Roy Lee Ross, Jr., deserter bonds out

We talked about Roy Lee Ross last week when he was arrested for defrauding the Veterans’ Affairs Department. According to the Justice Department, he fraudulently manufactured the identity of a Special Forces Vietnam veteran in order to make himself a small fortune;
While in the Army, the defendant was stationed in the United States and in West Germany, but never served in Vietnam or Korea, was not in the Special Forces, and never sustained any service-connected injuries. The indictment alleges that while stationed in Hawaii in 1978, the defendant was determined to be Absent Without Leave (AWOL), and a “Deserter Verification” was issued for him. Ross was later apprehended and eventually requested to be discharged rather than undergo a court-martial.
According to allegations contained in the indictment, at least by June 2007, Ross began to falsely represent himself to the Charles George VA Medical Center (the VAMC) in Asheville, as a U.S. Army veteran named “Daniel Alfred Sullivan, Jr.” The indictment alleges that the defendant claimed that he had served in the Special Forces, that he had been wounded in combat, and that he had been honorably discharged from the Army. The indictment further alleges that Ross claimed he was suffering from nightmares caused by his wartime service and his combat-related injuries. As a result of his misrepresentations, in 2007, Ross was diagnosed with suffering from service related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and began receiving health benefits from the VA.
The indictment alleges that in 2012, based on the PTSD diagnosis and other multiple false statements regarding his military service, including his fictitious injuries, honors and medals received, Ross filed for, and was granted, disability-based compensation at a rate of 60%, he was given a retroactive lump sum of $18,349 and began receiving a monthly tax-free compensation of $1,026. Then, in 2014, the defendant filed a second claim for “increased evaluation” seeking additional disability-based compensation. The indictment alleges that Ross, still using the name Sullivan, claimed he had been shot in the neck during combat, and that he was suffering from physical pain due to his service-connected injury.
According to the Morganton News Herald, Ross bonded out this week;
Roy Lee Ross Jr., a.k.a. Daniel Alfred Sullivan Jr., 64, of Morganton, received a $25,000 unsecured bond during his initial appearance and arraignment in federal court in Asheville. He pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and he asked for and was granted a court-appointed attorney, Fredilyn Sison.
Magistrate Judge Dennis Howell set conditions on Ross’ release but those conditions have been sealed by the court, according to federal documents.
I don’t know what the judge was thinking, I mean, how can we expect a guy who went AWOL in Hawaii to show up for his trial facing five years in prison and a $250,000 fine? Anyway, Ross’ next court date is set for 9 a.m. on Oct. 31, we’ll see if he makes that one.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
They always seem to get greedy. He was getting a grand a month for doing nothing, TAX FREE!!! If he just shut his pie hole he might have gotten away with it. Greedy and stupid is no way to go through life!
Not a problem, if the a.h. doesn’t show up, the judge serves his time, and the hunt for the a.h. continues with execution with extreme prejudice!!
Uuuuuhhm, I’m betting he’ll be a no-show AND he’ll be well engaged in his next con game of he already hasn’t started it.
He is on the road to Merrit Island Florida as we speak.
Ross shows up? Never gonna happen.
I’m here because Roy Lee Ross’s credibility called for me.
So is it just me, or is he going to use the money he got by fraud to pay his bond and get his freedom?
It’s an unsecured bond, meaning he didn’t have to put up cash or collateral. Instead, it’s an act of trust. That’s right. He’s such a pillar of the community that his signature on the agreement to appear was alone sufficient. He pays only if he fails to appear for court.
I might add that the public defender business doesn’t bode well for the prospect of restitution being realized. The curiosity to me is that business about his release conditions being under seal.
(sigh) One would expect a Federal Magistrate to have the common sense to pour p!ss out of a boot.
Yes, that federal magistrate’s credibility called for me to.
Oh, I’ve seen evidence to the contrary, Hondo. Fraud and similar charges are often given an unsecured bond, because if they get remanded to jail, the feds have to pay a county or city to host the assholes. And, federal inmates, because of the deals the feds cut with counties, usually get sent two or three counties away from the federal courthouse. That necessitates transfers, which is another cost.
And people outside TAH wonder why I have no faith in the judicial system anymore.
So a guy known for running away and hiding and assuming fake identities was allowed a small money bond?
Was this judge taking a page from the Brock Turner judgment? Don’t actually punish shit bags? What the fucking, fuckety, fuck is this?
What kind of idiot bail bond operation gives this clown a guarantee against 10% or did this rat bastard get someone to put up their house for him?
How does a rat fuck deserter get VA treatment any way? Why do we owe him jack shit?
VOV. No, it’s worse. He put up nothing but his signature. He might be in facility of some sort (not incarcerated). The clue to me is that his pre-trial conditions were placed under seal.
His trial date is on Halloween huh? Is expect it will be all trick and no treat.
I’m hoping someone beats the sh!t out of him, and he swells to the size and color of The Great Pumpkin.
He may be having meetings with a Fed LE agency and spilling his guts about something and the condition is to cooperate with the investigators. It may be that he is in a drug/alco detox and inpatient treatment facility. It’s anyone’s guess.
Let’s hope it’s because he’s decided to “sing like a birdie”. But I guess we won’t know until his next court date.
That would explain the sealed bond conditions.
Is he still getting the monthly payment from the VA? I wish that was a /sarc question but I deal with the VA far too much to know better.
I have a patient who is diagnosed with PTSD. When I asked what he did in the service he told me he was on a submarine. Did you see combat? Hell No!
Another guy diagnosed with PTSD. What did you do during Vietnam? I was in a warehouse in Germany for three years? Did you ever see combat? No!
Another guy who wants me to help him file disability for erectile dysfunction related to agent orange. Were you aboard any ships or bases that handled agent orange? No! Were you ever in Vietnam? No!
(The last guy already gets a pension from the Army and the Post Office and wants more)
They heard about the Free Cheese. Everyone has heard about the Free Cheese. All they want is a little Free Cheese.
Azygos: PTSD can have some legitimate causes that don’t technically qualify as combat. Some of the folks in the Navy’s silent service may well have a legit claim to PTSD.
Google “USS San Francisco” and “Ivy Bells” for starters. I’m sure there are a number of other cases/operations for which details aren’t publicly known.
What’s wrong with you people? Y’all know Black Deserters Matter.
Not that one.
So in 2014, years after other C&P exams which resulted in tax free money from the VA, he suddenly claimed disability for a wound to the neck? A wound would suggest combat. No? It’s not stated as an injury. It is a wound, as GSW from a firearm or shrapnel or blunt force trauma, etc. And he brings this up years later? Am I missing something here or did the VA just go along to get along? To get him OTD? If left unchecked, would he reappear next year with a supposed new war wound? A metal plate in his head would have been a nice touch. My dad actually had one and never got a dime from the VA other than medical care. Not one dollar. His records actually were burned. I have firsthand knowledge of what happens within the VA, and it is a scam. And it is depressing. And I don’t think it is fixable given current processes and procedures. There, I said it. The VA needs a massive overhaul to improve care, get rid of deadwood and fix the C&P nightmare. Seems every assistant to the assistant must now have an assistant. Talk about mission creep. It is a terribly flawed system.
What’s the Over/Under on whether he’ll actually show up on Oct 31?
As far a the judge letting him walk…it’s Asheville, the “San Francisco” of North Carolina.
At least they arrested this asshole, while my POS brother is still collecting his 3K a month for his phony PTSD and falsly claiming many medals and a Purple Heart to boot! How could he have all these war wounds and not one scar on his entire body? I have given up hope of him ever being arrested for his bullshit!!