C&D order to border patrol agent
The National Review reports that the health and safety director of National Border Patrol Council Local 1613, Ron Zermeno, has been given a cease & desist letter from his superiors because he’s been talking to the media about the shoddy health conditions that agents are being forced to endure in the continuing crisis along the border;
“As a union officer, I feel it’s my job to expose when management is putting people at risk,” he says. “They violated their oath as Border Patrol agents.” Before receiving the cease-and-desist letter, Zermeno wrote Paul Beeson, the San Diego Sector’s chief patrol agent, to explain that two agents at the Brown Field Border Patrol Station contracted scabies after processing illegal immigrants transported from Texas last week, according to a letter obtained by NRO.
Yeah, that’s pretty bad, but here’s the clincher;
“I’m willing to lose my job over this because I know I’m doing the right thing,” Zermeno says. “I’ve been in this agency for 20 years and this is the worst I’ve seen it. It’s similar to the VA.”
I’m guessing that he means the environment for whistleblowers and not the health environment. But, hey, at least “similar to the VA” is part of the current vernacular and everyone knows what he means about the seriousness of the situation.
Oh, and if the health situation doesn’t scare you, there’s the Townhall report that there are MS-13 gang signs mysteriously appearing on the walls of the processing centers;
[From an internal Border Patrol executive summary obtained by Townhall] “Border Patrol Agents (BPAs) and Customs and Border Protection Officers (CBPOs), assigned to The Nogales Placement Center (NPC), discovered that 16 unaccompanied alien children (13 El Salvadoran males, two Guatelmalan males and one Honduran male) currently being held at the NPC are members of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). The MS-13 gang members admitted to their gang associations following a discovery of graffiti at the NPC. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) were notified,” the summary states.
Simply “a dazzling, sparkling array of God’s children”.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
I simply don’t care anymore. That the government is breaking the law and threatening to arrest others that are pointing out they are breaking the law, through protesting, is the clincher for me. We can’t win this one, because the democrats and establishment republicans are in this together and they want these people here.
At my Legion meeting, last night, I reflected on what is happening during the Pledge of Allegiance. Do we really have a country, anymore? Are we still the United States of America, or are we now Northern Mexico/NorthCentral America? We don’t have any need for border security, so we can save money there, of course that will be spent on all those illegals……..excuse me, refugees that are streaming across the border with no fear of being picked up and sent back.
But how can this be? A union representative speaking out for unionized workers under a Democrat administration?
Bear in mind that lefties don’t have principles, they have principals. So, right now and in this case, immigrants trump union workers. How do you know which group gets priority when? Why comrade-that must mean that you haven’t been paying attention in the regular indoctrination sessions-off to the camps with you!
How bout that. A boss willing to lose his job because he is looking out for his peoples best interests. Not very many union bosses would do that. MS-13 huh. You would figure with MS-13 having such a large footprint in the DC and NoVA AO the government that they’d understand the seriousness of the situation a little better.
Yeah-but there aren’t a lot of MS-13 in Hawaii, and that is where “the one” is headed for retirement, so what does he care.
The MS-13s, huh? They’re all over the place already, but it’s nice to know that they now get to have a free ride at my expense.
Thanks a lot, bodaprez. You don’t like your job, anyway, so why don’t you just ‘admit and quit’.
I’m with Old Trooper above. I am fed up with this. Blatant disregard of our laws and processes. Now MS-13 members and goodness knows who else, such as Al-Qaeda and so forth are coming and already here. Personally, everyone who acknowledges MS-13 membership should be shot on the spot. They are on of the most violent groups in existence in their countries and worse our country. They murder enemies and their families without thought or remorse. So screw them. if they are deported they are still part of the problem.
Aww, come on Sparks! According to VWPussy, the MS-13s are fine young lads! Sure, their favorite pastimes include such harmless little vices as vandalism, rape, torture, murder, extortion, rape, torture, murder, drugs, rape, torture, murder, and theft, but he’s sure they’ll vote democrat, so they’re A-OK. They probably would vote democrat, if somebody paid them to vote at all. Never mind that they’re not US citizens and thus legally can’t vote. That part doesn’t matter to them, VWPutz, or the rest of the libtards. Neither does the “hyper-violent narco-terror criminals” caveat. Of course, VWPussy loves any shitbag that butchers people who aren’t white.
I have mixed feelings on this. It isn’t retaliation under the OSH act if he didn’t bother attempting to utilize the OSHA or agency compliant method for reporting unsafe/unhealthful working conditions. It probably also broke their CBA which undoubtedly requires that he use those mechanisms. So he isn’t a whistleblower.
It is phenomenal how many federal employee union members who have no practical health and safety experience are placed in positions where they are making public comments to the media on health and safety issues. The vast majority of the time their claims have no merit at all, but all the public sees is “Health and Safety Director says…..”. At that point, people’s prejudices, political leanings or lack of related experience take over to solidify their position, even in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence from actual OSH Professionals (like me).
Ron is a 20 year federal employee and as the Health and Safety Director for his union local, I would expect that he understands that filing an allegation of Unsafe/Unhealthful work environment, is not the same as making press releases. And being told to cease releasing information to the media that potentially contains SSI (sensitive security information), is not retaliation.
oops “Law Enforcement Sensitive” material
Those aren’t MS13 members, just ask Nancy Pelosi…
MS-13…armed patrols and a giant goddam concrete wall would be a good step. Anyone putting those signs up being shot dead and left to rot in the desert sun would be a great second step.
Immigrants come here with paperwork, criminals don’t. This really isn’t rocket science, it’s just the level of stupidity and incompetence at 1600 PA Avenue is such that even giving a speech without a teleprompter confounds their massive intellectual capacity. They can’t be expected to actually do their jobs, remember lefties take responsibility without consequences and conservatives take action.
“16 unaccompanied alien children”
Teenagers are NOT children. I know the Obama Admin wants people to remain children into their 30s, but that’s not how it works in the rest of the world. That’s not how it used to work here, you were pretty much expected to do adult work, either inside or outside the home, once you reached 13 or so. Hence all of those coming-of-age ceremonies around then.
The billions Obama wants should be used to pile them all into planes and fly them the hell back to their countries. Let their governments find their families.
Except of course when it is your daughter and some old dude comes sniffing around. Then she is a child right?
Goddamn right. I’m suspicious when my 70 year old sister dates until he’s cleared. Any other damnfool questions?
I prefer the term minor. The terms youths (‘utes’), youngsters, kids, girls, and boys are all loaded. Minor has a nice, neutral hue, not to mention that it actually conveys that one is actually under 18.
I agree with that. I also agree with treating minors who have verifiable connections with violent gangs such as MS13 like the criminals that they probably are. I just don’t see why some folks are so set on dehumanizing illegal immigrant children.
Minors, hell, with Mr. Obama’s recent war on coal we don’t need no more minors. We have plenty of unemployed minors. Send them home, there are plenty of mines in their home countries.
Before I deployed to Honduras, We must of had 15 vaccinations. Took malaria pills starting two weeks before we deployed. My roomie still got malaria. I can only imagine what diseases that are being brought into what was once the USA. All of these people need to be quarantined and put into camps and sent back to their home countries. We need to let ICE do what they are supposed to do and start rounding up everyone that does not have legal status. A man can dream.
Oh you mean like those camps that everyone is bitching about?
I want to see them repatriated as well, but I am unwilling to dehumanize them and treat them like hardened war criminals.
I find it hard to believe that you wrote that and didn’t realize how much you sound like Himmler. We are not the NSP. We don’t round up illegals and put them in camps. We are better than that. The Constitution does not forbid the deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws to just citizens, but to all people, including illegals.
OSC-I sense a certain inconsistency in your words… on the one hand you ask equal treatment under the law for everyone on US soil regardless of legal status, in another you advocate treating suspected teen criminalitos like “the hardened criminals they probably are” based on what – the suspicion? Isn’t that a gross abrogation of those self-same rights? Here’s an alternative: if they come in illegally, they have forfeited their rights to anything greater than 3 hots and a cot followed by an expeditious return to the nearest border crossing. Post haste.
There is no inconsistency at all. If I have custody of children who I know nothing about, and children I know are verified members (not suspected, verified) of a violent criminal organization, I am going to treat them much differently. That doesn’t mean I am for mistreating them or depriving them of the due process.
Your suggestion would be the gross abrogation of rights that the U.S. Constitution requires the States protect for ALL PERSONS (not just citizens) within their jurisdiction.
That doesn’t mean we give them college educations, jobs, etc. but we also don’t put them in concentration camps with cots and slide those three hots under the wire each day while ignoring their health and welfare until it is time to ship them out.
Refugee camps. They are fed and taken care of until its time to leave. Lighten up. I am no Himmler. I do not want my kids exposed to TB and whatever other diseases brought over. My nephew was exposed to TB in high school and went through
lots of medical treatment including not being able to go to school for a month. So lighten up on the name calling.
Oh I get it now. You are just OK with eliminating due process for them. Gotcha.”For the Protection of the People and State,” right 68W58?
Listen, I am not calling you a Nazi. I am pointing out that selectively paring away at rights granted by the Constitution is an extremely slippery slope. We have deportation laws, they just need to be enforced. But we can’t just strip away rights because Obama refuses to enforce the law.
Well, since this was presumably meant for me, I’ll respond.
At no point did I suggest that potential immigrants were not entitled to due process. If there is case law that states that screening immigrants for disease and/or criminal behavior is a violation of a person’s due process rights, I am unaware of it (I’m fairly certain that no such case law exists, but go ahead and cite a judgment if you can).
Due process does not mean that a person is entitled to entry into the country without being screened first. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with 8 USC section 1182 and get back to me.
And you Godwined this thread, so you go ahead and own that-OK?
I think he meant it for me. I get it. He is morally superior and I bow to his Morals. Next time Chief I will be more careful with my words. And yes, you were calling me a nazi. If I were Himmler I would just get the ovens ready.
He used my screen name, so I responded, but all he has done is bloviate about “due process” as if that is some absolute trump in any context.
It’s one thing to call me a Nazi, I’ve heard that from lefty jackasses my whole life so I’m used to it (don’t know what OSC(SW) Retired’s politics are, just saying I’m used to it), but to say that I don’t understand the Constitution!?! That, I won’t stand for.
Thanks. I understand what you are saying.
Seriously? Immigrants who came into the U.S. via Ellis Island were screened for disease or to determine whether or not they were wanted criminals (and some were sent home for no other reason than they were considered to be “likely to become a public charge”)-and some were kept there under quarantine either until their disease was considered no longer a threat, or until they died (more than 3,000 did).
Every nation has the obligation to protect its borders and to determine that those entering pose no threat either as dangerous criminals or via communicable disease. To do that they have to be processed somewhere-that hardly makes us the “NSP”.
They are criminals, hence the “illegal” at the beginning. They should be processed and put into camps until they can be repatriated in their own country. It’s not dehumanizing, it’s responsible. That responsibility goes to the citizens of this country, not those here illegally. They broke our laws to get here, which is obvious since they are here without any documentation or desire to leave. Would any other country allow you to do that? Would any of those Central American shitholes allow you to do what they are doing? That would be no and no. I have no problem with giving the children the medical care they need immediately, but they should be put into camps and instead of calling it a “camp”, call it a quarantine facility. Then, arrange for them to be shipped back immediately.
I don’t give a shit who they are or what age they are, they got here by traversing the length of Mexico, so they should be able to handle a few days quarantined and then flown back home where they belong. If they are adults, kick their ass back across the border and tell them to head South.
Don’t lecture us about dehumanizing, because we are the only country in the world that treats illegals better than our own Veterans. You want dehumanizing? Go to the VA.
“We need to let ICE….” WE would like the nation’s chief law enforcement authority to enforce the law. But he has other plans.
I said a man can dream. Well that beer ain’t gonna drink its self. At least he isn’t golfing. Playing pool doesn’t take as long so a little progress.
Hey! While all of you are bitching and snorting about those illegal aliens down near the southern border, you have to remember that bodaprez is far too busy doing the meet-and-greet stuff while he’s on his current trip.
He’s playing pool, cutting loose in a bar – he’s got PRIORITIES, man!!
Bet he plays pool like he runs the country. Good to know he’s on the job for us.
According to the newsies he plays pool just as badly as he governs. Incompetence runs deep in that one.
“We the People of the United States, including those who enter the country illegally….” No, I am not suggesting that OSC(SW) Retired is wrong regarding the rights conferred upon non-citizens residing in the United States. Unfortunately, he is correct. Various compositions of the Supreme Court have ruled in several cases that most of the essential rights granted us through citizenship are to be extended to non-citizens residing here. About the only right that, I’m guessing, the lefties are agreed that non-citizens should be denied is that thingy in the 2nd Amendment. The voting right I do not include as I am quite confident many, if not most, lefties would be happy to see extended to the non-citizen residents.
Now, about these minors who have come here illegally, one way or another: They are here to stay. No one is being deported. In fact, The Emperor will so rule by fiat in the coming weeks. We are all jus’ whistlin’ Dixie. They are here and they are staying. The Emperor said he would effect immigration reform with or without Congress and he meant it. The reform is amnesty and it’s coming to a neighborhood near you very soon.
Remember the DREAM Act? That’s the legislation that failed but whose essential elements were unilaterally enacted by The Emperor under the guise of prosecutorial discretion. Not all of the act’s elements were included, however. He did not, in 2012, rule that citizenship would be extended to the minor illegal aliens here. But, one thing at a time. It’s a long way to January 2017 and we have Democrats and Republicans in Congress who are only too happy to do nothing. You see, if they do something, it might work against them come re-election day. If they do nothing, they get to pin it on Obama as if they, those who are supposed to be representing their districts and states, are innocent. It’s a game—a sick and malicious game—and, I’m sorry to say, the American People are to blame. Four years was not sufficient time to remake America; so, the majority of voters gave him eight. He’ll get the job done. It’s the only thing I can be reasonably certain of regarding this pitiful, pompous, putrid, prick of a president.
No argument from here on any of your points.
A fairly significant addition I would make is that this has never been about citizenship. That is a red herring. Those precious “immigrants” do not really want citizenship. They are only here for the benefits. Work, for some of them, freebies without working for others, and a whole country full of potential crime victims for the thugs and gang bangers. Some of them will actually only stay long enough to sign up for stuff like SS for which they and their families will receive benefits en perpetuity even after they return to their country of origin.
Spend $8000, give or take, to get here to sign up to receive millions in benefits? Sounds pretty cost effective.
And here I am now all piseed off and no one to commiserate with or argue with. I can’t kick the dog. I don’t have one. I can’t kick the wife, either. She’s out. Dammit.
2/17, just for you… I kicked my dog. I named him “Liberal” just so I could kick him 3-4 times a day and then giggle my ass off.
I’m going to get another one and name it “VWP” and I’m going to kick him 10-12 times a day.
Thanks. One down. My wife’s home now. One to go–plus, I drained the aquarium. My wife wants to know why the house smells of fried fish.
Should go with sushi. You’ll have a better chance of getting away with it.
Along the same lines, I registered as a Democrat. That way when I die, there will be one less God Damn Democrat. You’re welcome.
Damn it. I just spit my Woodford reserve all over my computer screen.
You’ll still vote.
You beat me. Dammit. This just isn’t my night. I ate the goldfish–which did not agree with me at all–got my ass kicked by my wife and now this. Time to turn the light off on this day.
GDContractor. There’s a problem. As a dead registered Democrat, someone –probably one of the minors now living here on our dime–will be voting in your name. So, you might consider going R again.
Intended spousal abuse update: my wife kicked my ass.
You ate the goldfish?
Why? What did that poor goldfish ever do to you?
I can not see the logic in the United States automatically pulling out the government teat and feeling responsible to give these invaders “due process” simply because they were able to a foot on our soil.
We need to simply have points to have them walk their ass right back across the border.
Maybe it’s time to repeal NAFTA.
Just an idea.
No one has actually addressed the real issue, which is how those unaccompanied children got here in the first place.
If, as some of you have indicated, the Mexican government doesn’t want them, then why weren’t they stopped and turned back at Mexico’s southern border? Why were they inflicted on the US?
I don’t smell conspiracy here. My tinfoil hat is at the cleaner’s. Just asking the one question no one, including the maroons in Congress and the Oval Office, has addressed.
Those kids are NOT our problem, and we should not have to deal with it. But because the last election saw an idiot slacker elected to office — someone whose voting record in the legislature includes voting in favor of letting viable infants die after an intentionally induced miscarriage (not making that up) — then there is an awfully mixed message here.
And it’s one that is seriously bothersome.
If those children are SO VERY important, then why did he vote that way?
Do you see where I’m going with this? I think there is some serious ‘splainin’ to do here.
It’s Bush’s fault.