Wednesday morning feel good stories

| July 13, 2016

In Eddington, Maine, last month, Christian Tattan forced his way into the home of his baby momma, Renee Lee, despite the fact that she had an order of protection against him. She tried to fire a gun at him, but the gun malfunctioned. He knocked the gun from her hand. The he got into a scuffle with the unfortunately named Michael Hunt, who also had a gun and tried to stop Tattan’s rampage. Finally, Lee shot Tattan with another gun she had. He was laying outside the house with a wound to his stomach when the police arrived. he was just arrested yesterday for the crime.

A car owner in Charlotte, North Carolina, caught two men breaking into his car. He shot one of them and and the other escaped. The wounded man is in stable condition.

A burglary victim in Columbia, Missouri became a suspect when he shot at the burglar who was trying to escape. The story doesn’t clarify if any one was injured, only that both are in custody.

40-year-old Kevin Lee Jones and another man began firing into a crowd of people in downtown Denver, Colorado on Sunday, until an off-duty police officer and a security guard drew their own weapons and put an end to Jones’ rampage. Both of the shooters were injured and taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Two criminals forced their way into an Oklahoma City, Oklahoma home and held a family of four at gun point until the homeowner wrestled the gun away from the criminals and shot one of them. The other escaped. The criminal and one occupant of the home were taken to the hospital with injuries.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

You cannot shoot at someone who is running away from you, people. It ain’t legal! But, in all the other incidents, law abiding gun owners did well in deterring crime and saving lives.


In states with castle laws, can’t you fire on someone who’s running away from if they are still inside your house?

I know you’re in deep shit if you chase them outside and shoot at their car as they’re speeding away (which is a stupid, dangerous idea anyway), but if I come out of my bedroom and the asshole bolts for the kitchen, I’m pretty sure I’m good to take the shot. Right?


That’s why it’s always two center mass and if they even twitch instead of hitting the floor, one on their melon.


Yes , even if they bolt and you feel your life is in danger, you can shoot inside your dwelling. For all you know, the perp could be going for a better shooting position. “It all happened so fast officer and I was scared for my family and myself. I didn’t want this person rounding the corner and leveling a weapon at me. I was just so scared at the time.”


Folks should copy and paste Sparks’ post, his narrative is just about perfect. Followed by, “I’d like to talk to my lawyer before I answer any more questions”.


Also if the shooting and/or violence starts in your home and the perp moves outside and threatens again, you can still use deadly force to protect yourself and others. Had an incident near here where the perp fled and was followed and when outside, thought he would turn and try a shot. He died and the homeowner was not charged.


So, basically, criminals still don’t understand that their intended targets are not going to just curl up and die?

That’s good to know. Perhaps if this gets out often enough, the criminals will take the hint and find employment instead.

B Woodman

Criminals? Take a hint? Find employment?
Who’s your comedy writer?

If they were that smart, they would have already been educated, gotten a job, and would not be (career) criminals.
Criminals are at the low end of the “sharp-knives-in-the-drawer” scale. And not likely to get any sharper.


Mike Hunt tried to give him a break. He should have listened to Mike Hunt.

B Woodman

I see what you did there.

A Proud Infidel®™

He wouldn’t listen to Mike Hunt, so now he’ll be instructed by Harry P. Ness aka “Thor” while he’s in lockup.

Paul Wirtz

So Denver will not be a Mass shooting stopped by people onsite with guns, because he was stopped before he could kill enough people?


I work for a specialty law service that specializes in gun law, if it’s about guns, they know the answer.
The best thing to say and say over and over again is: “I was afraid for my life, he would have killed me” and don’t say another word.
There are many aspects to gun law and you can never know enough about it, ever…
Also, don’t linger on the telephone with the 911 operator, they record everything and even when the phone rings it is recording you.
Best thing to do is to describe yourself as a victim of a serious crime and that you need an ambulance for yourself, describe yourself and let them know if you are armed.
Then hang up and call your lawyer. Invoke your right to be quiet and don’t say another word.
I listen to their lawyers a lot and that is the first thing they say, is STFU…
Remember, the cops are there to find information so they can fill out their paperwork…
They are not there to protect you, although they will do that in most occasions.
When the cops get there they might mistake you for the perp.