Somalis leave US to fight for ISIS
John sends us a link from Fox News which reports that Somalis are leaving their good, cushy life in the United States to go fight for al Qaeda in Syria and more recently Iraq;
Unlike the roughly two dozen Minnesota men who federal authorities say traveled to fight alongside Islamic insurgents in Somalia since 2007, Muhumed and his Twin Cities peers enlisted to fight in a place to which they have no family or ethnic connection.
The sudden shift to radicalism by Muhumed, whom friends know as Abdifatah Afweyne, was “very unpredictable,” said Abdinasir Mohamed.
Mohamed was shocked when he saw Muhumed’s photos on Facebook, in which he is carrying guns and wearing military uniforms.
“It was really hard for me to believe because the guy seemed he was busy with his own life, trying to make it,” said Mohamed, who described his friend as humble. “And [for] him to leave his family and kids, and just go to the other side of the world, that was really surprising to me. I’ve not really expected him to do that type of move.”
The article goes on to say that youngsters who are making the trip to the Middle East don’t have the money to buy a bus ticket to Chicago, let alone get half-way around the world. I say we let the ingrates go and get themselves killed in the most brutal way possible.
FBI investigators aim to discover who is recruiting the Minnesota men, said Kyle Loven, an FBI spokesman in Minneapolis.
I think we should be taking up collections for the little crybabies to go. Their families brought them here to get them away from the violence, but they don’t seem to appreciate the relatively peaceful life they have in the US. Better that they blow up over there than here.
Category: Terror War
When they do eventually get killed over, will the terrorist fund raisers be supporting their orphaned bastards here in America, or will that be the responsibility of the American taxpayer?
Hack Stone…Of course we will. Just like all immigrants legal and illegal. There are some Somalis in my community. I would contribute to the cause to see them leave. My money says, ISIS and extremist sympathizers in their local religious community are fronting them the air fares. They are here folks, they just call themselves the “peaceful Muslims” so we won’t look at them for what they are.
Well, I think you already know the answer to that question. I see it every day in my own neighborhood, but I will refrain from relaying my observations, lest I be called a “racist”, “bigot”, cold, heartless bastard (which I am, but it doesn’t mean it won’t hurt my feelings if somebody calls me that).
O.T. and Sparks…
I think the discussion about “moderate” or “peaceful” Muslims is way overdue. I’ve yet to see the outrage from that community over 9/11 and all the other atrocities committed by radicals over the past several years.
You may have seen this already but it’s worth sharing. The link has two videos I think are worth watching:
The only thing those “moderate” or “peaceful” muslims were concerned about after 9-11 was how it was going to affect them.
Now that the FBI is going to “investigate”, I’m sure that Rep Keith Ellison, D-Islam, will demand that the FBI stop investigating those “peaceful” muslims.
I’m so tired of people like that silly muslim woman and groups like CAIR who’s only concern is that “moderate” muslims are being denounced and bashed. As in the video, they never speak out against the extremists who are causing all the chaos and mayhem. By not speaking out against it, those “moderate” muslims are complicit in the violence. Just MHO of course.
USMCE8Ret…With you 100% sir! Never, ever have I heard the American Muslim community condemn 9/11 or any other atrocities committed by their “religion of peace”. Kinda tells me where they stand on the whole terrorist issue.
Well, this makes it obvious that conservative, white males with NRA memberships and veterans are the real domestic terrorism threat in this country…
Go eat a dick, you fucking piece of shit commie. I am NOT white, however, I am a conservative, veteran (still serving), NRA lifetime member. We are the ones who protect this country from terrorists and their sympathizers, like you. Fucksticks like you need to take a long walk off a short pier. Keep showing up on this blog, and you will continue to get responses like this from me. I am not going to try to reason with idiots like you since you are incapable of reason. So go fuck yourself and when you are done doing that, go fuck yourself.
Are you sure they weren’t being sarcastic, 1LT?
Perhaps, but I think this individual was trolling on another thread. If I’m wrong, I apologize. However, if it turns out that this person is a troll, Double Down!
Ooooh, that was sooo clever. Just brilliant. Except that it makes no sense at all.
What about all the non white, non male, non NRA members, and non veterans who post here and completely agree with the sentiments expressed so far? Well, except for yours. Jerk doesn’t even begin to describe an obvious racist, misogynist, and generally wussified persona that would make the assumptions you do about the real, sane people of this country who exist outside your delusions.
But thanks for playing, loser.
Fuck ’em.
You left out ‘sideways’.
I would say with certain yard and brush clearing implements…..
Revoke citizenship & let them go on their way to meeting 72 whatchamacallits. Adios. Arrivederci. Sayonara.
Pack them all on a C-17, fly them over there and drop them off.
P.S. Please note that I didn’t mention anything about landing the plane.
P.P.S ….or the use of parachutes.
As a guy I used to work for said, “Poor planning on your part does not constitute I give a shit.”
They are certainly welcome to go, the sooner the better. Just make sure they do not get back into the US should they survive their little vacation.
let’s facilitate their travel. And help them move their families also.
Can we start a Kickstarter campaign?
“Send a haji to Allah”
We can get Sally Struthers-“For just pennies a day, you too can help Abdullah Mohammed al Fuckwit meet Allah. You generous donation will help cover airfare 90% of the way to his jihad. The remaining 10% is insh’Allah. One way or another, he’ll be ‘boots on/in the ground. Won’t you help poor little al-Fuckwit?”
He *may* arrive at terminal velocity. Insh’Allah the sand will be soft enough to survive.
As they leave the plane, they say insh’Allah. We say, “Deus Vult!”
The Other Whitey…I like it. Why? Because gravity is a bitch and she works every time!
Obummer will have no problem letting them back in the states.
He will probably help the out.
If we know all this, then where is Homeland Security? The department that was supposedly created to deal with items like domestic terrorism. Where is the US Dept of Justice investigation on the backgrounds and associations of these people? Where did the financing come from?
The sad part is that everyone knows the answer to this.
They’re far too busy investigating the (non)threat posed by veterans and gun owners.
Or using their gov’t credit cards to obtain cash advances at casinos. I’m sure Homeland Security is worth every cent spent on it. Just kidding. No, really, I’m sure they do good work. Just kidding. Seriously, the absence of terror strikes proves…absolutely nothing. Are they still cloor coding? Are the highway signs telling us that if we see something suspicious call blah blah? Are test bombers still walking through TSA airport security? Are kids still climbing onto tarmacs undetected and crawling into wheel recesses? Are olive-skinned men carrying prayer rugs still less suspicious than white grandmas and shapely women? are video terrorists in training films still the politically correct ones? Why should anyone be concerned? B. Hussein Obama is watching out for us.
Problem isn’t that they leave and fight over there-the problem is when the ones that survive come back here and want to keep fighting.
To be honest I’m surprised Dearborn, Michigan isn’t a ghost town right now.
Too bad it’s not.
Wasn’t that Bruce Campbell’s hometown in the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness series?
Yes, he needs to go back there with his boomstick.
Let ’em out. Then revoke their visas and passports, don’t let ’em back in.
“…lest I be called a “racist”, “bigot”, cold, heartless bastard (which I am, but it doesn’t mean it won’t hurt my feelings if somebody calls me that).”
If ever there was a TAH Dickweed definition, that is it. That’s one of the best comments I have ever read. I wish there were an annual comments award. Well, hell, there isn’t so I’m creating one. Congratulations, Old Trooper! You win.
The mechanism to get rid of these jerks has been on the books forever. It’s called renunciation of citizenship. There is even a government form for it. Once you sign it You give up your citizenship and the government doesn’t have to ever let you back in. If they want to go fight in Syria we can tell them that they can’t go and if they do go we will jail them on return. But if you really want to go you can renounce your citizenship and there won’t be much to prosecute when you go since most of the laws prohibit American citizens from aiding or abetting terrorism. Offer them the renunciation form, witness their signature and videotape them acknowledging that they understand that they are giving up their US citizenship and may not be allowed to return. These guys are hot to trot and I believe almost all of them will sign. If they survive their jihad they can be denied reentry because they are no longer citizens and do not qualify for a visa because of their security risk.