So, NOAA Says There’s No “Global Warming Pause”?

| June 6, 2015

Well, if that’s the case . . . I’m confused. Because there’s this, too. According to data from the US National Snow and Ice Detection Center,

Sea ice extent in Antarctica last month set a new record high for the month of May, according to data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

The article goes on to say that sea ice around Antarctica has been increasing at the rate of 2.9% per decade since 1981.

So, let me get this straight: global warming is causing record sea ice around Antarctica during the southern hemisphere’s late fall. And that constant global warming – remember, NOAA said yesterday that the nearly 2-decade pause observed during the last 2 decades is a myth – has caused sea ice coverage around Antarctica to grow at a rate of 2.9% per year for the last 3 decades.  Plus, Arctic sea ice levels seem to be about where they were 10 years ago – in spite of that “constant man-made global warming” that NOAA says is happening.

Yeah, all that really makes a lot of sense to me.  Shoot, it looks to me that if this global warming stuff keeps up long enough the entire southern hemisphere will be iced over!

Looks like someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.  Or perhaps some more “data adjusting”.  (I’m guessing the latter could be just around the corner.)

Global warming, eh? Riiiiight.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Global Warming

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The Antarctic sea ice has been setting records for 3 straight years. This impacts ocean circulations throughout the world as more liquid is converted to ice. The Arctic sea ice has recovered 50% of its loss from its record low. Meanwhile, winter like weather is still being experienced in parts of the northern hemisphere in areas that wouldn’t expect them this time of the year. The media is all over the heatwave in India, but ignores the cold snap right next to it. The sun is not that far from entering a grand minimum. This isn’t the typical “minimum” during an 11 year solar cycle, but one that’ll run from two to four centuries. Less solar winds means more cosmic rays making their way into the heliosphere. Solar winds have been decreasing at an accelerating rate. Normally, our magnetic field acts like a second line of defense against these cosmic rays. Unfortunately, the solar winds are not the only thing that’s weakening. Our magnetic field is getting weaker at an accelerating rate. During the last mini ice age, it was stronger… meaning our defenses against these cosmic rays are even less than before. Why the mention of cosmic rays? Their contribution to water droplet/cloud formation has been observed in the field and proven in the lab. The increase in precipitation we’ve been seeing… in rain and snow… is related to the increased cosmic rays coming in. With a solar grand minimum comes prolonged brutal winters. Add to this the increase in precipitation that… if the rains we’ve received in the US in the last few weeks were to fall as snow, large sections of the US would be covered in thick snow. The amount of precipitation that could be created in the future could create massive floods… or massive snow cover. We’re vulnerable to seeing the beginning of mega glaciation as early as the next three decades. We’re currently in the beginning of a mini ice age. I’ve noticed, since I started tracking and studying global weather, that as the world has naturally cooled down… the headlines have gotten more… Read more »


The SOHO website has an article on the return of solar activity. It is not as strong as they had hoped it would be.

Plenty of info on solar activity is avaialbe at NASA SOHO. Also, the sunspots are back, but they are small, frequently sparse in number, sometimes almost invisible, and then those CMEs flare up.

So is this interglacial period coming to an end? Might be. The last glacial maximum (Wisconin glacial maximum) ended 18,000 years ago. Warming cycles have frequent bouts of cooling and show as jagged spots on the warming side of those graphs. But the opposite cycle – glacial increase – is almost always without those jagged interruptions. It’s almost a straight slide down.

I’ve been tracking weather for some time now. I think this actually started back in the 1970s, when blizzards became more common. I do not remember anything like that from growing up in the Midwest, except for the blizzard of January 1967, which buried Chicago and sent an ice storm (freezing rain) south to my hometown.

I think we’re all in real trouble and the politics of this need to be set aside, period.


These current sunspots tend to crest the earth facing solar sphere looking like they’re going to kick azz and take names as they approach the center part of the earth facing sphere.

Instead, they weaken as they come closer to our view, then restrengthen as they progress to the other side of the solar sphere.

Many of flares miss earth, many get sucked back into the sun. Many of the CME threats are coming from the solar filaments that cross the sun’s surface.

Then we have coronal holes that amplify volcanic and earthquake activity on earth.

Sunspots should be more frequent, bigger, and more spectacular given the stage of Solar Cycle 24, but this cycle has weakened real quick. They’re predicting that Solar Cycle 25 might even be smaller and weaker. Some studies predict that it won’t come at all, and the grand minimum could start this year at the earliest.

The sun is behaving like it’s going to go into a protracted sunspot slumber. It’s behaving now the way it behaved before the Maunder and Dalton Minimums.


Yes, they were expecting a return to the ‘old days’ and were surprised, and disappointed as well, that the sun didn’t cooperate. They could not, in fact, figure it out.


Much like the unemployment stats, the economic stats and the rest, the global warming climate change stats must be adjusted, to reflect the emphasis that Emperor Barack the Onederful wants done.