ISIS supporter attacks federal officers in New York City
Pinto Nag sends us a link to Fox News about Fareed Mumuni who unsuccessfully attacked federal officers with a knife while they’re rolling up a cell of terrorists that they discovered;
No one on the Joint Terrorism Task Force team, made up of state, local and federal law enforcement agents, was hurt in the attack allegedly carried out by Fareed Mumuni just a day after another New York man, Munther Saleh, was charged with plotting to make a pressure cooker bomb. Authorities believe Saleh and Mumuni were working together, and both allegedly told police they “had pledged allegiance” to ISIS.
A federal law enforcement source told Fox News that anti-terrorism investigators are building numerous cases and expect several federal indictments in the coming weeks before July 4. Each of the cases involve homegrown extremists radicalized through social media, said the source.
Well, at least it will give the Feds something to do until the holidays. Too bad we can’t send them to Guantanamo anymore. We should really stop taking prisoners.
Category: Terror War
Isn’t the Navy scheduled to create an artificial reef using a decommissioned ship somewhere sometime soon?
What? With these ISIS cockholsters as “passengers”? Love the idea.
Now, now, B Woodman – I did NOT suggest that.
The FBI NY SWAT member who took a knife to the chest is fine.
His ballistic armor STOPPED the blade.
That is all.
Good to hear! Now, why didn’t the knife-wielding cockfuck get his martyrdom facilitated?
Because there is less paperwork involved in bouncing his face off a wall — hopefully, repeatedly — than if they ventilated him.
Yeah, but this way costs more money.
By the way, how did it go stripping your 1911?
Haven’t gotten to it yet, but I copied your instructions verbatim, and I will let you know what happens. You way sounds a lot easier than what I’m seeing on YouTube — maybe you should make a video! 🙂
How to strip a 1911 in two easy steps:
1. Sell 1911
2. Buy a Glock
Aww, that’s so cute!
Does your husband also shoot?
Besides, the range is not the place for a tupperware party. Neither is a gunfight.
Ever seen a 100-year-old glock that’s had over a million rounds through it and still runs–on its original parts? Because such 1911s DO exist. Not as pretty as they used to be, but they still go “bang” when you want them to–and ONLY when you want them to.
Dear Mr Daniel A. Bernath who thinks that MCPO NYC USN Ret. is giving away some sort of classified information not available to the media. Read this link, you stupid Google non-operating fuck;
I see Bernath is still stirring the sh!tpot.
I do hope he enjoys his upcoming meal – the one where Lady Karma takes the spoon from his hand, then feeds him the pot’s entire contents.
Bernath is the shitpot – and that’s no secret either.
He who stirs the shitpot should be forced to lick the spoon.
Wow. He still insists on letting everyone know his level up sheer stupidity. Now he includes illiteracy in that reveal. Such consistency.
This swine is the reason people from the Middle East who are NOT troublemakers are suspect. It’s guilt by association.
I think Gitmo should be kept open as a change-for-the-next-train kind of place. And the next train could be quite unpleasant. 🙂
I second that, and Gitmo inmates need to be kept like the ones in Supermax!
GTMO is going back to the Cubans as a gift for them to love us again, wait and see. Now, where will all the assholes currently there end up? My bet is back to the shitholes in which they were initially captured and they’ll be shooting at us again.
Well, I guess I get to find out about troublemakers — or not. Four Pakistani men moved into the building behind mine, about a month ago (I checked with the manager to be sure, and they are renters and are there legitimately.) The one bad habit they have that I really don’t like, is staring. I avoid them as much as possible, but we are all assigned parking in the same lot, so there we are. I know better than to try to be friendly or talk to them, and to be honest, they give me the creeps.
They stare at you, huh?
Yeah, they did that in Chicago, too. It was like they’d never seen women before, or something. Latino men were almost as bad.
I found it worked to snap ‘What are you looking at?’ at them and scowl. They would look elsewhere very quickly.
Pinto Nag: IMO at least for the time being you probably don’t have anything to worry about these a__holes staring at you. Now if one of them should ask if you have 71 lady friends some where, now THAT might be worth mentioning to your local PD. On the other hand, if you really want to f__k with their minds; one day when they are walking out to their vehicle(s) you should be prepared to get on the back of a large Vietnamese Pot Bellied pig, buck naked with a pork chop sandwich in one hand and a bacon sandwich in the other hand.
I’m sure it is just a complete coincidence that these two are of Middle Eastern decent….
WHOA!! Gotta be careful and make sure we don’t “profile” people now, do we? That would be WAAAAYCIST! /sarc
And provoke the “wrath” of Limp-Dick Lars?
The New York Times carried an op-Ed that said that conservatives are far more dangerous to the U.S. Than Muslim terrorists. It was written by 2 morons from academia, AKA professors.
Guess they weren’t up on the news?
And the dunderheads at the helm of the NYT still wonder why their subscription numbers continue to plummet down the shitpipes, fuck ’em!
I say we give them a free plane ride back to their home country and let them go.
Please note that I made no mention of landing the aircraft prior to their release.
Just open the door while in midair, throw them out, and if they forgot to bring a parachute – oh well, tough BLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEHLEH!
They’ll live, Insh’allah.
Or they won’t.
Deus vult!