Americans and Brits deal with domestic ISIS threats

| September 2, 2014

Mideast Islamic State

APF reports that former FBI agent Mike Rogers says that “hundreds” of Americans have traveled to the middle east to train and fight with ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State and that some of them are back here in this country while others went to Europe.

He also raised concerns about the estimated 500 British citizens and “several hundred” Canadians believed to have traveled to Syria, noting that passport holders from those countries could both enter the United States without a visa.

Fox News reports that Prime Minister David Cameron asked Parliament for tougher anti-terror laws for that country to battle the “scourge” of jihdists;

Cameron officially asked the House of Commons to agree to several temporary measures he proposed late last week, including the power to seize passports of suspected British jihadists leaving the country and controlling where they can move within the country.

“As I’ve said all along, this is not a knee-jerk response or sweeping, blanket changes that would be ineffective,” he said. “It’s not about just new powers, but about how we tackle extremism in all forms. … We will in the end defeat this extremism.”


He said his proposed legislation would give police officers temporary power to seize passports at the border. Secondly, he said it was key that Britain work to keep out foreign fighters who return from the Middle East and pose a threat to the nation, which recently upgraded its terror alert from substantial to severe.

Cameron said that Britain must prevent those suspected of extremism from traveling out of the country.

Maybe they can use our example of checking little blue-haired ladies and six-year-old boys for bombs. That seems to work well here. Or they can label actual terrorist attacks “workplace violence” – that brings the terror rate down.

Carlos Bledsoe went to Yemen and trained, came back, killed two US soldiers in Arkansas, but he was just a murderer, not a jihadist, although he admitted to the judge that he did it on instructions from al Qaeda. We had Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab the underwear bomber, Jose Padilla the dirty bomber, Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber, the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston, Hasan in Fort Hood, Texas. But this has all just begun in recent weeks, right? They need to squeeze out more toothpaste tubes, throw out more mouthwash found in luggage, x-ray more shoes. That’s what is working.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

I understand that the Saudi King was just trying to be helpful by warning us that IS will be here in a couple months. They already are here and have been here for a while. What I think he meant is that they were going to let us know, publicly, that they are here by arranging a press conference via an attack. It’s no secret that they have found korans and prayer rugs in the no-man’s land of our Southern border over the past few years, yet President shit for brains wants to open the border wider and give them all free shit that we pay for. It’s not a matter of “if” an attack happens, it’s a matter of “when”, and that question, I believe, will be answered sooner rather than later.


If they will only let me know where the IS targets coming back to America are…I will gladly, go find and kill them with no lost sleep whatsoever. Tired and fed up with mealy mouthed people who believe they are “peace loving” to any degree. Anyone who wants me or my countrymen dead because they’re Muslim and we’re not, is worthy of assuming room temperature ASAP.


I don’t think for one second that we are doomed, no matter how depressing this not-so-new news may be. Nor do I think the majority of us are a bunch of braindead sheep waiting to be led to slaughter.

If recent news reports about Americans protesting the porous borders and the influx of wetbacks has not rammed it home that we won’t take this asinine crap lying down, then what will?

I do NOT look to bodaprez the poodle in the Oval Office for anything more than another opportunity to say I am SO DAMNED GLAD I did not vote for that clown. You will not see anything in the way of at-home defense stuff coming out of there as long as he sits in that seat, so don’t expect it. He’s an idiot, elected by idiots. If you’re expecting anything more concrete than a teleprompter speech with stern words coming out of him, you’re wasting your time.

All you have to do is pay attention to your surroundings, just as you would on the way home from work, in the dark of a winter night. You may live in a good neighborhood, but there are people waiting in the alley who want your stuff and will kill you to get it. And don’t wait for the cops/gubbmint to take care of you, because they can’t. You have to do it yourself. Don’t expect ANYTHING to come from the government except ‘yap, yap, yap’.

Keep that in mind, and you’ll survive whatever is going to happen.


Reading posts such as your makes me regret that damned boating accident more and more. Oh well, I still have my e-tool and some 550 cord. Guess I have to look at the bright side. Hope and change.


GDC, I like to stick to the positive view of things.

In this case, I am positive that the ‘peaceful majority’ will prove to be not quite so peaceful if and when the fit hits the ‘stan.