Eddie Ray Routh is guilty

| February 25, 2015

So the news this morning is that Eddie Ray Routh, the fellow who murdered Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield last year, was found guilty and he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The prosecutors had hoped for the death penalty. From Fox News;

Routh showed no visible emotion as the verdict was read, while Kyle’s brother and parents were among a group of the victims’ families and friends who cried and held hands. They did not issue a statement.

Jerry Richardson, Littlefield’s half-brother, told Routh that he “took the lives of two heroes, men who tried to be a friend to you, and you became an American disgrace.” Routh had no reaction.

I’ve read some speculation on line that this was the Veterans’ Affairs Department fault, that they need to “do better” in regards to treatment of veterans. I disagree. There are certainly problems with the VA, but this doesn’t have anything to do with service-connected mental health. According to testimony in the trial, Routh had problems before he joined the Marines. The morning before the murder, Routh had been sitting around blazing doobies with his family. He had a long history of drug abuse in a dysfunctional family environment that encouraged that sort of behavior.

Too many people blame military service for some of these people’s bad behavior and in most cases it’s just not true. Like the father of the fellow in New York City who shot two NYPD officers blamed his son’s six weeks of basic training for that incident. It’s just too easy for everyone to click that military box when they’re looking for excuses for criminals’ behavior.

Of course, a lot of that has to do with that divide between the military and the citizens that we served, but it also has a lot to do with the reputation that we give ourselves when we blame our own bad behavior on “what we saw”. Not you guys, but you have to admit that we see it too often here from the phonies, like the fellow who got five years on probation for a murder because of the wild tales he told a judge about his tour of Vietnam. And pot-smoking “Wayward Bill” who needs pot to forget the ears that he had chop off of dead VC as a company clerk in Vietnam – despite the fact that he’d never been to Vietnam. There’s Terry Farmer who gets away with beating his wife because of the things that he never saw in Vietnam.

Those are just a few examples, of the countless phonies who blame their fairy tales of military service for their bad behavior. I’m very glad that a Texas jury saw through it in this case. According to Fox News, Routh’s lawyers plan to appeal because Texas wasn’t a fair venue for Routh’s trial. Yeah, good luck with that since the victim in this case is now the subject of a blockbuster movie.

Category: Shitbags

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Let’s all hope he makes the rounds as the Party Doll in whatever prison he is going to !!!

Anonymous in Jax

I’m inclined to agree that he probably didn’t get a fair trial because of the movie and all of the hooplah surrounding the movie. However, I don’t believe the story that his PTSD or paranoid schizophrenia or whatever other half-assed excuse he wants to use to fill in the blank made him do it. He might be “straight-up nuts,” but even most weirdos out there still know the difference between right and wrong, so I’m glad the jury saw through it all.


I’m inclined to agree that he probably didn’t get a fair trial because of the movie and all of the hooplah surrounding the movie.

I disagree with you on this one statement; he received a fair trial through which he was found guilty — a decision based on the forensic evidence, post-murder behavior, and pre-murder behavior. The only thing unfair is that he is still breathing.

I guess some people (in general, not you) would feel better if he was found not guilty due to insanity of murdering two people by shooting them in the back. We, as a society, have come to the point, almost, where motive and/or psychological behavior mitigate/trump the crime.


Small correction-the prosecution didn’t push this as a death penalty case, so they weren’t hoping for that as the sentence.
On a related topic, our new Governor tweeted “JUSTICE” when he heard about the verdict. Think I might like the new GOV.


Anyone else bothered by the fact that they took the death penalty off the table? If there was ever a case for it, this is it.

Pinto Nag

Yes. Very bothered.


My guess is the insanity defense played a big part in deciding whether to pursue the death penalty. If the jury even thinks for a second that the accused has any inkling of mental illness and “guilty” equals “death”, they might not convict. What the prosecutor did instead all but guaranteed that Routh would still go away forever.


I’m not particularly bothered, given our current system. Routh would have sat on Death Row for years, possibly exhausting appeal after appeal and costing taxpayers much more than a life sentence costs. On the flip side, if he chose to expedite the execution, he’d know that a fairly humane way “out” is on the horizon.

My wife had a friend who took a bad path and who requested the death penalty. He got it but took his life on Death Row when he realized how long he had to wait otherwise.

Routh can spend the coming decades in an unpleasant prison with no hopes of an easy way out other than a painful suicide or a shank in the back in some dark place.

That said, if frontier justice were still the norm, damned straight they should have strung him up. Drawing and quarreling sounds better, though.

AW1 Tim

Looking at that chubby slacker face of his, and knowing what he did, I’m thinking that he’s not long for this world.

If he wants to stick around for awhile, he better hope he gets solitary confinement.


My “tweener” job after leaving Active Duty was as a Corrections Officer at a State Prison in Beaumont TX. For some reason, I was surprised by the number of veterans we had locked up. They do look out for straight-up fellow veterans (had one save my ass one night), but I can almost promise you that it will be a vet that gets Routh. He will NOT be a popular person either with the other inmates (offenders) or the staff.


The drunk who ran over my daughter is doing his time in that particular facility. From what she hears from friends who worked there, it is NOT a fun place to serve your time.


Texas prisons tend not to be very attractive spots to spend time.


Wasn’t a fun place to work either…



This guy ends up in prison and isn’t in protective custody, he’ll end up like Dahlmer. And I don’t think it will take as long as Dahlmer, either.


I noticed that chubby slacker face too.

He sure has picked up the weight now that the meth supply has been cut off and he started getting three hots and a cot at taxpayer expense.

Hmmm, I wonder. Do party dolls get extra rations? In a few years he’ll end up looking like Richard Speck.


Hopefully, he won’t be around in a few years.


I hope that when his fellow inmates get finished with him, his ass makes the BIG DIG in Boston look like a pinhole.


Awww! You guys are focusing far too much on prison sex (wishful thinking?) and not enough that he never gets to go outside those razor wire-topped fences again. And anyway, if he’s really a mental case, which I seriously doubt, he may even get solitary to himself.

He knew exactly what he was doing and why he did it. I hope he rots there.


Marcus Luttrell posted on his Facebook:

“Justice served for Chris and the Littlefield family. To Eddie Ray Routh, you thought you had PTSD before .?? Wait till the boys in TDC Find out you killed a TX hero.”


Good for him being at the trial and standing with the victim’s families. I hope what he wrote is true and waiting for Routh when he gets off the bus.

Jordan Rott

While he was at his trial someone should’ve came and shot him in the back when he didn’t expect it


Thanks for painting us with that, youngster…

2/17 Air Cav

This is why I don’t play roulette. I had convinced myself he was bound for the nuthouse and he’s going to the Big House. The jury didn’t take long and at least he’ll be behind wire and bars while his appeal is heard. This is one of those times I don’t mind being wrong.


The jury apparently took long enough to brew coffee, elect a foreman, eat dinner and have a vote. More than long enough, IMHO.


Don’t forget to use jelly like your cellmate likes, Eddie…

Jordan Rott

Some people like syrup, me? I like jelly.

I will be saying that for some time now.

Climb to Glory

Good riddance to this waste of oxygen. Hope he gets fucking shanked.

Pinto Nag

Chris Kyle is in a box in the ground. The only justice, THE ONLY JUSTICE, would have been for this scag to get the same.


He’ll be there soon enough.


I knew he’d be found guilty, but I cant believe a texas jury didn’t give him the chair!


I’ve always said and believed that an awful lot of what people claim was caused by their military service is actually shit they brought to the table at dinner time, those “22 suicides” a day (rolls eyes) included.