North Koreans’ live fire exercise

| April 27, 2017

CNN reports that the North Koreans conducted a live fire exercise the other day;

A statement from the South Korean military said the live-fire exercises were in the Wonsan region in the east of the country Tuesday afternoon, but gave no details on what kinds of weapons and military units took part in the drill.

On Wednesday, CNN was told by a North Korean government official with knowledge of the event that it was the largest ever drill conducted by the country’s military and involved 300 artillery guns.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gave the order to start the demonstration, where the large-caliber self-propelled guns lined up along the coast opened fire, state news agency KCNA reported Wednesday.

I guess this is some sort of a response to the MOAB detonation in Afghanistan that some folks think was a message to the North Koreans from President Trump.

Category: North Korea

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One MOAB would have wiped out the NORK version on the King of Battle.


That would be a good trade, IMHO.

To me it looks like Lil’Kim3 is engaging in the equivalent of shooting a pistol into the air to scare folks. But what do I know?


One MOAB should do it. But, just in case add a few A-10s to come in and finish it off.


I’m surprised they didn’t end up shooting each other lined up like that.


Lot of hearing loss in the troops on the first row or 2.

In the Viet of Nam (h/t Claw) once they moved 8″ers in behind our position at night and most of us didn’t know it. At O’dark thirty they let loose a massive salvo firing right over us. We thought the world had ended and ears rang for days.


Reading about the troops who were delegated to guard the approach to the artillery in the War of Northern Aggression, they tended to suffer a lot of concussive injuries, hearing loss, and what we’d call PTSD from the experience.

I’d be willing to bet that ear protection is not high on the list of ‘things to give the troops’ in Norkiland.


Well, the North WAS aggressive, but most historians call it the Korean War.


Ah, the good old days. Even if you could cope with the noise there was always a six inch deep cloud of dust on the ground, and the concussion would bounce you off the ground if you were lying down. You could get more sleep in the field than on the firebase.

Combat Historian

That is NOT a “live-fire exercise”; that is a commieganda clusterfuck circus…


Did environmentalists demonstrate over the inevitable harm to the seashore? Did all the SP’s have drip pans under them?


More importantly, did all the Norks wear reflective belts?


Fire for effect!


In a match between a banty rooster and a turkey cock, which one do you think will win?

Yes, They both can strut and posture, but who has the bigger spurs and meaner temper?


“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”

I’ll pick the banty rooster for $500, Alex.

Having tangled with various fowl of various sizes, a banty rooster has a lot of ‘never-give-up’ in him. Now, a banty vs a Muscovy drake or a gander may be a more applicable analogy.


Okay, but a turkey cock (rooster) in mating season is just as murderous as a banty rooster and can/will kill an adult human he may see as a rival for female turkeys.


Any male who is in heat is dangerous.

Full disclosure – I’ve never dealt with a turkey cock, but I can believe your description!


Aren’t they polluting the ocean? We should send Leonardo DICKaprio there to talk to them. Delivery via a MOAB.


Can we send Algore and Bill Nye with him?

A Proud Infidel®™

I move to include “Hanoi Jane” Fonda, Nanny Lugosi and Babs Streisand!


Don’t forget, Maxi-pad Waters.

A Proud Infidel®™

Shouldn’t we also send Awrec Bawrdwin as werr?


Yes, indeed, include them and anyone else that comes to mind.

2/17 Air Cav

The fish kill must have been enormous. I imagine even PETA is pissed at the NORKs today.


A celebratory fish fry was scheduled immediately after the demonstration.

Lil’Kim3 was the only invitee.


I wonder if the the Norks have one of these guys in their artillery units?

“I don’t want don’t want to shoot into the water, because I will hurt the fish”.

“Shut the f_ck up, Carl”!!


I saw all that closely-packed firepower and thought… my friend Curtis might like that.

Deplorable B Woodman

Can you say, “Maginot Line”? I knew you could.

The Other Whitey

Did they miss the ocean?


Seriously, back in 2010 when the Norks fired almost 200 rounds on a 3 square kilometer South Korean island, more than half the rounds fell harmlessly into the ocean.


I remember that incident, Poetrooper, but weren’t some people injured by it, and weren’t some houses on that island set on fire?


I see that rows two and three are not firing.

Can anybody say inflatable or plywood and canvas artillery pieces ala Cuban firepower?


Of course I don’t actually see any muzzle blasts coming from the tubes.

The explosions seem to be coming from ground level between the artillery pieces.

2/17 Air Cav

As I understand it, the prospect of some of the gunners missing the ocean prompted some to be ordered not to fire.


Good catch, Claw.

Those explosions do not look like muzzle blasts.

They look more like the ‘Hollywood’ (gasoline?) explosions that one typically sees in a crappy made-for-TV war movie.

Here’s another observation:

How many tank retrievers/recovery vehicles did it take to drag all of those highly-reliable Norki vehicles off of the beach when the ‘live fire’ show was over?

Patrick Sommers

I agree about the muzzle blasts. Look staged.


Meanwhile, north of the Norki-Chinese border, the Defense Ministry apologized for a poorly photoshopped image of their new aircraft carrier. It was surrounded by two ships that were, apparently, San Antonio class amphibious transport docks of the U.S. Navy, and at least one Russian fighter jet and 3 land-based Chinese fighters.
I’d bet the bureaucrat who released that image, to the amusement and laughter of many, is wondering if he’ll be shot behind the left ear or the right ear.


If so – don’t you know that the pucker factor for those red-legs is going higher and higher as Lil’Kim3 keeps making noises?


Well, the caption DOES say ‘live fire’ and it is real fire. I just hope nobody got 3rd degree burns from it.


Let’s drop a wood MOAB on the third row!


Nah. Drop about 20 tons of MREs and see who comes up alive.




Nah. MRE’s are to modern.

Drop 20 tons of C-Rat style Ham&MF’ers or the Beef & Shrapnel meal w/Fruit Cake for dessert and a nice hot Fresca as the drink.

A Proud Infidel®™

Include some old MRE Omelet with Ham meals and that would be considered an Act of War, especially the warm Fresca!


I see long rows of shooting gallery fun for A-10’s.


Enfilade fire.

The Other Whitey

Warthog’s buffet!


Would have made a good target!!…

Dennis - not chevy

In the second row; are those two NoRKs holding torches?


Are youse guys saying that all them there tanks is rilly jes’ wood mockups, like the Brits had in WWII?


In the second photo, to me, it seems the fires are between the artillery pieces and behind the muzzles. Not muzzle flashes. I think this is a big fireworks show and not so much expending rounds.


(Snerrrkkk!) Yeah! Break out the marshmallows and hot dogs!


Here’s a little of our side of that coin.


That is the M777 155 mm howitzer. Depending on what they are firing, the projective weight in the neighborhood of 100 pounds. This is arguably the most accurate towed artillery piece in the world, crewed by some of the deadliest troops in the world- American paratroopers.

Better than a night at the ballet.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ballet is like a neutered version of Martial Arts.


I’m sure those eating tree bark and turnips are pleased at the Cheese Whore’s showing of bravado. Someone in NK should be a Hero of the State and Hero of Humanity by killing the cheeseball.


This seems a lot like something a 5-year-old me would have done with his army men, and at least that part of me really approves. It does make a neat photo, and at least somebody in Norkland got to have fun for once.

Oh, I acknowledge that it’s a really stupid idea–but just look at it!

Doc Savage

Good god….what a hot mess.

It says the pics were released by the official North Korea news service, so I have to ask….was any of that photo shopped??
It wouldn’t be the first time they did that, and the rows of tubes in some places look a little…”off”.

Mark Olson

After serving 24 years in the US Army as a “Redleg” and 2 of the years on Korea tours in 1993 and 2001 I would take our training, precision munitions, and even those Rocket Jockeys shooting ATACMS over those clowns north of the DMZ!


Lined up their guns along the shoreline… presenting the Navy with a linear target for Naval Gunfire Support operations. Nice easy target for the Air Force as well, nice a linier, let the bombs fall along the axis of each row of guns.


All I see are targets, lots and lots of targets.

This is considered Pron, right?


I’ve seen some awesome videos of Redregs firing huge volleys. Impressive to see. I can’t link now

A Proud Infidel®™

I truly wonder if there is anyone left in the KPA (Korean People’s Army, Norkie Military) that even knows how to pre-plot Artillery Strikes with the equipment and ammo they currently have, or will any Arty strike by the Norkies simply be a “spray and pray” with whatever they have that still works?


See, this is what we need battleships for, to sit off shore and return the favor to them.

Sure, missiles would do the job, but watching the Missouri and the New Jersey just plaster the shit out of them would be fun!

Roger in Republic

Man, the things you see when you are not packing a B-52 wing. One Arc light strike and Lil Kim would have to fight his war with small arms only.


From the same country that uses bi-planes to drop jumpers…. Gentlemen, I give you the AN-2 Colt!


One MOAB would have eliminated their entire field artillery. What a missed opportunity.


All I can say to that massive definition of firepower is BRRRRRRRRT




Anyone else thinking of mad Caligula sending his legions to “war” on the ocean?
