Cuomo wants to shut down the Federal government over guns

| October 3, 2015

The Hill reports that the legacy governor of New York. Andrew Cuomo, the fellow who shoved the state’s SAFE Act down New York voters’ throats in the dead of the night, says that he’d “love” to see Democrats shut down the Federal government over gun control;

“It should be that high a priority. It is really sad and tragic and discouraging,” Cuomo said.

“It is such a failure of our political system and frankly such a blatant failure of the elected officials of this country,” he added.

Cuomo said the 2016 presidential field should make resolving gun violence a major part of their campaigns.

“I would like to see Hillary and the vice president and whoever else is in the race from both parties talk about the issue of guns,” he said.

I agree with him, in fact just him saying that makes the chances for a liberal in the next Presidential election a little tougher. You’ll notice that none of these gun grabbers are being specific about what they want to do in regards to guns – just broad, sweeping emotional rhetoric.

The truth is that there is enough gun control in this country. There is no “gun show loop hole”. There is no “internet loophole”. I’ve bought firearms on the internet and at gun shows and every time, I went through background checks. Every. Time.

So tell me, Andy, how can new laws prevent gun violence? How can we keep guns out of the hands of people whose first crime in their entire life is a mass shooting? If the Left is going to stand firm against putting people in the NICS system who should own guns, how will you make laws stiffer.

Even in New York City, arguably with more gun control that the rest of the state has had an increase in violent crime since the SAFE Act went into effect. Cuomo, of course, blames Vermont and Pennsylvania for gun crimes in his state because they have more liberal gun laws (in the traditional sense). He has no proof – only feelings.

That’s pretty much what we get from that side of the aisle. The president put on his angry face the other night, Emanuel put on his angry face earlier this week after 52 people (more than 2300 this year) were shot in Chicago last weekend, and now Cuomo puts on his angry face. Like a bunch of spoiled little kids. they don’t really care about the safety of the American people, what they care about more is the votes that they can get from the low-information voters.

I read a comment yesterday from a woman who said that we should find a way to ban machine guns. When is the last time a machine gun was used in a crime? The 1930s maybe. Like Chris Christie banning .50 caliber rifles in New Jersey – no .50 caliber has ever been used in a crime anywhere. But let’s not allow the facts to get in the way of an emotional debate, shall we?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I think the Legacy Governor’s name is more properly spelled “Andi”, Jonn. Even if he spells it with a “y”.


“Andi” the pointedly effeminate spelling for my asshole NYS Governor.

Asshole-ness seems to run in the Cuomo family; Mario ex-Gov and Chris (CNN).

God, I hate this state….and no, I can’t move for family reasons. But I’ll continue to complain anyway. 😉


“Mario”? Don’t you mean “Marlo” or “Marietta”?


I think someone needs to “shutdown” that communist prick cuomo!!!


When those two convicted murderers conned that dumb broad into helping them escape and got out of prison Shawshank-style, the people in the nearby town – might have been the entire county, too – immediately started bumping up ammo purchases and carrying their personal weapons of all sizes around with them. I noticed that no law enforcement person told anyone to shelter in place or not carry any kind of weapons.

I think, in fact, that if gubnner coma had arrived and said something stupid, he might have been ‘helped’ to leave town.

Silentium Est Aureum

I was working in the Finger Lakes region when that all went down.

Trust me, Cuomo said A LOT of stupid shit over those weeks.


‘Emanuel put on his angry face earlier this week’ – how can you tell? If anyone has a wooden expression, it’s Rahm Emanuel.

I will say that, despite my not feeling the need to own or use a gun, when Cuomo, et al., get on the media and say these things, it almost sends me to the sale counter at the sporting goods stores.

MSG Eric

I. Double. Dog. Dare. You.


Well, when I do, I will forward my practice results to the Big Boss of TAH.

Silentium Est Aureum

Said it before, say it again: Gun control is NOT about guns, it’s about control.

Because liberals always do such an awesome bang up (no pun intended) job at keeping us safe (again, no pun intended) and have to go back to the law they passed in the middle of the night in order to allow police to carry their service weapons.

Let’s compare the crime rates in the 8 “May Issue” states to that of the 7 “Unrestricted” states. Notice a difference? Now compare the murder rates in places like Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, DC, Baltimore, and NYC, to those “loose” gun control areas. See another pattern?

Yes, Hillary, Bernie, or whoever gets the Dem nomination. Make gun control the hill you want to die on. Pretty please.


One minor point about Detroit, Michigan has been a Shall Issue state for a number of years. Former Gov. Granholm predicted blood would run in the streets when it passed, like everything else she opened her mouth on, she was wrong.

A Proud Infidel®™

BETTER YET, compare the per capita violent crime rate of Chicago, NJ, or any other Gun Controlled locale with that of Kennessaw, GA. I think their local Gun Ownership Ordinance should be made a Federal Law! 😀

2/17 Air Cav

“Next question. Yes. Go ahead.”

“Governor, is your life more important that mine?”

“Um. Is my life more important than yours? Of course not. And that’s my point, that guns take lives and all lives are important…[continues for 3.5 minutes.]”

“Follow-up question, Governor. Why are those armed men—the state police executive security detail—near you right now and with you everywhere you go and yet I cannot carry a weapon for MY protection?”

“Next question.”


Oh! I figured something out.

clong over on the Oregon shooter thread is actually Andie Cuomo!



A Proud Infidel®™

I truly think that pols such as Cuomo, Das Hildebeast, Feinschwein, and B. Hussein 0bama look at characters like Castro, Mao, Lenin and Stalin with envy about the grip they had on staying in power.


Ask them how well those gun control laws are working in Mexico…

A Proud Infidel®™

OR in Baltimore, Chicago, DC, LA, NJ,…


And in (not so) breaking news…..wonder if President Stompy foot will hold a press conference and mention himself 28 times while talking about ANOTHER mass shooting.


Keeping in mind that the anti gun left and their enablers in the Government have decided to label any shooting with 4 or more victims a “mass shooting”. Of course that ignores any other factors and is an empty number without context. If a group of criminals has a shootout and 4 or more are killed/wounded we’re told this is to be considered a mass shooting and we need to do “something”.

C. Long

Just like two murders makes someone a serial killer.


But keep talking.


So, Clong,you’re saying that X shoots and killls two men sitting on a stoop on the South Side of Chicago, he’s a serial killer? Like GDContractor said, wrong.
That might make him/her a spree killer, but certainly not a serial killer.
“serial killer A person who murders 3+ people over a period of > 30 days, with an inactive period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification”.


This is from Wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt…

A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people,[1][2] usually due to abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant break (a “cooling off period”) between them.[3][4] Some sources, such as the FBI, disregard the “three or more” criterion and define serial killing as “a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone”.[4][5]

El Bearsidente

Take the guns away (which is not possible, not a single country on the planet is gun free) and the next spree killer with use an axe, a bunch of knives, a home made flamethrower.

America doesn’t have a gun violence problem. America has a violence problem.

Also, Chicago is at 375 homicides this year and nobody seems to care.


So, pResident Ø points to the gun-free culture in Australia? Then how does he explain this? “SYDNEY, Australia — A 15-year-old boy fatally shot a civilian police employee in a Sydney suburb on Friday and was killed by responding officers, the New South Wales police commissioner said, describing the boy’s act as terrorism”. How could he get a gun in the gun-free paradise?
And it was reported by the NYT? Ø is going to be upset with the “Newspaper of Record”.


It is truly embarassing!

His father shut down a almost complete nuke power plant.

Lesson is, when a Cuomo gets involved costly bad things happen … from Wiki:

The Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant was a completed General Electric nuclear boiling water reactor located adjacent to Long Island Sound in East Shoreham, New York. The plant was built between 1973 and 1984 by the Long Island Lighting Company (LILCO), but never operated.

In 1983, the Suffolk County Legislature voted that the county could not be safely evacuated in the event of a serious nuclear accident at the plant, and the governor of New York, Mario Cuomo, ordered state officials not to approve any LILCO-sponsored evacuation plan. The plant was completed in 1984 and in 1985 LILCO received federal permission for low-power 5 percent power tests.

The plant faced considerable public opposition after the 1979 Three Mile Island accident and the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. There were large protests and two dozen local groups opposed the plant. In 1981, 43 percent of Long Islanders opposed the plant; by 1986, that number had risen to 74 percent.

On May 19, 1989, LILCO agreed not to operate the plant in a deal with the state under which most of the $6 billion cost of the unused plant was passed on to Long Island residents. In 1992, the Long Island Power Authority bought the plant from LILCO. The plant was fully decommissioned in 1994.

MSG Eric

That’s an interesting read. Basically, “We don’t want this plant! Congratulations! you’re going to pay for the plant you don’t want anymore! Wait, what?”

Silentium Est Aureum

Same thing almost happened to Seabrook in New Hampshire.

Part of the licensing is to have a 10-mile plume exposure zone that has to be able to be evacuated, meaning sirens, etc., also have to be installed.

Seabrook is on the MA/NH border, and back in the mid-1980’s, Governor Dukakis basically wouldn’t approve any plan, thereby blocking opening of the plant because several towns in the PEL were in MA. Throw in the Clamshell Alliance protests, etc., and the cost overruns were enough to bankrupt TWO utilities.

Ain’t politics wonderful?


Yep. Especially considering the fact that more people have died in the late Ted Kennedy’s car than have died in all US commercial nuclear power plant mishaps in history.


Aren’t most of the nuke plants online now getting rather long in the tooth? The only one I can think of that is recently built is in Princeton, IL, and only serves the surrounding counties.

I’m just gobsmacked by people who don’t want power generating plants that burn coal or gas or use nuke fuel, but their demand for electric power is like watching an amoeba devour a paramecium.

I don’t understand the disconnect there.

Solar and wind power are practical on an individual basis if done correctly, but not every area is suitable and not every home can be fitted for it. My home can’t be. I looked into it. And it is not cheap, by any means.

All these masses of people devour electric power but don’t want it produced anywhere near them, like on this planet. I do not and never will understand this disconnect from reality.


That’s because the majority of people really don’t understand how the electricity they use is generated. If they were to take a basic, and I mean basic, college science class, they would learn how different kinds of plants generate the electricity they use and take for granted everyday. Nuclear power is safe, but because of accidents with old plants and plants that had designs flaws (Chernobyl) they think all nuclear power is scary and shouldn’t be taken advantage of.


I know what we COULD do. We could declare a power outage day or three.

No electrical devices, except in hospitals. No electric lamps, fridges, stoves, microwaves, vacuums, radios, TVs, computers, tablets, phones, cars – nothing that uses electricity. They could learn to use oil lamps like the Amish do (I keep two on hand for real emergencies) and kitchen matches to light the stove in case the power goes out, which means the striker won’t work. If they want books to read, print will have to do.

If that doesn’t cure them of their complaints about power plants, nothing will.

Since I can remember when the dairy sent a milkman around with a wire basket full of milk, and my mother put it into an icebox, not a fridge, and the ice man had to bring ice blocks each week to keep the icebox cold, it could certainly have the desired effect of making them appreciate power plants a lot more.


We just had a 4 day one here because of the start of an early winter (thanks global warming). Heavy winter snow knocked out power to thousands of homes. My family was well prepared. We were warm and able to cook our food, but we had no electricity or running water. Because we were prepared we were all comfortable (although we all camped out in the living room)spending our time as a family playing games and having a pretty darn good time. The only problem I had was that my wife’s dog somehow figured out how to worm his way inside my sleeping bag without waking me up.

Silentium Est Aureum

Generator and transfer switch. First things I got when I bought my house.

And power goes out here A LOT.

A Proud Infidel®™

The tree-hugging booger-eating pothead environmentalists want “emission-free” power, how about hydroelectric dams? OH WAIT, they bawl about that too, why then don’t they just go live out in the wild eating grass and living in caves and leave the rest of us the FUXX alone? No, wait, I correct myself, THAT would interfere with their perpetual attention whoring!


So I guess those 500,000,000 solar catchers that shrillary announced she’d put in place across the USA will take up the slack, eh? Oh, wait – that isn’t free, either.

Silentium Est Aureum

Not to mention have the availability of about 25 percent.

Compare that to a base load plant of 90-98 percent.


Great article here on solar generated electricity, the practicality of it and the cost.
It’s not affordable for the individual now, or in the forseeable future. Now, if the government gets involved, well………. Just remember Solyndra, Solar Ovonics and other companies involved in solar.

Silentium Est Aureum

Shhhhhhhh…don’t tell the New England greenies, especially in VT. They think they can replace Vermont Yankee with solar and hydro, 500KW at a time.


That used to be THE place to hang out and drink beer when you were a teenager in the mid to late 80’s.

Hack Stone

Guns in the hands of Americans never convicted of a crime = Bad. American supplied Gus in the hands of Middle East “Freedom Fighters” = Good. Did I get that right?


Ban all guns from Americans hands and it makes it easier for the Muslim Terrorist “refugees” to take over. That seems to be the CIC’s plan.

A man that never saw a muslim he didn’t want to arm is really jonesing to disarm America.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t think that B. Hussein 0bama & Company have any quips or qualms about arming drug cartels either. Remember “Fast & Furious”? Mentioning that is as “racist” as mentioning Benghazi around Das Hildebeast is “sexist”!

The Other Whitey

Gotta love the “machine gun” thing. I’ve heard so many idiots calling any “scary gun” a machine gun, it’s ridiculous. I think my favorite was a tool I encountered a while back prattling about “semiautomatic machine guns.” Painfully stupid.

A Proud Infidel®™

How ’bout the booger-eating scrotum-ogling liberal pol talking about “30-clip magazines” in firearms?


Don’t forget the heat seaking bullets that cook deer.


Cool! Will they work on wild hogs too, too or just deer?

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, but they tend to overcook the meat unless you just kinda graze them, then it’ll come out a perfect medium-rare.

Silentium Est Aureum



What a tool. And an example of personalities who have undue influence over whether the government would really shut down or not. Good thing my contract is funded for another year.


With the net effect of POTUS et al making outlandish demands followed by another buying surge.
You would think they would learn.