Pulling a strategy from their nether regions

| June 23, 2014

The Washington Times reports that the president went on “Face the Nation” yesterday to explain to Americans about his strategy to deal with the expanding reach of the terrorist organization al Qaeda which he had declared “decimated” a few short years ago – you know, before the election.

“Right now, the problem with ISIS is the fact that they are destabilizing a country that could spill over into some of our allies, like Jordan, and that they are engaged in wars in Syria where in that vacuum that’s been created,” the president continued. “This is going to be a global challenge and one that the United States is going to have to address, but we’re not going to be able to address it alone. And as I said yesterday, what we can’t do is think that we’re just going to play Whack-A-Mole and send U.S. troops occupying various countries, wherever these organizations pop up. We’re going to have to have a more focused, more targeted strategy.”

Critics say the administration’s targeted strategy has proved to be a failure, and lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle say years of progress in Iraq — beginning with the 2003 war through the withdrawal of American forces in 2011 — may be lost.

Well, actually, it doesn’t look as if they ever had a strategy to deal with the inevitable. It’s been six months since Fallujah fell to al Qaeda, so it doesn’t look like this administration looks past the end of it’s collective nose. Everything is a reaction to events. Even in domestic policy – look at their handling of the Obamacare fiasco on it’s launch date. Look how they handle the Veterans’ Affairs mess. They act more like a high school student government than the leader of the free world.

The President says he’s not going to play “whack-a-mole” with al Qaeda, but that’s exactly what he doing in Iraq as well as Africa – a problem presents itself and he sends troops to pull his fat from the fire in social media criticism. And al Qaeda is laughing at us. The other day they photoshopped a picture of Michelle Obama holding a sign that read “#BRINGBACK OUR HUMVEE.”

We have no strategy anywhere in the world, not even in our own country – look at the thousands of illegal alien children piling up along the border. I guess it’s harder to run a country than it is to run an election campaign.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Delilah T.

‘harder to run a country’ – An astute observation so early in the morning.

Yes, it is harder to run a country than a campaign, but on the other hand, when the person in question didn’t even run his own campaign – just did and said what he was told to do and say, went where he was told to go, and even had his clothing choices and ‘street’ presence decided for him – it’s almost a non sequitur.

The real problem lies in the current admin’s disinterest in actually ‘running’ the country and in a notable disconnect from current real-world events. Everything that comes out of the Oval Office is a reaction to events, with not one preventive measure ever considered ahead of time. Even Carter was not that stupid.

I still have not figured out if it’s because that moron is so wrapped in cotton balls that he doesn’t know what is happening, or if he simply does not care enough to take any of it seriously. I’ve already forwarded an article that says he hates his job, hates being cloistered in the White House, and longs to be out of there.

Fine. Fire his ass. I doubt seriously that drunk uncle Joe could do worse.

I will add that when I read stories about Somalis in America leaving to become jihadies in the ME, I’m more concerned about what they may be prepping for here at home and whether or not anyone is actually paying attention. However, if they go over there, they should not be allowed back in this country. EVER.

Tom Huxton


No experience, no plan, no clue.

Meanwhile, he solves the illegal immigration problem by renaming them as “refugees” which magically changes the problem somehow. Now they can huddle together on concrete floors, sharing a shower and two toiets per 300 “refugees”. Our convicts live better, but they are citizens; gives the refugees something to look forward too. We can divide them among the states….. say 3000 per state per year. We may need to fudge the numbers. Many are minors which obligates us to care for them, but they are old enough to breed (huddled together on the concrete floor sharing space blankets) Mebbe we can relax the labor laws and put them to work as migrant workers, gardeners and roofers. That would make the illegals mad, but hey…. they are illegals anyway. (refugees have legal standing)
Giive them IDs and debit cards and rail & bus passes and cell phones. Read them the riot act and release them. I would bet they are smarter than the average college freshman and would do just fine. We have forgotten that this is a land of opportunity; they can show us how it is done.


Like a whipped dog, our “Commander in Chief” has rolled over on his belly to show total submission to the rest of the world.

Obama had a vision that the U.S. was too bossy, too involved in the world, a bully and hated. So we have let our relationships with our allies atrophy and we have shown our enemies that we have no bite any more.

America used to be respected, even feared and that kept the world in line. Without our leadership, the world is a much more dangerous, unstable place. Thanks Mr. President. You have neutered us on the world stage. I know that was your plan, but you didn’t think it out, did you? Didn’t see how far and how fast things would get out of hand.

Now you have no plan, other than saving the oceans apparently. That is good. The fish will thank you. So does Al Qeuda. And Russia. And China. And all the other bad actors who wish us harm. Nice job.

James Sherer

Difficult to admit the Bush policy worked. They never engaged in “whack-a-mole.” They played the Great Satan seductress and drew Al Queda into Iraq with the hope of jihad. Once concentrated, thousands (Could we say 10’s of thousands?)were dispatched to virgin heaven. Thus we now hear people saying, let ISSIS, OK, whatever – the Islamic Kooks – congregate in the Sunni triangle so we can easily dispatch them without – ta-da – a whack-a-mole strategy.

Green Thumb

Two more years.


Two years, six months, and 28 days to be precise. But who’s counting?

Green Thumb

I am usually a moderate Democrat but Obama has pushed me (and many like me) to sit on the fence or even go over it.

What a lot of people never get is that he, Obama, screwed and alienated the majority of his own party to boot.

He never understood that not all Democrats are Liberals and disagree with many of his policies. But honestly, I really do not think he cares.

From what I see, the Presidency has become more about him and his “slinter liberal” policies and their advancement than the consideration and desires of the country as a whole.


Being a total narcissist, Obama has decided that those that do not agree with him are not worthy of consideration.

He is not even making a weak attempt to look like he gives two craps about those that disagree with him.

He is playing to the liberal left wing of his party and everyone else who disagrees with him is more than welcome to go play in traffic.

Delilah T.

I do not think it will take that long, Hondo.

Pinto Nag

Whoever gets elected in two years will have to be a certifiable lunatic, because nobody in their right mind could possibly want to deal with the mess they will be stepping into. It’d be like buying a condemned industrial complex for your next house. There won’t be any “honeymoon” period for the next prez, that’s for sure.

Climb to Glory

That’s the problem with this administration, well one of them I guess. They’re reactive instead of being proactive. All they do is bumble and stumble from one crisis to the next. To say that they don’t have a foreign policy is a huge understatement. The country is being run by a bunch of petulant children. They think the world is full of rainbows and confetti cupcakes.

Delilah T.

Here’s the article that informed us that odabummer wants out of that cloistered White House life.


Remember, DiFi disagreed with him on several things recently and his other closest ally, Puglosi the lap dog disagreed with him on TV about his sending US people to Iraq and on using the term ‘special forces’, because as she said ‘it can quickly escalate to something else’.

In regard to immigrants, most of the people in my neighborhood are Mexican by birth. They all work hard, they all have jobs and they all have kids who are in school. This is a quiet, peaceful place and they want it to STAY that way. I don’t care where they come from, as long as they behave themselves and pay their fair share. I don’t think anyone here is on welfare.