can determine if the shooter was a garden variety violent, murderous scumball, or if he was a patriot watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants?
Yawn…a kill’s a kill.
Seemed more a whacked out revolutionary type to me. Helped along by internet trolls such as yourself and the left wing media.
Joe, copied so you can see it:
Here are 15 examples of celebrities envisioning or promoting violence which someone was kind enough to compile for us.
Now – where are your 15 examples from any well-known people on the right that have matching statements.
Put up or shut up, Joe.
P.S. – it would help you to understand the definition of “tyrant”.
The only one I know of is Michael Scheuer, he called for Obama’s head. He is kind of talking head C-lister.
Two words – Ted Nugent.
This guy?
He wanted to do it judicially…. you understand the difference?
Still, ok maybe. So far we are up to 2 in the last five years and I gave you one. Surely you can do better?
Bullshit. Total bullshit.
a) Ted Nugent did not call for the death of 0
b) Even if that example were to count (and it doesn’t) that is one example to fifteen examples.
I know you probably had trouble in math, since math requires logical thinking and by the evidence you provide you are weak in that skill, but 1 < 15.
Logic. Rational critical thinking. A dispassionate review of the pertinent facts. A grasp of the nuances of the English language. All these are good things that you would be wise to cultivate.
Just more utter bullshit. You guys will apologize for anything.
Go suck a bag of dicks, troll.
What’s your claim to fame, assclown. Remember, the shooter, like you, was BALLS DEEP FOR BERNIE.
Not to mention the fact that he just stated he is going to be toning down his rhetoric and singing kumbaya. Coward. He’s suddenly afraid of getting shot. Never dawned on him until now that he might have to face the other end of a gun barrel.
So, instead of saying “see, we can all agree to tone it down”, which was served up to you on a silver platter, you -instead- attribute it to bad motives and double down on your hate.
Way to “coexist” for “peace”. Your hypocrisy is boundless.
-You- are part of the problem. No matter what, -you- want things solved by piling on hate and invective, and the only direction things can go is MOAR.
People like you are incapable of functioning in the violent society you seek. You can’t control your mouth, and it will keep writing checks that bounce.
“Obama can suck on my machine gun”. – Ted Nugent
“Obama and Clinton should be hung and killed”. – Ted Nugent
“Hillary can ride this gun into the sunset”. – Ted Nugent
Older and wiser, he just said it was time for him to tone that crap down.
You? (crickets…)
You really won’t let yourself see the loathsome creature in your mirror.
Joe, please put your cousin’s dick back in your mouth. You’re not doing him or us any favors by distracting yourself with attempts at logical discussion.
Dude, if you think that the -current- government of the USA has crossed into -tyrant- territory, you have led a very, very sheltered life.
Note that not too terribly long ago you Democrats were open and avowed advocates of:
Segregation and race supremacy
Secession and the perpetuation of Slavery.
More slavery.
The displacement and extinction of various non-slave people’s fo color, like a whole bunch of my distant kin, that your sort deathmarched to Oklahoma.
Those actions rise to -tyranny- for those under the boot, eh?
But equivalating evil with meh is just how your sort roll. You give Democrats like Truman and Kennedy and Lieberman a bad name.
But keep flinging poo, monkey boy. You are the poster-child for everything wrong with the modern Democrat party, and drive sentient life forms -out- of the party.
And Stinky Joe said “SCREEEEEEECH” as he again pooped in his hand……
It depends upon what you mean by “not too long ago”.
A couple of months ago I got to listen to a talking head on the TV explain that decades of racist policies in my state legislature had denied black people their equal rights. The Democrats were in charge from reconstruction until 2010, so I kind of agreed. He did belabor under the idea that the Republicans had been in charge a lot longer but who was there to correct him?
Joe, I’ve gotta ask… Did your parents have any children that lived???
…and weren’t anencephalic? 🙂
We’d know if he was a patriot because you would be condemning him instead of defending him.
I am guessing the reason the Sanders supporters are showing up more in the news with acts of violence is because of his support for voting rights for felons and the fact that he just draws nut jobs.
The worst part here is that meat slab attacked baseball. That is worse than taking a dump on an apple pie while burning Old Glory and poisoning a bald eagle. He was saying F- America with his dying breath.
…and the fact that this traditional Republican/Democrat game is a time when they get together for a charity cause, and show some real bipartisan Americanism.
Attacking people who were engaged in some productive, fun, good-natured work to benefit someone else.
Sounds quite socialist to me.
Naw, it sounds more like anti-Americanism to me.
You say anti-Americanism, I say socialist, let’s call the group of ’em “off”.
How much you wanna bet he was a soccer fan?
*No offense to VOV.
Nice. A little levity, now and again, does lighten the grimdark of dealing with idiots.
Why that punk probably didn’t like Apple Pie.
I dunno, considering the caliber of these antifa warrior and such seen so far, I think as mainstream Americans it might be worth the 5 minutes it would take nationwide just to put them all to grass and end this nonsense.
True. Do they still sell rat shot in .22? I’d hate to waste a good .22LR on an antifa.
Second thought – I saw some .22 JHP LR on sale the other day…
They do. I think they refer to it as snake shot, but I can confirm it is extremely effective on rats; though, it usually takes more than one shot to put an end to them.
OK. I wasn’t gong to go there, but just wow. In a -baseball game-, with a -rifle-, and over 50 shots (supposedly) fired, he got how many -non-fatal- hits?
That shitbag (spit) makes hood-rat gang-bangers look like expert marksmen.
Just -wow-. The “iffy” gun-skill folks I have to watch closely on the firing line shoot better than that.
Was his barrel zig-zag and a quarter inch over-bore for caliber?
Wait! Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise!
He was shooting through a chain link fence and the backstop. The field was locked and I guess he did not bring bolt cutters.
Shooting through two chain link fences at moving targets is likely quite a trick.
No, no, no. You guys miss the real point. The antifa idiots and all those associated with them don’t like America, right? And that goes for the extreme rightwingers, too – not what THEY want, either.
I think we should start the habitat on Mars ASAP, send them up there to pick fights with each other, and that includes all the other extremists and crimmy types, too. Export them all to more suitable places, like Mars. Plenty of room on Mars. They can learn how to grow gardens, live as green as they like, turn each other into Halloween yard decorations if they want to. Who cares what they do, as long as it is NIMBY?
Have none of you ever heard of Botany Bay? Or Space Seed? Or Ceti Alpha VI?
There’s one entire system with 7 – SEVEN – count ’em – Earth-sized planets orbiting the central star, only 39 light years away.
They could go there, to Trappis-1. All seven of those planets are in the ‘Goldilocks’ habitable zone.
That’s what England used to do with its habitual criminals not so very long ago.
I think some BLM group stopped a LGBTXYZ parade just the other day.
The crabs are starting to pull each other down.
Antifa this, antifa that. Boy, that catchphrase caught on real quick among the right wing sheep. So does that mean you’re profa?
No, stupid, it does not mean anything.
Are people still letting you play with matches?
No, we are profanity.
As in eat a bag of dicks, you fucking moron.
(snerrrrkkk!) I was asleep and dreaming when you said that, Omega!
And Stinky Joe says “SCREEEEEECH!” as he craps in his hand again.
guy caught the moment on his cell phone^^^^
I only heard about 5 to 6 rapid shots, then slower, NOT 50 and certainly not 200. Exaggeration is a fatal flaw in witnesses.
The recording started after the shooting started. Most witnesses are saying 50+ shots. Rep Williams was just on the TV doing a interview saying the same thing.
He seems a real class act.
I counted 50 shots by the 3:48 mark and there are several more after that in the 4:33 span of the video.
A direct result of the deafening silence from the Left when anarchists (with MSM collusion) brought political violence into the ‘mainstream’.
The Left did this same thing when attempting to fan the flames of the Arab Spring and destroyed several countries in the process.
We were not supposed to remember that.
Tough bananas. I took notes while it happened.
Oh, so now “The Left” is responsible for the Arab Spring! Forget about macro-geopolitical factors, it was “The Left”. Man, “The Left” really gets around!
the far left sure sucked the Arab Spring Dick, at least
Obama and Clinton ring any bells?
“Its not our fault!!!!”
(Dummy Pair)
Next thing you know you’ll be blaming “The Left” for the weather!
You mean like you and yours have been doing to us for the past 30 years, dipshit?
nah…that was George Bush’s weather machine…who can forget that kinda stoopid?
Wait, are we talking about the coming ice age as predicted in the 80’s? Or global warming that’s gonna kill us all? or the current “climate change? I’m sooo confused…. and as i said before, PLEASE Joe, STOP SNIFFING GLUE!!!
“Wait, are we talking about the coming ice age as predicted in the 80’s? Or global warming”
Yes~ Bill Nye
No, Joey, I blame you and your moronic friends, because none of you can distinguish between weather events and inevitable long-term cyclical changes.
I also blame your parents for not sending you back where you came from.
Next thing you know, soundly trounced, the half-wit troll will change the subject!
Of course. He has nothing to say, but he still has to bark at the heat lightning in the east.
Was it just me that noticed that every witness that spoke today offered genuine and sincere praise and thanks to the police for ending the threat?
It wasn’t just you, TOM.
Now Travis AFB?
False alarm.
Good read on the hypocrisy of one Bernie Sanders: