The war against Christianity
I’m sure you heard about the Taliban’s attack on a peaceful gathering of folks celebrating Easter in Lahore, Pakistan yesterday. Fox News says that there were more than 70 killed and hundreds injured. Most of the casualties were women and children;
Ahsanullah Ahsan, a spokesman for the breakaway Taliban faction Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which has sworn allegiance to ISIS, told The Associated Press late Sunday that the suicide bomber deliberately targeted Christians celebrating Easter in the park. The mostly-Muslim country has a small Christian community, accounting for less than two percent of Pakistan’s total population.
The same militant group also took responsibility for the twin bombings of a Christian church in Lahore last year.
The article continues that only 14 of the murdered people were Christians – most were Muslims. But that doesn’t seem to matter to the Islamist thugs. From Yemen, we get reports that ISIS crucified a Christian priest, Father Tom Uzhunnalil, according to the UK’s Daily Mail. He was captured from an old folks’ home where he ministered. 16 folks were murdered in the raid, including four nuns.
While the case can be made that there is no war against Islam in the middle east, no new Crusade, there is evidence that Christians are being targeted by the Islamists. Christians have been targeted in Syria and Iraq, The Sudan and Pakistan, Tunisia and Libya. Yet, the Catholic Pope, in his Easter message to the masses, urges us to accept more of the refugees from the region – some of whom intend to cause mayhem.
Category: Terror War
I believe this is the religion(so colloquially called the religion of peace sometimes) that “The one who shall not be named”* thinks we shouldn’t suppress; even when they are killing folks, much less their own folks…
*I believe he is like fucking beetlejuice, say his name three times and he will show up and begin spouting his crazy ideals in efforts to persuade the populace that he is either actually smart or to show he learned something in school(not many original ideas come out of the guy, he just regurgitates the shit he hears his professors say; so he is a dumbass by proxy)
“Religion of Peace” my ass… they have only one goal and they will kill any infidel that gets in their way of making it happen. Submit or die are the options for non-believers.
I’ve seen how some of them do business after living in Saudi Arabia for 2 1/2 years and how barbaric they can be towards infidels and even member of their own religion.
Someone needs to hit them back as hard as they hit us, if not harder. That’s the only was to stop this insanity before it takes over.
100% agreed.
Pershing stopped them with their own fears..the same thing they are using against others now..their FEAR! So start spraying the bas-ards with pig blood and parts….kill a batch of them and bury them covered in the shyt..then turn one loose to tell the other scum…worked for Pershing for 40 years! no 70 virgin goats….only cast out by allah the pedophile!
I’m starting to think you are on here trying to make the readership look bad on purpose. That story about Pershing is BS. See here:
Nothing to see here folks move along, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are arguing over who posted photos and what was leaked to a tabloid…
Trump claims his wife is hotter than Cruz’s wife and Cruz told Donald he was a sniveling coward…stay tuned for more republican presidential candidate interactions…
No time to talk about world news and inconvenient truths regarding the religion of murder and death err I mean religion of peace and their child raping prophet err I mean arranged marriage to a child bride consummating prophet…after all 9 years old in ancient times was considered mature…since it might be a third to half her life expectancy…the fact they still mutilate their daughters genitalia and arrange marriages to old men is of no concern to Americans especially liberal feminists…
I have yet to hear a candidate speak on an issue with any substance to it.
General Mattis…save us.
“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all”.
(One of his greatest quotes, among many others…)
I agree with the Pope, in that we should absolutely be taking in more refugees, but I’m thinking only of the Christian/Yazidi or other groups that make up religious minorities in Muslim countries.
There are plenty of Muslim victims of ISIS and the Taliban, but there’s no effective way to screen out the bad ones, so I’d suggest leaving the Muslim refugees to other Muslim countries.
So, it’s the new Crusade era? Did I miss something?
I’ll probably draw incoming fire for this but, linking this conversation with one from yesterday…the largest communist organization in the world is the Catholic Church. I say that as a once very devout Catholic. And do you know who is helping with the illegal ‘immigration’ into our country? You guessed it. With all the best intentions in the world, the most decent humanitarian actions you’ll ever see, the Catholic Church is working to hasten the advance of those who will be the destruction of our world.
I’m sure that Pope Francis is a nice guy. But he lives in a sheltered world where everything is fine… everything is just fine… nothing is wrong. He has his head buried in the sand, you see, because none of this has anything to do with him.
He’s no Mother Teresa.
I would have to disagree. Where he comes from, they shoot priests with some regularity. He wasn’t always the Pope; he was a parish priest at one time, and has dealt with a level of poverty we see only rarely in this country. But he is where he is now because he’s a man of the Establishment. He believes in a Theocracy — and he also believes in whatever it takes to maintain it. It’s the dark underbelly of the Catholic Church that the smiling faithful in Vatican Square never see, that is the danger — and he’s the head attached to that underbelly.
I long for Papa Benedict! How I miss his leadership.
We’re told by the left to openly accept any and every muzzie that shows up, but we’re “racist”, “intolerant”, and “islamophobic” the moment we mention how groups like daesh commit genocide on Christians and everyone else that isn’t the same kind of muzzie they are. YOU CANNOT coexist with people that openly say they want to eradicate you and your culture.
It also mandates the abandonment of reason.
1. Start bombing select areas in the Mi9ddle Ease with massive strikes of B-52s
2. After a few days, bomb that shit again until the rubble bounces.
3. Wait a week or so till the fussing dies down and nuke the entire area from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.
/salt the earth bitches.
Islam is nothing more than a dealer to addicts of euphoria.
^^This is the correct response^^
You won’t have to kill 1.5 billion people to end islam, just the rulers and their army of enforcers…afterwards those that are still alive will be quite happy to free of the benefits of islam…
*NO* is the essence of Liberty. Some folks do not understand the concept. Parents use “no” to train their children; then the child seizes power with his first “NO!!!”.
*NO* is a sieve for idiots and other undesirables.
Nonparticipation is a key concept, even incorporated into some religious theorys. (take your pick)
Who then are these folks who want to make everyone “conform to the norm”? Everyone be average and alike, bland and predictable.