Javier Soch and Seth Ortega; Marines saving the world

| July 13, 2016

Javier Soch and Seth Ortega

The Los Angeles Times reports that Javier Soch and Seth Ortega, two Marine veterans were in downtown Fullerton, California playing Pokemon Go when they observed a man accosting single women with children.

The pair kept their distance until they saw the man inappropriately touch one of the kids at a park;

The man made his way over to the park, where the mother and two sons had ventured. Then, Soch and Ortega saw the man grab one of the boy’s feet and move his hand up the boy’s leg.

The two men immediately sensed a threat.

Ortega bolted to the park and escorted the man away, while Soch stayed with the two mothers and five children.

Police arrived and detained the man for questioning. Officers took witness statements from Soch and Ortega as well as the mothers and their sons.

It turns out the man police arrested for “child annoyance” had a warrant in another county for attempted murder.

Good job, Marines. They didn’t let their video game interfere with their situational awareness, and they didn’t escalate the situation more than they needed.

Category: Marine Corps, Veterans in the news

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Damn well done indeed, Marines.






Good using your heads. nice job.
/something Marines don’t usually do.
..*runs* 😀

NR Pax

That’s a lie! How do you think we get doors open when we forget our keys?


…and find our way around in the dark?

AW1 Tim

Well done indeed!

Situational awareness is where it’s at. Predators, of all types, are always looking for the weak and the ones not paying attention.

These guys did ALL veterans proud.


Good on the Marines, but… Pokémon? Really?

What are we, back in 8th grade?


Agreed. Thankfully, they make a cute couple and are destined to have their noses buried in their phones. UnAmazingly, someone in LA decided 2 guys ripping themselves from their phones to help women and children is some oddity.

A Proud Infidel®™

BRAVO ZULU! It’s a only a pity they couldn’t find some flights of stairs for the creep to fall up and down about a dozen times before the Police arrived.


Way to be Marines! Excellent!


Marines to the rescue.

Almost as good as Airborne. [grin]

Good job, men.


What he said.

But all the same: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR,…

The Other Whitey

I’ll withhold any judgement of their recreational activities in this case. Strong work, Marines!


Agreed. Good job Marines!


Great job, Marines!
Just thinking – if this Pokemon Go game gets more people out on the streets looking around, it might make it tougher on the crooks!

Even a kid can stop a crime with their cell phone.


there was a story that I can’t find right now, that said that violent crime is certain cities was down because now there are groups of witnesses running around.


Well done, young men. I’m glad you were there to stop that turd.

2/17 Air Cav

There’s a lesson in here for Clong but what’s the use? Anyhow, that asshole aside, nice job gentlemen!

just some feller

I’d like to know in what way Mr. Ortega “escorted” the suspect away and held him until the police arrived. (*_^)

I’ll bet the perp was not being very submissive.


While the former GySgt in me resists an internet throat punch, I’m glad they were there. pokemon. really?
aye vey.


Their story is it was a new way to polish their land nav skills and they’re sticking to it. 🙂


Superman and Green Lantern ain’t got nothin’ on them!

BZ, jarheads!!

John Robert Mallernee

Congratulations to these fine examples of the United States Marine Corps!

Somewhere on the Internet, I saw a headline that stated Marines LOVE playing POKEMON GO.

I didn’t read the article, but I do remember seeing that headline which questioned why was playing POKEMON GO suddenly so popular with Marines?

Elsewhere on the Internet, I saw a warning posted that playing POKEMON GO could make you the victim of a violent crime if you accidentally wander into the wrong neighborhood.

Wasn’t there a recent news report of someone playing POKEMON GO who was killed by a grizzly bear (or some other creature) because they weren’t staying aware of their surroundings?

Personally, I know nothing about the game, having only heard of its existence in the past couple of days.

I wonder if I can try playing POKEMON GO once I get my wheelchair?

Just An Old Dog

As far as Poke’mon, the Marines who are serving now ( at least the Young Ones) grew up during the Pokemon craze.
Perhaps the phone ap is just nostalgic. My daughter and her Boyfriend, both who are employed, love playing it.


Yea. Heard the same thing. The latest TerminalLance comic actually addresses it. It might be a little too “new Corps” for some. Like me. But I can relate in many ways. http://terminallance.com/


Favorite Marine Joke: Two NCO’s are standing at a urinal taking care of business in the NCO Club, one’s a Marine, the other an Airman. The Airman finishes up, zips up starts to walk out into to the club. The Marine says, “In the Corps, they teach us to wash our hands after we piss.” The Airman replies, “In the Air Force they teach us not to piss in our our hands.” 35 years later, that still cracks me up.