Tomahawks and Sarin

| April 7, 2017

Last night the President authorized a missile attack on a Syrian airbase where those stocks of sarin nerve gas which weren’t surrendered to the Russians as the agreement that the Kerry/Obama team required were stored. From the Washington Post’s Dan LaMothe;

The U.S. Navy launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles early Friday in Syria at a military airfield in response to a chemical-weapons attack this week on civilians, U.S. military officials said, relying on a mainstay weapon when the Pentagon wants to attack from a safe distance.

The missiles were launched about 4:40 a.m. local time from the USS Ross and USS Porter, Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, defense officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the operation. The strikes targeted al-Shayrat air base in Homs province, from which the Syrian military allegedly launched chemical weapons attacks against civilians Tuesday…Russian forces also use the base, but U.S. military officials said they “deconflicted” with them ahead of time to minimize the possibility of them being caught in the strikes.

The Syrians are complaining that seven people were killed in the attack, including four children. I don’t what four kids were doing on an airbase at 4 o’clock in the morning, but those people aren’t very good about telling the truth. From Stars & Stripes;

Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Syrian opposition monitor, said the U.S. missile attack killed at least four Syrian soldiers, including a general, and caused extensive damage, according to AP.

The attack was designed to avoid the actual chemical weapons to prevent the accidental spread of the deadly nerve agent, but the question should be; “why hasn’t Russia taken possession of these weapons?”

Ron Paul claims that the attack on civilians was a “false flag” attack designed to make it appear as if the Syrian government used the weapons, but I’m guessing that no one else in Syria has sarin gas or the means to deliver it to the battlefield, besides the Russians.

His son, Rand Paul, wants to take part in the decision;

But Sen. Rand Paul called on Trump to consult on Congress.

“While we all condemn the atrocities in Syria, the United States was not attacked,” Paul said. “The President needs congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution, and I call on him to come to Congress for a proper debate.”

Trump’s opponents are wringing their hands about world war. From CNN;

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the US airstrikes on Syria as “an act of aggression against a sovereign state” that “dealt a serious blow to Russia-US relations,” according to a Kremlin statement. Russia said it believed Syria had destroyed all of its chemical weapons and the US strikes were based on a “far-fetched pretext.”

Yeah, well, the Syrian government shouldn’t have access to the weapons, Vlad. Straighten that problem out first.

According to Reuters, Hillary Clinton was calling for strikes on Syrian government airfields in the hours before the attack.

Asked whether she now believes that failing to take a tougher stand against Syria was her worst foreign policy mistake as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, Clinton said she favored more aggressive action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“I think we should have been more willing to confront Assad,” Clinton said in the interview, conducted by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.

“I really believe we should have and still should take out his air fields and prevent him from being able to use them to bomb innocent people and drop sarin gas on them.”

Category: Terror War

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Dave Hardin

Putin drinks Pepsi


I don’t think the Syrians have any great love for the USA. Let them fight their own battles.

Hillary thinks we should use the military and attack? Not that she and her daughter have any “skin in the game.”


Please don’t say “Hillary” and “skin” in the same sentence or even paragraph. I’m dry heaving.

MSG Eric

I dry heave just hearing Hillary.


Heard in the halls of the White House:
‘Clank. Clank. Clank.’

“Here comes Mr. President.”

Heard in the halls of Congress:


Brown Neck Gaitor

…relying on a mainstay weapon when the Pentagon wants to attack from a safe distance.”

Nice attempted backhand ass clown.

Overwhelming force displayed to a bully as a Reaganesque (Libya) warning.

Hope nobody got carpal tunnel from hitting the launch button that many times.


“Hope nobody got carpal tunnel from hitting the launch button that many times.”

Commissioner Wretched

We really need a “Like” button here … that one is good!


Launch button sounded kinda like “fapfapfapfap”.

And a happy ending.

MSG Eric

Its a good thing they asked Hillary, since she’s Presi- wait, no she’s not.

Perhaps if her and her former boss, King Barry, had been tougher years ago Trump wouldn’t have had to launch tomahawks against them.

Putin not knowing they still had chemical weapons? Yeah, I’ll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells of rainbow sherbet.

Commissioner Wretched

A co-worker at my office was worried about the strikes leading to another war. I said it was more a case of Trump actually doing what Obama said he would do, and didn’t.

She didn’t like my answer.

Silentium Est Aureum

I love how we launched literally HUNDREDS of TLAMs at Libya and nobody bats an eye.

Launch on one little airfield, and everyone is losing their fucking minds.

Pick a side, stick to it, fuckers!

Commissioner Wretched

I had a rather fascinating thought after hearing about the strikes, and Russia’s reaction to them:

The Democrats are claiming that Russian influence (still unproven that it happened, much less how it could possibly have affected the outcome) got Trump elected. If that’s the case, why in the world would Trump do something that would immediately piss off his supposed “kingmaker,” Putin?

I may speak four languages, and math is definitely not one of them. But this … just doesn’t add up. Maybe the “Russian influence” is just another way for the Dems to whine about being so far out of touch with mainstream America that they couldn’t win the presidency?


“Russian influence” is a nelly way to say ‘we don’t have anything else we can use to complain about Trump’.


Time for Team America to step in where we have no business, and make sure that people only die in regular explosions, or whatever.

I can’t even tell if I’m being sarcastic or not. Okay, let’s do this.

MSG Eric

As long as we get to blow up the Eiffel Tower, I’m kinda okay with this.

CC Senor

Well, at least it wasn’t an aspirin factory and a general isn’t the night janitor.


We stepped into this a few years ago under he leadership of the JEF. I remember how “great” the Arab Spring was. Now, not so much!

Now it’s Time for the grown ups to clean house.

AW1 Tim

Regarding the attacks by US forces against Syrian targets late last night.

My sources indicate that Russia was given 30 minutes notice before ordnance arrived on target, so as to be able to evacuate any of their own forces they may have had in the targeted areas. That’s a good policy to have between frenemies.

Second, the order to strike was given by the President while he was having dessert with China’s President. Any bets as to whether or not North Korea will get the message that’s being sent?

War is simply diplomacy by other means. At this level, the actions have multiple levels to consider, and different messages for different actors.

Bill M

“…the actions have multiple levels to consider, and different messages for different actors.”

My thought exactly when I heard about this. The message was for Syria, Iran, and North Korea at the least. Also a heads up to Russia, the UN, and China. Significant that China’s President was with Trump when the decision was made. These decisions always have multiple layers and addresses.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Dead Syrians aren’t necessarily a bad thing, the little ones grow up to be big ones…do we really care if the annihilate each other? If we do why?

What’s the reason for this nonsense? Are we thinking we hold some sort of moral high ground that we can tell someone what they can or can’t do in their own country? Or are we so desperate to turn Syria into Iraq and Afghanistan that we will do whatever we can to get rid of Assad now so we can fight another endless war against terror in yet another nation….

Assad could kill all of his opposition and frankly I’ll still sleep soundly at night….I really don’t give two shits what happens there and I have no fucking idea why anyone cares what happens in Syria as long as it happens in Syria…

A month ago we were reading about not wanting Syrian refugees inside our borders, now we are suddenly concerned what happens to a a few of them to the point we bomb an airfield? If he just machine gunned them to death would we not have bombed the airfield? I’m just asking because there doesn’t seem to be any sort of guidebook for Assad…if he murders them with hatchets in their sleep or guns them down we do nothing, but gas is a no-no? I guess that makes sense to somebody, not me, but somebody.

MSgt (ret), USAF

I get what your saying, but President Trump was handed this shit sandwich, he didn’t make it. This will also send a clear message to the ayatollah assahola that grown-ups are in charge of the most lethal military on the planet. Besides, we don’t want the “refugees” coming here, so lets make it possible for them to stay in their own country. Win-win for everybody.


I seem to recall reports of convoys loaded with chemical weapons going from Iraq to Syria prior to the “shock and awe” bit back in 2003.

Nah, there couldn’t be correlation between those 2002/2003 reports and Syria’s used of chem weapons now.



59 x Shack!

Get some, Navy.

Wilted Willy

I say we should have nuked the whole fucking shithole and been done with it! These ass holes are one step above chimps. Build a wall around that place and just let them kill each other. Win, Win!


Do you think that we can make Syria pay for that wall?

Couldn’t help myself.😄

Deplorable B Woodman

I wonder how much of that was Saddam Hussain’s “lost weapons of mass destruction (WMD)”.

Oops. Looks like someone found it. hehehehe


-yawn-….. Are the Sox playing today?


Just another Navy training exercise, right? That’s what I’d tell Senator Rand. Then perhaps ask him if he wants to be notified in advance of US military training exercises If he does, he would get reams of papers listing every little one done worldwide no matter the size of the unit doing said exercise. Bury him in notifications.


Weapons tests, OWB. Weapons tests under darkness. 🙂

I’m sure we have lots of other such testing going on here and there.

CB Senior

Sir we are happy to report all weapons passed.

Now for the commentary to piss of all us ground pounders. Everyone one on those Ships will get a Combat Action Ribbon. Seems fair, right?


Haven’t you ever seen the ‘Killer Bees’ patch? The SeaBee with a machine gun?


Remember when Republicans, including President Trump before he was president, were against bombing Syria?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

The Old Maj

Poor old Ron Paul. I wonder which cereal box he pulls his intel from these days now that he is no longer in the house. At least he can still pimp his gold.

I would think if the Russians really thought that the Syrians did not drop the Sarin they would have said so a bit more forcefully.


Don’t forget the freeze drier. He’s got freeze driers going for him now. He and his family at prepared – with a 25-year supply of freeze dried lasagna and ice cream.

Isn’t that special?


It seems that Iran’s president Rouhani is sticking his oar into this, asking for a full, impartial investigation into the chemical attacks in Syria. This is after he met with Vlad in the Kremlin.
Impartial? Okay, but ‘impartial’ has a specific meaning.