Afghan teen murders three unarmed Marines, gets 7 years in jail

| July 27, 2014

Ainuddin Khudairaham was 17 years old when, as a aide to a local police chief in Kandahar, he stole a rifle and murdered three US Marines while they were working out in a gym (a gun-free zone) about two years ago. So he goes to trial, the Afghan courts try him as a juvenile and he gets sentenced to 7 1/2 years – the max for a juvenile. From the Washington Post;

The sentence came as a surprise to the families of the victims, who said they had been promised by Marine officials that the suspect would be tried as an adult, with the possibility of the death penalty.


Michael Bowe, a lawyer assisting Buckley’s family, said the relatives were not told about the trial date until Thursday.

“Yesterday, we received reports that, in fact, the murderer already had been tried and sentenced as a juvenile,” Bowe said in a letter Friday to a Marine lawyer involved in the case, Maj. Jennifer Parker. “Neither you nor the Marine Corps notified the Buckley family of this development, and they were left instead to scramble to confirm rumors communicated to them from the press and other sources.”

But the Afghans are our allies. The withdrawal can’t come soon enough, in some regards.

Category: Terror War

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linda dodson

that bull shit if are guys did that the military would have gave them life


Not if they were juvenile.

2/17 Air Cav

Why not? All US military personnel are subject to the UCMJ. Are there special sentencing provisions for those personnel under 21 or 18?


Someone who enlisted under the age of 18 (minority enlistments are very rare) wouldn’t be going to a combat zone, or carrying weapons in one until age 18.

I don’t recall the regulation for that.

2/17 Air Cav

That may be true but is beside the matter raised by the nonresponsive GoldenDragon. I could also posit that a 17-year-old enlistee who is stateside murders two Muslim foreign nationals on post. The question I posed to GoldenDragon would be the same.

Delilah T.

We all keep saying take off, nuke the place from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

This is not justice. It’s a travesty.


He’ll never serve the full sentence. The Taliban will release him as a hero when they takeover after the Americans leave.


Tried as an adult and given life or the death penalty for killing non-muslim outsiders folk don’t want there anyway? Infidel foreigners be tripping! (If anyone wonders about the Afghan viewpoint.)

AW1 Tim

Very simple solution. Find out where he’s being held, and offer some inmate’s family a large hunk of cash if he offs the kid. Problem solved.

Al T.

GTFO now.


With our current and recent hamstrung ROE get us out of there yesterday. Screw them and leave them to the Taliban and AQ. Life under Sharia Law forever if they want. But export their violence and terrorism beyond their home borders to us or our friends anywhere and we bomb them back to the century they want to live in, Dresden style.


You have no idea how much I love your post. Every. Last. Word.

2/17 Air Cav

“Ainuddin Khudairaham was 17 years old when” may or may not be true. There was no record of his birth, no birth certificate, or any other document establishing his date of birth. According to the LA Times, a bone scan was done to determine his age and an Afghan court decided he was under 18. So, he was charged as a juvenile and, a day after his conviction, was sentenced as a juvenile. The murders occurred in August 2012 and, assuming that he has been locked up since then, has 5 1/2 to serve, if there is not early release.


Why wasn’t that oxygen thief ventilated from the very beginning by our military?

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t know but I’m guessing he threw down the AK-47 after executing the three and wounding a fourth. You recall that the Marines had no weapons. They couldn’t under the rules and Ainuddin Khudairaham was the police chief’s play toy. Interestingly, the stories identifying Ainuddin Khudairaham in 2012 gave his age as 19. Chances are the source of that was the very proud Ainuddin Khudairaham himself or the police chief. But, later, as I said above, the court found him to be 17. It’s all bullshit.

The Other Whitey

Given their cultural penchant for pederasty, the little fuckstick probably won’t even mind being somebody’s bitch. After all, that’s exactly what he’s been since he was a toddler, and now he can look forward to the day when he gets to molest a small boy of his own.

My recommendation: burn down the prison on top of the little cocksucker, then napalm his home village. Send a fucking message.


Just wondering how he came to be captured alive in the first place?


are we talking about the same people that Reagan referred to as the brave freedom fighters?
Are we no longer welcome in Afghanistan?
Gee I wonder why they don’t like us anymore?


Who set the policy? I was in RC South at the time this happened (not Helmand) and we always carried at least a pistol to the gym. Local commander’s policy?