Three More Phoenix VAMC Execs to Be Fired

| March 16, 2016

Fox News reports that 3 additional VA executives at the Phoenix VAMC are to be fired.  Those indivuals are Dr. Darren Deering, the hospital’s chief of staff; Lance Robinson, the hospital’s associate director; and Brad Curry, chief of health administration services.

The three are being fired in due to the VA’s secret waiting list scandal that both Jonn and I have written about previously.

This brings to four the number of VA senior executives who have been fired from the Phoenix VAMC.  The hospital’s former director, Sharon Helman, was previously fired.  Her firing was upheld on appeal.

Those fired in this round of dismissals will have the right to appeal their dismissal.  Let’s hope the VA did a better job here
“dotting the ‘Is’ and crossing the ‘Ts’ ” than they did with the two in Philly who unethically engineered their own transfers.

IMO not nearly enough VA execs and administrative personnel have lost jobs over this scandal so far.  But it’s a start.

Category: Veteran Health Care, Veterans' Affairs Department

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A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder where they’ll slither off to now? IMHO this looks worth following up on to see if they slither off elsewhere in the Federal Government bureaucracy.


So by ‘fired’ they mean given a different position at a different VA hospital?


So is there any truth to the VA being where to party’s get to drop off there Doners with High Paying Government Jobs !!!!!


Do these ass hats still get a pension? If they do after being fired for cause, they shouldn’t. Not when it involved veteran’s health and lives.

MSG Eric

The fact that even one veteran was caused harm to their health should mean they go to prison.

It is astounding that none are up on criminal charges and its taken how long for them to fire these 3.


Roger That! MSG Eric


I would like to know why a local DA hasn’t brought charges of fraud and manslaughter.

MSG Eric

“Three more VA Execs to be given month off until MSPB returns them to work.”

There, I fixed it for you.


^^^^Beat me to it.


I’m sure that there are 3 current VA employees (non-veterans) waiting in the wings to take those jobs instead of hiring from outside like they need to if they want to get that mess cleaned up.


I saw a video of Dr Deering. He looks like a typical VA Management douchbag.


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Fired, never to return to a job in the VA/government? I’ll believe it when I see them in queue in the welfare line.


Another day, another VA mess in the news.

Was I right or was I right?

Nothing will ever fix this bloated mess of an organization known as the VA.

Getting rid of the head honcho hasn’t done jack, and won’t ever do jack.


No shit the snake just regrows it head