MOAB casualty count rises
Stars & Stripes reports that Major Sherin Aqa, public affairs chief for the 201st Corps in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province told Stars & Stripes that the body count for the GBU-43B, Massive Ordnance Airbust Bomb (MOAB) detonation the other day rose to 94, including four Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K) commanders.
For four weeks prior to the bombing, Afghan special forces tried to penetrate the area, but they were unsuccessful due to the difficult terrain and a belt of improvised explosive devises planted by ISIS fighters, Gen. Dawlat Waziri, spokesman for Afghanistan’s Defense Ministry said.
Afghans have since resumed offensive operations against ISIS, Waziri said.
The militants have claimed responsibility for a number of high-profile attacks across Afghanistan, including the storming of a military hospital in Kabul last month that killed 50 people. The latest attack claimed by the group occurred on Wednesday when a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Afghan Defense Ministry killing five people.
Category: Terror War
As heard (paraphrased) on Bob and Tom yesterday morning – They are really going to shit when we drop the “mother in law of all bombs”!
How many others were vaporized?
I wondered about that.
How could you have a numbered body count when there’s not enough evidence left of a “body” or “bodies” to be counted?
What did they come up with a number? Hold a formation after the MOAB drop and check the Alpha Roster? Those not present for duty were declared dead?
Things that make you go Hmmm?
“What did they come up with a number?”
The “New Math”… they used it to come up with the number of dead…
Easy. After policing the area you count the feet you find, and divide by two. The feet almost always survive intact. The chore is finding them.
“Private! You walk like you have two left feet!”
(PVT hands SGT a bag)
“Three Sargent! And I see two more over there…”
Just leaves more goats for the rest. Most likely they are praising Allah that the line on Saturday night got shorter
“For four weeks prior to the bombing, Afghan special forces tried to penetrate the area, but they were unsuccessful due to the difficult terrain and a belt of improvised explosive devises planted by ISIS fighters,”
Have to admit, the GBU-43B makes one hell of a MICLIC.
That MOAB’s a bad mother…”SHUT YO MOUTH!”
But I’m talkin’ about MOAB?”
I can dig it.
First I hope the caves were packed full for a command meeting and Man Love Thursday. They’ll never know the real count until they dig and count grease spots. But why waste all the manpower? Just wait a month for ISIS to start rebuilding and drop another one.
It was a mandatory all hands formation so that the unit ISIS Relief Fund rep could give his spiel. Fortunately, they all signed on and their allotments were submitted before the strike.
Better yet, wait until they have another parade and make sure a MICLIC is the last vehicle in the parade. That’s a real show stopper.
Bet the wigglers & squirmers were going …”What the phaque was that?!
a.k.a. ‘kickers & screamers’…
“Abdul, Ahmad, Mohammad come here, look, what is that”?
Abdul…”It’s a plane”.
Ahmad…”It’s a bird”.
Mohammad… “Its a
It’s the ultimate goat fucker.
My dad brought back some fantastic bomb damage assement photos from WW2 taken during the actual run. They were either 10×10 or 12×12 black and whites and you could see the shockwaves expanding out from the target.
In one particular photo I could see a steam locomotive with coal car rising vertically in the air. The nose of the locomotive was straight up and it appeared to be dragging the coal car with it like a missle rising from Cape Canaveral. B-17’s didn’t drop very heavy bombs so whatever that MOAB thing did must have
been a real show stopper. Do it again.
The British had a 10,000 lb Blockbuster bomb and 20,000 pounder they called the Earthquake bomb. The only plane capable of carrying it was the Lancaster. The bigger bomb was used on several bridges and on the V-2 launch sites in France. The bomb penetrated deep into the earth and the blast blew all the earth around the structure causing the target to collapse into the void.
Al…..gonna need more virgins……..and get Jill Stein to make sure the recount is right……
That “MICLIC” is a bad MF’er too! I had never heard of it. Didn’t have those back in the White Name Tape Army, right Poet?
Troops entered the site and found the bodies, or what was left of them. The toll is expected to rise inasmuch as the actual target has not yet been accessed. The count has not been adopted by the US. Nor has it been rejected. The ‘splosion will certainly discourage massing of bad guys in outlying areas for a while. I got a kick out of who made the call–an actual general, not the White House.
And that part will save more lives than everything else the old White House ever did…
It seems that #libidiots juyst have to micromanage every war they ever get involved in, at least since LBJ. Clinton did it with Somalia and of course oblowme did it with Afghanistan…
The ROE’s have been returned to their proper place, with the commanders and people on the ground.
If nothing else @POTUS does, this will be enough to get me to vote for him in 2020.
Aw…from the song of the same name “Ain’t that a Shame”? Now satan is going to busy logging in all those new recruits!!
I’ve been “near”* Arc Lights in Nam and thought they were bad but the MOAB wins.
*(I can’t remember how far they moved us back but it was a long long way, but still…)
I can’t remember how far they moved us back but it was a long long way,
We were close enough that we had to exit our bunkers for the drop, then reenter as debris fell- exit for the second pass, then shelter again for more debris. I was surprised that all of the clods were similar size, having been sorted ballistically in flight. All were about fist sized. A really great experience. The bombs screamed down, taking so long to fall that the Buffs were on their second run as the first load hit the ground.
The B52 strikes were interesting (felt one, observed one) but I always thought dropping leaflets ahead of time was kind of self defeating. Plus an ungodly amount of the damn things used to fall on the base camp.
The plan was to have all of the troops on line doing a police call of all of those leaflets, then drop the bomb.
I remember reading a particular book on WWII, may have been about or by Bill Mauldin, of Willie And Joe fame. An artillery unit was charged with launching some propaganda leaflets towards the German lines. The guys knew that these leaflets would have zero impact on those Krauts laying own their arms, but the arty guys had their orders. Then, after a few minutes of waiting, they assumed that the Germans assumed that there would be no additional artillery inbound so that the Germans could retrieve the leaflets. Then, it was hammer time. Catch all of those bastards in the open.
This makes me happy. Do it again.
Wonder what one of these would do to the Iranian patrol boat docks. If I smile a little does that mean I’m a bad person
We should check it out!
Having spent time getting a body count after a B 52 strike, Your guess is as good as mine.
I want MOAR!
Well, if the “R” stands for “retards” . . . IMO the DRG provides a few excellent candidates.
I imagine that any booby traps within two miles of ground zero would have been, maybe, possibly, with any luck at all detonated by the concussion.
Just guessing, mind you.
As reported by Leftist Press:
“The popularity of Trump with the military has apparently cratered…”
Cue “Kansas”
…..dust in the wind….
All they are is dust in the wind…….