$28,500 magically appears in terrorists’ bank

| December 8, 2015

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge reports that the investigators found a fairly large deposit into the bank account of the pair of terrorists in San Bernadino, California two weeks before their rampage that resulted in the deaths of 14 people;

The deposit came via Utah-based WebBank.com, which describes itself as “a leading provider of national consumer and commercial private-label and bank card financing programs” on a nationwide basis. On or about Nov.20, Fox News is told [whats-his-name] converted $10,000 to cash, and withdrew the money at a Union Bank branch in San Bernardino. Afterwards, in the days before the shooting, there were at least three transfers of $5,000 that appear to be to [whats-his-name]’s mother.

The loan and large cash withdrawal were described to Fox News by the source as “significant evidence of pre-meditation,” and further undercut the premise that an argument at the Christmas party on Dec. 2 led to the shooting.

Fox News is also told that investigators are exploring whether the $10,000 cash withdrawal was used to reimburse Enrique Marquez, the man who bought the two semiautomatic rifles used in the San Bernardino shootings.

Some of the money ended up whats-his-names’ mother’s account a few days before the attack. It also looks like whats-his-name paid Enrique Marquez for the rifles he used – that the rifles were purchased legally by Enrique Marquez, but they were illegally transferred to whats-his-name, since those types of guns require a record of transfer and a paper trail in California. There’s also a question about who illegally modified the weapons, whats-his-name or Marquez. Marquez checked himself into a mental facility on the day of the attack, but it seems that he’s answering law enforcement’s questions now.

Category: Terror War

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Bernath Bucks?
/who knows
//The Shadow

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Money that was supposed to be laundered for HRC? All-Points Logistics? A certain ‘software’ company out of Bethesda with a missing executive?

Climb to Glory

I didn’t hear anything about modifications. What modifications were made to the weapons? Full auto capability?

Peter the Bubblehead



The ‘bullet button’ was disabled.

Tom Huxton

The ar15 can be made full auto with a screwdriver in two minutes, but who would want one. No selecter, no single shot. Of course, an average cop would not even notice the very simple change.


For what it’s worth:

“…one of the rifles had been altered to quickly release and accept magazines…”

(probably meaning that it had been modified to have an easily pressable button which is illegal in CA, rather than a recessed “bullet button” that requires a small tool like a bullet tip to eject the magazine, which is legal in CA)


“Investigators also found evidence that one of the rifles had been changed with the intent of making it fully automatic, …”

Also, the appear to have used high capacity magazines that held more than 10 cartridges, illegal in CA.


A Proud Infidel®™

GEE WHIZ, why don’t criminals and terrorists obey the law like everyone else? /sarc

Bill M

Yeah. After all, it was the law. Who could have forseen that?

Peter the Bubblehead

Anyone want to bet this work-site attack was only meant to bring emergency services response to this one place (some news reports are now saying the pipe bombs that were left behind were intended to go off when emergency services arrived, but malfunctioned for some reason) so the pair of terrorists could head somewhere across town and carry out a larger, more deadly attack somewhere where police and emergency response would be scarce, and were not counting on being pinned down in their own residential neighborhood by the law enforcement response? Anyone know what other potential targets were located within apx 5 to 10 miles of where this first attack took place, that would likely normally be covered by the same law enforcement branch?


Don’t forget, someone also called in a bomb threat to the Loma Linda University / hospital complex.


I’m guessing someone hasn’t read the article posted shortly after this one . . . . (smile)


$10,000 for two AR’s that can be bought right across the state line for a fraction of that? no that doesn’t smell like a well-funded terrorist cut-out operation, does it?

Obama can pussyfoot all he wants to but this was a foreign-based and foreign-funded attack on the American homeland.


Sorry…hit report instead of reply.

I was trying to say that this sounds more like a government funded operation….no one overpays like that unless they are printing money.

Pinto Nag

It sounds to me like someone needs to round up Mama, too.


And, dad too. He was quoted last night as saying he “knew” his son was a follower of ISIS. Yet, like the good dad he is, he said nothing.
He also sounds like he’s at least one ham sammich shy of a picnic, claiming that all of the Israelis would be moving to Ukraine.


The dad probably didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to be labeled as a racist.


“I made $30,000 USD working from home in one week playing with RC cars and pipe fittings! Ask me how!”


Banks hate this one easy trick to pay off mortgages…..


The question I have at this point is why the withdrawal – and, presumably, the reporting, as is legally required – of $10,000 cash didn’t raise a few red flags and trigger a few actions.


Seems that after the attacks in Paris, that transaction should have triggered someone to take a look at the guy. If it was reported, that is.

I’d also be very interested in hearing what WebBank says regarding the source of the funding. So far what I’ve seen says WebBank isn’t answering questions about that. I’m wondering why.


Well gee Hondo, maybe it points back to the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Federal Reserve. Did you ever think of that?


Had to double-check – when I saw “Freemasons” and “Illuminati”, I thought maybe I’d visited Inforwars or Veterans Today by accident. (smile)


Yeah, well every time someone here tries to associated this with radical Islam, they seem to get labeled a racist fuckwit moron. I figured I would try a different tack. Plus, I heard the Illuminati need help with recruitment.


We do. 😛


It probably did raise a red flag, Hondo. Sadly, though, with the wonderful bureaucracy we have, it would probably take a couple of months before someone addressed.

Bill M

That’s what I’d guess too.


Climate research?


Two withdrawals of $5,000 don’t draw the same attention as a single withdrawal or transfer of $10,000. Anything $10,000 or over is investigated.


According to what I found regarding current practices, if they’re on the same day they’re supposed to. All transactions on the same day are considered to be one for reporting purposes.

A “suspicious pattern” of transactions spanning more than one day also technically is required to be reported.


How much cash do you think ISIS has? I have due cause to file a complaint regarding business interruption against them. They are intentionally distracting people like me from getting work done. I am annoyed. Do you think there’s a lawyer in Florida who would take this case?


Not one who’s a member of the Florida Bar and can legally do business as a lawyer in that state.


Hondo.. now you know better then to profile one… Lol and two. big No-No now with Muslims and last one, Lol.. this period of stupidity that we are living in is coming to a end, Americans are waking up finely… bahahahaha !!!! I hope


no bid surprise here I’ve been stating this on another blog full of out of touch Millennials Lol..
let’s guess Lars is going to jump on here now and call this a fluke… this rabbit hole is so much deeper and it shouldn’t be we have spend the last seven years dismantling everything it takes to win this war and
POOF !!!!! it’s all been wiped out…
and ding dong had the balls to call for more gun control to keep us safe… SERIOUSLY WTF is wrong with the left, talk about being out of touch


Once again, laws in place not enforced. And wouldn’t you has a gun shop owner be suspicious of someone who wants TWO AR-15’s at the same time? Even Tony Montana just used one only.


My wife and I both bought our AR-15’s at the same time from the same store.


Didn’t they slap a hold on your most recent purchase, if I recall correctly? That may be why. Here is the rule:



they were bought months apart.

Multiple gun purchases the same day have to be reported to BATFE.


Obummer wants his gun control sooooooo bad he maybe or hell he is letting the system fail Nuff said

B Woodman

You mean like the original intent of F&F?



Bill M

If at first you don’t succeed….


*AS A gun shop owner (darn it)



Federal law enforcement officials have confirmed the $28,500.00 was transferred from an overseas location for the sole purpose to funding the terrorist activities of the husband and wife jihadist cell. $28,000.00 for bomb-making materials, guns, ammo and range time. $500.00 for goats.


someone posted a pic on FB with that 500.00 goat…. Baaaaa Lol…

Silentium Est Aureum

Yup. Shocked face.

And every time Obumbles opens his suck, something comes up that make an already stupid comment that much stupider.

You go, Barry. Far, far away.


Well, that settles it. More frequent trips to WalMart for me, and a lot more to the library on crowded weekends. And Chili’s: the one with TV screens all over the place, on a bunch of channels, so that you can sit at the bar and have dinner and watch whatever game is on.


Was anyone else wondering earlier just why the police response seemed to be so efficient? Perhaps it was because these two were already on the local radar, even if the folks who are supposed to be protect us from idiots such as these refuse to do their jobs.

Magic money. Yeah, right. Yes, red flags were going off, and yes, somebody, or several somebodies, knew about the anomalies.


FOX News was reporting last night that they have police recordings showing that Farook was already under investigation by locals.


Already under investigation, huh?

Gee whiz, they’re a lot more johnny on the spot about these things in the Midwest… although I will say that Chicago is the only Midwestern city so far that actually reports preventive measures when they occur.
The backpack night club bomber a few years ago – protesting his innocence.
The 3 beer keg bombers during the NATO conference – they were just holding a kegger.
Other stuff like that goes on constantly, but the majority of us know nothing about it. But Chicago’s episodes were done by the FeeBees, not local police, who prefer going after gangbangers.
Now you have to ask, if the local PDs were watching these two, why wasn’t the FBI in on it? It could have been stopped. Isn’t it time the gloves came off? As someone else has pointed out, it could have been much worse, if the next part of this heinous plan was followed.


I’d bet everything I could get a hold of that it was obvious for anyone non-PC that these 2 hated Americans. I’m not a gambler. People from 3rd world countries are just that stupid. Most likely, even though he was American, there was plenty of tell tale signs. With someone who doesn’t understand nuance, how hard could it be to tell they didn’t like America? Nuance tripped up many Nazi spies. It also tripped up KGB spies, it helped defeat SS infiltrators during The Battle of the Bulge, and it helped American POWs in multiple wars identify spies.

Heck just ask “refugees” their views on Israel and act anti-Israeli, then see if they go off on a rant.


The bank is prohibited by banking privacy laws from divulging anything about the transaction. Most likely this was an unsecured loan because the guy owned no tangible assets. The $28,500 is all he could borrow and that was only possible if he had a good credit rating with his $50,000+ income. I think the $10,000 was shoot and run like hell money and the $15,000 to his mother was support for the baby. Not much, but all they could get.


3,000,000 Pakistani Rupees = Roughly 28,500 after bank charges.

This rate fluctuates wildly every day.

But they were paid 3,000,000 from Pakistan to kill Americans.
