Salah Abdeslam planned more attacks from Brussels

Fox News reports that Salah Abdeslam, who was involved in the planning of the attacks in Paris earlier this year, was captured by Brussels, Belgium police the other day after they wounded him in his leg as he charged them while he was surrounded. Reports are that he was receiving support from the Muslim community in Europe, more so than any support he got from ISIS. Searching his apartment, they found more evidence that he was planning more attacks from Brussels;
Salah Abdeslam had claimed that “he was ready to restart something from Brussels, and it’s maybe the reality,” Foreign Minister Didier Reynders said.
Reynders gave credence to the suspect’s claim because “we found a lot of weapons, heavy weapons in the first investigations, and we have seen a new network of people around him in Brussels.”
Interpol also has called on European countries to be vigilant at their borders, saying Abdeslam’s accomplices may try to flee after his capture. The international police agency recommended closer checks at borders, especially for stolen passports. Many of the Nov. 13 attackers and accomplices traveled on falsified or stolen documents
Belgium and France have much tougher gun laws than we do in the United States, American leftists drool at the level of control those laws would offer them here, yet terrorists seem to be able to move around their weapons around and employ those weapons against innocents fairly easily. If only we could get criminals to obey the laws.
CNN reports that there were “a lot of weapons when he was captured;
“He was ready to restart something in Brussels,” said Reynders, speaking at the German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum. “And it’s maybe the reality because we have found a lot of weapons, heavy weapons, in the first investigations and we have found a new network around him in Brussels.”
Maybe they need new laws.
Category: Terror War
“Maybe they need new laws”. (Good one, Jonn)
(With all those guns they found in Brussels, they must have quite a “gun-show loop-hole” out there in Europe)
Yeah, there were all these evil guns just waiting for the opportunity to ‘reach out and touch someone”. No mention of the evil SOBs who had the guns. They apparently are as innocent as the driven snow. It’s all the guns’ fault that they were helping this turkey hide and plan more attacks.
Sorry. It’s Monday and I’m almost always in a crappy mood on Monday…
What are the the heavy weapons ? Belt fed machine guns,RPGs , plastic explodives ? All the firearms laws only work on restricting the innocent people from being able to protect themselves .A sheep for slaughter I will not be. I would go down fighting than on my knees. Joe
Given where this all took place, I’d say any weapon weighing in at more than two pounds (or maybe 1 kilo) would qualify as a “heavy” weapon. 😎
well, they think a .380 is a serious manstopper – for years most police departments carried either a .32 or .380. It’s only relatively recently in the last few decades they have put 9mm into common use.
Are you saying that these residents (I refuse to honor them with the name “citizen”) would consider a croissant a “heavy meal”?
Sounds like if can be proved that Abdeslam WAS being given material and/or morale support by the Mooslime enclave, that would be grounds to charge the entire community with “accessory after the fact” (or whatever legalese) and all of them kicked out of Belgium. At the point of a gun. With fingers on the trigger.
(I’m thinking the old-school German Polizei when I was stationed there in the early 80s)
Yeah. Real “Trail of Tears” stuff. Get ’em out of Europe, one enclave at a time. You brought it upon yourselves. Don’t want to assimilate? Don’t want to contribute in a positive way? Go back to the hellhole that spawned you.
I speculate, but I suspect Mr. Abdeslam probably had some knowledge of these attacks (perhaps perpetrated by some folks he may have known).
Enhanced interrogation techniques may garner some names, but I don’t know if the French have the stomach for such a thing.
I suspect you underestimate the French if they think France is being threatened… they tend to take that sort of thing seriously. I was in Paris during some student riots long ago, and the whuppins from the cops looked professionally planned and vigorously applied, as good as anything I ever saw here.
I suspect in view of this morning’s incidents in Brussels, that Mr. Abdeslam’s cell is not a fun place to be about now.
I keep looking at that picture. Where’s the scraggly beard? Did the Belgians shave it off him? if so, there goes his “Quoranderthal Man Card”, and any/all street creds.
(what a cuuute little boy. kootchie koo)
He admits that he shaved his beard in order to move around more freely among the population.
Phony, lying S.O.B.’s….they have made a big deal out of companies not letting them keep their beards and the military because it was against their farcical cult…now we know they are completely full of shyt from the word GO! No doubt he charged hoping they would kill him so he could get his 72 goats! baaaaa luck huh punk?
For types like him, their rules only apply when it’s convenient. We made the aquaintance of several muzzies who claimed to be devout, only to find they were as jacked up as this phuknozzle.
(That is, we made the acquaintance of folks like him while deployed in Iraq during 2003, 2004…)
It looks like my buddies are at it again. I miss those guys…but I’ve been working on my aim.
My thoughts are with the Belgians.
“Salah Abdeslam planned more attacks from Brussels”
As of this morning; it looks like his plan worked.
Nailed it, OT. Turns out the pork hater was living in his old neighborhood the much or all of the time. Unless I miss my guess, that means he would have been recognized by his neighbors, with or without a beard. I hope they are all pleased with themselves for shielding this SOB. I can’t help but wonder whether the police will have the green light now to begin some harsh questioning of his silent neighbors. Probably not.