Trump can’t be trusted with sensitive information — and now the world knows
The Washington Post editorial board is charged up for this opinion piece in this morning’s print edition; Trump can’t be trusted with sensitive information — and now the world knows. As Chief Tango reminds us, that’s pretty hypocritical of the Post to make that declaration, especially given that the folks at the Post can’t be trusted with sensitive information either – especially during a Republican presidential administration;
The consequences of the president’s lapse could be far-reaching. In addition to disrupting a vital flow of intelligence and possibly endangering agents on the ground, Mr. Trump has let the world know that he and his administration cannot be trusted with sensitive information. Governments that share their secrets with the CIA, from Britain to Israel to Australia, may feel compelled to recalibrate their cooperation. Those that don’t have a cooperative relationship, such as Russia and China, will try to use their access to Mr. Trump to extract more indiscretions.
The administration’s attempts to defend the leak only underlined the continuing chaos in the White House.
It’s as if they’re talking about themselves. Here’s an article from the early days of the Trump Administration; “Here’s how to leak government documents to The Post“.

This is precisely why The Washington Post and other news outlets created systems to allow government employees to leak information as securely as possible.
If you don’t already have a code name, you’re given one. This allows you to maintain contact with a reporter at The Post if you wish to do so. All of the other information about you is lost through the Tor-SecureDrop system: No IP address, no browser information — no nothing
That’s not espionage is it? It also explains why they’re so dependent on anonymous sources.
Remember, all we’re talking about here is ISIS’ intent to bomb airliners with explosives-laden laptops. Its not brand new information. And if it was sensitive that an ally supplied the information to the Trump Administration, why did the New York Times identify that ally on their front page?
Also from the New York Times;
“What the president discussed with the foreign minister was wholly appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he’s engaged,” General McMaster said.
General McMaster suggested that Mr. Trump did not violate any confidentiality agreement with the country that provided it, which he did not name. In fact, General McMaster said: “The president wasn’t even aware where this information came from. He wasn’t briefed on the source or method of the information either.”
Moreover, he said, the president did not give away secrets by discussing the city the information came from, as reported, because it would have been obvious. “It was nothing that you would not know from open source reporting in terms of a source of concern,” General McMaster said. “And it had all to do with operations that are already ongoing, had been made public for months.”
But, the media is still clinging to a non-issue.
Category: Media
Clinton Email anyone?
Bueller, Bueller?
It’s simple: Individuals who are ‘extremely careless’ w/ classified info should be denied further access to it.
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) July 7, 2016
Those who mishandled classified info have had their sec clearances revoked, lost their jobs, faced fines, & even been sent to prison
— Reince Priebus (@Reince) July 7, 2016
The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by “intelligence” like candy. Very un-American!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2017
The appearance is terrible. The decision is astounding. Ppl have gone to jail for less severe classified breaches and national security.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) July 5, 2016
Bunch of Pant Loads all of them.
How is Clinton relevant?
She did not get a pass for her incompetence and carelessness. It destroyed her political career.
And Clinton being a careless and duplicitous dirtbag does not have anything to do with whether it is OK for Trump to be so careless himself.
We need to stop this bullshit partisan stooge nonsense and holding our own politicians to whatever standard is defined by the WORST of the opponent party politicians.
That is idiotic.
The standard should not be “well he is not as much of a shitbag as [insert former opposing party shitbag]
and all this time I thought what lost her the election was all the Clinton fund allegations, her history of pissing off vast swaths of the populace, her describing 5 million NRA members as her enemies, her lies like running through sniper fire, her trying to win an electoral campaign by sheer force of popular votes in relatively few populous areas…. damn, I’m glad you set me straight.
In other words, the “deplorables”?
She lost for literally every reason people say she did both collectively and individually.
The margin was so close that any of the salient issues people had with her would have been enough to put her in the white house had she hot had that issue.
But some were not under her control.
Most were.
The decision to use a personal server absolutely was.
And she gets to spend the rest of her life knowing she won the popular vote but was kept from being the President, and the first female president because she chose to use a personal server.
It is one thing to fall as asleep at night reflecting on a choice that led to your biggest moment of failure in your life and greatest disappointment.
It is another to reflect on dozens of things and knowing that EACH of those things individually would have made the difference so all she had to do is have done ONE of those things differently.
That is a living hell for someone as ambitious as her to have come so close to the white house and despite are her public misdirection of the blame know that SHE fucked up REPEATEDLY. Because at every point she but her own interests and her own ambition over the good of the country and the public held her accountable for every time she did.
Hell, she even worked with the DNC and media to elevate Trump in the primary because they calculated that he was the republican candidate that she polled best against and had the best chance of defeating.
So in that sense she HELPED CREATE the monster that helped to destroy her.
Is if downright Shakespearean.
So, because H. Wideload couldn’t realize her dreams, she has suffered enough? Are you really going there?
We shouldn’t even be fucking talking about Hillary in the context in the first place.
If you are going to bitch about “going there” why are you not saying it about the morons bringing her up?
What the fuck difference does it make what Hillary did with respect to whether Trump should or should not have unnecessarily and impulsively compromised information.
It is an idiotic sheep minded bunch of partisan bullshit that whenever a shitbag politician does something against the best interests of the country the other partisan shitheads claim well its ok because {insert opposing party shuitbag] did something like that too.
I do not think you realize how much what you say fits the Left.
Apparently only your opponents are “partisan”.
When the hypocrisy of the left is pointed out, somehow it becomes “irrelevant”. Ditto their appalling errors.
The prior lefty admin compromised OPD, NSA hacking tools, a whole bootleg server full of highly classified emails, et cetera cubed.
But the shrieking is about Trump “informing” Putin about terrorist plots to bomb airliners (again) which is more like a reminder because 80s.
But the Left demands a shrieking about the Enemy, and silence about Master.
The Left lost all sense of scale, and of shame.
Recall Kratman’s Warning: combatants tend become much like their opponents.
Do you really want to keep pushing until the other side stops following the rules? Stops playing within the system? And becomes very, very angry? And -acts- on anger?
Look at your own impact here. Most of the time, all you do is stir up anger, and convince everyone how wrong you and yours are.
Almost as if that is what you want. Not reasoned debate, but something much more combative.
“the margin was so close” – 304 to 227 isn’t a close margin in most folks’ books. That’s a good old-fashioned ass-whuppin’.
The voter margin.
And the electoral margin was not that great either. Since most states are all or nothing the electoral result tends to be lopsided even if the voter counter is razor close.
As far as electoral win 2016 was in the bottom 1/4th of electoral wins. Not the landslide people use a complete misunderstanding of the electoral system to try to paint.
And the 2016 was one of only 3 elections in history where the popular vote lost.
Painting that as an ass whooping is bullshit.
It was objectively one of the closest election in American history.
She barely lost. And my point is that any single one of the salient issues that came up during the campaign could have made the difference if they had NOT happened.
304 v 227 electoral votes. Pretty good margin and not as close as revisionists want to make it out to be. ]
It’s our system and prevents a few large cities from overriding the majority of the country. Like this election.
Repeat after me:
1 the electoral college is the only vote taken.
2 Fantasy football popularity counts are not how we elect the President.
Now then, should we be fantasy counting the number of counties that went for the candidates? The number of attendees at events?
You lost. You didnt “really” win. You lost -because- you lost the confidence of the nation. And you are going to lose -bad- if you wreck the system in spite.
Way to miss the point, 11B
So why mask your point with bullshit, then?
And pretending the outcome of the electoral count means the election was not close is dishonest bullshit.
President Trump won, now get over it!
it was so “close”, the various talking heads were utterly discombobulated. Many talking heads wouldn’t call the election until way into the next day, hoping for some miracle to undo the debacle.
And the shrieking meemies of the -Left- did the most work for Trump.
As you well know (at least I hope you do), the popular vote in a presidential election is meaningless. It isn’t even a “national” tally. States use popular vote to decide which slate of electors will be the ones who actually vote for president.
But the states don’t have to let us “vote” in presidential elections at all if they don’t want to.
If, somehow, the states all agreed to just let their legislatures decide who the electors for that state would be in 2020, and advised everybody to just stay home and watch the coverage, it would be 100% legal and constitutional, because Article II does not say one damned thing about letting the people choose their leader.
In fact, the Founding Fathers specifically distanced the people from selecting their leader by the formation of the Electoral College.
Hillary Clinton didn’t win a thing. She got more popular votes, but those don’t count for anything. The ONLY vote that matters is the Electoral College – where Trump kicked Clinton’s wide, large, round ass.
Here endeth the lesson.
Oh, God, Da Stoopid this early in the morning? As usual, Commissar The One and Only Piuperdink doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground and lets us know just what an imbecile he is!!
The US Constitution gives us the right to vote, you fucking moron. The states cannot override that. Period.
Amendment XV to the United States Constitution:
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
The 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote was passed in 1920.
Amendment XIX
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
You keep making an ass of yourself in public, you pretentious clown. You know less than half of a fourth of half of what you think you know. And if it isn’t in your Communist Manifesto playbook, we’re all partisans?
Partisan and/or counter-revolutionaries? I think that applies to you, you asswipe.
Ex … if you’re replying about “states choosing electors based on something other than votes,” that wasn’t Lars. That was me.
(Commissar … Commissioner … an easy mistake.)
I wasn’t implying the states could take away our right to vote … what I was trying to say was that states use popular vote in presidential elections to choose electors, but they don’t have to do it that way. The states are free, under Article II, to choose the electors however they want. They use a popular vote because it’s the best way to do it, but my point was they don’t have to.
If there was something else that Lars said that you’re replying to, I’ll be quiet and return to my hidey-hole.
It was the Commissar I was replying to, but I may have put my response in the wrong comment section, that’s all.
HEY Babbles McButthead, if it weren’t for the Electoral College our Presidents would be chosen by the denizens of all the bis cities, (NYC, Chicago, LA,…) and guess which way THEY always vote? The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they came up with it.
I hope her suffering is as acute as you think it is. But then, I’m just deplorable anyway and I’ll probably stay that way.
Remember when Obama did the same thing and the Washington Post said he was the best thing since sliced bread for stopping terrorism?
Lest we forget, here is what happened less than a year ago. First, in April, 2016 at the height of the FBI investigation into classified info on the Clinton mob’s secret server, 0bama has a news conference and announce that Hillary was just “careless” about having classified info on her server, but he is sure she didn’t “intend” to harm national security; therefore, there would be no prosecution. Next, in July, 2016, Comey has a press conference announcing the conclusion of that same FBI investigation into Clinton’s email. He tells us about her multiple violations of federal security statutes, and says she was “extremely careless” about handling classified documents, but he concludes that she “did not intend” to violate the law and harm national security. But that, according to our lying MSM, is not “obstruction” of justice. Give me a break! Anyone here think that would not be clear obstruction, or more accurately command influence, if the court martial authority for Bradley Manning had done the same? Hell, Comey used the exact same false rationale and same words as King Putt.
Insert error: “therefore,… no prosecution” goes after the Comey conclusion, not the 0bama announcement.
Jonn, my “Report Comment” was a fat finger brushing a fly off my screen. Sorry.
You have flies where you are? Must be nice.
Out here the flies haven’t even come out of hibernation yet.
1435 hours and it’s 35 degrees and snowing like Hell.
Welcome to a Rocky/Teton Mountains Spring.
When they do come out they are those blasted biting flies, too, aren’t they?
We are bothered with them some in Texas, but not to the extent folks are elsewhere.
Just keep reminding us, rgr769. Why that bitch isn’t in jail is beyond me, but ‘collusion’ is the word that keeps popping up on my conspiracy theory list of descriptive words.
When did Obama do the same thing…
Oh, he didn’t.
But that does not matter does it?
And don’t try to spin some leak that happened under the Obama administration as proof. Obama can’t keep every official in every agency in line. Just like Trump can’t.
However, both Trump and Obama can be expected not be idiots in the stuff THEY leak. Especially sensitive intelligence shared by an ally with no intention of it being shared with a country directly connected to our allies GREATEST enemies. Iran, and Syria in particular. Both want to see Israel burn and would love to see Israeli assets neutralized. Even when they are fighting ISIS.
Babbles McButthead, you definitely have Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder (TARD) and you let it rule you, making you a Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operative )TARDO).
You are a 24K TARDO, Babbles McButthead.
This is probably all derived from Chappasquatch’s hissy fit over losing. She lost because she is a LOSER. Like mother, like daughter. LOSER.
The Clinton foundation is calling in some chits.
As it were, I believe that General Flynn left office many months ago. So much for the argument about obstructing justice. But, as long as the media is interested in pursuing obstruction of justice, let’s revisit some of the Holder debaucheries and see what turns up.
You’re missing the smoking gun of it all – where Trump allegedly said “I hope you can let this go” to Comey about Flynn. Yep, that’s some real powerful command influence. I don’t know how many people could stand up to such explicit pressure, and know their career was history if they didn’t accede. Yes, that is sarcasm.
Only partisan stooges think Clinton is relevant to this.
So the standard for our leaders is now that they can be as bad as the worst shitbags in the opposition party?
Only partisan stooges continue to ride interference for Clinton and refuse to understand the point of hypocrisy that is made in pointing this out.
He acts as if HRC was not really the candidate of his side.
That inconvinient truth seems to escape him.
Also lost on him is that Bernie is not seen as a better choice.
Obama wasnt the choice of Dem insiders, nor was Trum the choice of Republican insiders. The country gave “smooth talker” a chance, then went for “straight talker”.
And a whole bunch of folks are missing the significance of that.
‘He acts as if HRC was not really the candidate of his side.’
Oh, you saw that, too? Poor Bernie… so neglected and ignored since he lost so badly to the Sow of Chattaqua.
I thought that Trump and the FBI Director discussed Hillary Clinton’s grandchild.
WaahPo just proving it is a DNC shill, again.
I have to say, NYT is showing some media responsibility – to my surprise.
Oh, I get it: the NYT, et alia, are not really interested in keeping secure information secure.
They should not work too hard on getting rid of Trump. First, it would leave them with Pence. Second, they’d dig a hole for themselves that they’d never crawl out of. Third, their distribution of news and ‘Extra! Extra! Extra!’ has been heavily whacked by the instant access of information on the internet.
They should all be careful what they wish for. Trying to get rid of Trump just because he wasn’t their lying liberal darling can make things much worse for them. And I do believe he’s playing them like a very skilled troutliner.
Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) has been talking about how skillfully Trump has been playing the media and others.
Considering that he called the election for Trump months beforehand, and predicted some of the actions and achievements that Trump made, I have to give him some credibility in this as well.
And now the left is designating Scott Adams officially as Unperson.
Yes, I think some online group (FB??) is so annoyed with him that he’s been blocked or something. I have to check on which one it is, but it’s quite a petty thing to do.
I thought Twitter had him blocked for a bit, too.
His strip last Sunday(?) about the climate change controversy was so dead-on that the libtards heads exploded.
It’s a modern playing out of the old saying …
“Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.”
Yes, you SHOULD remember that, Piuperdink, because you are so obvious about your own hot-to-trot politicking it’s pathetic. You’so eager to live in a world of socialism, it sticks out like cactus spines. Move to Canada. That’s all about socialism. Or better yet, move to Germany. Angela Merkel needs your support.
Um … again, Ex … that was me, not Lars. I’m the Commissioner and he’s the Commissar.
In fact, I think Lars should change his screen name – I was Commissioner long before he became Commissar.
When my friend Ex-PH2 confuses us, that’s a bad sign.
I think Ex-PH2 has cat-fur all over her monitor and cannot clearly read you name, CW.
Or she tried the Tabasco and the tears are blinding her.
Oh, shit. I’m sorry! That was long before an adequate consumption of caffeine this morning! What a brain fart.
But at least I used the right name, so I’ll stand by what I said, even if the aim was off-center and I was half asleep.
No worries, my dear friend. It’s all good.
‘Dreh’ dich nicht um;
Der Kommissar geht um!’
Danke, aber Der Kommissar ärgert nur Leute.
This nothingburger has gotten so irritating that my spell checker refuses to check the word Russia no matter how I spell it.
Gee Wally, it’s not like he has an easily hacked private email server and allowing people without clearances to mishandle classified material.
Besides, he’s the ultimate authority when it comes to classified information…isn’t that part of being the top dog in the Executive Department?
Look, the explosives in laptop scenario shouldn’t be classified. Once it has been published in National News…i.e. 2006 MSNBC did a news story on it…you cannot credibly place a classification on this material. Doesn’t anyone cover the costs of over-classification anymore? Stuff like this is throwing money away.
He shared the specific source location of specific information related to a specific current credible threat. Which compromises the SOURCE. And information is rarely classified because of the content of the information. It is almost always classified because of the source and method used to collect it. Think of it this way; The enemy already knows the stuff about themselves. They know their capabilities, their plans, their numbers, their current activities…They just do not know what we know. So what we know about them is not classified because of the information itself – they already know it, it is about themselves – the information is classified to keep the enemy from knowing that we know. Because if they know what we know about them it is not hard for them to figure our how we came to know it and neutralize the effectiveness of that source or method. So let’s use the laptop example; Yes, the possibility of laptops being used to hide explosive is an old and known threat. Which is why we put laptops in the baggage scan separately. That threat is not classified. However, for the sake of explaining this; let’s imagine a specific ISIS cell is currently planning a laptop attack using a specific method of inserting explosive in laptops that they believe may make it undetectable under current screening methods. And they are planning to execute that plan soon. A ally discovers this plan. And gives us the information so we can do what we can to protect ourselves; WHITH THE EXPECTATION WE DO NOT COMPROMISE THE SOURCE. So the US starts signally changes concerning laptops on foreign flights. Now the threat was specific but we and the allies that were given access to the information issue a broader more general change or ban on laptops in order to mask the extent to which we know the specifics of the threat. So ISIS sees these changes to our security posture. Realizes we have been tipped off. Which is probably enough by itself to shutdown the operation and the immediate threat. Now ISIS is left trying… Read more »
Unless, a second order effect was intent.
Flush that particular cell very publicly and quickly, then watch for other flexes in conjunction.
“He shared the specific source location of specific information related to a specific current credible threat”. Wow, which briefing did you sit in on? How are you privy to this info?
The fact that your mother let your father have his way with her was a reckless and unnecessary act, Piuperdink.
Now THAT was Lars.
You see, I tend to name my destination so that there is no mistake about the address. 😛
I have a feeling the media will be clinging to a whole slew of non-issues in the near future, the kind of non-issues that could get a guy impeached.
Impeached for what, dumbass?
If you do not know why people are taking about impeachment it proves how insular and hard right your sources are.
EVERY major news agency is using the word today over increasing evidence Trump was trying to shut down the Russia investigation.
Obstruction of Justice is an impeachable offense.
The Russian Hack IS FAKE NEWS and I wouldn’t be surprised if this bit is as well, the Washed-all-up [Com]Post has proven itself to be a DNC partisan hack of a newspaper time and time again, they currently are to the DNC what Pravda was to the Communist party back in the days of the USSR and IMHO less trustworthy than The National Enquirer.
So you arrived at that from which of your partisan sources. How do you talk out of both sides of your crooked mouth like that, Lars? What “increasing evidence”? Thousand Island Dressing and two scoops of ice cream? Go the fuck away with your baseless allegations.
Evidence? Why the volume of the shrieking, of course.
Judge Kangaroo, of the Peoples’ Democratic Court, presiding.
Except, Lars, that there is zero evidence of any obstruction of justice (not counting the repeated – and repeatedly falsified – pontifications of the discredited MSM). Your “major news outlets” have by their histrionics and repeated purveying of “news” stories that have been either non-news or false news undermined their credibility with the American public.
You know – unlike the actions of Obama, Holder, et al. Those criminals repeatedly obstructed justice, instigated riots, interfered with the voting process or refused to investigate such interference, and provoked the death of LEOs across the nation.
He fired the FBI director and than OPENLY admitted that it was because of the Russian investigation.
Comey also directly accuses Trump of trying to convince him to drop the Flynn investigation which is obstruction.
And despite your attempt to spin it as “no evidence”.
TESTIMONY IS EVIDENCE. And so if the memo he drafter and sent to senior officials out of concern for the conversation.
So stop pretending there is “no” evidence.
Whether you think there is sufficient evidence if a different matter.
Whether congress thinks there is sufficient evidence and has the political will to do anything about it is the HEART of the matter.
Oh, and Trump ordered the investigation stopped on… what, he didn’t?
Yeah, what WAS the actual date on which Trump told Comey to drop the Russian investigation? Oh, wait, it didn’t come directly from Trump. It appears in a hearsay memo from Comey himself.
At this point, I wouldn’t believe anything Comey says about anything because, as has been pointed out elsewhere, Piuperdink Commissar, Comey is Chuckie Schumer’s подхалим .
Do tell, Kommisar. Please, do tell, what are the elements of obstruction of justice, and what federal statutes are in play here.
To expand on Jonn’s comment:
Impeachment is for certain crimes: in Article Two, Section Four of the Constitution: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and misdemeanors.”
To the point here:
1) The President of the United States has the authority to determine whether, and when, to reveal classified information.
2) As the facts have come out in the WaahPo story, nothing that President Trump said to the Russians was, in fact, classified material – but if it had been he has the right to reveal it to them if he so chooses.
Therefore 3) President Trump has not committed any crime of any nature.
President Obama reveal much more damaging information, some truly classified material, resulting in people’s deaths. While we may disparage his stupidity in so doing, no-one can dispute he had the authority to do so.
All this talk about impeachment is baseless braying by a very vocal and extremist group of people – and reveals their irrelevancy to anyone who cares to think these things through.
The impeachment discussion has to do with Obstruction of Justice.
It’s only DNC party hacks and diehard RINOs talking about impeachment, President Trump has shaken the DC Insider’s proverbial apple trees, he continues to do so and they’re shitting their britches while they send their media hacks like the NYT and the WaPoo.
The impeachment discussion started before the man ever took his oath.
Indeed it did, I still laugh at videos of liberals on election night, aaahhh, SWEET Schadenfreude!
They’re believing their own bullshit to an absurd degree. I sure as hell don’t consider Trump to be America’s Savior as some do–he’s a damn sight better than Das Hildabeast or Bernie Sellout the Freeze-Dried Commie, but that’s not saying much in and of itself.
Remember the moonbat hysteria when he won? The dipshits screaming about how “people need to die” in the same breath as “love trumps hate” and “he will not divide us” (no contradiction there AT ALL). They would support a fucking civil war to make Hillary Clinton–the dirtiest, sleaziest, crookedest, nastiest, most obviously-corrupt establishment politician in living memory–President of the United States. The left has truly gone off the deep end and turned itself into a cancer.
What does it take to kill off cancer? Ummm… some kind of therapy, perhaps? Their own planet?
Oh, well, back to cheesecake!
Actually, despite the fog in which he operates, Joey does have a point, to wit: ‘the media will be clinging to a whole slew of non-issues’.
Considering that the media in general tend to stir their own pot and make donut holes instead of donuts, Joey has made a valid point about the media as an entity.
Impeachment? Not so much. The possibility that a crime of any sort has been committed by Pres. Trump exists entirely in the empty skulls of the ad sinister media.
Dadburnit! Not enough caffeine yet.
Ad sinistram!! not ad sinister. Grrr!!!!
I saw the typo, but read it as “the empty skulls of the sad sinister media.”
Ad sinistram will work, though.
Good point, Graybeard.
Not just the Washington post editorial board…
Several agencies, on both sides of the aisle, are taking issue with what Trump is doing.
But what matters most is how the nation that shared the information to us feels…
This was a huge mistake on Trump’s part. Israel should have least been informed of the intent to share prior and the extent of the information being shared should have been coordinated.
But it is clear Trump just shot off his mouth at the spur of the moment, just to brag, without any consideration of the broader consequences of sharing that information.
Many of you guys will continue to make excuses for Trump, act like this is no big deal, or try to act like because other compromises occurred by other politicians in the past then this one was OK.
That is all bullshit. You sure as hell would not OK with this if Hillary was in the Oval office and did this.
OK, Lars. I read the referenced article, and a few points jump out at me:
a) The quoted official, Shabtai Shavit, is a former leader of Mossad.
b) Mr. Shavit was responding to news reports (later shown to be false) that President Trump had shared classified information with Russians.
c) Mr. Shavit was further responding to reports that the information had come from Israel:
” sources told The New York Times on Tuesday that the ally was Israel. The ABC news outlet then reported that the information came specifically from a spy embedded in the terrorist group on behalf of Israel.
The Israeli government has not officially confirmed that is the source of the reportedly leaked intelligence.”
Notice that the “sources” are unnamed, and that the ABC news report is unsourced.
Given that as the story develops it turns out that nothing classified was shared and that Trump had no knowledge of the source of the information that was shared, it seems that Shabtai Shavit was responding somewhat recklessly to a false report.
Furthermore, as President Trump has displayed in the past, his words do not fall into the category of “shooting off at the mouth” (unlike many of our postings on TAH) but are well thought out moves in a game that he plays very well: CEO. (cf Scott Adams’ musings on how to understand what President Trump behaves.)
In contrast to Hillary Clinton – who has a proven track record of wantonly careless handling of classified information – President Trump has yet to have any faux pax in regards to National Security.
I know he is a former leader. My point is how this is playing out in the NATION that was the source of the information.
Generally anything the current Isreali intelligence leadership has to say about this is probably being said through diplomatic and intelligence channels. Not in public OPED pieces.
Let us say “that was reported to be the source of the information.”
I will concur that the official response(s) [if any] are most probably going through the official channels.
However I am also aware that the news agencies overseas are most like the WaahPo, MSNBC, et al, in their world-view. If one were to rely solely upon, say, the BBC for ones’ news about the USA, one would believe the situation to be much different than it is. Die Welt and Der Spiegel similarly. They, too, are wrong more often than not.
The article in the Times of Israel, upon perusal, resembles the type of reporting one finds in WaahPo, BBC, and Der Spiegel. Find some folks who are now out of the loop, (at least not updated daily), feed them some “facts” which turn out to be wrong, and report on the more negative things they said in a way that maximizes the criticism of President Trump.
The point remains that these men were responding to a scenario that is counterfactual. Their off-the-cuff responses to a situation that does not exist ought not to be taken as evidence that there is a strain between Israel and the USA.
The point also remains that Trump did not know the source of the non-classified information he did share, and did not say anything about where it came from.
If classified information did come from Israel that provided the information that President Trump did share, then that fact is being shared not by President Trump but by some leakers elsewhere, and it is they who have committed the crime. Not the President.
Maybe you have a direct line to Trump, but I learned about the intelligence and its source from the media. I doubt that the media learned the information from Trump or the other parties to the conversation. If anyone endangered an Israeli spy it is the media and its “anonymous sources”.
If ISIS learned anything, it wasn’t from Trump, it was from the media and the anonymous sources. I rather doubt that the Russians are going to do any favors for ISIS.
You did not learn what Trump told the Russians from the media.
Pretending the extent of the information is “ISIS is putting bombs in laptops” is absolute nonsense.
It is much more specific, nuanced, and sensitive than that.
If it wasn’t there would be no reason to classify it and no reason for the Israelis to share it.
The specifics are what compromises the source.
Does the WaPoo have any sources other than “unnamed”? Anymore I’m convinced that means it was either made up or hyped up in a cubicle or break room.
What is the basis for your assertion that “It is much more specific, nuanced, and sensitive than that.”, please?
If it is some reporter somewhere with unnamed “sources” – please forgive my skepticism.
“You sure as hell would not OK with this if Hillary was in the Oval office and did this”
She DID negligently handle classified information. That information was hacked by someone (the Russians?) if I recall correctly. And she didn’t have the excuse of inexperience or lack of knowledge.
So now it is ok for Trump because he is inexperienced and lacks knowledge.
Would you have been OK if Obama had made this mistake?
This is ridiculous. Stop moving the bar. Inexperience and lack of knowledge is no excuse for this level of careless stupidity.
At least President Trump didn’t use a proxy server in a bathroom for official email and then delete 30K of them.
I know when someone is a partisan stooge moron when they bring Clinton into this.
So your standard for your leaders is that they can be just as bad as the biggest shitbags in the opposition party?
First, Clinton’s email idiocy destroyed her political career and kept her out of the presidency. Perhaps the worst possible fate for such an ambitious power hungry greedmonger.
Second, I hate Clinton. So using Clinton to justify Trump’s actions is a little like using Ted Kaczynski to justify Timothy McVeigh’s actions.
Third, Clinton should have been charged. People should not be given a pass for that kind of crap merely because they have a lot of political supporters who want them to be president.
Now Trump may not have committed a crime but he proved himself (again) to be an idiot.
Should anything be done about it?
No, there is nothing to be done at this point.
But the public should not be giving him a pass politically.
We especially should not be giving him a pass because “other people are worse”.
That is an absolute BULLSHIT standard for our expectations of our leaders. Particularly the president.
Seriously Babbles McButthead, how much harder are you going to sit & spin on FAKE NEWS from DNC Pravda outlets like the WaPoo?
When I saw your headline, Jonn, I immediately knew the crypto-commie/proglodyte would have to promptly grace us with his party-line babble. You just had to release the troll-bait. Now you have awakened the Not-Kraken.
Accusing me of keeping the “party-line” is nonsense.
I am not a democrat. I despise the DNC and most of its leaders and prominent politicians.
I hate the Clintons. Both of them.
I voted for George Bush Sr., I was McCaine supporter.
I am disappointed with Obama (I find hime a likable guy but a disappointing president).
I would have voted for Jon Hunstman against Obama in 2012 had he received the nomination.
I diverge from the party line on a few key issues; international trade, gun control, I even think transgender or gender identity disorder should be medically disqualifying for service. Something my friends on the left get pretty pissed about when I express it.
I am not some mindless kool-aide drinking “libtard”.
That is just something many of you prefer to believe because then you can avoid accepting that YOU are the one being partisan stooges and toe the party line regardless of circumstances.
Babble, babble, babble, babble.
Babble is a step up from the nonsense Commissar spews. I can tell by the sparse responses to his crap that fewer people are bothering. I think I’ll join that group. Have fun, Lars.
I really didn’t bother with him much on the last thread where he shit & pissed himself mainly because he BORED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!
Ditto. It is a waste of energy to read his agit-prop blathering.
I think I’ll join you, 2/17 AirCav.
The Piuperdink is boring, repetitive and uses hollow arguments to support his anger issues.
Drinks are on me this time.
There seems to be an element missing in the news media’s Trump myopia. As far as I’m aware, nobody has asked what the other content of the meeting with the Russians was about. Things started with the U.S. press being pissed it wasn’t invited to the Oval Office, then escalated when some anonymous source whispered that Trump might have disclosed to our “adversaries” some unidentified classified material gained from an unidentified “ally” at an unspecified time.
It also seems true that the situation in Syria can’t continue indefinitely. There’s now a high risk, because of proximity, that some incident will happen that causes the Russians and Americans to clash. If such a future event were to occur, it might be useful to ask– before it happens– a simple question: Are we willing to go to war with the Russians over Syria and Assad?
It’s also a bit ironic that the political faction now banging the drum most loudly for lines in the sand is the faction who would be least willing to go in harm’s way. An even deeper question is why such is the case. Is the clamor for confrontation part of a much larger end game?
My own view is that Trump was meeting with the Russians to keep the lines of communication open. Whatever information conveyed about ‘splodey laptops was in the context of info exchange with a possible implied quid pro quo. Then too, just because you can talk to somebody doesn’t mean he’s your best bud. What it might mean is not spending the next few years with two sides always reaching for a big red button.
As the fella said: Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
When the pin is pulled remember that Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
All the excitement lately reminds me why I so enjoy my weekends on the ocean…no talking heads whining….just the wind and the waves.
Perfect. I forgot this line but is fantastic in this context.
I think it is sums up how there comes a time when people need to distance yourself themselves an explosively bad outcome.
Yep like you should be distancing yourself from the WaPo and NYT like you’ve already done with Clinton, imbecile.
Please stop using Hillary as an excuse for Trump being careless and stupid.
So your standard for your leaders is that they can be just as bad as the biggest shitbags in the opposition party?
First, Clinton’s email idiocy destroyed her political career and kept her out of the presidency. Perhaps the worst possible fate for such an ambitious power hungry greed monger. So she was held accountable by the public for her crap.
Second, Using Clinton to justify Trump’s actions is a little like using Ted Kaczynski to justify Timothy McVeigh’s actions.
Third, Clinton should have been charged. People should not be given a pass for that kind of crap merely because they have a lot of political supporters who want them to be president. The fact that she was not charged does not make it OK for other politicians to carelessly compromise national security.
Now Trump may not have committed a crime but he proved himself (again) to be an idiot.
Should anything be done about it?
No, there is nothing to be done at this point.
But the public should not be giving him a pass politically.
We especially should not be giving him a pass because “other people are worse”.
That is an absolute BULLSHIT standard for our expectations of our leaders. Particularly the president.
How much harder are you going to sit and spin in FAKE NEWS from the WaPoo, Babbles McButthead?
We’re only a little over 100 days in, Jonn. It’s going to be real exhausting for your crippled ass to do all this deflecting.
Oh, if only you could go back to the old days of criticizing Obama for not saluting one time or some dumb shit. I’ll bet you miss it!
I should mention that I’m a pillow-biting bone-smuggler, that I’ve never served in the military and I hate cisgender men. I want Jonn in me, right now.
YOU sure sound like a real winner. What happened to make YOU that butthurt, are you someone outed by TAH?
No, he’s just some little queer who wants what I have in my pants. I think he has a bet going with Wittgenfeld which one can get stuffed by me first.
He DOES sound like a Lemon Party-lusting Dutch Rudder Gang wannabe!
He sure sounds sick-in-the-head.
He wants your wallet? But there’s nothing in it. Didn’t you spend it all on that twit with the revoked pilot’s license down in the south?
Jonn seems more than capable of defeating the idiots from other side. He does so rather thoroughly. Kinda shameful to be repeatedly thwacked by a guy you see as “crippled”.
You are out of your league, and you know it. Hear the laughter tossed your way? It will burn in your ears all the worse as you meet the advance of years…..
WRT Impeachment, there is no definition of an “impeachable offense.” Yes, yes, the Constitution mentions “high crimes and misdemeanors” but that carries no legal weight because there is no overall super-attorney-general who can “charge” the president.
Put simply, an “impeachable offense” is whatever Congress decides it is. And as bitterly partisan as Congress appears to be, it is unlikely that any Republican house will vote to impeach, no matter how the NYT and other media organs scream for it.
Nixon would likely have been impeached had he not resigned but that was in a different political era where the Republicans and Democrats weren’t as much enemies of each other as they are now and were more willing to cross party lines.
Nowadays a party that is in the majority would rather endure the outrage of the nation (which will pass with the next “crisis of the month” and long before the next election) than impeach their own president.
Unless Trump does something to really piss off the Republican majority in the House he will not be impeached, no matter what comes out of this. So all the “impeachment” talk is just mental masturbation for the mainstream media.
Of course the way impeachment could happen is if Trump’s actions cause voters to rally to the Democrats in the 2018 mid terms and give them control of the house and/or senate. If that happens I would expect that impeachment proceedings would start on the first day of the 2019 congressional session.
i disagree. Whole it takes a majority of the house to initiate proceedings. It does not take a majority of republicans. It only takes 10% of them. If 24 join with democrats then Trump is going to get impeached. And they do not need to be pissed off to do it.
5 democrats voted to initiate Clinton’s impeachment. Though we were not as partisan then as now either. It should be noted that none of the democrats that voted for impeachment were pissed off. They just felt like it was their duty to do so given the nature of the action and the charges.
I can see 10% of republicans doing the same given how unusual Trump has been and how many republicans are already calling him out on his idiocy.
I think if Trump’s approval falls so low because of Trump individual or collective acts of stupidity that he is a huge liability for republicans going into 2018 they feel they have to at least initiate proceedings so that they have a chance to hash out the “charges” to feed the public outrage.
Since republicans would still be the majority party that could control the outcome either way.
And many republicans believe that a President Pence is not a bad place to be going into 2018 or 2020.
The current obstruction of justice issue is pretty significant. Especially since it involves ties to a country that has long been regarded as a threat. For decades an existential threat.
While there seems to be an odd infatuation with Russian and Putin among many republicans, there are still a lot that are uncomfortable with senior white house administration officials have close business and ties or conflicts of interests with Russia. Even if there is no political collusion.
WOW Babbles McButthead, you really ARE pissing in your pantyhose over this latest lump of fake news! ANY Congressman or Woman can initiate Impeachment Proceedings, but the FACT is that it takes a Majority Vote in the House of Representatives to actually impeach, I have fresh popcorn at hand, now to enjoy it while we watch you keep going apeshit like a spoiled toddler with a dirty diaper! 😀
While what you posit (10% of Republicans voting to impeach along with 100% of Democrats in the house) is theoretically possible, in practical terms it’s pretty unlikely.
Those 24 Republicans would be cutting their own political throats by essentially declaring war on their own party. If things get that bad for Republicans then voting to impeach won’t save them and the Democrats would sweep the 2018 elections anyway, so the Republican efforts would be futile.
It’s one thing to vote against your own party on a single bill or issue (even if it’s a big one) – that can often be forgiven.
But voting to impeach is an order of magnitude worse – voting to impeach is “striking at the king” and you know what they say about that: If you’re going to strike at him, you’d better be successful.
Any Republican who votes to impeach might as well change parties or just retire because he/she will never get an ounce of support from the party after that, ever again.
Congressmen (especially in the House) don’t have that kind of mettle. They’d rather play it safe, lose the election to a Dem and maintain their political “cred” so that they can run again when the pendulum swings the other way.
Might also mention a simple majority applies to the House – but the Senate needs 2/3. FTFO.
Trump approval rating is at an all time low.
So he is not being given a pass and the public is holding him politically accountable.
Which is all I cared about.
Trump cares about his public image and brand more than the country.
So when Trump’s image and brand suffers he tends to take a step back and it gives a moment for the smart people in the room with him to get him to listen.
So, despite the fact that some of you can’t see past your partisan tribal loyalty and will defend Trump regardless of what he does, it is good to see that there are a lot of conservatives that are willing to call Trump out on his bullshit and not make some idiotic excuse about Clinton also being a shitbag.
Tried to remove the client info from the last URL but it broke it. Oh, well. I am using a Mac and Safari. Now you know.
HEY Babbles McButthead, YOU supported a washed-out has-been Socialist who PRAISED Venezuela’s Socialism and suddenly got a sweetheart deal on a waterfront home (HIS THIRD HOUSE, something you and your ilk say is unnecessary) right after he dropped out. HOW MANY hungry school children could have been fed with the money Bernie Sanders spent on just that one home? That’s what your ilk always asks when a Conservative spends their money like that.
So idiotic and desperate.
“So idiotic and desperate.”
HEY Babbles McButthead, YOU’RE the one perpetually pissing their pantyhose over everything the libtard fake news media says about President Trump! 😀
Lars, if I may point out: you appear to have as an article of faith that President Trump is an idiot.
Judging from his overall success in private enterprise (and please don’t presume that he is not a success because he had some failures as well – anyone who takes risks will have failures) “idiot” is not an applicable adjective.
Judging from the quality of people he has placed in positions in his administration, his gift for identifying and recruiting very intelligent people is great.
Again – not the sign of an idiot.
I suspect that you consider him an idiot because his behavior is non-standard for a politician. Most of us do not see it that way.
He has the money and lack of ethical limits to be willing to play by his own rules.
He is “success” because he exploits the system to tip the outcome in his favor.
Using dozens of Trump branded pass-though companies to so that he never has to pay the cost of his failures.
He puts very little of his own capital up in the enterprises and uses lenders and his ability to swindle investors into putting up most of the money. Then he sticks creditors, contractors, customers, employees, investors, and often the public with his losses by declaring bankruptcy.
If you went through life gambling mostly with other people’s money and got to keep the winners and stick them with the losers you would do pretty well for yourself as well.
However, that is a game only available to people rich enough to pursue creditors and investors worldwide, unethical enough to do it, and can afford a large enough legal team that trying to force Trump to be accountable is not cost effective.
So he is smart. Con man smart.
But not smart enough to run a country. When you run a democracy the rules of accountability change. You don’t get to just walk away from your failures and make OTHER people pay the cost.
Most voters won’t let you get away with that.
And his supporters should not let him get away with doing that either.
But yet you think that President Trump’s predecessor was more competent than he is despite his rampant nepotism, narcissism, corruption and incompetence? And Bernie Sanders, whose wife’s incompetent administration and mismanagement SHUT an entire college down would be better? You are not only a lunatic, but a lost soul as well, Babbles McButthead.
“But not smart enough to run a country. When you run a democracy the rules of accountability change. You don’t get to just walk away from your failures and make OTHER people pay the cost.
Most voters won’t let you get away with that. ”
I dunno, Lars. It worked for Obama. And Bill Clinton, W, Mr. Peanut….
I dont understand why he believes any of these media reports. Intel agenicies have manipulated the media for years. If a leak puts out there is an Israeli mole in ISIS, ISIS executes a few dozen fighters and does some loyalty testing. That is a win all day long.
The truth is he does not actually know. Just like the media.
And, ISIS will go high in the organization, looking for heads to separate from bodies. They won’t be lopping off some grunt’s head.
Whether they’re killed in combat or a drone hit or an airstrike OR they get their head hacked off by one of their own, IDGAF, dead is dead. As long as they’re killed off before they can murder innocent people like they say their religion tells them to I’m OK with it.
Agreed, I was responding to The Old Maj’s post, it would be entertaining to watch ISIS trying to find the mole.
Well, for those interested in such things, here is something from the Congressional Research Service on Obstruction of Justice:
Also, a column that explains some of the reservations many have concerning these “late breaking news” stories – and their track record for veracity:
An awful lot of long-winded comments by Commissar, and lots of replies by just about everyone else outlining how Commissar is full of shit. At a glance, it looks like that makes up at least 2/3 of the thread. If one person calls you an asshole, he’s the problem. If everybody says you’re an asshole…
Funny, the public is almost 2/3rd the opposite direction on this.
His approval rating is at an all time low for him and a historical low for presidents in their first year.
Guess the 2/3 spit against me say more about the partisan nature of this board than the actual circumstances with respect to the broader context of a nation of 320M people.
How much harder are you going to sit & spin on what the WaPoo, a confirmed FAKE NEWS outfit, picked out of their noses and threw for fartheads like you to chew and swallow?
Halfway there.
When I first looked at this post this morning when He Who Shall Not Be Named made his first comment there were 18 comments.
I said to myself, Here We Go. I bet it’ll be 180 comments by close of business.
Just another day of getting his ass kicked.
I am a web traffic generator.
As Trump would say “When I show up the post count goes up double, triple, they get tremendous post counts”.
Spam is also a traffic generator.
Well, now we know that the only place the Piuperdink gets ANY attention at all is on TAH.
He completely misses the fact that the people who make comments to/about him are repeaters who detest him, but that’s something that hasn’t occurred to his dull intellect.
Oh, look! Squirrels!!!!
Somebody needs to point out to all the anti-Trumpers that winning the Electoral College and becoming the US President is neither a high crime nor a misdemeanor. Yes, there are other ways to get rid of a sitting president, but most are illegal. Good luck trying to make those which are not work for ya. Yet they continue to try.
Just imagine what would happen if all this energy were spent in useful pursuit instead of wasted on lefty wet dreams.
Lets see…
The press, the polls, almost all the prognosticators said the country would go for Clinton. The Left said they spoke for the People.
The nation replied “Trump”.
A whole bunch of folks that cant accept that reality, that cant accept that they were -rejected-, now have this whack-off fantasy that somehow they will undo the election. Trump will be impeached! Because the left really won, and it is all a scam, rant! Fapfapfap whatever.
Keep it up, idiots. That kind of idiotic childish tantrum will drive his -supporters- to the next ballot box, if only to -spite- a bunch of unhinged babies.
You know, just like you drove his supporters out to elect him in the first place.
Because you look like incompetent fools who should be isolated as far from political power as possible, because
Batshit crazy.
The folks who put -HRC- on top of their ticket, and argued about maybe Bernie instead.
Batshit crazy, destroy the republic lunacy.
And having blundered so incredibly badly, You double down on it! You are about to hand him a 60 vote senate in two years, plus more state houses and governorships.
Does the phrase “convention of the states” chill your bones? It should. 34 to call the question, and 38 to pass amendments. In four mor years of ass-hattery, you may open -that- door.
By all means! Keep talking secession (again). Keep talking “resistance”. Keep talking “impeachment”.
Convince utterly, the sane Americans, that you are utterly uninterested in anything other than a shrieking thugocracy where there is only obediance and revenge.
There are -worse- electoral outcomes than -Trump-. We just dodged the one you idiots tried to cause. There are -worse- things you are about to unleash with your irrational revenge-fap fantasies.
Or your tantrums -will- be stopped. And if you light the fire that burns it all down, you may find yourselves wishing you had been a bit more willing to play by the rules.
Cold rational fury beats shrieking tantrums, every time.
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder – TARD
Trump Acceptance resistance Disorder Operatives – TARDOs
Keep that in mind the next time you see or hear about a group of them screeching and committing acts of violence and intolerance like they do and then you can look at them and say or think “There go another bunch of unhinged TARDOs.”. 😀
That’s about the whole of it. The loonie left wants him out desperately. They don’t realize that they and theirs created the need for a Trump. And now, they want us to join them with pitchforks and torches to destroy him–for the good of the country, don’t you know. They are sick phuks and they still don’t get it.
It’s entirely possible that the Trump effect will last for 80 years. The slackwits on the left side of the fence have become so repugnant and useless that no one with any real sense wants to have anything to do with them.
Aren’t unions starting to lose their chokehold on the workplace, too? Someone tried to recruit me for one about 25 years ago, and my response was that I enjoyed my job and despised any union slugs who told me I had to stop working on their say-so. I got a 4.5% raise that year. The best that idiot’s ‘union’ could get her was 1.25% I spent a good deal of time laughing at her.
IMHO Babbles McButthead is about as in touch with reality as Tommy Chong is in this unaired Lincoln commercial:
BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! That was great !!!!
Oh hell yes !!!
Again, just remember this is the same shit that the left pulled in the recall of Governor Scott Walker.
There were huge false accusations, screaming, crying, physical violence against all kinds of people including demonstrations against, and I mean literally, special needs children. There were attacks on those kids in Madison and they were blocked from entering the State Capitol in Madison proving that the left wingers have no qualms about abusing special needs children just to get their point across.
The unions dropped well over 30 million into that recall election and the day before the vote the polls said that Walker would be recalled for sure, just like they said #wideload would win in a landslide.
Walker won by over 7 points that election so they tried it again in the next election cycle tossing another 20 million into the pot of all you union folks hard earned money and lost by an even higher margin…
Then, during the #PresidentTrump election the airwaves up there were filled with #wideload commercials calling Trump everything short of saying he is Jesus Christ and the left even lost one of their “safe places”, as Wisconsin went for Trump in a fairly stunning defeat that you poodledick fucks still have a hard time grasping the reality of.
So, take heart boys and girls, they are blowing their wad yet again spreading hate and vitriol like it’s going out of style.
My money is on #PresidentTrump again, as I’ve seen this dog and pony show before…
Thunderstixx, would it be near actual to say that these actions are possibly symptoms of the desperate scramble of a dying entity?
I can only hope so.
Another recurring theme is that pretty much spot on and deadly is that almost everyone that signed the recall petitions has been defeated in any contested election.
Lots of RINO’s have tried to gain seats in Wisconsin in the legislature and even in smaller government seats and have been defeated if they signed the recall petition.
That is the reality of the situation as even though they can put up all the polls in the world to hope to drive public opinion, the lameass media has lost all of the trust of the American public.
If you look at the poll results and read into the mess that they call a poll you will find that over and over again those polls are mostly taken using #haironfirelibidiots so that is why it is showing that #PresidentTrump only has a 36% approval rating.
Don’t fall for their bull shit. Poodledick is just another left wing #libidiot with nothing better to do than stir the pot.
Even here in Austin, the people I talk to are sick of their crap, and that’s Austin .
Suck it larsie-boi, all your bull shit is just that, bull shit.
One more thing, look at the picture of the Red/blue distribution of the 2012 election and you’ll see that it closely predicts the same election results that we saw in 2016
Forgot the link…
Wow. The Piuperdink, a/k/a Commissar and the COMMISSAR, obviously doesn’t have anything to do at all, except post losing argument after losing argument this early in the morning.
That is definitely attention-whoring on a grand scale.
He should start his own blog. It costs nothing. There are no rules barring content in most cases. He can spout all the Commie partisan BS he wants to and no one will argue with him.
But doing all that would require actual work and dedication, which he does NOT have at all. Building an audience takes time, too. There’s no instant success to it.
But he could have his own widdo way on every subject, all he wants to, like a miasmic fog emanating from the brain farts of another social moron blatherskite.
I guess if the media ever does find something of substance current POTUS can do what the previous POTUS did, cite executive privilege, make no further comments and carry on. 🙂