Friday morning feel good stories
SSG E sends us a link from Middletown, Ohio Stephan Glenn Sr. tried to snatch the contents of a cash register in a convenience store. When the clerk slammed the drawer on his hand, Glenn tried to knock the clerk unconscious with some jars of moonshine on the counter. The clerk meanwhile grabbed a knife and stabbed Glenn a couple of times. Glenn is in the hospital being treated for his wounds before he begins his new life.
Police in Cottontown, Tennessee are investigating a scene where two bodies were found in a home. One body belongs to Marty Dale Hall, the elderly resident who apparently got into a gun fight with a bank robber intruder – the other body.
A resident in Morristown, Pennsylvania saw someone breaking into his car. He confronted the crook with his gun. The thief tried to get away in a stolen car, but crashed into a beauty salon. Then he took off on foot with the resident in hot pursuit. The homeowner busted a couple of caps at the criminal striking him in the arm. The crook is being treated while the local constabulary make up his room. The victim may be charged as well.
A woman in Hazelwood, Missouri defended herself with a butcher knife when a man tried to force his way into her home. Dumbass was handing out fliers in the neighborhood with his phone number on it – that’s how the police caught him.
Cacti35 sends us a link to a story in Wenatchee, Washington where a burglar broke into a home and encountered the resident. the crook fired his gun, grazing the chest of the homeowner. The resident left the home, followed by the thief. The thief began stabbing the victim repeatedly, until the victim drew his own gun and shot the thief until he had no more bullets. The criminal was DOT (dead over there) at the hospital.
Category: Feel Good Stories
“Defend” with your legally owned firearm. To follow, or to attack, with it puts you in the wrong. Your right, (in most states), to using a firearm in self defense ends when the threat ends. If the bad guy is going away, you are no longer threatened.
See, that’s where I would disagree. I know what the law says, but the law is an ass.
It is the law that would call you on that. Do you have something with which to bolster your argument when they charge you?
I was just marking him for later identification your honor.
Not sure if that would fly, but I like the way you think, Lima.
It said the resident left the bldg and the a.h followed him and stabbed him, how in hell do you figure the threat was over with?
Yeah, the guy in PA is likely in deep sh!t. Morrisville is just across the river from Trenton, in or near the edge of the greater (to use the term very loosely) Philly metro area. That part of PA has been ruined by Northeastern-style libidiot local laws and policies. IMO it’s pretty much an extension of New Jersey.
I wish we could give Philadelphia to N.J.
Then I would need to hire a Camden street gang to provide security in the tenement at an undisclosed location.
Cops: Why did you shoot him 8 times?
Victim: That’s all the bullets I had.
Cop: Works for me.
Wanna see some response to the Orlando tragedy? Go to and look at the gay multicolored flag. It has a coiled snake and the words: #SHOOT BACK. I like it.
HMC Ret: while characterizing Orlando as a “tragedy” is accurate, we need to refer to the Orlando attack as what it was: an act of radical Islamic terrorism.
Any loss of life is a tragedy for someone. However, referring to the deaths caused by an evil bastard engaging in an act of terrorism inspired or directed by radical Islamic organizations whose long-term goal is to make America part of the Ummah (and thus impose Sharia) causes us to lose focus on the real threat.
Indeed, and so many idiots have already spun this into a (heterosexual white male republican gun nut) issue. I cannot think of a better term for it. The liberal idiots in my life keep sending me shit about how muslims are gathered in Orlando to pray for the victims. I told them they were actually doing a victory celebration in the blood of the infidels. Now I am a bigot.
At least the people who created that flag are willing to defend themselves. I hope/think that attack was a wake-up call for them as well as the rest of us: we are ALL vulnerable unless the message gets out that we will fight back.
Good for whoever created that flag.
But it’s Kalifornication. Shoot back — with what?
Unless you’re willing to cross state lines, buy from a private seller, and do a “CT” or a “NY” (i.e., don’t register your gun and ammo).
I like the DOT’s DRT, DOA, etc. But like Frankie said shooting at a Felon retreating is not good.
From Venezuela, this video, narrated by someone, shows several facets of good self defense. My best weapon is not made of iron, but is my “situational awareness”. In this video the good guy uses his goods as a distraction to the bad guy. This is a “good shoot” done very well, in a crowded area.
So well done it could have been staged but wasn’t. Just perfection.
For the lady who used a butcher knife, kudos! Good reaction.
This is why I keep a 9″ cast iron skillet with a long handle on the stove top. It’s heavy enough to make an impression, but not too heavy to use with one hand.
And I like the ‘situational awareness’ video. We all need to stop assuming we live in a peaceful, pleasant wonderful world where everything is just fine. It isn’t necessary to be paranoid, but it is necessary to stay alert. I learned that lesson the hard way 30 years ago, and I won.
How do you get that skillet in your purse when you go to the store?
Have you never seen any basic self-defense class stuff?
A bunch of useless keys on my key chain, a purse with room for minor things like pepper spray – that sort of thing. You can also use a pocket-sized sprayer of breath freshener or perfume – anything with a propellant works.
And also, all stores are required to have up-to-date fire extinguishers handy. They not only spray, but can be used as whackers.
I was being a rad sarcastic but you are right in all of the everyday items that can be used for self-defense.
Funny that you should mention the fire extinguisher. I’m a Safety Professional now and when I teach FE use to people I add in how good of a self-defense weapon it can be in case of a workplace violence scenario. I tell them spray it not throw it. Those 20lb CO2 FEs actually weigh over 40 lbs when charged. More range when spraying…
I think Walmart and other stores like that should start offering self-defense classes to their customers.
One thing the police in Chicago said for decades was ‘do NOT set a pattern’. The Evanston police always told everyone within hearing ‘keep your car doors locked, even in broad daylight’. I’m at a point now where just putting what I need for shopping into a pocket zip-wallet, with a phone and my keys in another pocket, seems like a good idea.
Women can use a purse with or without a long strap as a whacker, too. Mine was always loaded with heavy stuff.
Basic self defense classes are worth the time and effort. We are not one bit safe.
Some keep a can of wasp spray here and there around the house, including at the bedside. Get the kind that sprays 20 feet. A blast to the face and at a minimum you buy yourself some time. As they scream in pain, have PH2 hit them with the cast iron pan. (Hey, what’s PH2 doing in your house?) Its primary use is for those opposed to owning a firearm. For me, nothing says lovin’ like a round center mass for someone trying to harm family or self.
I have the kind that shoots a visible stream at the wasp (or intruder), which helps to aim it.
One of my co-workers was accosted while filling his motorcycle at the pump. The accoster got real close to him, and told him he was going to kick his ass. My co-worker pulled the nozzle out & doushed the fellow down real good, and pulled out his BIC. Badass punk left very quickly
Works for me!
This is why I have heartburn with anyone (including my wife of 40+ years, “bless her heart”) wanting to ban “assault weapons”. First, have the banner define “assault weapon”. Then point out that ANYTHING can be an “assault weapon”. Ex-PH2’s fry pan, my fry pans (I just LOVES me some Le Creuset), a knife, a chair, a book, a 2×4, a car.
“The mind is the only true weapon. Everything else is just a tool.”
“The mind is the only true weapon. Everything else is just a tool.”
I don’t know if that is your original line, or if you borrowed it, but it is spot on, Mr. B. Woodman.
Exactly what I think. I really like my firearms, but if people think that taking them away will leave me defenseless, they are very much mistaken. It is a good thing I am a really nice guy.