I Wonder How They’ll Try to Blame Bush for This?

| May 27, 2014

Well, isn’t this special.

Seems there was a little bit of a “goof” in Afghanistan the other day during the President’s visit.

Well, maybe “little bit of a ‘goof’ “ is an understatement. This one may have been more like a “major awsh!t”.

During the recent Presidential visit to Afghanistan, the White House requested that a list of 15 people meet with the POTUS while he was at Bagram AB. The military authorities there prepared a press release including that list of 15 individuals, then sent it back to the White House press office. That press release was in turn forwarded to a rather large (6,000+) number of recipients by the White House press office.

Unfortunately, there was a minor problem. It seems that no one had given that list a good, hard look before releasing it to the public.

You see, one of the names on the list happened to be the name of the CIA station chief for Afghanistan. The list also apparently explicitly identified that individual’s duty title.

Oops. Yeah, publicly identifying a CIA station chief generally is a “no-no”.

To add insult to injury, it wasn’t even someone on the White House staff who noticed the problem. A Washington Post reporter who had filed the story from Afghanistan happened to take a second look at the press release after he’d filed his story. At that point, he realized what had happened.

The reporter then notified the White House staff of the issue. Until then, the White House was clueless.

Putting toothpaste back into the tube isn’t an easy thing to do.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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They’ll blame it on the military.

Bubblehead Ray

Face. Palm.

The Bozobama administration strikes again.

Don Carl

I’m sure this is all Dick Cheney’s fault and we’ll see a book deal and a crappy movie…


Scooter Libby was unavailable for comment.

AW1 Tim

Especially since he had nothing to do with “outing” the already spouse-outed Valerie Plame.

Combat Historian

This is at least the second time it has happened (that we know of). obamao in 2009 exposed the identity of the CIA station chief in Rome during a speech praising the senior U.S. Mission personnel there while on a state visit. I see a pattern here…


“The reporter then notified the White House staff of the issue. Until then, the White House was clueless.” Becoming a daily occurrence.


“Until then, the White House was clueless”? The White House has been clueless for 5+ years now, how was this any different?


Senator Leahy was overheard saying, “Pfft. Amateurs.”

Just an Old Dog

It’s what happens when you fill your staff with bootlickers and fellow community organizers.

Roger in Republic

Incompetent people hire incompetent people, and then can’t, or won’t fire them. Elections have consequences, and this is just another one.


That list was also released to foreign correspondents. I’m SO sure they’ll just shred it and take the new one.

Amateurs is a polite word for it.


Not gonna hold my breath waiting for the MSM to start screaming a la Valerie Plame.


Let me break this down for you:

1) George W. Bush exists.

2) Bad things happen

3) Therefor-BUUUUUUSH!!!


NR Pax

I wonder how many centuries after the man dies is he going to get the blame?

Mr. Blue

Ask Richard Nixon.


Further…from The Blaze article, ”The Obama administration has asked media outlets to withhold the name to help ensure the agent’s safety as well as the well-being of his family.”

Ass cover big time and I’m sure ALL the media outlets will pull their stories now. You know, to protect the guy and his family and cover for the White House. Why wasn’t he quietly on the next flight out or even with Obama on AF1 heading home for his safety?

The Other Whitey

Benghazi ring a bell?


“next plane”, I second that. He is now out of the field and a HQ ranger. Did they dislike him or are they just stupid?


I know! Fox News made it all up.