Gun control idiocy again
So after what-his-name in Santa Barbara stabbed three people, ran over some more with his BMW, and then shot three more, somehow it’s all white males who are to blame for it, says Micheal Moore, through mouthfulls of some greasy food;
“Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males,” he continued. “None of them are committed by the majority gender, women. Hmmm, why is that? Even when 90% of the American public calls for stronger gun laws, Congress refuses — and then we the people refuse to remove them from office. So the onus is on us, all of us. We won’t pass the necessary laws, but more importantly we won’t consider why this happens here all the time.”
Let’s just ignore all of those people of color involved in shooting in Chicago and Detroit and along the border who murder other people of color by the dozens every day across the country. Nice call, Mikey. If Congress hadn’t included the crazy stuff about the private sales and gun shows, that bill might have passed in the Congress. And maybe if those northeast liberals hadn’t tried to backdoor gun registration it might have passed. But, if it had passed, it wouldn’t have kept what-his-name from having guns this weekend in California – some of the toughest gun laws in the country.
Meanwhile, that phony Vietnam vet, the Senator from Connecticut, Dick Blumenthal wants to revive the gun control legislation from last year;
“Obviously, not every kind of gun violence is going to be prevented by laws out of Washington,” he said.
“But at least we can make a start and I am going to urge that we bring back those bills, maybe reconfigure them, center on mental health, which is a point where we can agree that we need more resources to make the country healthier and to make sure that these kinds of horrific, insane, mad occurrences are stopped.
Sure, if you want to tighten up police and mental health professionals and the way they don’t report encounters with the crazy, I’m all for it. But we all know that you people (and by that “you people” I mean the guilt-ridden white liberals from the northeast) won’t stop there. It’s easier to regulate the law abiding gun owners than it is to regulate gun violence, so that’s what will happen. We’ll pass some “big f’n deal” bill and slap ourselves on the back for ‘doing something” whether it works to reduce gun violence or not. “Or not” is preferred so we can write more legislation to keep Congress in their jobs.
Chris Martinez was a victim of what’s-his-name, and his father came out to blame folks who had nothing to do with the shooting;
“Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the (National Rifle Association). They talk about gun rights — what about Chris’ right to live?” he continued. “When will this insanity stop? When will enough people say stop this madness, we don’t have to live like this? Too many have died. We should say to ourselves — not one more.”
What about my right to live? It wasn’t the NRA that wrote odious legislation, it wasn’t the NRA who had a knee jerk reaction and had to “do something” like Colorado, Connecticut, New York, Maryland and California which all wrote laws that only affected folks who obey the laws. California made it’s residents feel safer when actually they weren’t. Point to one part of the legislation that failed in Congress last year that would have prevented what’s-his-name from killing three people with a gun, three people with a knife or injured those people with his car.
What Martinez, Moore and Blumenthal really want is to disarm all of us and leave us unprotected from the criminals. That’s the only thing that would have stopped what’s-his-name, unless we make liberals abandon their idiocy about protecting the rights of the infirmed at the expense of the rights for the rest of us.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Hopefully that ignorant fuggin’ parade float is one big mac away from a massive heart attack.
Heart attack! Unlikely. He’ll survive and spend the remainder of his days hooked to a feeding tube at the real taxpayers expense under Obamacare.
Let’s “forget” for a second, that Elliot Rodger, the virgin Santa Barbara shooter, was half white, and half Asian. 😯 🙄
Only the “white” part did it… he’s a White Asian, like George Zimmerman was a White Hispanic.
And all because the guy couldn’t get laid. Damn.
The obvious solution is for college girls to open their knees up to the losers instead of turning them down. If it will save just one life, right? Lie back and do it for the children.
Fen…LMAO. Talk about improving morale on campus. Just as long as it’s “for the children”.
Y’all expect rational, logical statements/actions from the drooling moonbats on the left? Ninja please!
Police in South Carolina are instructed to round up all angry white males.
Yeah, that’s the funny part, since it’s a majority black motorcycle rally. I wonder if it will get the same amount of attention that the Kalifornia shootings did? Nah, that would cancel out the leftist mantra.
I thought the Supreme Court ruled dragnets were unconstitional a long time ago… oh, wait, that was before political correctness and rote law-enforcement on anyone not politically correct. My bad.
“Nearly all of our mass shootings are by angry or disturbed white males,”
So says Mikey Moore, an angry AND disturbed white male.
Pot, meet kettle.
Hey, the Navy Yard shooter was a white dude, pass it on…
So was Nidal Hassan.
Along with both DC snipers . . . .
And the Virginia Tech shooter
…and those two bank robbers who got into a firefight with the cops in SoCal 20 years ago.
Hell, on a warm weekend in Chicago it is not angry white dudes that shoot eight or ten, or twentyfive citizens. And those shootings are not because they can’t get laid. They don’t need a reason to start shooting in Chiraq.
Or the 96% hispanic and black perps and victims in NYC…let’s don’t be honest about this stuff at all.
Speaking the truth is problematic for these lefty turds, gun crime is precisely that crime. Laws for those who are not criminals don’t do anything to prevent criminals from acting like criminals, they just disarm the honest, law abiding citizens.
When the police show up at your house because your parents alerted them to the fact you are a fucking lunatic, but the law prevents them from looking inside your house because you answer politely that’s an issue regarding mental health that needs to be addressed. By the killers own admission if the police had looked inside he would have been discovered prior to killing anyone.
Of course singling out the mentally ill is something liberals hate, disarming the mentally fit is something they love.
There can be no honest discourse with liberals who oppose the 2nd amendment.
In all I have read about this asinine case, the police had multiple warnings that this kid had gone off the deep end to include youtube videos clearly showing him to be threat to self and others. Yet the unamed police agency that interviewed him and found him to be such a charmning individual are truely the ones who failed here. They had warnings from the family and a social worker that his state of mind had become altered and dangerous. They had dealt with him on at least two prior occasions, where he was found to have been an agressor in each case.
He should not have owned guns!! The police, the courts, the family, all should have ensured that he was not legally able to have in posession the guns he owned. HOWEVER! He also stabbed 3 of his victims to death…
Hey, Mikey the Fat Fuck Moore, when will come out against assault knives?
According to reports this AM, rb325th, the kid had been in therapy since he was 8 years old.
I saw where he was diagnosed with high level Asperger’s… on a personal note; one of my sons has this. I do not believe it alone would be a factor in something like what happened with this kid. I do believe there were other serious issues going on there, and it is painfully obvious that laws on the books right now should have been able to prevent this. Had the Cops who investigated done a little more than a cursory investigation of his family and therapist concerns… hindsight being 20/20 and all… but I believe they should have taken his guns away.
Yet, next time when the cops do take someone’s guns because they have acted out and made threats it will become a federal case and “proof” for some that the cops are out to confiscate all our guns. Actually saw an example of that recently cross my news feed. Going off on a tangent here, but I think not only do we need to look at protecting our Rights to own and carry guns, we have got to look at ensuring that when warnings are given, that they are followed up on and a proper reaction given.
Hey, where were the gun-grabbers on this one? VA takes away a vets right to own a gun because he lets his wife pay the bills, but this kid can be in major therapy for years and none of ’em (in Commiefornia, no less) thought about even asking if that might be an issue. Of course, they demand more restrictions on AR-15s and “high-capacity clips” because of this.
Kid bought 3 guns legally in CA, with all of CA’s gun laws. 10-round mags. No scary black rifles or high-caps. Presumably, the G34 and the P226 are on CADoJ’s special list of guns which have passed their safety tests.
He could persuade law enforcement that he was OK and just fooling around, but couldn’t even persuade a woman to at least have him in her “friend zone.” 😯
The guy even said that had a woman contacted him to set up a date in response to his posting his original videos, “this all could be averted.” 🙄
Well, I’m no expert on the female psyche in general. I was never really qualified to call myself a Ladies’ Man (not for lack of effort, mind you), and I attribute the fact that I am now married to a beautiful and frequently-horny woman to sheer blind luck and divine intervention.
However, I’m drawing a complete blank as to how fucknuts thought that his YouTube videos might attract any female on God’s green earth, even the lamest of emo chicks, to find him sexually desirable. But as I said before, I’m no expert. What the hell do I know?
You knew this was coming. Even though this idiot, like the Aurora theater shooting and Gabby Gifford’s attacker were all known to their families and authorities to be nutjobs.
The Aurora shooter’s psychologist even called police to notify them that this guy had expressed homicidal intentions. But why were the police unable to do anything.
Let’s see, for the last 50 years which side has been supporting criminals rights over the citizens? We need to blame the ACLU (which was started by communists in the 30s), not the NRA, every time this happens.
It’s almost as if the police want to avoid doing their job, isn’t it?
There’s a massive split opening right in front of us between those who DO want to and CAN protect themselves, and those who DON’T want to and/or CAN’T protect themselves.
Does not have to be that way, but that’s what is happening.
Why would police act to keep nutjobs from guns (not “duty to protect,” you know) when they can confiscate guns and get more pay/benefits from the Blue State big city employers?
“My son is nuts, therefore I will give unlinmited access to expensive cars, other tangables that feeds his sickness, large amounts of cash and the ability to purchase a cache of weapons”.
Yeah, that’s the ticket
Same recipe for Adam Lanza and the duo at Comlumbine… shouldn’t we control idiot liberal lousy parents instead?
It was said that one of the Columbine shooter’s Father found a sawed off shotgun barrel in the kid’s room and blew it off thinking “It was his self-expression” or some other bullshit. Like Ron White said, “YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, stupid is forever!”
Where I come from, most of the shootings are by blacks and Latinos, and sometimes it’s the women doing it.
No angry white men involved at all.
I guess Fatslobmoore hasn’t been to Phoenix or Detroit City or Chicago’s south side lately.
You know why he’s such a fatslob? He’s full of shit. Everything goes in, nothing comes out.
And as usual, “Mikey the Humongous” has taken some “liberties” with reality and the truth in his latest public statement. Surprise, surprise.
In reality, male African-Americans are the most overrepresented group, statistically speaking, when it comes to mass shooting incidents. Between 1976 and 2011, 33% of the shooters in mass shooting incidents were black males.
African-Americans constituted around 12.6% of the US population in 2010. That number has been fairly constant since Vietnam. This means that about 6.3% of the US population (African-American males) provided 33% of the mass shooters over a 35 year period. That’s 5+ times as many as would be expected from population demographics alone.
Caucasians males were also overrepresented, though not as grossly. Caucasians made up approximately 63.7% of the US population; male Caucasians were the shooter in roughly 62% of mass shootings over that same period. Thus roughly 31.8% of the US population (Caucasian males) provided 62% of the mass shooters – or about twice as many as would be expected from population demographics.
Women and other minorities were statistically underrepresented.
There you go again, Hondo! Confusing the argument with facts and logic that prove the Fat Bastard is a lying sling load of shit (too much there for just a sack)!
Dontcha know facts don’t matter? It’s all about feelings! Whining pussies want to feel good about themselves because they “did something” (probably with hashtags or some similarly-ridiculous shit), and the Fat Bastard wants to exploit those pussies’ feelings in order to expand himself from “sling load” to “minor terrain feature” in magnitude of shit that he’s full of.
But you had to go and introduce some facts! Now somebody might have to actually think critically, and they might figure out that more laws will only make it worse, just as the existing ones already have. We can’t have that!
Other Whitey: “we aims to please”. (smile)
Fat Mikey makes his living by rousing the lefty rabble and Blumenthal is similarly mouthing platitudes for the suckers-it’s noise, if a gun control measure got to Congress (which it won’t) the Dems would make sure to find a way to kill it-they still blame the assault weapons ban for their loss in ’94.
Yesterday on Forbes there was some writer whose daughter goes to UCSB and he wrote a grabber editorial about his unease in trying to contact her afterwards. In the comments he kept saying “what do you say to someone whose daughter is in that situation?” Well, if my kid was in that situation, I would hope that he had the means to defend himself and others, but then I’m not irrationally frightened of inanimate objects.
Reason this morning has published their “5 rules for coping with tragedy”, which I think id pretty good-
This article has a more reasoning approach to what happened over this past weekend.
A – Mass murderers are hard to predict
B – There are lonely, angry people everywhere
D – Not all lonely, angry people are going to engage in killing others
D – Lanza and this creature both were able to convince authorities who visited them that their posted or published stuff meant nothing, and that they were harmless
E – There is NO WAY to predict who will go off the deep end.
Amazing to me that the left wing politicizes this tragedy quicker than the blood dries. This is not an illegal gun problem or a legal gun problem or any kind of gun problem. This is a mental health problem.
There is so much stigma attached to being mentally ill, that in many cases the family ignores it and hopes for the best. In this case, the family AND this brats therapist tried to have something done and the law worked against them. This little turd was able to smooth talk his way out of trouble with what appears to have been only a cursory review by law enforcement. It looks like the family knew he was a weirdo since he was small. How was he able to possess weapons? Lots of unanswered questions here, but enacting stronger gun laws aint the answer, despite the politicians and even the families of the dead trying to make guns the issue.
Meanwhile, that phony Vietnam vet, the Senator from Connecticut, Dick Blumenthal wants to revive the gun control legislation from last year;
“Obviously, not every kind of gun violence is going to be prevented by laws out of Washington,” he said.
He stabbed and hit others with his BMW that his daddy handed him, what about knife and car control laws?
Blame the National Auto Dealers’ Association and the National Retail Federation for selling him that BMW and those knives. Blood is on their hands, the bastards.
Somebody said it the other day: Just about half of the country is working very hard toward socialism. Only way that’s going to happen is if we’re disarmed. That’s why there is no attempt being made to control the seriously and violently mental disturbed. They’re serving a very useful purpose for the gun grabbers. AFTER our guns are confiscated, THEN the lunatics will be dealt with. Not before.
I think it is funny that people believe the shooter/stabber/driver was white. He was mixed race, just like out President. One of his parents was Chinese.
So, unless our President is white, then neither was the crazy criminal.
Don’t forget about how George Zimmerman was a “White Hispanic”. To the left race and class are flexible enough so that “bad” people always go into “bad” categories.
One of my more liberal friends who loves to drink gets pissed off when I point out his rank hypocritical stance about this. Since every time there is a shooting he sends me a link to a certain LTC US Army writer and one Charles Pierce or any of the other anti gun writers out there.
Yet, I write back at every time the neo-teetoalers pass a new law about DUI and send information about how a habitual drunk is able to avoid jail time and even earn thier license back easier or even avoid jail time than a one time offender of federal and state gun laws. While a one time offender of the DUI laws will see 15-20 yrs and millions in lost wages because they chose to have that second glass of merlot or another Tom Collins at the company mixer. The point I keep making is the failures of Law and Order to enforce the wrong laws on the books and that even with some states having such highly restrictive DUI laws (some laws in states have it you as a backyard party thrower can be sued for criminal liability by the survivors of a crash death or even sent to jail for contributing) we still have high rates of DUIs.
They don’t like to see that thier feel good fails. Only that we need to do something to feel good.
The first three victims were stabbed to death. Too bad one didn’t have a gun. This might have ended quickly. Had that happened, the hot story would have been that a college student had a gun on campus (!), followed by his expulsion and rallies against HIM. I hope that some of the grieving students learned a valuable life lesson, thanks to this guy. It is that self defense is the ONLY reliable defense and all of the candle-light vigils, hand wringing, and teeth gnashing will not make the bad guys go away.
Explain to me why self defense was heavily emphasized, especially for women, in the 1970s and 1980s, and why it is now considered to be wrong to defend yourself against an attack of some kind.
Frankly, if someone tries to carjack me, I will do everything I can to stop it, including throwing my car keys down the nearest gutter.