Randy Scott; phony POW
Someone sent us a link to an article from the Journal Online which reports on an entry in the Elk Grove, Illinois’ Township newsletter (link to a .pdf) in which they profiled a regular citizen, Randy Scott;
Randy Scott has been a resident of Des Plaines for over 32 years. Having served in the Army Special Forces (Green Beret) from 1967-1969 and spending 4 months as a POW, Randy admits that he “went through hell and lived through it.”
Well the Journal Online says the town supervisor, Mike Sweeney has issued an apology for “factual inaccuracies” in the news letter (emphasis is mine);
“I was extremely troubled when the township received multiple calls from individuals that questioned the validity of Randy Scott’s statements,” said Sweeney. “These claims were taken very seriously and when confronted, Mr. Scott admitted that the account of his military service was patently false.”
Sweeney said he attempted to access military databases to confirm Scott’s account when questions arose. But without detailed identifying information, he was unable to so and confronted Scott directly.
Sweeney said members of Scott’s family told him Scott was in the military, but left after being injured in basic training. Sweeney said he had no way of confirming or denying the validity of those statements.
The DPAA doesn’t list anyone with the last name of Scott from the Army on their list of “accounted for” POWs of the Vietnam years.
We’ve requested a FOIA for his records, but it’s not looking good for Mr. Scott.
What really sucks is that the article wasn’t about military service, it was about the good things that Mr. Scott did for his community. For some idiotic reason, he had to fabricate a war story instead of just being proud of what he does to improve the lives of people in his home town.
I just don’t get it.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
(Time Delayed Fuse)
Just shot down any respect he got for his good works….takes a hellofalot of attaboys to make up for one “awshyt”!!!
Yep, that’s the way to do it. Just go down to the nearest Army/Navy Surplus store and buy a three sizes too large 50 year old field jacket, and Biff!, Bam!, Kablooey!!, you’re an instant Viet of the Nam POW who spent four months in a tiger cage and survived only by eating leeches.
Anxiously awaiting results of the FOIA.
Dunno, Claw. I might be inclined to give Ol’ Randy some minor points for not trotting out the usual Harley, biker bling vest, camo do-rag, “Death Before Dishonor” tat, phony-ass shadow love-me box, and service dog named “Hanoi.” But I tend to be more lenient than all y’all.
(Note: I’ve recently been cleared on the use of “all y’all” by Poetrooper, and plan to start using it instead of “you people” which apparently pisses off the Air Force.)
Perry, some sage words of advice.
1. NEVER, repeat, NEVER use “you people” Regardless of how it is intended, every Black person within 25 miles will take it as a personal affront to their race. I have not yet figured that one out but have not used that term since 1996.
2. No more “Y’all”. With Trump from New Yawk as our CINC, it is now “Youse guys”.
3. A couple of added freebees. No more “get er doe”, it’s now, “badda-boom, badda ging”.
POW? Looks like he barely made it through that picture. He probably promptly ran back inside for his hot coco and doughnut.
Another ballsack warrior who broke his taint “serving” hobos and truckers at the local dumpster.
Now that really sucks. Why can’t people just be proud of what they did do?
He pissed all over the good things he did in this life.
The guy is doing something positive, volunteering at that café catering to seniors, and then proceeds flush all that down the drain with fake Green Beret and POW claims. Were I running that program, I’d thank him for his time, and tell him he was no longer needed.
10,000 attaboys negated by 1, “Aw, shit.”
And if he was getting compensated for his claims, I hope he gets some PMITA jail time.
There’s an old saying up here in CheeseHead Country.
“Fart, and people will laugh….shit your pants, and people will talk about it forever.”
Randy, you done pooped your pants!!
Enjoy your internet fame, Dickweed!
“….shit your pants, and people will talk about it forever.”
Just ask Al Roker. He loves to tell the story about the time he shit himself in the White House. It’s a liberal bonding thing.
Also, a tip of the hat to town supervisor Mike Sweeney, for seeing the problem and doing something about it instead of sweeping it under the carpet.
Ironically, I worked with a (SGT.) Mike Sweeney on the police department here on L.I. – we called him “Iron Mike” – a BIG, tough as nails Irishman that would have gladly kicked this moron’s ass, as would I.
Fucking idiot, telling fat lies to make yourself look good in a news story that had nothing to do with the military or Vietnam; was it worth it, pal ???
To add to Jonn’s statement above: there is no one from any military service with the last name “SCOTT” listed on DPAA’s consolidated list of those POWs/MIAs who have been accounted for from the conflict in SEA. There are also no civilians who have been accounted for who were POW/MIA in SEA with that last name.
This consolidated list includes those who escaped captivity as well as those POWs relased post-conflict. (It also includes those MIAs whose remains have been returned or recovered to date.) If this LSoS were a legitimate POW who is alive today, he’d be on that list. He is not listed there; draw your own conclusions.
Five individuals from the conflict in SEA with the last name of SCOTT remain missing.
None of those individuals have the first name “Randy”, “Randall”, or any variant thereof. The only one with a middle initial “R” was not Army. Capt. Martin R. Scott, USAF, of Tulsa, OK, was lost over North Vietnam on 15 March 1966. His remains have not yet been recovered.
It’s 2017 … most would think the SF/POW story doesn’t work anymore.
But their is always one ass-hole in a crowd who thinks they can get away with it,
Enjoy your Google Fame Jack-Ass
He does have the coveted skin tone tape award over his left pocket. No V device though.
And did he also mention the time he was just passing through a small town and the local law harassed him? And how he commenced to putting a can of whoop ass on the town? Until his old commander was called in to talk him out?
I will give this retarded douchebag credit, at least he is wearing an era appropriate field jacket instead of the leather vest with de rigueur butch bathhouse facial hair and badging as seems to be so popular these days. And he went old school with the Green Beret tiger cage Rambo style story instead of the Bi-Curious Seal Sniper Biker Boy stuff so popular just now. Dumbass.
Stolen Valor is bad enough, but a poser pow! You can’t get any lower than that! I say let’s give him what he wants and send him to GITMO for about a year surrounded by the bunch of goat fuckers there now. Then he can shout Alla Snack Bar all he wants!
Why do these poser assclowns always want to falsely claim POW status? I really do not understand this ongoing phenomenon.
The reason for my inability to understand this is that I am acquainted with some of the U.S. POWs held by the Iraqis during Operation DESERT STORM, and I had a relative who was held as a U.S. POW by the Germans in WWII. All of their experiences in captivity were utterly monstrous, and to the best of my knowledge, none of them have ever bragged about being a POW. In fact, all of them have been unanimous in stating that becoming a POW is something that should be avoided at all costs. It’s clearly not an ‘achievement’ that one should strive for.
My relative certainly wasn’t proud of having been a POW, and at times he gave the impression that he was somewhat ashamed of having been captured, rather than being able to continue to fight. He rarely spoke about his experiences with our family, and he certainly never said a word about it to strangers. My grandmother said that he came back home from the POW camp in Germany as a completely/permanently changed man, and it wasn’t a change for the better. He’s gone now, and I hope that he’s finally at peace.
I really, really hate this Stolen Valor bullshit.
Like Icarus, he flew too close the Sun on phony jump wings. He probably would’ve got by saying he was in the 9th Infantry, 2nd Battalion, 60th Regiment or how ever the Army puts those number together. He also could’ve told the truth, but hey.
No…instead he dove right in with both poser feet…SF/POW. Its like these guys want to be caught, right? Like its been said time and time again “If you’re gonna steal Valor, steal as much/all of it you can”. Enjoy the Google fame errr infamy.