DoD Transgender Policy Working Group
Rusty Shackelford sends us a copy of the latest memo from the Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, which announces the “working group” that will be noodling over accepting transgendered folks into the military. Of course, we know that translates into a warning order for the troops that it will happen. He’s suspended booting people from the military for the sole reason of their gender confusion and he’s giving the service chiefs 180 days to submit their findings to him.
I guess they figure they need to cram all of this social engineering stuff in before the next president takes the oath.
Category: Big Pentagon
Finally # 1.
Well its Saturday Morning Chief. All the youngsters are still sleeping from partying all night.
I was getting ready for work. It’s not my fault that I’m 4 hours behind you guys. Right now I am on the civilian equivalent of staff duty.
Actually, it IS your fault, Twist. You could live in a normal time zone like everyone else, but noooooo you had to be different!!!!
TWIST! You’ll always be FIRST for me?
Hey I just woke up about a hour or so Lol… I have a time-zone disadvantage here. I’m like 4 hours behind most of you guys
What’s next, will male PT failures now be allowed to say they’re transgender and be allowed to be graded on the female standards? To all the liberal Crusaders and SJW’s forcing this on the U.S. Military, I say supercalifragilisticexpialaFUCKYOU!!
I’m going to take a stab that there are thousands of males who will immediately say, “I’m thinking about becoming a woman, so grade me on the female standard” so they can get 300 on the PT test for not even breaking a sweat.
One can only hope that the REAL women will outdo them.
Served with several very real women that could whoop my ass on a run!
Come on. The ability to run does not equal ability to fight. A good Soldier has to be a good runner, otherwise he will be sucking ass in any dismounted missions, but the ability to run all in itself means nothing.
I was thinking of hair cuts myself. I had a really nice Mohawk prior to hitting Paris island in 1986. if it was today and i said i was transgender i wonder if they would have let me keep it? now I’m too old & bald to worry about it. but the possibilities are unending for a smart trooper these day if it goes through…
hey, that’s a good idea…..
At the rate they are going, heterosexual males and females will end up taking the lead in EO complaints and discrimination complaints because of all the “special treatment” being given to anyone who’s “different”.
“Hi, I need to do a discrimination complaint. What’s the reason? Well, my commander who might be male, or female, or somewhere in between, we don’t know, said I was ‘normal’ and because of that I won’t get promoted.”
“Okay, go to the division chow hall and stand-by there with the rest of the ‘normal’ personnel waiting to complain. If its full, let me know so we can get a bigger venue.”
Heterosexuals may become an “endangered species” the way that this Administration is shoving SJW down our throats.
Wrong, goes like this:
“CO my name is Private Charlie (Mon, Wed and Fri) and Charlette (Tues, Thurs, Weekends and alternate Mon when holiday falls on that day) B. (Bernard and Bernice respectively) Chopsumoff and I would like to make a complaint”.
“My God, what has my Army come to”, as the CO buries his head in his hands!
“But, dwill sergeant, I can’t do that. No can do. It’th my time of the month.”
“Your what? Are you shittin’ me trainee? Your a freakin’ male!”
“It’th a thympatheic period.”
I don’t know what a “thympatheic period” is!
But with a “it’th” in front of it … it is halarious!
Haha, I couldn’t help but read that with Mike Tyson’s voice.
That’s Ludicwithhhh.
Total bullthit
Possibly NSFW
What part of IS is included in probably?
Love that movie.
I’ll be taking these Huggies, and whatever cash ya got in that drawer there.
Man, I’m glad I’m retired!
Will this be an excuse for yet another new uniform, or will they just issue two complete sets (male/female)?
I hear that the curtsy is returning as the preferred form of greeting for all three genders: male, female, and confused. Handshakes are on the way out. Handshakes are, as you know, quite male, a traditional method of greeting between two males to show themselves to have no weapon and to be no threat. Can’t have that. Practice the curtsy!
And they can change the official Army song to It’s raining men…..
This is the excuse for forcing qualified career people into an early out.
Forcing? I RAN in mine! 🙂
Just add the multicam feather boa.
If they try to enter my bathroom (head for sailors), they will find out what it’s like to be confronted by REAL women who are very, very ANGRY.
And if the Army thinks this won’t be used by men who are sexual predators as an excuse to get into the women’s facilities, then they are out of what is left of their teeny tiny minds.
Man, now I need to head to a rink where hockey practice is underway, just to be around someone who has normal T.
Look, I don’t think transgenders belong in the military, but is there any evidence that the sexual predator example will be an issue?
I have to agree. If she’s not male yet or he’s not a female yet, then its going to cost who for their snip and pull? Get your operations first, legally be declared whatever sex you are, then join. Damn that was simple as hell. Who should I call? 1-800-TRANSBUSTERS
Good idea, except that this goat-rope is all about getting the US military to assume the cost of sex reassignment surgeries, even though that kind of treatment has been shown to be out-of-date and ineffective.
These people need treatment, because they are mentally ill and unstable.
Agreed. And I have no idea why anyone thinks taxpayers should be expected to pay for this crap. It is ELECTIVE, NOT REQUIRED.
Men posing as TGs have been arrested in women’s public restrooms. They went there for the sole purpose of assaulting women. This perv is only one example.
Nowhere in that story is it referenced that he was posing as a TG. Again, do TGs have something wrong with their brain’s wiring? I happen to think so. Hence, no service allowed, in my opinion. However, let’s not invent hypotheticals that don’t do much to support the cause.
OK. So what?
The fact remains that when a girl using a restroom notices someone else using the same restroom who has hairy legs, there will be some inevitable screaming going on. Perhaps even some police reports.
The hairy legs would be normal in France.
Hypothetical? I think not. Facts support what I said.
A Sammamish man disguised as a woman has been charged with voyeursim.
Those are not hypothetical. They are REAL WORLD SHIT, bozo. Do you want to go over that again?
Thanks for the Bozo retort. Good to know you start namecalling upon disagreement. Again, this criminal you cited was not a TG individual. TG individuals may be confused about their gender (something I believe is a mental problem), but there is no evidence that they identify simply to go in bathrooms of the gender to which they are attracted just to get their jollies. What you are doing is akin to me citing cases of men raping women in society and saying they shouldn’t join because they will rape women in the military. Oh, wait.
There are plenty of reasons to deny military service for TGs. Using your bathroom example does not help.
Perhaps you have difficulty reading, hence the ‘bozo’ reference. I said POSING. A man who DRESSES as a woman is POSING as a TG, unless he says he is TV. Now, if that is not plain enough for you, I will use smaller words.
Here’s the thing: there’s nothing stopping anyone now from putting on different clothes in order to go in another bathroom. Putting on different clothes for the purposes of committing a crime does not make one transgendered or even a transvestite. While I don’t think they should serve, these folks will tell you it’s an entire lifestyle change, up to and including the surgery. You’re so irrationally afraid of bathroom usage scenarios, so where do you want Sergeant Shane Ortega to go? The Army still recognizes the soldier as a female, but I’m sure seeing this soldier in the bathroom would pass your “men in a woman’s bathroom” example. See here:
I think the same thing about homos. It wasn’t so very long ago at all that they were barred from service and that homosexuality was regarded as a mental disorder. Now, it’s time for transgenders, or whatever the hell they are.
Just issue Kilts then you won’t have to have two different uniforms.
Once again; This should not even be a discussion. The only reason it is, is the reason given by the Jonn. The current occupier of the White House is doing is damndest to cram every single social experiment he can into the Military. Do I think he is intentionally weakening the military prior to the next election? Yup, I sure do. I think he wants to weaken the US ability to present a strong front up against enemies of the US. to move us more quickly into the Lefts idea of a Socialist “E”Utopia that doesn’t exist.
Transgenders do not belong in the Military any more than any other individual that cannot meet the physical and psychological requirements for enlistment. Less than one percent of the population, and for what? What possible enhancement to National Security and our War fighting capabilities does this yield? Not a freaking one.
Cue the former 11B Transgender who wants everyone to think she is normal, to come in and tell us how wrong we are.
If you have to take major amounts of hormones, surgically change your features, etc… you aint normal.
So what if a pre-op female to male soldier becomes pregnant? Does the USR indicate that a male soldier is unavailable for deployment because he’s pregnant?
So I learned last night that a guy from my unit way back when, is now the first openly serving transgender infantryman. A guy I knew as sgt Pete king, apparently now is Patricia king, and upset that he still has to meet male pt standards
Having known 2 men who transitioned to being women, I have a few questions/comments.
1) Unless you have actually completed the surgery, you are NOT transgendered, you are a transvestite, i.e. you dress up as the opposite sex. You can say whatever you want to, but if you still have a penis you are still male and if you don’t have a penis, you are still female. In rare circumstances, some unfortunate people are both.
2) Once the surgery is complete, you have to be on hormone therapy for the rest of your life to override what Mother Nature gave you to begin with. How would that work at a very forward base in the middle of BFE Afghanistan where food and water supplies are sometimes dicey? I don’t know if implants like the birth control version are possible or not.
3) It takes several years to complete all of the required steps before the actual surgery, what happens if you deploy in the midst of all that?
4) As for PT standards, everyone should have to meet the same MALE standards. That means, just like smaller weaker men, women have to work harder to meet the standards. Yes, women can learn to do pull-ups too. I don’t want my son or daughter’s life dependent on someone who can’t pull their own weight, literally. That female Marine officer was right on.
Those who maintained that so long as a soldier/sailor/Marine/’airperson’/Coast ‘guardsperson’ can do his, her, or its job can thank that standard for this. And it doesn’t stop here. And why should it? Don’t tell me now that it’s okay to deny an entire group of people the opportunity to serve! Each twink should be evaluated individually and not stereotyped. Each weekend horse screwer and underwear sniffer should be left the hell alone if screwing horses and sniffing underwear does not interfere with their service jobs. Right?
I have no issue with homosexuals serving. I don’t think TG individuals are physically or mentally fit to serve. Use the gender you are given at birth. Why is it that you leap to bestiality? What is this obsession with some folks and jumping to pedophilia or bestiality with issues like these? Folks who invoke these things aren’t helping the side opposing TGs look like reasonable people by doing this.
I happen to have first hand knowledge of an active duty military member (separated due to this event) that was arrested for beastiality and distribution of pornography. As far I know, he was (somewhat) competent in his military career, but it turned out to be an incident of two worlds colliding.
I remember the good old days when the United States military’s job was to wreak havoc on our enemies. These days, they are cutting as much as they can from supporting the warfighter, yet they can’t spend money fast enough to finance the latest social experiment.
Well, you tell me. I thought I had explained it fully. What would be the rationale for barring anyone whose behavior does not interfere with their jobs? And if you are considering the legality of screwing an amorous horse (and don’t tell me a horse cannot object!), consider the sodomy laws that were on the books. And underwear sniffers? Well, why not if the underwear isn’t stolen?
Sorry Hack. Timing, you know. I was replying to D.
Hey, it seems you have lots of knowledge regarding sex with animals and issues of consent. Is there something you aren’t telling us?
What’s the question?
Air Cav isn’t from Afghanistan so the goats are safe.
I loves me a grey mare now and then, boys.
Whoa Nellie!
Ah, Nellie. Now, there was a mare who knew how to give a good ride. She wasn’t a fan of chaps. Said they rubbed her the wrong way. A little on the kinky side she was, though. She enjoyed a light whipping now and then. Good old Nellie. I could ride her all day long and she’d never tire. A couple of pair of shoes is all she ever expected. No candlelight dinners. No movies. Just an apple or two and she was good to go.
About six years ago, WTOP had a news article about a guy in South Carolina that was sent to prison for having sex with a horse named Sugar. I had a great thread going on that story, but the zinger is when I said that he was in a stable relationship with Sugar.
I had a horse who liked beer. That, and lemon drops – made him happier than a hog in fresh mud.
At least the Army will finally have a group that actually thinks the Army Service Ribbon looks good.
I never wore the “I Live and Breathe” ribbon; same-same with the “Overseas Service Ribbon”! I only wore personal ribbons that had medal attachments.
Crud … I thought wearing the uniform was enough of an indicator that I was serving in the army — I didn’t need some rainbow-colored piece of meaningless fluff to add to my rack.
Time was the military ideal was served by selecting males with a crime-free background, who were fairly squared away, and who could be trained so that the end product was a stand-up guy who was honorable, decent, and true blue. There were always more hits than misses, but the ideal remained solid. No longer. Not under oBaMa. Changing that ideal, altering tradition or discarding it entirely, is what he and his are all about. He has been wildly successful.
“…the “working group” that will be noodling over accepting transgendered folks into the military.”
I simply can’t wrap my mind around what the discussions in that WG will be like. Lord have MERCY!
I just hope that they keep their noodles to themselves…
*golf clap*
For years, during overhaul periods, we have been ripping urinals out of the heads in berthing compartments to make them unisex. Guess we can start reinstalling them so dudes identifying as females will have a place to pee when in the women at sea berthing compartments.
I don’t know how latrines would work.
For starters it wont be Starship Troopers (the movie or book). I don’t think many females (born type) are going to want an Infantry platoon that is back from a month in the woods and self i.d as females and take over their latrine’s.
This is fucking absurd.
There is so much that disqualifies someone from serving yet they’ll allow clear mental illness now. How can the military have any sort of standards of appearance if they allow garbage like this?
I hope the next commander in chief comes in and negates all of Obama’s military destroying policies first hour after being sworn in.
Good luck with putting the smoke back in the bottle. Once they get their high heeled clad foot in the door, you’ll never get them out.
I’m gonna self-identify as a Vulcan, and get the pointy-eared operation. Not only would it be cool to nerve-pinch somebody’s ass, you could also do the mind meld thing. Chicks really dig the mind meld thing.
What’s to say this policy change won’t attract bunches of transgenders seeing a tour in the Military as a free ticket to a “Snip & Tuck” or an Addadicktome procedure?
No thanks, we already had a transgender serving in the Army, and last I checked, he’s on a LIFE sentence for one of the LARGEST disclosures of classified documents in the history of the United States. If Bradley Manning (I know he’s changed his name,but you can’t change your chromosomes) is any example of what transgendered soldiers will bring to the table, I don’t want them in my unit, period.
What’s more concerning from a readiness standpoint isn’t the people that have elective surgery, it’s the requirement for the ongoing hormone treatments.
How will someone be deployable if they have a dependence on such medicines. We don;t allow people in the military if they are taking ADHD drugs for the same reasons.
We can’t always use the most fitting case as the basis for a decision. For example, we can use the case of the fully post op person to justify use of the other sex bathroom but then use the case of the casual crossdresser whose only determined that they “feel like a woman” to say that everyone will be fully deployable.
What’s it feel like being the being other sex anyway? I’d imagine that it would feel the same as being the color blue.How do people know that they feel like the other sex when it’s impossible to know what that means. If I can feel like I’m another sex, why can’t I declare myself to be non-human (chicken, duck, shrew, whatever) and seek discrimination assistance?
I was confused util it became clear that this has nothing to do with gays “just being able to serve”.
“How do people know that they feel like the other sex when it’s impossible to know what that means…”
The one that baffles me is when transgenders claim they knew they were the other sex when they were children…like 5 year old children!
Saw a documentary a while back which followed IIRC 5 transgenders who did the whole monty. Out of the 5, only 1 felt good about his to her decision. By the way, that person was a USAF colonel…and that’s all I’ll say about that (Duck!).
The others all were shocked at how life was the same and not better as they imagined.
The shrinks called the feelings that they had as “overvalued ideation.” I guess that’s shrink talk for fucked up in the head.
I see a lot of transgenders joining the military to get the surgery, then getting out after 4. At least there aren’t that many and out of those, not many will want to join the military.
Maybe what it really boils down to is that some guys don’t like holding their own dicks when they take a leak.
YGBFSM! Again! The military is already societies’ “sexual assault problem child” to here the left tell it. Now if all the Pat and Kris and Kim, don’t ask, don’t tell which side they bat for types, start their bull shit this will make the military another CNN favorite for every male or female malcontent who couldn’t cut boot camp, bitching because there was “transgender pressure on me”. This is not going to work folks. Period. It’s going to make the military we have even less effective than Obama has worked so hard to already accomplish.
And when it all comes crashing down, liberals will blame the military establishment, then the mission will be interrupted with more EEO and sensitivity training.
What’s next, are they going to say that the US Military needs to do away with uniform regulations because they get in the way of some little snowflakes’ “self-expression”?