Bound to happen…?

| February 8, 2017

Normally, I try to ignore these things, because at some point, they become ridiculous.  However, with the fussing and foot-stamping from the all-inclusive PC crowd coddling the LGBTPs&Qs, and keeping in mind that the military now has a ‘no bar to enlistment’ ruling, when someone (P) sent this news to me, I thought it was a joke.  Then I did a little digging, got a ‘403’ error message, and found another source, and it is true.  Paris Green is not a chick.

Unfortunately, Paris Green gave in to more base instincts when s/he was incarcerated, and accommodated willing [fellow] women prisoners, and was subsequently separated from them.

Since this is a bone of contention with some people, when it applies to the closed type of environment commonly found in the military, I have a few things to say.

1 – It’s not my business whether you stand or sit. It is my business if you are claiming TG under false pretenses just to get into the women’s restrooms, and that includes the very real lack of privacy on board ships and in the field in a combat zone.  In plain English, you are not a chick with a dick. You are either an adult male or female human, and if you’re a guy and there’s no emergency you don’t belong there, any more than I belong in the men’s room.  And I almost went there once at work, because someone borrowed my restroom key and forgot to return it.

2 – Yes, the Manning nonsense does raise its shaggy head. S/he expected to get the freebies medical treatment and that is just wrong. I do not think the already over-burdened taxpayer should be expected to pay for your choices.  It should never have been brought up in the first place.

3 – Since there are currently active duty men and women who made the decision and took care of it themselves before signing up or after leaving the service, I have no issue with them. It is those who expect the military to treat them with kid gloves that are the issue, in my view. Either be a part of it as you are, if you want my respect, or don’t sign up.

4 – Above all, don’t get in my face about it, because I don’t care. It’s your problem, not mine. The lack of common decency and common sense is so rampant now, it’s disgusting.  I’m not referring to strangers who stop to help someone at an accident. I’m speaking to this desperate need to shock people by saying and doing things that draw attention to what should be a private matter.  You aren’t happy being you? It’s your problem. You’re supposed to be a grown-up. Take care of it yourself.


Category: YGBSM!!

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“bone of contention”.

I couldn’t read past that, I was crying laughing.

I’m fairly certain that Mr. Green will be performing a similar service for the male prison population as well.


I don’t know SFC. Green seems to be a pitcher not a catcher. But make no bones about it that may change.

The Other Whitey

Not anymore, he won’t be!

The Other Whitey

Except he probably won’t like it as much.

Wilted Willy

Ex, I don’t believe that for a second, you should have posted a spew warning first, however! I totally agree with you. I don’t care how you pee or what you wear in the dark. Just don’t keep putting in my face! What you do in the bedroom after dark is your own business and yours alone! Leave the rest of us normal perverts out of it!!


“bone of contention”.

Ex – you little devil. 😉


“It should never have been brought up in the first place.”

It’s amazing how so many don’t see the sense in that!!


Chicks with Dicks and Guys with Flys.

“bone of contention”

That’s a Paddlin’.

The Other Whitey

I can’t believe there’s been no media coverage of any “transgender” 14-year-olds getting inappropriate in the girls’ locker room, because you know it’s already happened, and surely not just a few times.

Then again, covering such events would be uncomfortably close to admitting that their no-questions-asked policy of embracing every snowflake’s bullshit might not have bee such a brilliant idea after all.


If I were in high school with all of this silliness I most likely would identify as a female once in a while and hit the showers with the girls soccer team.


Damn straight… I would have claimed that shit i third grade, and kept it up as long as they’d let me… but hey, boys will be boys right?


My old high school, I found a secret accessible only to the equipment manager of the football team. A hole above the girls showers that was hidden in a crawlspace above the washing machines.


When I was in Jr. High school I served on on the stage crew. Someone had removed a bolt in the sealed door to the girl’s locker room from backstage. It left a hole in the door that looked directly into the locker area and the entrance to the showers. Boy what an eyeful for a 14 year old. Unfortunately, our secret peephole was discovered a couple of weeks later and permanently sealed.


It only reaches the news if someone complains. So, that means those trannies are either really good at it or really bad at it.


Long Clap! Thank You! Nailed it!

Angry B

^^^^ Amen! I generally could not give a shit about this sort of stuff. That said, I do not want to help pay for any of it or to be required to stand up and applaud that lifestyle.

Do your job and leave me alone.


Nothing like a captive audience. “I’d hit that” takes on a whole new meaning

Pinto Nag

I probably shouldn’t even bring this up, but…The media being as accurate as they usually are, is it possible that Green was gender fluid, and not transgender?


PN, didn’t they use to call that bi-sexual? or is it just ” any port in a storm?”

Pinto Nag

Not exactly. Bisexual indicates what they’re sexually attracted to; gender fluid indicates what they define themselves as, day to day.


I moved from Houston to Austin late last year and am surrounded by a totally left wing culture complete with a neighbor named Bill that calls itself Kathy.
It is one of the ugliest women/man/????? I have seen in my lifetime.
Austin also has an ordinance that requires most single bathrooms to be an either/or facility.
So I asked one lady as we stood outside one of the gas station ones if it was working good or if it was a true pain in the ass as I have imagined it would be…
She said that she now has to deal with slob men that are too lazy or stupid to use their foot to pick up the toilet seat when they stand there and piss.
She said it was a horrible experience now as she now has to sit in the piss that those lazy fucks spray all over the bathroom…
To the subject of being tranny’s, those people spend their entire lives hating everything about themselves as the gender assignment is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of them are hateful, vengeful creatures mad as hell about their victimhood and cannot wait to share the misery that they put themselves in.
Better them than me…

Pinto Nag

It’s not just men. Some women don’t sit to go — they “straddle”, or sort of crouch over the toilet. That leaves urine all over the seats, too. They’re germ phobic, and won’t touch the toilet except to flush, and sometimes not even that.


Truth be told….

A Proud Infidel®™

I say “If it has a dick it ain’t a Chick” regardless of “self-identity. I wonder if Paris Green won’t go back to Men’s Prison bragging about getting some?

A Proud Infidel®™

And “If there’s a slit between the thighs, they’re not Guys”.

Pinto Nag

None of this has anything to do with physiology. Nothing.

Sonny's Mom

“Empathy actually leads to bad policy because … while you’re empathizing for the person whose shoes you’re standing in, you’re forgetting about the effects of the public policy you’re recommending on the other million people the public policy actually impacts.”
–Ben Shapiro