Sunday morning feel good stories

| October 11, 2015

We start our tour this morning in Merritt, North Carolina where three people broke into a house. The homeowner corrected the situation with his handgun and made one of the home invaders DRT (dead right there). It looks like the other two made a dash for it.

There was a self-correcting crime in Corpus Christi, Texas where police responded to a 9-1-1 call reporting that the caller had been shot. When the police arrived, they determined that the victim had tried to shoot the lock off of a bicycle so he could steal the ride, but the ricochet struck his leg. So the officers gave him a free ride to the hospital and then to the hoosegow.

In North Charleston, South Carolina, an armed customer sent an armed robber to the hospital when the thief tried to hold up a Waffle House.

In Scottsdale, Arizona, a drunk tried to force his way into an apartment where he thought he was staying. The woman inside was alone and told him to go away. Of course, he didn’t go away, and continued to try to force his way into the apartment. The bullet that the woman fired through the door and into his leg convinced him to stop.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Dead Right There, and 3 with permanent ID markings, not a bad run.
And, I learned last night that the Waffle House “Gun Free Zone” thing is up to the Franchisee, and not Corporate, and was thanked for being a Concealed Carry holder in his store.


The real question is: why would anyone try to hold up a Waffle House?


One word answer: BACON !!

At 0h=dark-thirty, after you’ve been Jonesing for bacon all night and need a bacon fix ASAP, you’ll do most anything to get some bacon.

Especially since the start of this fiscal year all pork products(including bacon) have now been deleted from the daily menu at federal lock-ups, some people feel the need to stock up on bacon.

BTW, did I happen to mention bacon?

Apologies to Flip Wilson, but “The bacon made me do it!!”


Oh, now I understand!

I buy it with coupons and freeze it for future use. Sausage, too.

I am never out of BACON or SAUSAGE. Or ham. I am prepared for just about anything.

B Woodman

Including marauding muzzies.


Yep, but be very,very careful while you’re doing that. Buying and freezing bacon must be done on the lowdown and very secretively, especially if you’re a girl.

Being able to purchase and eat bacon in a public establishment(and then trying to rob the place) is all part of that “male privilege” thing.

How does that song go? “Male Privilege wheel keeps on spinning around.”

Smiley Face Emoji.


Didn’t we just go through something with a guy bringing a gun to a Waffle House and being told that WH is a gun free zone?