The assassination attempt
The Washington Post asks “Why isn’t the assassination attempt on Donald Trump bigger news?“, referring of course to the attempt in June by Michael Steven Sandford, a British citizen who had over-stayed his visa. He drove from California to Las Vegas just to assassinate Trump. His plan was to take a gun from a cop pulling security around the candidate. He even went to a range to practice shooting yesterday. So, the Washington Post wonders why it isn’t bigger news and they try to answer their question;
From Trump’s perspective, Sandford doesn’t fit neatly into his campaign narrative. The billionaire has positioned himself as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, so he certainly won’t use the failed assassination attempt to push for gun control. Sandford is an illegal immigrant — and Trump is all about deporting illegal aliens — but the candidate’s focus is on building a wall to keep out Mexicans and barring foreign Muslims from entering the United States. A Briton who overstayed his visa isn’t a very good poster boy for the cause.
I don’t remember anything in the Second Amendment about the rights of assassins to take guns from police. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal already, so why doesn’t the Washington Post know that?
There is an illegal immigrant problem along the Mexican border, if the Post hasn’t noticed. There is already a wall of water between England and the US, so a wall there wouldn’t have kept this particular illegal immigrant out. So, I don’t get their point on that either.
They weren’t trying to make a point anyway, just feeding red meat to their readers.
Category: Media
Michael Sandford attempted that in June of this year.
It’s not bigger news because (1) the crime wasn’t perpetrated by a conservative, and (2) it wasn’t perpetrated against their preferred (e.g., a liberal) candidate. Had either of those been true, we’d have been hearing about this nonstop since June from every outlet in the mainstream media.
The incident yesterday turned out to be nothing (no weapon/no actual attempt). Hence the media IMO rightfully dropped it after noting it earlier today.
Happened in June, Hondo.
Indeed – and I believe I clearly said that above, Ex-PH2. Check the last sentence of my first para.
It wasn’t bigger news because Trump can handle such things without handwringing and stamping his little feet.
Anyone that’s been following the wikileaks dumps knows that the greater majority of the msm, both telecast and print, is heavily involved in colluding with the criminal class that currently owns and operates all aspects of or federal governance.
They are terrified of what a Trump POTUS will mean to their personal survival, and I don’t mean just employment.
Even after Regan was shot he didn’t get all worked up about firearms (and Trump is no Regan).
Aside from that, Shrillary has experience dodging bullets. She said it herself. /sarc/
That screed actually makes sense to entirely too many people who are voting this year. It makes no sense to the sane among us, but hey – most of us will only be voting once.