Sunday morning feel good stories
In Yakima, Washington, a resident armed himself when he heard someone break into his home. He began chasing them when a gunfight broke out and one of the criminals was taken to the hospital. The other one is still on the loose.
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, three armed suspects confronted their intended victim on the street and demanded his sneakers. A scuffle ensued and the intended victim ended up with possession of one of the thieves’ guns and shot one of the thieves in his junk. The injured criminal remained on the scene while the others took off.
A pharmacist in Apple Valley, California, foiled an armed robbery at his business when he shot one of two armed thieves. The injured criminal was taken to the hospital and treated before he was arrested. The other crook is still in the wind.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Legally armed citizens defending themselves and their goods are shooting more an more of those who have no respect for life, even their own lives. Getting shot in one’s junk sends quite a message.
Do they incarcerate him in the men’s cell or women’s cell?
That one Orc in Oklahoma found a new meaning to “junk gun”, one he will likely remember for a very long time….
His prison nickname may be “stumpy”.
Or “wifey”
Or broccoli.
That ‘junk shot’ is one means of birth control. There are others, which come highly recommended.
Seems to me, that as of late, Oklahoma is proving to be rather troublesome to aspiring thuglets…the armed citizens are cutting short their promising crime careers.
We have a true rarity today, folks: an apparent living Darwin Award winner.
More like a DISHONORABLE mention.
Going after SNEAKERS? How 90s.(droll sarcasm implied)
So perp #1 is a sitter now instead of a pointer?