Syrian refugee surge
Fox News reports that the Obama Administration is on track with their plans to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees into this country – 2,340 came here just last month.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said earlier this week the U.S. is on track to meet the 10,000-refugee goal.
If the pace from June and July continues this month, the target should be reached with a couple of weeks to spare, before Obama heads to the United Nations to urge world leaders to admit more refugees and increase funding for relief organizations.
But amid new predictions from FBI Director James Comey of a “terrorist diaspora out of Syria,” some Republicans are ramping up warnings that the flow of refugees poses a threat to America and Western Europe.
Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., urged President Obama in a letter Thursday to “immediately stop accepting Syrian refugees as a matter of national security.”
The White House says that it takes about 12-18 months to go through the process to get into the US, and, oh, by the way, it has the John Kerry stamp of approval;
Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking with reporters during a visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina, said the United States has developed “sufficient methods” of screening would-be refugees.
“We are very comfortable that we are bringing people in who will be a great plus to our country,” Kerry said.
Kerry said that “not one event in the United States, of terror” has been committed by a refugee allowed to re-settle in the U.S.
You know, until the first time there’s an event.
Category: Terror War
Does anyone besides me wonder what in the blue-eyed world they’re smoking at the White House?
Mexican dirt weed, cause the good smoke will make you think
Fentanyl/Heroin? Because the hallucinations are Totes Kewl?
Yeh obama is smoking muslim meat whistles in the bathhouse! Congress better go after this freak of nature ..and I MEAN NOW!!!
Everytime I read or hear “Homeland Security” I want to click my heels and extend my right arm out, locked elbow, palm away.
I wonder if one could FOIA the documents on the “refugees” being allowed in? Would love to see those paperwork trails, names and relocation destinations…
You could, and you’d get an answer about 6 months after Hillary’s coronation.
Know how to tell when John sKerry is wrong? Listen to his words.
But just wait until they start doing shit on American soil like they’ve been doing in Europe and see how quickly the candyassed snotnosed left tells us WE need to be more “sensitive to their needs” versus doing what we need to protect us and what is ours! Some of the fleabitten goat molesters are already calling for sharia on US soil.
I believe some rapes in Idaho have already been attributed to them.
By the way, don’t buy Chobani yogurt apparently the owner is trying to make Idaho Falls Muslim refugee haven. You know because those from other countries just threw away any documentation they had and claimed Syria.
Atkron…..thanks for pointing this out. Yogurt is not my thing, but thanks to you I made a difference tonight. We ate late this afternoon at a Mexican restaurant. Just now got back from a late night trip to Wal Mart. rounding the corner in the dairy dept., right in front of me was a seriously large selection of Chobani yogurt. Our late lunch served its purpose well. Man, I let loose with one of those big ol’ nasty quiet but God-awful burrito farts while facing away from the Chobani section. You know, one of those that burn your eyes so bad you suddenly remember what it was like to have to go through the gas chamber experience while in boot camp! All but burned my eyes and singed the hair on my arms! Real quick like I moved about 30 feet away so nobody would suspect this old geezer who was wondering, “Did I just crap in my britches?” Some lady with one kid sitting in her cart and another in tow came around the corner and was apparently planning on buying some yogurt. Thank God she didn’t look my way ’cause I know there was a sinister looking smile on my face. She looked as if she had just drug her kids through a germ warfare experiment; and got the hell away from that end of the dairy case without any hesitation. Now I may not have saved the world tonight, but I’m certain I had at least a tiny impact on someone who apparently thinks as L. C. does…that we must save all the Muslims, especially the military aged young men. Funny how reading your post the same day I nearly s__t my pants gave me the pleasure of making a difference.
Thank you very much!
We are waiting for our first invasion in Vermont.
Most of them has tested positive for tuberculosis. But we were told not to be concerned about it.
Well, then you should be proactive and demand that your local school districts start using the Schick test for TB, diphtheria, and other nasty things, like ours did when I was in grade school.
Ain’t it jes’ wunnaful, how generous someone else is with endangering our lives and welfare, especially now that he’s leaving?
Bernie has his people yelling “your racist” at full volume if you bring up anything. The slum lords are the most exited about it.
I’ve stated long ago that I’m in general agreement with allowing refugees here,.. but serious, contagious diseases are something I think should disqualify them as it represents a current threat, not a projected one.
I’m not sure where I personally would draw the line – XDR-TB is a definite no, but a positive TB test with no symptoms and clear X-rays? I’m less sure. Lots of people have been exposed to TB and test positive but are perfectly fine.
I have no tolerance for people who scream ‘racist’ when valid concerns that clearly aren’t based on race are brought up.
Given the history of the threat from jihadis, I’d opine that they’re certainly a current threat.
Until they can be properly vetted*, they shouldn’t be allowed into the country.
*=Proper photo ID, preferably with statements confirming that they’re who they say they are. And, it’s up to them to provide that ID.
Vermont is a-changin’. I guess it’s about time that the socialist/commie/progressive bastards who are for every cause Left under the sun finally got a tad less pearly white. Blacks are now 1% of VT’s population and that, believe it or not, is a large increase. Hispanics are also increasing in number there, as are Asians. The whites are down from 96% of the pop in 2000 to 94% today. Funny thing about the white libs. They are for this, that, and the other thing–but not in their twons or neighborhoods. On top of that, VT is getting uglier and uglier as more and more farms sell out to install solar panels. I was up there in the Spring and it was plug ugly.
They have to replace that 700MW they lost when they shut down Vermont Yankee somehiw, darn it.
Even at 100KW at a time. During noontime on a summer day.
Have fun freezing in the dark, hippies.
Perhaps “The Event” Kerry is looking for:
And I am willing to bet dollars too donuts the majority of these refugees are military aged males between 18-40 years old, why oh why don’t they stay in their own country and try to effect change toward better living conditions in their OWN culture….oh that’s right its easier to get a free hand out from the Obama/Kerry/Clinton goobermint of the USA, I’ll bet these dipsheetz get a better deal than us veterans ever received
They can’t effect a world-wide caliphate unless they’re here. That’s why they’re coming here.
I’ll take that bet, SGT Vaarkman. It’d take some time to generate reports on every country sending refugees, but here’s the one for Syrian refugees from 1/1/2016 through today. The number of 14-40 year old males accounts for 19% of refugees (1395 out of 7330).
If we assume a linear distribution of ages in the 14-20 age group, then the 18-40 range would drop a bit to roughly 15% (1112 out of 7330).
(A bit more – Afghanistan is 21% [318/1522], Iraq is 22% [1133 / 5072], and Somalia is 21% [1094 / 5336]).
If you want to argue that’s still too many, I understand, but it’s far from the majority.
either way, they should stay in their homeland and fix it ! we don’t need them creating the havoc like they are doing in Germany, France, Sweden and England for example, we see those government’s mistake of allowing these people in , we don’t need to replicate it
I can understand that point of view, but at the same time I feel it’s a bit like telling people fleeing a forest fire to stay in their homes and fight it. There’s only so much that can be done by people without the proper equipment, training, logistics, intelligence and organization. And, hell, lots of people are understandably afraid.
And yes, the incidents in Germany, France, Sweden and England are terrible – and, I’d guess, it’ll only get worse. That said, a lot of the incidents there were not from recent refugees, but from long-time residents. How much of a threat recent refugees pose is … an uncertainty, I think. All in all, though, this is a cultural problem – if you want to insist on cultural education for new refugees here (despite how much liberals would complain about that being ‘insensitive’), I’d be fine with it. I just don’t think turning our backs on people in need is a proper solution for us as a nation. Surely we can find another option.
Specific age groups (minors) get prioritized. Since many (to most) lack any real documentation, this creates a tremendous incentive to lie.
Culturally, lying is simply the expected norm in that region. One would be wrong to tell the truth where a lie advantages yourself or especially yourfamily. Double points to lie to unbelievers where lies advance islam
These are not the Irish from the Famine.
100% Truth ^^^^^
If it were up to me, I personally would provide the funds to send YOU and every other damned liberal OUT of this country L. C. Don’t even consider how quickly these people propagate, oh hell no! Don’t even consider precisely how many times we have been warned how they take over a country once their brothers and sisters have reached a certain level of percentage of population.
Your shit is raggedy with me Jack. No idea how much more others on this site are going to listen to your bullshit without jumping in.
You continue to force me to think you are the clone of Comrade Poodle Dik. No need to argue with you, your other persona takes too much of my time as is.
So because I feel there’s a moral calling to help people fleeing horrible violence, I should be sent from the country? We’re talking about 10K people, which is an increase of 0.00003% of our population – yet somehow you think this will result in a Muslim take-over of our country? That a four month old baby in that group is somehow a threat?
Yeah, if we were talking about taking in 100M people, I think the harm to our national identity would be considerable, but we’re not. We’re helping 10K people who are fleeing the same assholes we routinely condemn as some of the worst scum on the planet. I tend to think the ‘home of the brave’ can handle that relatively low (but yes, non-zero) risk in order to do what is right.
Where do you draw the line? Do we say, “Aww, fuck no! That 78-year old grandma and the 3-year old kid she’s got with her are going to fuck our shit up bad, man.. I’m scared if we let them in our country is doomed!”? Or do we do what is right, albeit hard and imperfect, and help those whom we can?
And no, I’m not Lars. Hondo has tracked my IP before and give you as much verification of that as you like. For what it’s worth, I love this country just as much as you do, I just think we’re stronger as a nation when we can hear and debate a plurality of ideas on these issues. There aren’t any easy answers. I certainly don’t have any, anyway. I just think that if we give up doing what’s right, we’ve already lost our country. That’s a bigger risk than a bunch of Muslim refugees to me.
O. K. so you are not Comrade Poodle Dik. Congratulations! Now go to the top of this page and click on the Fox News link. Look closely and see how many women and children are in that long line. Then come back and tell us again how we must be so understanding and let as many military age young men in this country. People like you will be the ones to assist in bringing this once great country to its knees.
That picture wasn’t representative of the actual demographics.
Of the 2,340 who came in last month, 1200 were children under 14. Men aged 14-40 accounted for 869 of the 2340, admittedly a higher percentage than previous admits, but certainly not represented accurately in that picture.
What percentage of the refugees do you think will commit acts of terrorism or violence in this country? Give me a number, and then let’s talk about what that means. I’m pretty damn sure we already have more than that number of people here, state-side, as ISIS sympathizers. Refugees aren’t the threat; the ideology is, and by my estimation us helping people in need does far more to fight that ideology than turning our backs on them.
You disagree, obviously. But note that I’m arguing for what’s best for this country, too.
My friend, you are starting to make me wonder if I am the only person on this web site that wonders if you enjoy sex with goats?
L C…Being straight up with you man, I DO see the problem with your thinking. When I saw that you explained that you had never served in the military, that pretty much answers a LOT of questions for a LOT of those who HAVE served. It makes NO difference to me the reason you have not served…with one exception. That is, if you either evaded the draft in the younger days or were booted out of the military. Both of which I have no reason to suspect, and I hope neither is the case. Here’s my point. Since you never served, you do NOT have a damned clue what sacrifice is all about. You do NOT know what it does to a man when a fellow soldier, Marine, or ANY branch of service member is wounded or worse yet killed within reach of you. The loss of persons you have become close to as a result of defending this country hits a man right in the heart. It angers him, pisses him off, hurts like hell when death is the result, and you wonder why it was him rather than you. That night you can’t sleep, feeling somehow responsible for the injury or death, all the time knowing there was nothing you could do about it. But it burns deep into your heart seeing first hand the pain and suffering such a good dependable friend has to endure. Then you feel a bit lost, wondering if the replacement for that buddy is going to be a good person, is he going to be worth a damn, is he even going to fit in? Knowing all the time no matter who the replacement is, he will never be the dude you just helped place into a chopper, be it on a stretcher or wrapped up in a poncho. There are not words to sufficiently describe those feelings to someone who has never served. Worse yet, one does NOT want to discuss the worst of times with others who have no idea what is going on in war abd combat. The moment… Read more »
I absolutely agree with you jarhead, I have an ex-brother-in-law who is a recently retired school administrator(indoctrinator) that would give an answer like this LC dude, never served, but since he thinks he has a superior compassion and a book learned education, he believes he knows everything but yet has never left the country and thinks the world is like visiting the int’l displays at Bush gardens or a Disney cruise. But yet is willing to take the chance with other peoples lives to fulfil a delusional liberal agenda.. totally clueless as to the ways of the world outside of his protective little bubble.
LC I have nothing against someone who never served except draft dodgers who have no legitimate medical reason and yet think they can run the military upon seeking high office or were just afraid of drill Sgt’s to serve or thought they were to good/smart to serve.(Clinton/Cheney)
I am a Vietnam era guy who remembers being treated like a 2nd class citizen by a bunch liberal wussies in that era, though I never set foot in Vietnam(I was in Thailand at the end of the war)We dared not travel in THIS COUNTRY in uniform during this time period since clowns with your mind set as that as my ex-BoL who is the same age as me would harass us.
I worked on the flightline in fighter bomber wings and to this day I still remember every single aircraft by S/N and what happened to the crew if they “bought the farm”, whether they survived or not.
I have walked thru a few fields back in the day in a line holding little flags to place where suspected body parts were, even training carries a price occasionally.
I didn’t reply to Jarhead because, really, I’m not here to argue and upset people. I’ve got nothing but respect for the community here and the sacrifices you’ve all made.
I come here primarily to learn, and I’ve learned a lot, and while I haven’t served I’ve got friends and family downrange. I’ve never claimed superiority over anyone, I simply present my perspective, generally backed by data or reasoning when I can.
Find a place where I’ve insulted anyone or denigrated their service and I assure you I’ll apologize. My ideas may differ than yours, but I’ve got nothing but respect for our military, and we both want the same goals… we just differ in terms of the path we think will take us there.
Good write Sgt V. Unfortunately I believe L. C. has missed the point altogether, judging from his response below.
The pass to lecture people is one issue; the need to open the gates at any price is another. He just does not understand why having worn the uniform gives them a different perspective on WHY WE WORE THEM. It gives those who have served a reason to say, “I’d rather be fighting OVER THERE than in the United States”.
Not a damned one of us enjoys reminiscing in public over those really difficult times; that he does NOT understand. And because we do not make regular talk about those times, whether it was RVN, Afghanistan, Iraq, or some other shit hole….that is IMHO why he and others do not understand where we are coming from. Reading about war and sacrifices can never replace the memories we hope to forget one day.
“Perspective backed by data” is akin to finding a quarter under your pillow, left by the Tooth Fairy. Ditto for “I come here primarily to learn”. Back in the day, while in school, no teacher accomplished anything by allowing students to teach what someone else thought was part of the History class.
No one said anything about L. C. denigrating anyone’s prior ervice…ever.
He just can’t see things from our point of view; ‘Nuff said.
LC you want to help them so badly ?, take up a private collection and go visit Syria and distribute food ,medicine & teach them how to repair their own infrastructure, there, they don’t need to be in our country for that, we have enough problems already here, starting with a corrupt leadership that consistently lies to us, WHY do you want to take the risk of endangering American civilians or even your own self and family…have you ever served overseas in that part of the world ? they don’t sing “Kumbaya” around the camp fire toasting marshmallows and talking of peace & harmony.
Liberal thought processes are to naïve and consistently out of touch with the reality when it comes to the cultures outside of our own borders
I’ve never been military but I’ve lived in enough places and been involved with plenty of people from other cultures – including Syrians, in fact. Some of them are incredibly warm and welcoming and some are terrible. Go figure.
And I think the risk is worth it because I think the very small risk of refugees doing bad things is more than offset by the moral responsibility to help people in need, coupled with the admittedly intangible benefits it gives us in fighting against the fanatical ideology… which, to me, is the real threat.
I think you are being willfully blind after reading through the discussion. It only takes one person to potentially kill many as we saw in CA, TN, FL. And in each instance, they have immigrated and the family members are not far removed from the culture that does not value human life. It is that simple. How much money are you willing to give up because the majority of these people have nothing to offer anyone here…no contributing– but plenty of teat sucking and still the potential exists for some old fashioned infidel killing– no matter how many stats you can cite.
I don’t have any hard and fast answers, obviously. I don’t think I’m being willfully blind, I’d say if anything it’s willfully stoic. I’m aware there are risks, but because I think those risks are so small, I think the balance towards accepting refugees is tipped in that favor. If the risk were greater -something many here believe- then I could understand refusing them. But let’s side-track for a moment – this perspective is completely independent from the statistics. I posted the statistics because the conventional wisdom was that most were MAMs. They aren’t. Surely we can agree that even if we disagree on whether to accept or deny one’s refugee status, we should at least get our facts straight? So with that said, then the question becomes where do we draw the line. If you’re walking down the street and see someone getting mugged, do you intervene? If you know the mugger has a gun and you don’t, probably not. If you’re 99.9% sure he’s unarmed, … well, maybe you do. Even though there are no guarantees for your own safety. It gets a lot harder, obviously, when we talk about a nation, since I don’t have any right to endanger other Americans… but the tricky thing is that I think there are lots of additional variables that aren’t obvious. If we turn away all the refugees, we don’t invite any potential terrorists in.. but we also give them a PR victory. They can say, “Look how scared the Americans are of refugees! They won’t allow any Muslims in! They’re terrible!”, and that allows them to better recruit disaffected people already here. Can we compare those risks? Maybe, but the variables are too fuzzy. For me, the combination of that secondary risk, along with the moral responsibility to act, outweighs what I see as a small risk of violence from the refugee community. Plenty of people here obviously disagree, but I guess my question would be at what point do we turn to people fleeing war, famine and terror and say, “You know what, ok, we’ll help..”? If ‘never’,… Read more »
If you have this need for moral responsibility LC, to these people then put your money where your mouth is and go over to the sand box and help them there to develop safe sanctuaries and the know how to defend themselves, so if insurgents want to create mayhem, better there than here endangering me and my family and the rest of us here in the USA ….. a little common sense LC, that is something not taught these days in our indoctrinating liberal education system and try comprehending my past statements, I didn’t say you in particular harassed & insulted us in the 70’s but those of a similar mindset as you did….kapiche ? besides I doubt you ever sacrificed 1 minute of yours or any of your offspring’s lives for this country, just like my ex-BoL
I get the feeling you would pee your pants if a DI got in your face for being stupid, me I just laughed and got yelled at more, that was a pure nervous reaction on my part though, something I still do, like at my wedding 30 years ago
Statistics Schmastics. so who are you going to read tomorrow for your opinion?
Simply said about “the risks being so small” God forbid it is one of your family members either blown to bits, hacked to death, or has their throat cut. An apology would do nothing to bring that relative back.
With regard to military-aged young men entering this country….If it LOOKS like a duck, QUACKS like a duck, WALKS like a duck. and is from the same area home grown ducks are EVERYWHERE….then most likely it has more than a slight risk to be a duck.
Sigh. Until terror attacks become less common than they are at the moment, I would not let anyone in. When *i’m* waking up in America and I ask myself if there were any attacks while I slept, that IS a problem! This reminds me of the time my son saw the tanks in the streets of Kosovo and wondered out loud why the local people weren’t afraid #becauseTanks, for crying out loud!!! It’s coming to that…attacks common and nobody is doing anything other than “I stand with….” And the terrorists are becoming brazen enough to use any weapon for max kill. It is my thought process that we can choose WHO should be let in. No one should fall prey to Ms. Merkel’s way of thinking because it is effectively killing their culture and heritage. Call me PollyAnna if you must, but I always want America to be Exceptional…the shining country on the horizon. At this rate of refugee overrun and being “nice” comes at a cost. I have traveled to many European countries over a thirty year span. They have changed so much because of being “nice” and instead of promoting growth of their native families, and assimilation, they have managed status quo and places like London are filled w refugee slums because their lot is not improving or contributing. How long do you think that will work? Here is a link you can read about the Euro countries…and somewhere on Breitbart is population interactive map where you can see the flow of “refugees”. Is it not moral to protect our own first, feed our own first? Send the money to them and give them something to shoot for in their own countries –because as long as we play the current game, we aid in our own destruction. People used to have to prove themselves. It needs to go back to that. Others need to sacrifice to show what lengths they will go to to be here, not just willy nilly “come on in”. We need to be able to say no, and be selective. We have not been… Read more »
If only millions could read your post, this would instantly be a much safer country. Don’t you kind of wonder how many actually think like this, but are too timid to say?
I wake each day and hit the news, to learn what raghead(s) killed what people overnight. That shouldn’t be a way to conduct my life, but it is reality. And that sucks. Close the door. If they are going to be such an asset to us, as Kerry says, let them stay where they are and be an asset to the shithole in which they now live. My loyalty is to the citizens of this country. Leave them where they are, and when their ‘cult/religion’ is such that they no longer feel compelled to kill others who do not adhere to their cultish beliefs, then consider letting them in. BTW, I doubt that will ever happen. They have been pedophiles, women beaters and goat humpers too long to change any time soon.
No disagreement there – though the ‘who’ in this case gets to be the current administration (this would apply equally if the Republicans were in right now), not you or I. There’s simply no way to have a democratic vote on each and every refugee.
I also think there’s an enormous difference between the EU approach (which certainly has plenty of issues) and what the US is tasked with taking on. To use Germany as an example, they’ve got a population of 80.6M and took in 442K in 2015 – that’s over half a percent of their entire population. For the US to match that scale, we’d need to take in nearly 1.8 million people. I’d argue that’s crazy, too. But ten thousand? That, I think, is doable.
There is a balance to be struck, clearly. And I don’t know where I’d place that balance point. But for me, a big part of that same American exceptionalism I subscribe to is that when the world is faced with a humanitarian crisis on an enormous scale, we step up to help.
L C….how you gonna minimize this as you tried to say the picture with all the young males was, as YOU said, “Not representative of the actual demographics” ??
Read below a post by DefendUSA, click on his link
Now please tell us again
how demographics are not representative. We await your response with baited breath. Goat vagina breath, that is.
Seriously, PLEASE restate your position.
So true my BROTHERS, from different mothers, so you think we gave LC enuff thought for him rethink his position ? The common sense one from those who post from experience from being overseas & not exactly staying at a resort or exchange students doing the hostel tour of Europe..ISMH in wonderment where these so called compassionate patriotic? liberals come up with these really bad ideas?????…this same type of thinking that led to the fall of empires thru out history, Rome, Persia, Greek,Babylonian in particular come to mind…they have not emphasized history enuff since the late 1970’s and thus we are doomed maybe not to repeat history, but we will rhyme with it, because the pitfalls of the past are manifesting as before.
Both my numbers and the numbers DefendUSA gave are accurate. Mine dealt with the USA, Defend’s with Europe. The demographics are very different, and the European numbers are not representative of the people we’ve taken in to the USA.
LC quit being a stubborn numb nut and face the fact your idea for being compassionate is severely flawed…as someone else wrote “these are not Irish potato famine migrants”
If the bitch of Benghazi is elected in this election, America as we knew her is finished.
You may not like Trump, but the alternative to him is beyond any kind of describable horror, or ho in this case.
I am sick of hearing people say that they are so much more intelligent than us peasants are and that Trump doesn’t meet their high standards…
Well, voting for oblowme was part of the higher thinking crowd and look at the mess we have now.
Thank you so much you stupid intellectuals, you have fucked all of us with your “superior intelligence”…
The fastest growing segment of immigrants? Those from Muslim countries. Under King Baracka, about 840,000 have entered the US from FY 2009 through FY2014.
So where are all of these Muslims? Here’s the top 5, with the number of Muslims per 100,000 population:
1) Illinois, with 2800;
2) Virginia, with 2663;
3) New York, with 2028;
4) New Jersey, with 1827 and;
5) Texas, with 1678.
It seems to me that they are mostly congregating in larger cities, aren’t they?
Yes, and that is easily explained by the fact that once here they are free to go wherever they wish. And since birds of a feather flock together, the small groups gravitate to the larger ones where they can all dress funny, smell bad, and jibber the same jabber. This way they do not assimilate and get to remain separate, BTW, the gov’t tracks none of them once they are here. None as in NONE.
PH2…There are many smaller factions…look up Islamberg, NY and J’amat Al Fuqrah. Also, Virginia….these people are training right under our noses and nothing is done.
Nothing is done. No, and won’t be. The spatter of small arrests, 1 here and 2 there, mean nothing. They are distractions allowed by the current admin to show that ‘something is being done’. It keeps people quiet, doesn’t it? No, not really. If you recall the destructive riots that started in Ferguson, MO, I think there was no purpose to any of that other than to destroy an entire town and to continue it in other major cities like Chicago and New York. But the destruction did not happen, just as it did not happen during the 2012 NATO conference in Chicago, or the San Bernadino shootings a year ago, the bombings in Paris last winter and those in Brussels shortly thereafter, or before that, the bus bombings in London and commuter train bombing in Madrid. It appears to me to be having exactly the opposite effect overall. Despite the mostly passive behavior of EU’s Merkel and the gladhanding sack-of-shit behavior in the UK and the White House, the undercurrent of resentment and anger in Europe/UK and in the US is growing. We may appear to be nice and polite on the surface, but if they piss us off too much, we really aren’t. The flip side of that is that ‘we’ as a civilized society, can’t just waltz into someone’s living room and beat the crap out of him just because of something we suspect or that someone infers, can we? It has to be an overt activity on HIS part that spurs our response, or we’re the ‘bad guys’. The last thing I want to see is major destruction in the center of American/European cities. This is what they’re aiming at with these scattered, small incidents. I know that as well as you do. But their way to go about it is the same as playground bullying you saw in grade school or high school where someone constantly pokes and picks on someone he perceives as weaker, until the kid picked on finally gets fed up and beats the crap out of the bully. If you think… Read more »
So, will the next attack be in Charleroi, PA?
“Shouting Allahu Akbar.” Probably another one of them radicalized Presbyterians.
Maybe a Jehovah’s Witness on LSD?
And you can bet the farm they will vote in November. Probably thrice.
How many to Hawaii? I say give the whole state to them. Well, we’ll save one island: Oahu.
Anyone have any idea how much money confiscated from working class tax payers is being dolled out to these imports? We work for them to have free everything. Does that make ANY logical sense?
Certainly not to anyone who can think.
What really makes my blood boil is that those shittyassed goat-molesting fleabags are being given medical care, housing assistance and other things far faster than needy US Veterans, FUCK B. Hussein 0bama & Company all the way to the center of the ninth circle of HELL.
No logical sense what so ever, but consistent with the stupidity of our government since 1993
Don’t forget the airfare. They are supposed to repay that cost in the future. Yeah, and if you like your doctor, you can keep him.
“We are very comfortable that we are bringing people in who will be a great plus to our country,” Kerry said.
WTF kind of BS is that? If true, and it isn’t, why were they not a ‘great plus’ to the shithole they left?
This is all about the democrats having a lock on elections until the end of time.
100% in agreement HMC. With the Supreme Court deciding in the last few days it is unconstitutional to require identification for voting, how many non-English speaking goat fkrs will be in line to vote?
When, for whatever reason, hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets in opposition to any government, the shit is going to hit the fan. And it did in a big way in Syria, with outsiders (not the least of which was the oBaMa regime) trying to influence the outcome and doing everything from calling for Assad to get out to arming those who would overthrow him. So, the predictable happened and many people have been killed. Well? What did they think would happen? That those in power would relinquish it? Sorry, but it’s Syria’s mess, notwithstanding oBaMa’s help. (Hell, he won a peace prize, didn’t he?) Syrian mothers and fathers should have thought about their children a little sooner. And another thing. When are these refugees going to be returned to Syria? How exactly does this work? If peace returns—or some semblance of it, anyway—do we get to punt?
Here’s the obvious question that always escapes people like LC, one which they are never able to answer coherently.
If engaging in humanitarian acts is so important, and so likely to show good will toward those caught in war zones, then why is it that a Russian helicopter delivering humanitarian aid to a district in Syria last week, with 5 Russian people on board, was shot down and those responsible for that act of sheer stupidity were dancing around the crash site, taking videos of it? And what justifies their demand for cash from Russia in exchange for the return of the bodies of those 5 dead Russians?
It’s not that I’m sympathizing with Vlad on this. It’s that asinine ‘humanitarian aid’ twaddle that creeps into the conversation. See, if there’s a massive, deadly quake in Nepal and the US sends in aid missions with military people to help those affected who are unable to other wise get it, we don’t expect them to be shot down by a bunch of mental midgets who take delight in poking the bear. An accident with downdrafts or updrafts that made the chopper crash are not the same thing as being shot down by jihadi scumbags, you see.
And this is where the disconnect lies, but the numbskulls like LC don’t understand the difference. No matter how much they try to explain it away, they still don’t get it, and never will, that the scum who shoot down a helicopter delivering humanitarian aid are not interested in anything but destroying the good things in this world, and never will be.
“… Kerry said that “not one event in the United States, of terror” has been committed by a refugee allowed to re-settle in the U.S.”
Well ya dumbass, since most of them have been here for about 20 minutes or so, that’s not much of a claim. But I’ve got grandkids I’m looking out for, and you’re an old fuck who will be dead in a few years. Thanks for all your concern, shit-for-brains.
You know how you can tell if Kerry is lying? His lips move…
Oh, and FUCK mohammad.