Chinese veterans protest over unpaid benefits

| June 25, 2015


I guess it’s the same all over – about 3,000 Chinese military veterans of the country’s war against Vietnam in the late 70s and their nuclear program converged on the capitol to protest the fact that they hadn’t been paid promised benefits for their service according to the Associated Press;

On Thursday, a website maintained by a veterans group and postings on Chinese social media said about 1,000 former soldiers from around the country joined in a sit-in protest Tuesday at the petitions office under the central military command.

The reports said they were part of a group of about 3,000 that had arrived recently in the capital, while several thousand more had been prevented from coming to Beijing by authorities in their hometowns.

Such protests have grown increasingly common among aging veterans and are treated as extremely politically sensitive by the ruling Communist Party that commands total control over the armed forces. China’s entirely state-controlled media made no mention of Tuesday’s protest and military spokesmen said they had no knowledge of it.

The Chinese government said “Whachou talkin’ ’bout” ignoring media inquiries. The Business Mirror reports;

In Tuesday’s sit-in, the bulk of the veterans were bussed to a sprawling detention center used to house petitioners from out of town while their chief representatives held talks with military officials.

While they were promised that their concerns would be addressed, they were warned that the sit-in was illegal, the web site said, adding that the talks ended on an “unpleasant note.” Organizers decided to end the action that evening and the veterans began returning home, the site said.

The Obama Administration should be looking over their collective shoulder. If this can happen in China, it would be more likely to happen here.

Category: Veterans in the news

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Shades of the Bonus Army.


In other unreported news, 3000 chineese veterans have gone missing…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Along with 9000 family members…


Damn it vov, I want a like button


Survivors of the missing veterans received bills for the bullets


Smitty…Damn you beat me to it!


I wonder if they are sensitive to fireworks.

Doc Savage

….or allergic to anti aircraft cannons?

Slick Goodlin

Hey Comrades,

You’re supposed to be serving for the glorious Revolution…

not for filthy lucre like the Capitalist Running Dogs!

2/17 Air Cav

Snappy dressers those Chinese. Love the masks. Years ago, a politician I knew had a son who visited Chiner. (Hey, that’s the way I pronounce it.) Anyway, he returns and gives her a lighter and she, in turn, gives it to me. It is red, narrow, about 3-inches long (no, don’t go there) and features a full pic of Chairman Mao.

The Other Whitey

Each of the protesting vets is looking at the Red Guard facing him and saying, “Take a good look, kid! This is you in thirty years–if you live that long!”


So much for workers paradise. Maybe Nobamma can get it or the U.S.


They had benefits?

Dennis - not chevy

Were any of them Chinese Air Patrol Lt Col’s flying Compass Call over the Ho Chi Minh trail?

Hack Stone

I have feeling that ten years from now, ISIS will not be dealing with this situation.

Sam Naomi

Hey Chinkies,

If your looking for a hand out your going at it in the wrong way,so, “SUCK IT UP”, we had enough of you chinks over in Korea. The way you treated us over in Korea I would’nt give you the sweat off of my ass if you were dieing of thirst. End of story.

Where the tall corn grows,
Sam Naomi

The Other Whitey

How did Eastwood put it? “Back in Korea we used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high, used ya for fuckin’ sandbags!”


Well that escalated quickly

Green Thumb

It appears the Chinese have reached out to the VISN 19 (Denver, CO) here in the US for advice.

And I can only imagine their Regional Counsel Jeff Stacey is helping them out.


When is the VA going to wake up?

I wonder how much Kool-Aid is really going around?

B Woodman

ChiComs. . . keeping promises to others. . .. hhmmmm. . . .


I remember those “border clashes” between the Chinese and Vietnamese – they were fought by division sized units. I seem to recall one involved something like 120,000 party-goers.

And, in other news, the Chinese are deflecting criticism of their human rights record by pointing to the US and “Black Lives Matter” and saying they are no worse than we are. Meanwhile Louis Farrakhan is calling for the removal of the United States flag and advocating armed insurrection and mass killing of whites.

Silentium Est Aureum

Maybe it’s just my un-PC side coming out, but is it wrong of me to be reminded of the phrase, “Fuck em and feed em fish heads?”