The Latest on That “Global Warming”
A look at some of the latest news about “global warming”, courtesy of the Drudge Report:
- US record high temps so far this year? 6,615 Record lows? 12,644
- Lake Superior? Today, 20 F Colder than 2012
- Montgomery, AL: 30 July Ties for Coldest July Day – Ever
- Coldest July Ever Recorded in Indianapolis
Oh, and regarding the climate getting “more extreme”:
Yep. It’s gotta be that “global warming” that’s to blame.
Category: Global Warming
Denier. I bet you don’t believe in the Holocaust and are a 911 Truther too.
I’m starting my own anti-AGW campaign titled “STOP GLOBAL WHINING”. I remember when I was a gullible meathead in college during the late eighties when the “experts” were saying that 50-80% of humanity would be dead by the year 2000 due to deforestation, climate change, acid rain, and the hole in the Earth’s ozone layer among other things. Today, the United States has more forested acreage than it did in the 1920’s and 30’s, the hole in the ozone layer no longer exists, and we don’t hear even a peep about acid rain from the Eco-turds anymore, either! I used to make my living in the HAZMAT and Environmental Cleanup field as a Contractor, and I’ve seen State Bureaucracies as well as the *FART!* EPA hamper and stymie cleanup work far more often than they helped it! We all know that the Earth’s climate has changed all on its own over the millennia well before the gasoline engine was invented, let alone the first SUV, but the Eco-turds still screech. According to Astronomers, the polar ice caps on the Planet Mars were melting a few years ago, and there isn’t even a single coal-fired power plant or an SUV there, what gives? It’s been confirmed that the Earth’s polar ice caps are growing now, where’s the “SAVE THE OCEANS” campaign? Maybe I need to invest in some coastal Real Estate?
Anyway, there’s my two cents’ worth, time for another cup of coffee…
Hell, Proud, I’m only 30 and I remember hearing all that shit in school. My personal favorite: some crap they told us in the 3rd Grade about how we would have to build “oxygen exchange factories” after 2000 to replace the Amazon rainforest or else all land-dwelling life on Earth would asphyxiate. Yet here we are in 2014, Brazil still has plenty of trees, and the air is a bit fresher than what I remember from childhood. Nice try, fuckers!
Same here, Whitey. I remember all the doom and gloom stuff shoved down my throat in middle school about how the earth was literally degrading to an unlivable state at an exponential rate. There’s a picture in a “science” book that I remember of the effects of “acid rain,” otherwise known as oxidation on a statue somewhere in Europe.
Pacific hurricanes and typhoons are stronger. A pacific hurricane last winter moved into Mexico.
The summer jet stream is normally rather flat and the winter pattern is heavily looped.
Why are we still in the winter pattern, since 2012, and is this a permanent change? No one excetp Piers Corbyn at Action Weather is addressing this issue.
The southwest heat dome in the US doesn’t normally push extremely far north into Canada in the summer. Why is it doing this?
I haven’t used air conditioning in three years. I have pictures of snow outside my house on April 14. That was the lunar eclipse date, remember? Had the furnace running until Jun 5 this year.
Lake Superior was not ice free until June 12, and the water temperature in the Great Lakes was in the 40s. When was the last time you had an ‘attack’ of static electricity in the winter? I haven’t had that in three years.
Like I said, is this a permanent change? Because it is NOT what we normally get in an el Nino year, and NOAA is attributing all of this ‘odd’ weather to el Nino. Baloney. If it were el Nino, we’d be having a regular warm summer.
Why was there snow in Siberia in June 2013 and July 2014? Why has the jet stream changed its pattern? Is that permanent?
Piers Corbyn called that pattern before it happened.
He kept saying that traditional meteorology is going to fall flat on its face when the mini ice age atmospheric patterns hit.
The jet stream pushing further south during the summer is part of the mini ice age regimen. The demarcation happened early last year.
I was also reading about hurricane impacts for the mid Atlantic region during the period covered by the last mini ice age. Apparently, hurricanes trended towards the more violent during mini ice age periods.
Some websites to follow:
“Ice Age Now” is to global warming alarmists as “This Aint Hell” is to military fakers, embelishers, etc.
Weather Action is ran by an Astrophysicist that uses the Sun and Moon’s impact on the Earth’s climate, he has been dead accurate with his long range forecasts where meteorologists have been wrong:
Back in 2012, the US media was in a feeding frenzy of the “non existent” winter in the US. But, anybody looking at the next website would’ve known the extent of that deception… especially where they attempted to say that you had to “Go to Alaska to see winter.” Alaska wasn’t an anomaly, but part of the common norm in the northern hemisphere back then, which was experiencing record snows and mini ice age style winters:
If you follow that site religiously, you’d see how blatantly obvious the global cooling is. I’ve been following that site since 2007. As of this typing, the temperature map (North America) looks more like early fall than late summer.
When I started following that link, the “frozen parts” (blue) didn’t show up until late September. For the past two years, they’ve been a constant through the summer months.
Here’s another one, “What’s up with that?” It has some of the source articles that Drudge also used:
We’re headed into a mini ice age. Some studies indicate that if we have another Maunder Minimum, we could very well be seeing the beginning of a mega ice age.
Excuse me, non-existent winter? Who said that? I recorded every snowfall and the depth. I have pictures. Where the hell are these media people getting this stuff?
What non-existent winter? I have pictures of snow outside my house on the lunar eclipse day. I sent those off to Piers Corbyn at his request. This is asinine!
I told my mother, when I was in high school and we had several particularly bad winters in a row, that I thought we were heading for another ice age. That was the early 1960s.
In January 1976, the Mississippi River freezes, an event so odd that it reached the BBC news broadcast in London. How do I know? I was over there from December 25, 1975 to January 29, 1976. There were videos of barge tugs frozen in the ice on Ole Miss.
Remember the flooding, the levees breaking, and people displace in 1993? One violent storm after another, loads of rain dumped all over the Midwest, all flowing into the Big Muddy.
I expect to see both of those events happen again before too long, and not because of an el Nino event.
I’ll start stocking the pantry for winter this month, instead of waiting until October.
It was the mainstream media that was talking about “mild winter,” and the warmist zombies talking about “non existent” winter.
The later talked about being able to gulf in Minnesota in December, etc. I pointed out the the warm winter of 1889/1990, where farmers in some of the northern states were doing work on the farm as late as December.
Yes, start stocking the pantry this month… people should also get winter emergency items this month instead of waiting for a winter storm. They’ll get these items cheaper, if at all, than if they wait till something happens this winter.
I meant, “golf.”
“WASHINGTON (AP) — Snow has gone missing in action for much of the U.S. the last couple months. But it’s not just snow. It’s practically the season that’s gone AWOL.”
Oh, I see now. That was the winter of 2011-2012. Jan 2012, the temperature dropped to -17F and the wind chill dropped well below 0F with it to -22F, and there was actually no snow cover in a lot of places, including where I live. Without snow to block the wind chill, your pipes may freeze. Mine did, briefly, and yet on Jan 20, we had 4″ of snow and the temperature went back up to +22F.
In fact, on Jan. 18, 2012, there was a news report of record snowfall in the PacNW, 2nd deepest since the 1940s. In addition, there were 6 tornadoes in Kentucky. February 20, 2012, Romania reported 15 feet of snow had fallen.
So mych for no winter.
That should be ‘Jan. 19, 2012, the temperature dropped…’
Hondo and Ex-PH2 every time someone cites statistics from local places like you did, which by the way I think are important and relative to the issue, the big heads at EPA and every “Green…YOUR NAME HERE” organization, dismisses them as, “you are not looking at the big picture. You small minded, none science types always use the same local numbers and don’t understand what we smart egg heads do. So shut up, so we can continue to get our tax payer grants to study cow farts and their impact on the ozone layer”. Clowns.
Sparks, if we want science to back up what WE are saying, I can point to the recent discovery in Alaska of tree stumps UNDER the permafrost, dating back over a thousand years ago, which shows bluntly that Alaska was going through a warming period back then.
When the Vikings reached Greenland, it was green. They settled there, on their way to North America. The remains of their villages are there. They prospered. It was the Medieval Warm Period. Then OOPS! the Little Ice Age jump-started itself and the villages failed because the people living there starved to death.
So much for NON-science people.
I don’t think there is a regular pattern to these mini-shifts in climate, but they do occur and science shows that. But the climate science guys don’t want to admit their lack of understanding of their own data, so they stick to what will get grants for them.
Also, they rely on computer modeling far too much and not on direct observation.
Ex-PH2…You addressed the sum and substance of the issue. The prevailing, thrust upon the public, falsehood that only those with Phds in thus and so, are capable of understanding these matters. A blatant lie. A lie put forward by those same scientists and academicians who are doing nothing more than preserving and furthering their government grants to study the most ridiculous matters imaginable. A hypothetical example. How does a 5 to 10 MPH wind change the vapors escaping from my barbeque and its impact on propane in the atmosphere? I swear I could come up with a great “sound good study for a feel good issue” to garner tax payer grant dollars. If only I had a worthless degree behind my name.
They’re relying on the audience to NOT look at the big picture… because the big picture, both globally and historically, indicate that the planet is cooling down, and is entering another cooling cycle.
IMO, anyone who does a little more than a cursory look at the data will probably arrive at the same conclusion – the Earth goes through hot/cold cycles that is NOT related to Carbon “pollution” made by man. Al Gore and the UN are simply after your money. They tried to fudge the numbers and got caught, then doubled down on stupid. This “global warming” / “Climate Change” alarmism is merely the latest scam to get your tax dollars and a little more.
The world’s greenhouse gases consist mostly of water vapor. CO2 is one of the “other” gases. Mother Nature generates the majority of both. Temperature increases before CO2 increases… not the other way around.
I have plenty of information from SCIENCE sources which says in plain English that both South and North America go through constant climate cycles; that Europe does the same thing; that the Sahara in Africa goes through wet/dry cycles on a regular basis; and that these can change from one to the other in a single generation, meaning a 40-year time period. In fact, Kenneth Petersen, a climate researcher, has shown that the American southwest has gone through 2800+/- years of wet/dry cycles, some of them hundreds of years in length, and that they are based on the monsoonal flow from the Gulf of Mexico. His research in fact shows that the Anasazai farmed the Colorado region from the Medieval Warm Period up to the start of the Little Ice Age. Quote: ‘When the monsoon is weak, it arrives later and does not penetrate as far to the northwest and leaves earlier. When it is strong, just the opposite is true. (I’m summarizing the findings.) During the last 2800 years, there have been episodes of the monsoon being weaker than the present (1996), and between AD750 and 1150, it was at least as strong as the historic record.’ ‘The zenith of the Anasazai occupation (of that area) coincides with the Little Climactic Optimum (Medieval Warming Period AD 950-1300) and their demise coincides with the beginning of the Little Ice Age, (AD1300-1850) when conditions became too cold and especially too dry in the summer to support upland dry farming.’ ‘The cold, dry conditions that began in the AD1300s lasted for hundreds of years – without much change – to about the AD1850s.’ – Kenneth Petersen, 1996 – Warm and Wet Little Climactic Optimum, Kluwer Academic Publishers. I can point to and quote the same kinds of studies in South America and in Europe, and also that there were periods of severe drought in China from 1248 to 1984. The ENSO oscillations have also been shown to be something other than regular 11-year periods, but rather are periods of 50 to 60 years in which the oscillations occur as frequently as 2… Read more »
I’d like to add that the Medieval Warm Period lasted about 360 years, whereas the Little Ice Age lasted 550 years.
The longer-term glacial maxima are also shown to be longer than the warming periods. In some cases, they are considerably longer than the warming periods by many thousands of years.
The angle of the axial or recessional tilt may have something to do with what is going on now, also. The axis moves 1 degree (out of 360 degrees) every 72.22 years. One degree on your school protractor doesn’t seem like much. In space, it’s vast. By April this year (2014), the axis had moved 1 full degree from its position in 1942. No one is addressing or even considering the effect that may have on the atmosphere and on weather patterns and seasonal changes.
We have until sometime between 2015 and 2019 to resolve our relationship with nature. That’s all I know.
I like to listen to podcasts frequently. What gets me is ALL of the “skeptic” themed podcasters (supposed skeptics, i.e. critical thinkers) routinely spout liberal bullshit…including climate change dogma ad nauseum. They are harsh on Christianity and revel in their atheism, yet you poke a stick at their climate change faith or its prophets and they come unhinged. Another thing the “skeptics” are forced to defend because of their politics is the public education system…go figure.
I have to get this argument out here. On Wednesday last week (7/30/2014) the meteorologist reported that sinlight levels in the northern parts of North America are reduce by 15% because of Canadian and Pac/NW wildfire smoke. He also said soot from these fires is falling on glaciers and high elevation snow, making them melt more quickly. This is simple direct observation. We still have a hazy sky now, but it is due to excess water vapor in the atmosphere, since the wildfire smoke has been reduced somewhat. I can confirm the higher than average level of humidity by going to Accuweather. Subsequent to this, I read a summary of a report by an engineer who addressed the volume of soot from all sources in the atmosphere as a generator of global warming. He specfically focused on the volume of black soot and brown soot, and gave only a dismissive nod to gray soot and white soot. He did not address the differences in temperature from one level of the atmosphere to the next, nor the humidity levels involved in precipitation. Nor did he acknowledge that, in order to form water droplets for rain, snow or hail, water molecules must have dust or soot particles to latch onto or they will simply remain in the cloud formation. He made the statement that black and brown soot absorb sunlight and cause clouds to heat up and evaporate, which doesn’t make sense if you know anything about how water droplets form. However, he did acknowledge that gray and white soot act as sunlight deflectors. He also failed to include dust particles from all sourdes, including dust storms/haboobs in his report. Not including that skews his findings, whether he thinks it does or not. He also fails to acknowledge that China admits to having the worst atmospheric pollution anywhere, and that dust storms from the Gobi Desert are making it worse than it has ever been. His entire bias leans toward blaming atmospheric issues almost entirely on Western governments and industry, when pollution and emissions have, in fact, been greatly reduced. He based… Read more »