Staff Sergeant Michael Edward Harris; wanted by Army

| October 12, 2014

Staff Sergeant Michael Edward Harris

Someone dropped off this link on our Facebook page in regards to Staff Sergeant Michael Edward Harris who is on the Army’s top 20 most wanted criminals. He’s wanted to answer for charges of 44 counts of possessing child pornography and crimes including indecent acts upon a child and forced sodomy.

“I want him located. I want him found. I want him brought back to serve his punishment,” said Sgt. Harris’ former wife Denise Diaz who lives in Kentucky.


Sgt. Harris was reported absent without leave (AWOL) on Jan. 17 and formally charged with desertion in February.

Diaz tells CBS5 that Harris has been stationed in New York, Missouri, Hawaii, Florida and Korea. She believes there are more victims of his alleged sexual perversion.

“The fact that he seeks them out and tries to cram that he’s a soldier and was a police officer is just beyond disgusting. There’s no punishment besides death to me in my opinion for what he’s done,” Diaz said.

The Army says that Harris boarded a flight for Cambodia in January.

Category: Shitbags

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Cambodia ???
Holy cow, they just might find him in a stew pot out in the jungle somewhere.
They don’t like outsiders there from what I’ve heard…
Actually, with onions, carrots, some nearby greens and mushrooms they would probably find him quite tasty !!!


I don’t know, I heard places like Cambodia, Thailand and Laos are havens for predators. That’s where Gary Glitter went before he had to leave. As he tried to mess with little Asian boys there too.


Cambodia is a bit of a predator haven, and no shortage of girls and boys in orphages that people will pimp out. I have 5 younger siblings adopted from cambodia and am very greatful that they were spared that fate. Now if he is stupid enough to cross over to laos or thailand, they will torture him to death publicly


I can see his dumbass trying to crossover and hide out in Laos and Thailand. Taking a page from that fruitcake Gary Glitter’s book. He tried to hide out in Cambodia I believe after he was caught with shit on his computer in PC World in UK.

He got busted in Cambodia so he tried to enter another lower east Asian country and they deported him back to the UK for trial I think.


Parts of SE Asia – Thailand, in particular – are known for sex tourism. I’m guessing that’s why this low-life bastard hopped a flight to that part of the world.

I will shed no tears if he crosses the wrong guy/gal and is found dead in a back alley in some SE Asian slum.

That Guy

The Thai government, working with Interpol, cut WAAAAAY down on that kind of ‘sex tourism’ in Thailand. Incidentally, Cambodia is pretty widely accepted, in that area of the world, as the place sleazy tourists are going for sex of a less than legal and acceptable nature.
I was literally just over there in Bangkok, stayed in Chatuchak.


Good to hear that about Thailand – I hadn’t heard about their recent clampdown. Never been there, much less recently, so I didn’t know about the recent changes.

I suspected as much about Cambodia. I’d guess it’s true in parts of other nations in the area as well, but I don’t know that.

That Guy

A lot of westerners (Farang) are coming into thailand, and have been for a few years. They’re trying to look presentable. And Cambodia, like many impoverished nations, has long been a haven for pedophiles.


Yep, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar are havens for creeps. They usually get ran out of there though because they can’t control their urges.


Thailand has far more low-life sex-tourists than all the other SEA nations put together, and there’s still plenty of illegal stuff going on there.
It is true that Cambodia was once unashamedly a prime destination for pedophiles, but although it does still go on, those darkest days are over and have been for years.


Hope he is killed rather than apprehended. Scum of the earth.

Doc Savage

I’m beginning to think a holding facility in Western Africa is just what we need.

2/17 Air Cav

If you use the link to the TV News and page down, you’ll see story after story about people there being arrested for child porn and other child-related sex offenses. What is up with that? I mean, what the hell is wrong with people? I don’t get it. I really don’t.

AW1 Tim

The thing is, the sex trade (at all it’s pernicious levels) is all about cash. To those running the show, humans are just a disposable item, overhead that is given the bare minimum to survive, and when damaged or no longer useful, is simply destroyed.

Harris may have been welcomed as a customer when he arrived, but once he’s out of money, he’ll be easy prey for either the gangs running the sex trade, or corrupt goverment officials.

Once his visa expires, then he’s also liable to be blackmailed by those corruptocrats running the current regime.

Either way, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, unless somehow Yawn could get caught up in it as well.

I hope he ends up rotting in some Cambodian prison cell. He deserves no mercy for what he’s done.

denise diaz

I was told yesterday he was working with personal security out there making money. So we set up a reward fund because u know people talk for money!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like an idea, scumbags at his level will usually sell out anyone for the right amount of cash, which speaks very loudly in that part of the world!

A Proud Infidel®™

He already has a place in hell reserved for him because of what he has done, he can’t go there soon enough to suit me!!

1. Rope.
2. Tree (or Gallows)
3. Pedophile.

Some assembly required.

Farflung Wanderer

Looking forward to a follow-up article on how they nail this SOB.


I don’t want him rotting in a Cambodian prison. I want him to run out of money, friends and his welcome there and then get “turned” out for tricks to those sleazy sorts who like men his age. Then, after they use him up for that the rest of his miserable life then, two in the back of the head in some alley. Let him have a long life of being abused, many times a day, like he has done to kids. Then kill him.


But first let his ex-wife do a little Lorena Bobbit action on him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of which, I heard that John Bobbit was a failure as a pr0n actor because he fainted every time the director yelled “CUT!”.

May this animal die a painful death and spend eternity with a female-type creature named Tonya Rodham Bobbit!!


From the sound of it, I hope his ex-wife finds him first.

Mark Lauer

I have no words.

Green Thumb

Another All-Points Logistics candidate for employment (three “GO’s”) on the lamb.

Odd how that works.

I wonder if Commander Phil Monkress is footing his travel? Taxpayer-funded of course.

And I can only imagine that Phildo took a glance at those photos.


denise diaz

His trail begins this month.

Green Thumb
